Create AR app in Android Studio under 15 minutes | Beginner's Tutorial

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hello and welcome everyone my name is Prince and in today's video we are going to create a simple AR app in Android Studio by just following some simple steps so let's get started opening Android Studio I have created an initial project with empty activity this is what it looks like the first thing we are going to do is write the dependency of what we are going to use is AR scene view it is a successor of scene form scene form is created by Google to create Android apps this is this is a GitHub page of scene View it is open sourced the thing which we require now is just this dependency of AR seeing node you can see or read this is much more to read I have so let's get started by creating resource file [Applause] we are going to use AR steam View match parent match parent and we will give the IV seen him one more thing we need is extended flowing action button tap content right here we'll see please I don't know why something this Arc View doesn't provide PCO in this I don't know why please net detects two wouldn't be forget text alignment Center let's increase X as a little bit in Sp litness so we have created a layouts by move let's move to main activity what will be what will be required is scenery we are stinging and place the button model node let's instalize one by one same here do we have different idea we have ID ol then I was waiting for everything let's create ER model there is a few things you can customize as per requirement there is like placement mode by default it is default placement mode you can change it it position follow hit position instant anchor much more like oh this is Jayden hey sync this reload and she had this site the AR app is majorly divided into two different parts the first part is app itself and the second part is 3D model we can't create 3D model in our Android Studio so we use different 3D modeling softwares like blender Maya Houdini personally I prefer blender but for now we don't have much time to create a 3D model from scratch so we will use some free 3D models and to get some free 3D models the popular website is sketchfab sketchfab I think what people thinks is a major application of AR is visualizing for nature in their rooms and that's what Ikea does we are also going to visualize so fine Arrow I I decided to visualize sofa and my row you can choose what you want to visualize so this looks nice let's download it scene view supports multiple 3D modeling models types like glb gltf with animations so let's import a downloaded glp file in our Android Studio create a assets folder and create a new directory name models drag downloaded jsb in this created folder okay where we are in our main activity this so the next step will be we have to provide our jlp file location so file location what's the parameter can't memorize it so let's look what's the right glv5 location in the lme file location models what's the name of the glv soccer so now we have our 3D models in our app and the next step is going to anchor it in our space so how we are going to do that let me see the obvious open the thing out here so you have different things which you can use as per your requirements like scale it animate it or you can use its callbacks see new DOT trainer dot this visible install tool Pro and when the model is anchored change we are going to make a button respawn and now we have created our model node let's add it to our scene View so scene view takes node as a child so at child Edwards model so we have created our very simple air app we have a 3D model in our app we have our scene View and what next what is suggesting make it private private so the thing the things we have done for now is just we are we are visualizing it in AR but to place or to get it stuck on your place we have two just anchor it anchor like like the AR app protect your plane and you want to place the model on that plane and when you move your camera we you don't want to move the 3D model with your camera you want to be you want like the model should be stuck on your space just like your sofa or your bed in a room to do that we are going to set on click listeners place button dot on click search set on click listeners let's create a function for that foreign place so what is what what so to place it let's create a private function placed model so what it is going to do is it will just place your 3D model in your space that's it so what you're going to model dot anchor that's it then scene view Dot name render dot is visible equal to false now we have placed a three 3D model so there is no need to visualize the plane let's call it here Place mod I think we have done things correct so let's run it [Music] thank you
Channel: XperienceLabs
Views: 26,976
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Id: DaWrqUqjrE8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 27sec (687 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 19 2023
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