Create an XPARTICLE DISSOLVE with Cinema4D Tutorial (@LuisMiranda4D)

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hey there at Solis Miranda for a healthy design today we're back in the saddle with a little bit of X particles where we're going to learn how to make this dissolve effect using infección and also vertex maker so I had a lot of requests for our next particles tutorial after my last one that I did I looked at all the different techniques that I know and all the different techniques that I've learned so far you know we want to create like a full-on system that maybe you could actually utilize in a production environment so I would highly recommend you guys check out my Instagram I'm always posting a little experiments on their thing ideas for future tutorials I'm also really open to taking feedback from the community as to what to do next so yeah so if you guys can give that a follow that'd be super awesome and yeah let's go ahead and get started with this tutorial okay so we're inside of cinema 4d if you haven't already download the project file I recommend you do so it's down in the description this head is actually supplied from a face scanning library and yeah you can basically download the obj or Olympic and stuff so I went ahead and just turned it into geometry so that it's easier for you guys cool so we're gonna use this as our base model where we're gonna basically base all of our simulations from this okay so first thing we want to do is go ahead and create a XP system there's a couple of you know things that I like to do to kind of clear clean up the viewport a little bit so see this icon I just like to deactivate it by doing this I come on viewport just killing it and we already have an emitter so let's go ahead and change the from rectangle to object and drop in our Emily head high-rez and here inside of polygon center and we're going to change it to object volume and over here in emission we're going to go ahead and slow down to zero and instead of rate we want to do it as a shot cool so if you hide the head you'll notice that it creates all these particles inside since these guys are looking really small I'm gonna go ahead and just make it a little bit bigger so that you guys can see it and let's go here to circle and so now when you see it's a little bigger you can see there's about a thousand particles inside of there cool so the trick to making this guy and dissolve is by creating like a point in which all the other particles can then start out being infected and so there's a effect here called pull up your commander call it XP infect shield and this guy works basically like a virus and you can create a point of like infection and then from there it'll start spreading the way you do that is by creating this add new seed object and so you can kind of see it's kind of in here let's go ahead and drop it down I'm gonna basically start make everything from the bottom of our neck so it moves upwards so it's going to drop it in there and so now when you press play you should see that there's this effect going on I would increase the size of it so I can encapsulate more but honestly it makes a little bit more sense if you add more particles so here in your shot count just go ahead and add another zero so it's ten thousand and from there you can see that it works a little bit more like a disease that's spreading cool so let's go ahead and talk about in sexual real fast let's talk about some of these little settings so we got our search radius which is kind of like the virality and how far it can spread essentially or at least how infectious one particular particle can be but also this max infected is very much like the scientific term for like a virus that does that is called an R nought so it's an R zero it's the productive factor for a virus and so this one it says that every particle can infect up to three particles and in real life a person who's infected can infect you know three people so like the flu can inflict one person and that one's kind of a slow one whereas the one that's currently kind of wrecking havock that one has an R nought of 2.5 so this one we have it at 3 which you should see kind of spreads pretty quickly but if you drop it down to 2 it still goes pretty quickly but it has a nice little exponential curve to it I kind of feel like the 3 is like it's just way too fast and if you crank it up even higher it'll just go even faster same thing with the search radius you know it's just kind of spread like like wildfire but I'm gonna go ahead and just leave it at 10 and up this at 2 so it kind of has a nice little girl to it cool and ok so the next part is we need to make these particles move based on whether the in fact that or not so I want these these green ones to stay still whereas I want my infected particles these red ones to then kind of get taken over by all these different forces and so the best way to do that is by inside of infection instead of doing a color mode of fixed value you can use groups inside inside of here you can create a new group this one is for the incubation and let's go back and let's create one for in fact that alright so now we have both of our groups now let's go ahead and drop that in there so basically from now on every time they switch over to red and basically means that they're infected so if you notice this has a different display mode of squares so you'll see that they'll go from big circles to little squares so I'm just going to go ahead and change this over to sphere or circles so that they stay consistent so it looks pretty much the same but here let me go ahead and create an expedient drop this inside my modifiers and when I press play basically everything gets affected but if I go here to groups affected and just drop in the infected one and I press playing as they transition over into the infected particles they will then start being influenced by the fires and so that's essentially the basis of this technique is just limiting the effects to a single growth cool so let's go ahead and I'm gonna get rid of this turbulence because I'm not really gonna need it and let's see let's have it I wanted to go upwards making it look like it's fire or you know like a smoke rising and the best way to do that it's just create a gravity it's go ahead and drop it in gravity and again let's make sure that this guy is set to infected and so now as it turns it will fall but what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna flip the gravity upside down to 180 and also I'm gonna tone down the power of it so something you're not like 200 and that way it'll kind of gradually go up but as you can see they're sort of like just looks a little too too much like sand so let's go ahead and add a few more things the one thing that we're gonna definitely need is a flow field so here instead of our flow field are sorry inside of our dynamics and then flow field we can then create this guy and so the basic the easiest way to explain a flow field is is that this can basically work as your turbulence it can work as your wind it can work as all sorts of different things but the easiest way to show you what it's possible what it's capable of doing is here in flow instead of doing default if we put it at random you'll see that all these different arrows are pointing everywhere and so as we press plane it kind of gets a little bit more sporadic and so that's because it's following this sort of like turbulent fields essentially but the thing that's really great about it is that we have a lot of control or with this particular flow field whereas something like an XP turbulence you can kind of dial in certain numbers but you can't tell it exactly what to do and the flow field you can so let me show you a really cool way to make it look cool so one thing I like to do is create a sweep so let's go ahead and create a circle I'm gonna hide this flow field for right now while I build this and I'm gonna make a little bit smaller and I'm gonna duplicate the circle and make this guy a little bit smaller and then we're gonna create a sweet let's go ahead and drop both of these guys in here and so now you have this nice little donut shape let's go ahead and bring back our flow field and inside of our flow field we can then do surface tangent or normal I like to use an tangent but I'm gonna show you guys what normal does so you guys understand so when you drop in your sweep inside of the object all of the normals of your polygons you know they're pointing outwards and so that's kind of where it's telling the particles to go is away from the donut but if you switch this over to tangent it actually follows the curvature of the object and so if you want to actually create like a nice little custom path that you want your particles to go you can pretty much do something like this where you draw your own spline or something and then have a sweep on it and it'll give you these things little tangents so something but the reason I want to use a sweep as opposed to like a primitive like a like a torus or something like that is because I have a lot of control over this one and so here inside of our in scale I can actually bring this down to zero and it gives me this nice kind of looking shape and and but not only that I can also play around with the start growth and end growth and kind of create this nice like sort of curvy line but let's see I'm gonna put this at 100 and this one somewhere here and if you go here your caps you can actually play around with the cap let's see and then when you increase it you can kind of round it out a little bit but if you crank it up all the way coming gets really weird so I just would crank it up a little bit cool so so now when you press play they'll kind of follow this sort of path a little bit but because our flow field isn't really like the strength is set to ten you can't really see it but if you crank it up you can see that it follows this a little bit more to the to the point that it actually traps particles cool so yeah try to keep this somewhere just whatever looks best for you I just know that if you crank it up all the way to 100 it's gonna be very restrictive what your particles can do whereas if you have a smaller strength it's kind of like it's giving it influence but it's not completely taken over their path cool so but the thing that's also really cool about this is that you can also use cloners so let's go ahead and create a cloner and drop in our sweep and so instead of just doing a linear I'm gonna do a radial and so right away you can see that there's is a cool-looking shape alright and so yeah they're kind of pointing in the wrong direction so here in our transform I'm gonna rotate these guys a little bit cool and then let's see over here yep I want it to be more like that so that it's kind of causing like a nice sort of convection current alright so let's go ahead and drop in this cloner inside of our object and as you can see it only respects the tangents of one object and that's this one so what we need to do is actually drop in our cloner inside of a Kinect and so now it'll treat it like all of it is a single object so let's go here in our flow field and drop in our Kinect and so now all of them have influenced so let's go ahead and just delete these other two so we can have it and just make sure you pay attention to where these arrows are going if you notice they're kind of pointing away their going downwards I wanted to go upwards and a quick way to fix that is by here in the sweep we can go to object a quick way to do that is just to flip these normals here and so now I everything's kind of pointing upwards okay let's go ahead and bring these guys down a little bit so that they're closer and so as they go they'll start following these little tangents and start coming looking a little bit more chaotic as they go through the flow field but as you can see that there's some that are kind of like getting stuck so let's go ahead and not play around with our a cloner I think I'm gonna chop down to four instead and I'm gonna make it a little bit wider and also I'm gonna adjust the rotation a little bit let's do something more like this and let's go ahead and shrink this guy down a little bit cool so as you can see there's like this green but then it goes into blue and that just shows how much influence the objects have so here inside of the flow field you can actually crank up the distance and you can see that it gets a lot bigger so they're so their areas of influence are actually kind of blending in with each other I'm also gonna turn down the strength a little bit all right let's check it out now and so now yeah you can kind of see them kind of getting twisted around but they're mostly going up and then they're bring broken up in a nice kind of consistent fashion okay alright so once you have your flow fields objects working another thing you can do to kind of give a little bit more variation is using a random effector sorry in the mirror spell that correctly and here we can actually let me to make sure that it's affecting it let's go ahead and drop it in in here inside of a cloner actually inside of our random we can can either do that or let's turn off all of them except for a Y and that's this way they some of them are higher some are lower and here just kind of add a little bit more chaos to the whole situation also I would recommend adding rotation to it something like this so that it doesn't you know go so uniformly upward so you know it has a little bit more chaos to it I'm gonna start organizing my scene a little bit better so when you create an XP system it's already kind of organized but all this other stuff you kind of have to organize yourself so here in create an OL I like to create one I like to number them it's a little easier for me I create one called geo and eventually I'll add even more depending on how many objects I have like so if I have a bunch of lights I'll create one for lights and if I create one for a camera you know so let's go ahead and just keep that in there for right now and so now we can kind of see it doing its thing it's looking a little bit more interesting than just it dissolving and going upwards with the gravity so yep so we're making pretty good progress now so let's go ahead and hide our flow field since we kind of already have it doing what we need it to do alright so here if you notice these guys are just kind of flying for infinity until the scene resets so a good way to fix that is to create a kill box so let's go ahead and create an X be killed let's go ahead and drop it inside of our modifiers by default basically as soon as it goes outside of the box it'll kill it so if we go ahead and view it you'll see that once they come up they'll start dying is to hit the ceiling even the side walls cool so you can make it as big or as small as you want usually I'd suggest just making it past the fov of the camera depending on what you decide to go with and also this is really good for when you simulate it later when we cache it if you have a like millions of particles and you're not seeing a bunch of them it makes absolutely no sense for them to be alive so if you put a kill box you know basically wipe mount and and as your simulation progresses it actually speeds up because there's less particles to calculate as you can see this guy is kind of doing what it should be doing but if you notice these particles kind of go through all the other particles and to me I'm not a huge fan of that I wanted to sort of like once it starts burning up I wanted to hit the chin and kind of go around the face and stuff so a good way to do that is to make the head a dynamic object by giving it an XP Collider so let's go ahead and create an XP Collider and it's a nice little tag that you can drop in there one thing you're gonna notice is that this simulation is very slow and that's because our object has a ton of geometry so if we look at the polygons there's like a ton just you know especially like in the mouth area so what we want to do is actually create a low poly version of this to act as our collision object so I'm gonna go ahead and make a copy of this game I'm gonna delete the collision tag from the original I'm gonna hide that and well we're selecting our our head let's go ahead and create a new object this one I'm going to be polygon reduction and you have two options one is this generator and the other one is more of an effector I'm gonna go ahead and with the purple one which is the second one on the list cool so now go ahead and drop this guy in there and right away it'll you know get rid of a ton of polygons so what we want to do is probably crank this up as far as we can get it so you can probably even do 99 and it gives you something you don't have to you it doesn't need to be exact it can be a representation of the final thing but I still think that maybe even 99 is a little bit too much maybe 97 yeah something like that's fine basically we just want to have like this chin the ear like the nose and stuff like that just so we have things to collide against all right so what you want to do is go ahead and select both and you can go ahead and do it connect objects I'm gonna go ahead and just do connect op just and delete because I know I'm not gonna need to make any modifications to this cool and it carries over the tag which is nice and so now let me go ahead and hide this once we hit play you'll see that it goes a little bit faster and when it hits like certain objects that it kind of goes kind of wraps around which is nice but it also kind of creates this little issue where things get stuck in the mouth and no sorry in the eye area so there's a couple things we can do the simplest thing you can do is delete these polygons that make up the math and nines so here's a pretty cool tool that you can use it's called the Fong selection tool and the shortcut for that is un and here it basically it looks at the Fong angle for each polygon and tries to find those that have similar Phong angles so here our eyes have a very consistent Phong angle between them so they get grouped so let's go ahead and delete them so those the guys are pretty much gone and the mouth has its own fung angle so you can go and delete it it might be a good idea to get rid of these kind of like back faces for the nostrils now that way they don't that way you're just kind of making it harder for it to get stuck you know alright so let's go ahead and try this guy one more time there will be they're still going to be some particles that get get stuck but they're not going to be as obvious as those eye ones so yeah you have some but that's okay we're gonna address these in a basically a post infection modifier but we'll get to that in a little bit I just want to get this guy working right now so we can kind of see as closely resembling the final simulation alright so now that we have our collision object in place let's go ahead and keep playing around with the particle simulation because if you notice it just doesn't really look all that realistic it still has things going down and there's this huge block of particles that kind of just goes straight up and so we kind of want to break these guys up a little bit more something you can do is drop in more objects inside of the flow field but I think I'm just gonna add a few more forces to it so let's go ahead and I inside a motion let's go ahead and drop in a turbulence and I've definitely make it an infected simulation so here it'll kind of combined with the you can crank it up even more so you can kind of see if it's working or not let's do something like 20 and so as they break apart you can kind of see them kind of being moved a little bit more there isn't really too much of a big cone that's going up from the top which is nice cool and another one that's really nice is XP wind so if you drop in a wind kind of see it already blowing it apart definitely don't want that you just go ahead and now make sure that the infected is what gets it and so now they'll start kind of pushing this way but I'm gonna go ahead and just add make it pointing upwards cool and instead of the wind it's set to this wind string probably good ideas just to tone it down just a tiny bit cool and so now we're getting a little bit more chaos to the thing but if you notice some things tends to go down but they're going up thankfully so one last thing I would add is an XP attractor let's go ahead and put this guy here and an attractor is very simple you just kind of move where you want the target to be in so I'm gonna put it up top and if we look at it it's kind of kind of overtake the flow field a little bit but basically kind of makes everything grow up there which is fine kind of I really want it to be a little bit more a little bit more random I guess and also right now it's set to velocity so basically the speed of everything is kind of moving towards that speed I really want it to be more of a force so it's sort of like we have the flow field but we also have the wind and turbulence and they're all kind of working together and kind of creating a lot of chaos and one of the one of the things that I would say the tricks are to making a simulation look realistic and organic is by having a lot of different effects and forces working on it because in real life you know you have gravity have wind you have friction and all this stuff and so kind of trying to recreate you know realism a little bit like that I can give you much better results so and this one let's go ahead and change our effect to infect it and so let's go ahead and see what it's doing so they're kind of going towards it but they're not like kind of grouping up there and those super obvious manner cool all right what we want to do now is create our post infection effects and this is to kind of clean up anything that's sort of left over so when we're looking at this guy you'll notice that some of these guys are stuck here and what we want to do is kind of set up conditions in that if this guy if if there's things still inside this region that they'll either get killed or they will be shrunk down until they're you know gone basically from the render and the best way to do that is to use an XP scale so XP scale go ahead and drop that guy inside of our modifier and also let's go ahead and start organizing things a little bit more that's one I'm going to call post infection mods I might create another one just for infection mods okay so basically all the ones that we've created so far except for the scale we'll go inside of here the post infection mods will be essentially to clean up the scene once it's done simulating so the best one to kind of like make things shrink is the XP scale and if I just let it play you'll see that things kind of gradually get bigger it's not really what I want it to do I kind of wanted to go downwards so here I'm gonna go ahead and instead of it having a positive change I've come to a negative change I'm also going to increase the radiation sorry the variation and so as you can see that they are shrinking in a kind of like random manner but they're still ultimately going down to zero and that's kind of the the trick that we're trying to get to cool but if you notice everything is being affected and I kind of wanted it to I want to set some conditions for it to actually start doing this I want there to be a region where if the particle is still there then it gets affected and if it's not in that region it doesn't get affected so one thing we can do let's go here into our group happening let's go ahead and just hit a infected and so here you'll see it as the kind of transition over to in fact that they'll start shrinking but you can do this thing called asking a question so here we can say ask a question and we can look at the age or all sorts of different things like the speed and all I good stuff speed might be a good one because if they're not moving then you can say well if they're at zero do it but I'm just gonna do age because it's a little simpler I'm gonna deactivate scale for right now so we can kind of look at it doing its thing and so let's kind of pay attention to where we start noticing these particles so it's around like 90 yeah so around like yeah I'm gonna do 90 so if they're still in in there at 90 then it's gonna start shrinking okay so you have to do it and there are a few ways it's it's not very you have to kind of create a fall-off and also a question so let's go ahead and not set this guy up so now when you press play once it reaches 90 at all the red particles will then start to shrink and so as you can see they're now just kind of turning into like bubbles but I wanted to just affect this area so let's go ahead and go inside of our XP scale and she's a fall-off and let's do a spherical fall-off and so you can see that there's this inner sort of radius and let's go ahead and change that guy out by clicking on the spherical field itself in inside of remapping I'm just gonna go ahead and crank this guy up so that there's no fall-off it's just like it's basically a bubble that affects this area and so when I press play you can see it kind of encapsulates the the head let's go ahead and make this guy it's just tell you to bigger so it encapsulates it completely cool so now when we press play you'll see that all the particle all the red particles that are inside the sphere will then be affected so let's go ahead and wait and now and so you've seen all of them that are inside our shrinking but these ones outside are not and so that's a really good way for me to wipe out all the particles that are kind of left over in the head area without you know having to do anything else crazy and so yeah it's basically giving us a nice little effect that basically wipes away on its own without us having to keyframe anything we just kind of asked a very simple question which is like what's their age and then yeah if they're inside that sphere of influence they get out taken out okay so next thing we're gonna want to do is we need to control the dissolve of the head like the geometry itself and there's actually a really cool way to do it inside of X particles and it's called vertex mapmaker so let's go ahead and I create ourselves and convert X map vertex so that's this guy right here XP vertex map I'm gonna go ahead and just drop it inside like a generator and let's go ahead and look at our object let's go ahead and put in the high-res like the the one that hasn't been modified at all and instead of doing source vertex feed let's go ahead and do it from seed and from seed is actually very similar to infection in that it gives you a seed object which is really handy so if you see it if there's a little seed object so something you can do you can actually find the seed object reinfect she'll go ahead and drop it inside of the seed object and then if you hit reset psra puts it exactly in the same spot as the origin of your virus so that's exciting but unfortunately you can't just leave it there and you have to actually put it back inside of the vertex map and that's one of the downsides but that's about it if you want to have them tied together you can actually create a constraint but I wouldn't recommend that because gonna have to do that for every time you create a new one so figure out how many you actually need first and if you want to have this dissolve from multiple points this is a good way to just go ahead and just create as many as you need and then do that little trick where you do the PSR but for since I'm just gonna use one I'm just gonna leave it as is alright so we can now preview the vertex by double clicking this guy I'm gonna deactivate our particles because we're not really going to be paying attention to them right now cool so as you can see it sort of spreads from it which is fine but it's a little bit too fast so let's go ahead and inside of our vertex map and so it currently it's in mode nearest vertex which is cool it's kind of just like finding a new one but I like this one that's called reveal because it works very much like the infection dove spreads in a nice like sort of procedural manner and what's really cool about this is that we can then use this vertex map as sort of the weight to drive the opacity of our of our material but not only that we can also paint color into our points which is really cool and what's even cooler about that is that redshift can actually take those colors and use it as a alpha mat and so I'll explain this a little bit more so here inside of our vertex map down here you have this blend option and also add a vertex color tag so let's go ahead and add a color tag which will then create this point right here and so you can see that when we press play it's switching over to white which is basically matching this break in here so but if you notice we can do a few other things with it such as I'm gonna go ahead and delete this guy and this guy so that it goes and also change this color from blue to black and so you can see it but also you can play around with this and add new notches here let's go ahead make a white one and maybe this one almost black but not completely and kind of like play around with a little bit okay so when you press play you'll see that it spreads out and it's a black and white color which is nice because red chip can actually take that data and actually use it as a transition color from you know transparent to you know opaque so let's let's but we can actually make it look a lot cooler one thing you can do is actually drop in a noise and right away you're not really going to see too much you can kind of see like a little bit of gray in there but basically what you want to do is crank down this guide to like something like two and you can kind of see some of the noise and it kind of reveals it but because this is cinema4d noise we can actually put in an animation to it so you can actually see it doing its thing and so as it reveals that actually reveals a noisy or a waving texture so let's go ahead and keep cranking these bags down something like fifty to fifty fifteen so we get a much smaller effect instead of noise maybe something like what's the electric yeah that looks pretty cool okay so now that we got that looking pretty cool I want to do something that's a little bit a little nicer so if we go from black to white we're actually gonna have to invert this because you know in when we're controlling the the transparency to opaque or vice-versa we want to have it go from white to black so let's just go ahead and flip all these notches around and here you can actually see it working in real time which is really nice and so you can see it kind of spreading it's moving around but it just kind of presents an issue in that as it spreads it's kind of still being modified and what we want is for it to eventually turn completely black and there's actually a pretty simple way to do that and that's using this blend option here so I'm going to start from the beginning and I'm gonna manually crank it up and so once you get to a certain point this thing will actually keep spreading until it completely turns black so so you can kind of see it we're working in real time but basically what we need to do is actually keyframe that something let's go ahead and start from zero it's behind just kind of have it playing and I think maybe around here is when I want it to start transitioning over so let's go ahead and put another keyframe down and like 100 here and then it will see it transitioning completely okay so let's go ahead and give it a watch cool so then now I'm like we could probably delay that fade a little bit more maybe make it a little longer so that takes a little bit more time kind of taking over yeah so yeah just keep playing around with it find what works for you but I think that looks pretty cool and yeah that's all pretty much done procedurally using a vertex map so something that you're gonna notice right away is that if we activate our our head I'm just going to kind of click away you can see that our main particles are kind of like poking through and I don't really want that to happen and when we see this inside of bread shift let me go ahead and crank get open redshift you'll see some particles coming out of her head and it looks kind of unsightly and I don't like it it actually affects a lot of your mat all of your like specular and diffuse and lot so let's go ahead and do our thing which is add a redshift tag to this guy right shift object and let's go ahead and just put this as optimized fears just for right now cool let's press play they're gonna appear bright green because we haven't applied any material to them cool so you see how they're just kind of coming out through the head and it's just that's it just looked kind of Li so something that I like to do for this particular situation since each group actually can have their own scale we can actually have them have very different sizes and I think this I couldn't actually help out especially sell the illusion of it burning by having some of them be really big versus others that are small but the most practical application for this we can actually make our base particle the this green one actually invisible and by doing that all we have to do is actually just make the the radius really small so we can just put it at zero and so now you don't see it but you see down here you there's a particle still being generated that are infected so when we press play they're not up here they're not on the face but you know the other ones are appearing so from here we can actually play it a little bit more with our incue bation I want to actually make these a little bit bigger and also give it some variation and are infected I'm going to make these guys smaller add like a very small amount of variation and so now you can kind of get like a nice little variation of them but these the incubation ones are really big and those can be really nice because we can actually apply a material that will make those particular particles like really Brian so it looks kind of like it's you know I'm like the insight when you like light you know a fuse you know how it kinda has like that big burst well we can make those in incubation particles look like that big burst so what we want to do we can actually play around with the coloring as well so in our in fact that they're just you know red right now but we can instead of doing a color mode of a single color we can actually do a gradient where we can do a parameter there's an issue that happens when you try to color it using the display settings so I tried setting this guy two-speed world in using this gradient but really it's just looking at the first color and kind of keeping it that way so a way to override the color information is to use a modifier so let's go ahead and create an XP color and let's go ahead and drop this guy inside of our modifiers so with the XP color we can actually set it to gradient from parameter which is very similar to the setting it by speed inside of the group itself and here I can just override it a little bit more efficiently and so now when these guys are going you can actually see them change in color going from the dark blow to kind of a lighter white over their period of time all right so what we're gonna do is with our XP color we're gonna go ahead and start choosing a nice little color for this I have this set to color mode in gradient by parameter I haven't set the speed and so when you press play you can see that it goes from this blue to this white but since our settings are kind of set a little low it's reaching the top speed color pretty quickly so I'm just going to go ahead and crank this up to 500 and right away you'll see that it takes a little bit longer for it to reach the white it's actual a little bit farther cool so let's go ahead and choose a different gradient this one I'm not a huge fan of so let's go ahead and hit this guy now let's do flame one night I like that one and so now as its as I start working its way through you can see it starts out you know really dark but then it works its way up and starts becoming brighter as it picks up speed so that's really cool now we can also do that with our incubation mode and the way you do that instead of doing a single color here inside of the group you can go ahead and change it to shader and from here you can actually select eight gradient and what's really important about this one is that we just want to throw in a bunch of colors that we want to use in here so the way you do that is by loading a preset and again you can choose whatever color you want I'm going to use this flame six because that's a nice little purple color to it and so now there but because basically you choosing a random color from this gradient but purple has like a lot more a priority because it takes up more of the of this little frame cool alright so now we have a nice little dissolve and before we start getting into shading we need to make sure that our head is actually dissolving at the same rate as the particles are transitioning so let's go ahead and check those the way you you can preview this is by double clicking there's a lot of vertex point tag and you can see it working and so yeah you can see that the particles are actually outpacing it a little bit so we need to go ahead and adjust that by changing the search radius so let's go ahead and put two so that it works twice as fast and as you can see it's working way too fast so let's go ahead and split the difference do 1.5 and it's still a little too fast but it's really close so let's do a 1.4 and this one's actually a little bit better it actually matches pretty nicely alright cool so go ahead and save this guy because what we're gonna start doing is playing around using this vertex map to actually drive your opacity cool so let's go ahead and create ourselves a red shift material and let's drop this on to the lady head I'm also gonna go ahead and deactivate my emitter because we don't really need to shade that right now I just want to show you guys this particular effect so let's go ahead and open up our shader graph and we need to bring in our vertex so if you just type in vertex here's a c4d vertex map and here you can actually just go ahead and dragging this little tag that is created on our object and drop it in make sure it's the vertex color and so if you go ahead and type it directly in let's go ahead and play a little bit and let's go ahead and press play and you can see it working it has all the noise and all that good stuff that you added but if you are to put this inside of the opacity color and then connect that to the output you can see that it actually creates a transparency to it and as we let me pause this and let's go ahead and press play let's get a little bit further along alright let's go ahead and press play now and you can see it's kind of taken over the entire thing and so as you can see as it progresses it actually deletes the geometry but you know there's actually a lot of other ways you can use this so if we were to use something like a let's see a poly FX oops over here let's go ahead and create a poly FX let's crop that in let's go ahead and drop that into the head and on the effectors let's go ahead and create ourselves a plane you can see it's doing a bunch of crazy stuff but let's go ahead and turn off position but just change this scale we can do negative one and what we can do here in our fall-off we can actually create use the vertex map so let's go ahead and just drop in the vertex map and so then it has it works its way you can see it actually driving the poly effects and by shrinking and we can actually preview this all the way until completion because uh yeah it's a just you know reading the values that are being fed to it by the vertex map and so then eventually it transitions away so if that's a way you would rather do it instead of using the material that's a perfectly valid option I just wanted to give you guys that option if you decide to go that route I'm gonna just do the material realm cool I'm just gonna delete that let's go ahead and save alright alright let's so let's go ahead and get our particles in here and so we can start shading these guys okay so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna deactivate the head since we already got that system working I'm gonna go ahead and create a particle preset and go ahead and drop that inside of our emitter and let's go ahead US guy up okay so what's really cool is that it'll basically bring in the color data right away and what we want to do instead of doing it in the diffuse I want to put this inside of the Commission and so here and there our mission we can actually go ahead and crack this guy up and if you press play these guys are nice and bright and so here you can actually just crank up the brightness on the either here you can make these guys a lot brighter or inside of your XP color so yeah so as you can see all these different colors that we're using our XP color and also inside the incubate the incubation group is driving all of these different particles but also if you've noticed our emitter that is kind of like growing and it has a zero radius that they're nowhere to be seen and they're not showing up on the render and and so as they get in fact that they actually get better and start you know becoming more active and so that's kind of like the secret behind making this look a little bit more of a dissolve as opposed to a head that's full of particles and then slowly they're you know disintegrating which is essentially what's going on but this is a good way to kind of hide that factor so yeah from this point on you really only have to do is put in some lighting in here make it you know look really nice if you could decide to go with the poly effects round you can definitely do that but if you want to do with the opacity trick that's also there for you to use as well but as you can see you have pretty much everything is available to you in a very procedural manner all you have to do is make some adjustments to you know either if you don't like the transition you can add more little notches here and then more color if you want it to be instead of it being black and white if you want to actually get put actual color in there you can do that as well personally I would just go with the black and white value to drive that but if you're using so like the poly effects you know this it makes perfect sense to use this for color as well okay so make sure you catch this guy out I personally I used around 100k maybe maybe even up to a million I'm trying to fit I don't remember exactly what I used but I used a pretty high number and I left it cashing out took me about I don't know like 20 minutes or so but for a while there was actually it was gonna take something like four hours and that's because I had a very different system going but whatever works best for your system if ten thousands fine but if you can keep adding zeros at the end so if you can go from ten to 100 to a million whichever works for you you know definitely go for that and yeah basically the system will kind of work its way out and all you have to do is just put in the camera put in some lights and just render that guy out make sure you've used all of your passes like reflection specular emission and so that you have a lot of options inside of your compositor whether it's After Effects or fusion just give yourself as many pieces to work with and put it together make it look really cool alright so that wraps up the tutorial hopefully you found this useful I tried to cram in as much little knowledge as I could into a single effect because I think something that I have learned from doing this in real world you know situations is that you need to create systems that are procedural and actually can work with like very fine adjustment otherwise you're gonna have a really hard time you know rebuilding these systems and so if you create something that can work you know procedural from the very base level you can do a lot of iteration and that can give your creative director or client whoever it is a lot of options and all you have to do is make a couple of adjustments and you know you basically create a whole new effect so yeah I really hope that this can be applied in your sort of projects going forward or at least open your mind to the possibilities that can be created when combining different effects and if you haven't already I really appreciate it if you hit the subscribe button it's a little bell icon thing and I'm gonna be coming back with another X particle sternum now this one's not gonna be as complicated as this one however if you're a fan of Mass Effect you're you might get a kick out of it so that's all I'll say about that and catch you on the next one all right see
Channel: Luis Miranda
Views: 4,039
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tutorial, cinema4d, c4d, free, model pack, eyedesyn, school of motion, cinema4d octane, cinema4d free, cinema4d art, cinema4d modeling, cinema4d animation, cinema4d tutorial, cinema4d beeple, beeple visuals, beeple tutorial, eyedesyn octane, LCDesign, LCDesign tutorial, x particles tutorial, x particles, insydium, xparticles art, x particles and redshift, x particles smoke, x particles questions, x particles advection, x particles c4d, x particles dust, x particles infectio
Id: Qbqc7exL8cQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 24sec (3084 seconds)
Published: Mon May 18 2020
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