Create AWS RDS and Connect Through PhpMyadmin | Connect RDS Through CLI

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so I'm going to create a database in AWS okay so RDS database manage database so for that first we have to click create a database okay uh so here you can see that standard create and easy create so you can select either one so I'm going with a standard grid okay so beneath you can see that engine options so we discussed we have a six type of engines uh not car engines okay Amazon Aurora so this is managed by add a priest and that is proprietary of AWS okay advice created that database okay and MySQL we can use MySQL or else mariadb or as Microsoft SQL Server whichever it is okay so I'm gonna create mySQL database okay so then we have to select uh Community okay fine okay see templates like what is your use case for example production or development test or free tab so if you select production you can see that multi AC DB cluster it's available right if you select development and test we can see the same option over here but if you select free tab actually we don't have any options see it is able right so I'm going with the free tab because I don't have like a premium account that's only so then we have to select One DB instance identifier we already discussed to identify your database uniquely across the region so we have to create a name so I'm going to create a database OSS Bangalore application we can create any name so this is my database identifier so this database only for that particular application okay next I will select Master username and this is the root username and password so we can provide any username and password I'm going to add admin and password as admin admin admin admin okay fine so then we have to select uh yeah storage types we discuss as we discuss general purpose and we have a general purpose gp3 and iOS one in the sense provision then we have a magnitude okay so you can select either one then allocate storage we can select 20 over 30 whatever you want okay you can create like that so then maximum storage threshold what does it mean see storage Auto scaling what does it mean ah if you're getting more data automatically it will scale up to 1000 GB okay that is see how up to 1000 gab it will scale okay you can give a threshold value for example as often you have only 20 GB but like as per the uh like a time for example over the time you might be get lot of data and the data will be increase and the size will be increased right so automatically it will scale up without any doubting minimal downtake okay so then uh compute resource we can go with the don't connect okay so just leave about it than VPS you have to select one VPC for that I'm going to select one VPC I have only one VPC or else you can create a new vpc4 database uh then beneath we have a DB subnet group okay we'll discuss that later so we have two options over here Public Access no or yes what does it means private in the sense so we cannot access from my local system okay once you connect VPN or once you're getting into that particular Network then you can access so I will select Public Access yes okay so then I will select VPC Security Group you have to select one Security Group and which support you have to enable 3306 inbounder outbound inbound exactly so I'll remove this Security Group then I will add Autos kxc I've been already created a security group few weeks ago and that of security group is allowing all rules all traffics okay so then available so you can select either a b c because Mumbai that is supporting only three available so but if you selected U.S Northern zero that is that will support six availability so okay fine so then we have database authentication type either we can go with the password authentication you can create username and password or else whatever the password you have for your iea okay that password you can use to authenticate RDS so that also you can set that is not required additional configuration database option and here you can see that what is it backups as we discussed we have a two types of backup one is automated backup another one is manual backup see if you select this automated backup so we have an option over here retention period so you can select seven eight nine whatever day you want and as well as the time as well see so you can see that choose a window and you have to select the time okay time in the sense when you want to take a backup okay for example a UTC time you can select like a nine o'clock 11 o'clock so that you can specify over here or as you can say will be your preference automatically randomly they will select it and they will choose okay so next okay that's it we have to create a database just click on create a database and that will create a database fine so let's wait so it's creating it so it will take around two to three minutes so once it creates then we'll try to answer the database but before I need to create a virtual machine to access the database from the virtual machine okay so let me go to my ec2 then I will create a virtual machine over there so search for ec2 and we can create this virtual machine anywhere for example if you want to create this virtual machine any other account bar also possible you can create any other account okay then after you can connect this database from the particular virtual machine okay because we already given Public Access right that's what so I'll select tc2 not required okay so I'll go to easy then I'll create a virtual machine first okay so already I have a two virtual machine over here right so I'm going to create one more virtual machine so for that launch instance so I will call it as database and keep your name I'll select key one and I will Select Auto scaling group as a security group because that is allowing all traffic launch instance okay it's creating let me try to connect this virtual machine first so write it down connect through CLA so you have to execute this command then only you can connect your database through camel in interface okay so I will show you two demo how to connect your virtual machine so you have to connect your database through CLA as well as how to connect your database through graphical user interface by using workbench or PG admin or else uh PSP module we can use any two so write it down through CNA through command interface you have to use this command so first step you have to install MySQL so for that execute this commandium space install MySQL m space install MySQL so once you install MySQL then you have to execute MySQL MySQL then space minus H cost so minus this daddy stands for host name you will be getting one DNS name from uh both RDS database okay you have to get the DNS name then you have to paste over here I'll show you that then minus U what is U username so you have to specify the username as admin because actually we created a user over there was a username admin only right and you can specify any username you can specify aashiq or you can specify Jesse whatever you want okay so I'm gonna specify user as admin then minus okay so hit enter automatically you'll get a prompt to enter your password enter password admin admin automatically it will connect to the database okay so write it down then okay okay so now you can see that my database that is available so here you can see that I've already got one endpoint or DNS name see you can see that OSS Bangalore c u k WW1 random generated uh DNS name right OD endpoint will call it as I'll copy this uh then I'll go to my virtual machine so let me connect my virtual machine go to database then connect so now you can see that I successfully connected my virtual machine right so now we need to connect our database see actually this uh virtual machine I created in a different region wherever it is see now I created Mumbai only but we can create a different region so since we have a public access for our database Okay so I think it's visible right okay fine so let me become root first okay so what is the first step right because if I execute MySQL so now you can see that MySQL command that is not found bash right so to install MySQL M install MySQL minus y okay it will install my SQL let's wait okay successfully installed let me clear the screen okay so again I will execute MySQL let's see what happened so now we getting some error message right see error two zero zero two can't connect to local MySQL server anyway be getting some error right so which means we successfully installed my SQL right so now how to connect my database MySQL minus what is the minus H okay I've been already copy the host name I'll paste over here okay then minus U what's the use minus U what's the username okay then what's the minus P password so we don't need to enter the password over here hit enter and you can see that enter password on option away right so what's my password and you can see that successfully I connected my database through this virtual machine so this is we connected through using CLA command interface okay so now I will connect my database through graphical user interface by installing PSP my ad okay so we can install phpmyadmin on this particular server then I can connect my database so let's see how we can do that okay so for that I'm going to use Docker over here so the reason is if you use in Docker So within a single click we can install PSP minority you're getting but if you're using like uh the arbitrary method for example uh you go into install so you're going to download the PHP my admin from website that will takes around half an hour to install right so instead of that I can use PHP my sorry Docker over here okay so let me just install Docker first so I'll show you like what I'm going to do over you see listen so first I will install docker okay then I will start my docker then I will run Docker run minus minus name name PHP my admin and minus D that is a detached mode minus the environment variable PMA arbitrary is equal to what and we can enter any server values over there that's what then minus P port number we can execute my 8080 port number and that will connect page measurement see I'll just copy this I'll show you how I'm going to achieve this I'll copy this then I'll go to my virtual machine uh then I will paste away listen see what I'm going to do so first I will exit from the MySQL server visible right okay let me paste over here okay so first that will install Docker so once it installed Docker then it will start then it will run PHP my admin Docker container so let's wait for a couple of minutes okay end okay you can see that unable to a fetch image but it is going to Docker then it is fetching the image from Docker only you need to copy and paste over there you don't need to do any further actions copy and paste okay because rest everything I've already done that's what okay it is downloading from it is downloaded from Docker yeah successfully created I'll get the public API address you can go to any browser then paste then what's the port number and you can see that PHP my admin that is connected right only uh it took around 60 seconds maximum right but if you're downloading PSP my admin it will take around 15 minutes 60 Minutes might be okay because first you have to download httpd then you have to download PHP admin then you have to extract that then you have to restart your system everything you have to do so instead of that you can use talk around me okay anyway uh here you can see that server okay I'll get the endpoint name from my RDS then I will paste over here so then I will enter my username and password and it will connect our database server so let me go to my RDS again so here you can see that this is my RDS and I'll get the endpoint name just copy this I'll go to my PHP my admin enter the RDS endpoint and you are the username what's the password okay so then I'll try to connect login and you can see that successfully I connected my database right how many database I have over here here you can see that how many database one two three four right I'll refresh how many database four right okay I'll go to my virtual machine then I will check how many database I have over there to check database first we have to connect our MySQL server how to connect my SQL Server MySQL okay okay end admin add me and you can see that successfully connected right how to check how many database I have in this server so databases so data basis then semicolon enter and you can see that how many database we have okay information schema and same as you can see that information schema over here see in my okay okay in my PHP might be information schema MySQL performance schema sys right how to create a new database through Goa sorry graphical user interface sorry okay create database then okay name so I'll create RC DB then semicolon other than enter so that's created a database so I'll go to my graphical user interface then I'll refresh and you can see the Rasik DB over here see RC database has been created so which means either you can go with the GUI or graphical user interface okay edit out edit out foreign [Music] yes
Channel: Ashiq Ummathoor
Views: 9,552
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AWS, DevOps, interview, live, cloud computing, infrastructure as code, continuous integration, continuous deployment, AWS architecture, AWS solutions architect, AWS DevOps Engineer, cloud infrastructure, CI/CD pipeline, Docker, Kubernetes, AWS CodePipeline, AWS CodeDeploy, AWS CodeCommit, AWS CodeBuild, AWS OpsWorks, AWS CloudWatch, AWS Systems Manager, AWS Elastic Load Balancer, AWS Auto Scaling, AWS CloudFront, AWS Relational Database Service (RDS), AWS VPC, AWS S3, AWS EC2
Id: 0Teg0Kv8Gak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 42sec (1002 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 16 2023
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