Create Awesome Popups Using JetPopup

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Hello people my name is Ferdy and in this video, I will show you how you can create beautiful pop-ups in your WordPress and Elementor website using the plugin called jet pop up from Croco block. Let me show you what we will cover in this tutorial. First, we will install jet pop up from Croco block, you can buy it as a standalone plugin or in a set, then we will import a premade pop up and we can choose between 120 premade pop-ups in different categories like contact forms, Cookie policies, discounts, email list signup forms, content lockers and more. After we'll import the preset, we will talk about changing the way the popup should be displayed at left, right top center under as a lower third full screen, we'll talk about how it should be triggered at once after a click, or when the viewer scrolls down a percentage of the page. Or when the viewer wants to exit the page. We'll talk about where it should be triggered on the homepage or a specific page or in a certain category or a certain blog post, wherever in the website you want and how long the popup should be hidden after if you were so close, it shouldn't be hidden for an hour, a day a week. And then we will adjust the pop-up to our wishes and test it we will also create a pop-up from scratch, link it with an email signup form with MailChimp or ConvertKit. So you can add people to your email list and then send emails to your list at once. That's a great way to grow your business. In the description of this video, I have timestamps so if you want to go to a certain part of the tutorial, you can do it that way. If you like what you're seeing so far, and I would like to ask you to like this video and feel free to subscribe for more upcoming WordPress-related tutorials. Okay, let's get started. So this is example absent I will use jet pop up that CB example does come and if you want to get the plugin, you can go to 30 it enters. Then go to tutorials Croco block, and then you see an overview of all the tutorials I have about Croco block products. So in this case, you are watching the pop tutorial. And if you want to watch more, you can go to this page and watch all those videos, they fail to get jet pop up, if you don't have it, you can click over here, you go directly to the page that shows what it is capable off. You can watch this movie I like the way they display things over here you see, can I have popups full page. And you can include it on different pages excluded on other pages. There are a lot of templates that you can choose and just import in a few clicks and adjust to your wishes. And you can buy this for $22 as a standalone product, it will be $22 per year, I think that's a really great price. But you can also get it in a set. So you can click over here. Get it for $22 per year for a single site or for unlimited websites for $44 per year, or you can get it in a set for $80 per year. Or if you go to pricing. You can get the whole bundle for unlimited websites for unlimited clients for a one-time payment of $750. But as I said before I make tutorials about all those plugins. And there are tutorials if you learn how to work with those tools, like creating a booking website, or an appointment website, or hotel booking website or a rental website, you can ask 1000s of dollars for that to make it for clients. So I think it's a really good deal. It's up to you what you want to choose, you can go for the single product project pop up in this case. And if you want to think and click on Buy Now, leave your details and you will have access and when you get access, you can go to this area sign in, and then you see all the plugins we have access to. So in this case, jet pop up, I click on downloads. Now it goes and then I want to go over here. Grab my licence key, close this page. I want to go to the backend of the website. Plugins Add New. I want to drag this chat pop up by clicking here. And then I drag it over here choose a foul and click on instal now I want to activate the plugin. I want to update it because there's an update. And then there's a new area over here two areas. First one Croco block and the second one just pop up. First I go to Croco block licence, I want to leave my licence key over here. So I'll add a new licence key. Base it I click on Activate. And what it does is what I really liked about Croco block now it shows an overview of all the plugins I have access to and I can instal them from this area so I don't have to go back to critical block and instal them all one by one. I can do that over here. So if I want to have jet elements, I can click on instal and then activate it. So that's really nice. So I want to show you a lot of things I want to make the store in depth so you know everything about to after you watch this tutorial so I'll To start with the library of pre made popups. If you go over here to Jett pop up, you can go to the preset library. If you click on it, you see around me see 123456 times 21. That's around one on 26 premade pop ups that you can use, and you can select them or filter them based on the category, or by date. Which one are popular? For instance? Yes or no? Can we see that you like us, okay, or a discount one. And you see with some popups, you need to jet elements or something else. For instance, if you click on Contact Form, you need to instal Contact Form seven, which is a free tool. And with Croco block, you can sell that or widget pop up. So that's really nice. You can search over here, see what you like, you can have privacy policy areas really important in Europe, it's mandatory that I say okay, and then you're doing the right thing. Or subscribe. You can also select multiple areas. So subscribe, get 10% Discount After subscribing, or something low over here. So what I want to do I want to go for discount, like discount. And I can choose this one or I can go to the second page. And that looks nice. I need jet elements for this. So let me search live with further. Cyber Monday. 80%. off that looks nice. It says we don't need anything for it. So I click on instal. Are you sure? Yes, I'm sure. And then we open this website and Elementor. Of course, if I've not mentioned this before, you need to have Elementor. For this. There are two things that did not go that well. 80% areas gone. So I can this duplicate this area. If this hot offer doesn't happen, you can click over here, go to the user preferences can make the interface life or dark akin at the editing handles. And then we'll have this slider over here. So I drag this area over here, I hover over here over the column closes. And I click here and I say 80% discount. So I can go to the Stell we're going to create a pop up from scratch later. But right now I want to create this, then I go to Advanced that the top margin, I increase it to 15, maybe a little bit more 30. And then I go to the button, I also say 30. I think there's a little bit more space over here than here. So I can increase it a bit. Okay, here we can change the date to whatever well Cyber Monday is often the 28th of November. So it's for this year. I'm really early with my preparations. So it looks really nice. So what else can we do, we're going to create this from scratch later, something like this, I click on publish. That means I'm saving it. And then I can go over here to the settings. I can change the title. So I can call this one cyber on the 2021. I don't need this this from a different plugin, I go to the settings. This is important the animation, how should it slide or zoom or fade. So if you click on something, you see an example. So we can go through all of them move up a horizontal flip. Or what I like I like to slide it in from the light right? Like that. Okay, I can disable the base crawling that when this is opened in your scroll, the background stays static, it doesn't scroll, I can show the ones every 10 minutes. That means or let's say let's say a day, when somebody closes this, they will not see it for another 24 hours and after 24 hours, they will see it again. And that can be if if you if you have none. And you show this on every page on your website and they navigate through your website, they see it at every page. They don't want that. So I right now I will leave this off. Because I want to show it over and over again what the results will be. After we adjusted the few things loading counted with IX yet that's okay. And then there's really important display conditions. We're all still here at settings. Click on the manager, we can display where we want to display this pop up. So if I click on add conditions, I can say included on the entire site. If I save this, I click outside of this area. I click on Update. Before I check it I need to do something really important. Open event, if I say nothing is will not appear. So right now, preview changes, okay, and I go to the homepage. If you want to go to the homepage from this area, say Command or Ctrl E, or type in the homepage and then over here hold Command or Ctrl E go there and then go to the homepage, I said it should be shown on every page. But it is not appearing. Why not. Because right now, it is not being triggered open events, what should happen on page load, I can say after three seconds, it should appear. So if I update it and I refresh the page, we need to wait for three seconds 123 There it goes. Best day of the year Cyber Monday at pilaf only, or one day with this date, we saw it slide in slogan slide and slide it in from the right. And then it goes that way again. But if I go to the About page, we wait for three seconds 123 It appears again. And if I go to the blog page, I don't have any block right yet. For a different tutorial, it appears again. So that's not what we want. So how can we configure this even further? Well, first, I want to show it after one second. And then I want to go to the manager, we can do we can change over here. But what we also can do, I can say I want to show this everywhere except so I add a new condition included in the entire site. But exclude it on a single page, for instance, called the about page safety conditions, then update it. Now if I would go to the contact page, it will appear after one second. But if I go to the About page, it will not appear. And that's what you can do with a manager realise if I can see myself excluded, so I want to show this only on the homepage. So I go to the singular, then I can select the front page or page and then select the front page. But I not immediately do the front page. But you can also show that on a certain posts type. So for instance, a post or every page or all the portfolio items. So if I select portfolio items, and I save it and probably it's already saved, that's amazing. I don't save it twice. If I go to the blog page, you don't see it. But if I go to a portfolio item here, you probably also do not see it because there's a page. But if I click on this portfolio item, then it's up here after one second, yes, it works. So we can decide in our website where we want to display this. So maybe I have one blog post about a certain subject. And then based on that blog post, you can decided only there a certain pop up will appear. Wow, that gives you so much freedom to to get more leads, more sales more promotion. And you can do it all here at the pop up area in Elementor at the settings and then the settings and then manager. So I want to display right now I want to display it on the similar page, the front page. I don't have to save it again. So at the about page it will not be shown. And over here. It will be shown after one second. And if I decide that it can be only shown once every hour. That means that if I click on update, and I refresh the page, it will display be displayed one more time. But now if I refresh the page, it will not be displayed. Because it will only be displayed one time in one hour. So I turned it off. But I definitely suggest you do this with like a day, at least. Otherwise people can get frustrated because they see it all the time. And they like okay, I don't want this anymore. Okay, be nice. So let's go to the styling. Then there's the general styles, the Z index, well just say if you don't see this pop up appearing, then you could say 100 because Z index is like a layers above each other. So if you have a header that has a Z index of one that means it will be in front of everything else. So now right now this is z one probably because it needs to be in front of the content. So if I would open a pop up over here, and this is the index zero it will be behind this area. So if you wanted to be in front of it They need to say, Z to at least. So that's how it works. But if you say 100, you should be fine. The popup container here, you can change the width in percentage. And if you do percentage, it's based on the width of the screen of the viewer. So I rather stick with pixels. Now, like I say, how big I want it to be. So I can say 700. And I can make everything bigger if you want to. So you can also use the arrows. I 5450. Okay, I can change the height to custom height. But, uh, this level width, you can also click on the, I think you see the result, though, look like this, and then you can scroll? Well, I don't like to use the hide only when I say it should be a maximum of 100%. So if I do that, then it's slowly from the top to the bottom, then I can say, okay, that's what I like, then, how should it appear? Right now it appears in the middle, you see the centre and the centre in the middle, like also can be displayed over there. And if I click on the AI, that means that every after every update, it changes over here. So if I bring it to the left, I click on update is what automatically be renewed. So I can update something and check it out over here. So this one we can do. vertical position, if you have a smaller one. Like that you can bring it low or high. Sorry, over here, the vertical position, the content position, where should it be? Well, I'll leave it in the middle. So right now it will appear here right below. Now it's the backgrounds, we can change it to a gradient. And we can add an image like that, and of course, we can change the size to cover. Focus on the centre left, centre, right. So that's how we can do that. And you can even have a container. So let me bring the deck to the gradients, I like the gradients. Change the location of the gradients, we can make it really harsh. So if I like that the world, there's so much you can do, you can change the colours, of course, change the angle of the gradients. The container overlay that means a second background. So you can also mix two backgrounds. So if I grab this image, I can make it blend with the background. Change the size, how to be displayed. See this filter, I can make a blurry background, there's quite a lot you can do. It's it has a nice ring, but it's maybe a little bit too light, well then over here it sees as filters, I can make it darker. The more you do over here, the slower it loads, but I think we're we're doing fine, we can change the padding. So that is the space between the contents and the border. So if you want to do something with that, you can do that. And you can change the margin leave it as it is, we can have a border radius. So we can have those corners rounded. I think it's a really big border and also make it smaller or have no border at all, see none. I like the border not that big. Change the colour of the border from box shadow. The Close button right now we see it over here. You can play around with it, you can change the clothes. So if I say clothes on I can make it like this. And then I can display where I want to show this. I think this is fine. I can have the colours the styling over here. So I can change the colour of that x is the background all that stuff. Pop up overlay that is this area over here. I like to make it black and then transparent so you can see through it. But you also you're gonna have an image in the background. So how does it look now? You see the look a few solely different now. So that's what you can do. You can go to files, but it's just for custom JavaScript. I don't know how JavaScript works, but I'm happy with the result. So that's what you can do. Ladies thing I want to do, I want to bring this to the contact page, how can I do that you should know by now go to the settings, manager, display this on a page, register, Contact page, save conditions. And then if I go to the contact page, it should appear. But it doesn't. Why because it's still calculating this cookie. Because earlier I said it should not be shown on our so I have to wait in order for it to work again. But we can create a new one and make it work wherever we want. So I'll go and create from one from scratch, I exit to the dashboard. And I go to jet pop up, create a new pop up or go to all pop ups. And I can create a new pop up over here or I can import one. It's also something you can do this over. So over here, I can export this pop up and import it on a different website. So if you have a lot of pop ups, you create websites for clients, they won't have the similar similar kind of pop up, you can import it, save yourself a lot of time and do something that you'd like to do, because you have more free time out. Okay, create a new pop up. If you do it over here, that's what I want to show you that you can see a few preset settings, if so I can say I want it to be in the centre at the left or a bar at the top. So you can see something over here or over here. Start totally from scratch. So our goal is one sign up email list MailChimp or I remove MailChimp. I'll show you more ways publish edit with Elementor and then we can start from scratch so there will be a little bit of overlap because I've shown you a few things already but this time I will go through it faster unless I show something new. So what I want to do I don't want to dive too deep into this I've different tutorial for that but I want to integrate this with MailChimp I want this to be a sign up form pop up. So I searched for MailChimp that comes with the jet will pop up plugin this element when an element or drag it over here. And then I need to synchronise my email account or my MailChimp account with a cyclical update. I go to the website to the back end. So just the front end, I click over here and I scroll down and I go to jet pop up settings. And then I can integrate it with MailChimp. At this moment, the only way to integrate it like this is with MailChimp. But I will show you also a different way how we can embed different forms from different providers like overt get into your WordPress website using jet pop up. So I want to go to MailChimp. If you want to know from scratch how to work with MailChimp I've tutorial about it on YouTube. I will make a new one. But right now we have 30 We're on 30 MailChimp that it's from 2020. But it's time for a new one every year, almost every year I make one. And that's just the way it is. So I will make a new one soon. But first Croco block tutorials. So I am already logged in, then I go to my accounts over here or I go to the dashboard, it doesn't matter. If you go to your dashboard, then you can go over here to account go to the same place. Then go to extras API keys, as I said, but yeah, I've completed all about it as I said before, because I already created a form or a list. And now I can create a key that will connect it with Elementor and jet pop up. So the keys already set up. So I duplicate this code. I go to Elementor over here and I base it so I think it's now this linked to my Elementor newsletter list with one number. So if I refresh this command Ctrl R or f5 nipc There it is, well, let's style it a little bit because I don't like it that much. I click over here and then we have the elemental list. Do we want to use a redirect URL so when people subscribe, what should happen while they can go to a thank you page. So we can say forward slash thank you thank you need to have the thank you page of course otherwise signals to a page that does not exist, or it can send them to the homepage, close the pop up after success, yes, then we have the fields, email, what I like I like, I like things to look clean. So if I remove this, it will be gone. And then here at the placeholder can say, enter your email, address my emails, enough email size is area 100%, I can also say 50. So if I have a bigger form, I can decide per field, how big it should be. I say 100. And if I would add over here in my fields to have a name, phone number, that will automatically be added over here, I can add additional fields over here, if I want to bother, I'm okay. And the submit button, I can say subscribe. Also the width 100%, I can make it like that. I like it. And then at the style I can make look better. Here, nothing happens, it's from the left to the right. Things can change because we only have one area, we don't have two things next to each other. So the column gap has no influence on the display. This has so we can increase the space, I think that is okay. We can increase the padding if you want to go have a border radius for this for general, but I don't want that I want to have a border radius for to the field. And I'll talk about it later. So if I go through the fields, right now I'll talk about it the label colour. But what I often do, I just chose choose a colour and see what happens. So nothing happens. I'm bringing back the typography, you can make it really big, see what happens, nothing happens. Okay, label gap, nothing happens. It's bringing back to five I think, then they're seeing boots, look at this. Fine, increase it something happens. So I say 15 Then there's the border radius, if I increase it, you see increases until I think as a nice off circle like that. Then the typography Do you want to make the text bigger or smaller I can also bring it back over here. But you can do this I want to change the colour a bit because I think it's a little bit light. So the text colour, I can say that so you see it better. And then we can have the same thing for the Florida border if we want to. And when we when we focus on this area what should happen? Well, we want to use a little bit of the style of the website so when I click over here, then the settings will apply so I can make the background pink. So when I click over here and becomes pink and then the text colour comes white I use a global colours can say choose those over here at the site settings global colours but I have them already. Now see when I select this it has those colours. So I go back to the cell. That's where I was fields focus. And I make it white like that. That's something you can do if you want to. Then there's the submit button we can I can do it. Change it I can and you can change the border again. So I also want to increase that radius colour this one text colour white I want to hover over it becomes a purple one like that. Okay, so far so good. Then I want to have a text above its heading and drag it over here. So now I can just can use Elementor so that's nice too to learn more about WordPress slip scribe below okay, what I want to do I want to go to the settings of the theme of the popup go to sell background type I want to use this I want to use it like this or like that. Is location a bit. Okay, then I want to click over here on to make the sell of that. Under the colour of the text white make it upper cases let's see if we can increase it the bit that I want to bring the text to the centre make sure it is in two sentences, not three like that want to learn more about WordPress subscribe ship scribe biller they can go to Advanced of this heading I can go to the backgrounds I can make it black if I want to and decrease or increase transparency allowed to go to Advanced still in a having an F betting I increase it a bit and then I go through the style and make the text a little bit smaller okay and I don't know if I have an image of myself but if you want to you can place an image but what I rather will do I have a small text saying we will not send you spam emails or I will know you when I have a new tutorial so they can expect they know what they can expect so I go to the style bring to the centre make the text white make it a bit smaller then I can go to Advanced uncheck the margin I'm getting quicker again to an end this year stick I should slow down a little bit updates Okay then I go to the settings again if you wanted to change the colours over here go through this. Let me see still close button that I can STELs background colour MB primary one when I hover over it it can be the purple one. But then I also want the let me see the hover font colour I want it to be what let me see what happens. Hover. Yeah, the background colour should be purple. Okay, on to learn more about WordPress Subscribe, subscribe below. Update. And as I said before we can do we can trigger it here. So let's say beige crawl after 50 50%. So 50% Scroll 50% to page then this whole pair with AI X and display conditions. I only want to show this on the singular front page. Update. I go to the website and it doesn't appear does not appear yet. Even if I wait nothing. But if I scroll look at here, this area if I scroll about 50% of the page. Wow there are the pair's want to learn more about WordPress Subscribe below pretty Corp at Gmail. And I see this this shadow. I don't like it. So I can remove it. Subscribe. And then I go back to the homepage. And then if I refresh this over here, let me see. They changed it all the time. So that's that's why this time for a new new tutorial. Audience to contact you contact and this one is from today, so it works through the API key. So that's amazing. That's how it works and they grow email lists and automated emails. That's what I do. It works really well. If I sell something through my email list, I get a lot of sales depending on what I promote, and what I prefer. When you have when you build an email list about a certain subject, send them emails about that subject So if you have an email list about making money online, don't send them an email as like, hey, buy a horse, because that's not something that is similar. Okay, I think you know what I mean. So here you can decide, oh, yeah, this was a nice try to exit. So when I go over here, then it appears on a date. So showed on a few dates, so I can, with the Cyber Monday, I can display it only on that Monday. And I can automate it already. So I don't have to do anything. Or after inactivity, or our customers select Custom, custom selector click. So yeah, they can use CSS to trigger that. But let me show you how that can be done. I can also say, select nothing. So it will not appear. It still is only applied to the homepage. So if I go to the homepage, Command E homepage. And then I can edit it with Elementor. Then I can click over here, and I can say subscribe. Then over here at the link, I say hashtag so links to nothing, but then it's bounced. Since we installed jet pop, we have this area over here. I can select the popup I say sign up this one click on the widget. So now if I take a look at the website, nothing happens when I scroll down when I click here, wow. Wow, I like it. I like it a lot. Okay, what else can I do if I go to Ferdy Corp COMM And I click on templates. And I see this area, I can also add this in a pop up. So I go to the dashboard, I go to get pop up, create a new pop up. I call this one over it's gets publish and it would Elementor and then through ConvertKit I can get a code. So it's just a text editor. Add code over here. And then it will be displayed like this okay, and then go to the settings I can decide how I want it to be shown. I select nothing here because I wanted to be done by clicking on a button. And at the settings, general pop up change the width let's say 800 updates. Where do I want to display this? Well, actually on the whole website, just depending on where I Can I think I can leave this all empty. So what I want to do now, I want to go back to the homepage and it's the homepage with Elementor close all this stuff click over here go to advanced jet pop up, and then select over get an update. Let's take a look. I click over here and then it appears. Now of course I can remove all the padding so it will be just like this I can bring this area outside of what flows over here. And then I can leave my details here. And that's how it is done. Thank you for watching this video. As I told you I have more tutorials about Croco block if you go to 30 tutorials Croco block there you can find more tutorials about Croco block. So that's it. Have a great day feel free to subscribe, like this video, and then you'll see me in the next video. Bye
Channel: Ferdy Korpershoek
Views: 5,338
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ferdy Korpershoek, Wordpress, Elementor, Crocoblock, Crocoblock Jet Popup, Best Popup Plugin Wordpress, popup wordpress, Popup Wordpress Elementor, Popup Elementor, cookie notice wordpress, Mailchimp Wordpress Tutorial, 2021, Crocoblock Tutorial, crocoblock elementor, crocoblock plugins, wordpress popup plugin, crocoblock plugin, pop up elementor, elementor popup, popup wordpress plugin, wordpress popup
Id: 5r8PByGOUps
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 33sec (2373 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 26 2021
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