Create an Indiana Jones Map in After Effects (NO PLUGINS)

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[Music] thank you big shout out to my tier 3 patrons for making this video possible I appreciate it very much if you'd like to get the project files to this tutorial head over to my patreon page Link in the video description and I actually have a tier 3 seat available so if you're interested in that go check it out over on the page thanks again first things first I need to grab a map of the world and I'm going to do that over here at this is a really great resource in fact I made a video focusing on 10 different places you can find free maps I'll link to that video down in the video description I'm going to do a keyword search for world and I'm just gonna go grab something really quickly I'll grab this one here now there's two different options here if you want to not worry about attribution and use it commercially you can pay the really really cheap license fee here which is five dollars and if you want to use it for free just download it and then you need to apply the attribution here and if you do that I suggest you click on this little button here and donate to the website okay you can see there's a bunch of different file formats here we want to use one of the vector file formats which includes AI EP PS or PDF now you can use the AI file which is going to give you a lot of Versatility you'll be able to bring in individual layers of each country but those are a lot of layers and it can be pretty intensive on your system so I want to keep it simple we're just doing one animation of the world and I'm not going to be really calling out these countries so I'm going to go ahead and grab this EPs and I already have a map comp set up this is Ultra HD 4K so I'm going to drag my map into here and now you can see it's already scaled all the way up to 100 and it's quite small so if I scale this up even more it should still be sharp this is a vector right now actually in fact it looks quite pixelated so what you have to do with these vectors is click on this little button right here which is continuously rasterize so if you click on that it's going to show you the sharp vectry goodness of this particular layer now if you can't see this section or this column toggle switches and modes here and you'll be able to see it now to fit this perfectly just grab the layer and go to layer trend transform and I'm going to select fit to comp with if you just select fit to comp it's going to squash and squish your layers you don't want to do that fit to comp width fits it perfectly here now grab this hold shift and kind of reposition it ever so slightly now I'm not really getting an Indiana Jones vibe from this map so I'm going to change the color here so go to window select effects and presets and then go to color correction and you'll find the change to color and simply drag this drop it on your map here and it shows you right here I can change one color to another color so in the from section I'm going to click on the eyedropper tool and just grab this green in here and then under two what I'm going to do is I'm going to use like a tan color so I've actually searched the tan hex code here I'm going to copy this and paste it directly in here that's looking better already I'm also going to be throwing some textures and other things over this to change the color even further but this is a good starting point all right I'll go ahead and close this panel now I'm ready to start drawing the route here but the way that I'm going to have this project set up is that everything's going to be 3D and I'm going to be controlling a camera that is flying over so it's important that as I create all these assets that they are all in 3D and it it's kind of important that I set them to 3D first because if I don't if I move some things around and then try to set it to 3D later after I've already set up my camera system then things can get lost in space here so I'm going to go ahead and click on this little button right here to activate 3D for this layer and I'm going to activate 3D for everything I create after this point so now we want to draw the route so I'm going to click on the pen tool I'm going to turn off the fill here and I'm going to turn on the stroke and we already have this red color here and I'm going to kind of zoom in on the comp here I'm not scaling up the layer I'm just zooming in the comp I'm going to kind of focus in on where I want to have my map animation now this map is based off of Indiana Jones in the Last Crusade they have a map that's going from New York and it goes to like five different locations here ending up in Venice so what I'm going to do is I'm just going to quickly loosely kind of draw this out right now so it's going to go over here over to the Azores over here to Lisbon and then finally to Venice it doesn't matter that I'm not very precise right now because I'm going to be able to move these over a little bit later so now I have this route I'm going to call it route I'm going to set it to 3D Now to control these points and to be able to reposition these I want to have null objects connected to all these points the other benefit of this is that when I add labels or map markers I can basically just attach them directly to those nulls and everything will follow the null and it'll be a super nice workflow so the way to do this is I grab the route and I do a keyword search for path so that I can grab the path here and now I need to go to window and look for this little script down here that comes with Adobe After Effects it's called create nulls from paths so click on this it's going to bring up this panel here and with this path selected you have to actually grab the path go points follow nulls and what that's going to do is going to create basically null objects for every point that you drew out on your path now you can see right here I have these null objects and I can move them around and the paths and the point follows now I need to go through here and rename these based on the locations and once again it's important that all these null objects are set to 3D so that everything here is 3D alright so we have a map here we have this path now I'm going to quickly animate this path to do that I'll grab the route and I'll come over here and click on ADD and then just select trim paths now we want this animation to maybe take place over the course of 20 seconds so I'm going to go to the 20 second Mark over here and I'm going to open up trim paths add a keyframe for end and then I'll go back to the beginning maybe a little bit from the beginning here and I'll set that in parameter to zero and now what that will do is that's going to give us this little animated path here once again I'm just kind of like a mouse wheel to change the magnification level of the comp here I'm not moving any of these layers in fact I probably want to lock my world here so I don't accidentally grab it and move it because that would throw everything out of sync here all right now I'm ready to add my camera system and the way that this is going to work is I want to have another null that is controlling the camera I don't want to have to manually animate the camera flying around so I'll go to layer new select null object hit enter to rename it and I'll call it camera control once again very important that I turn 3D on for this layer now I'm going to hit P for position and what I'm going to do here is I'm going to animate the position of this null to basically show where my camera is going to follow so I want it to Loosely follow the route here so I'm going to bring it over here to the beginning and it's important to place your playhead in the specific parts of the timeline here because I'm animating this over time now so I want to go to the beginning and we're going to go somewhere right around here now it's not too important that I get it perfect because I'm going to have to tweak these after and it's very easy to tweak that's the beauty of this workflow is everything is going to be very easy to modify via these nulls so we'll start here I'm going to add a keyframe for position and now we'll move the playhead out here and just watch where the route is at so the route's over here now I can just grab this null and we'll put it maybe right about here now we'll drag the timeline down further to see where this is at so right about here now we want to grab the null and put it maybe right here hello Jason from the future here I want to stop you right now and before you go any further in the tutorial go up to edit select preferences display and then make sure you have all keyframes selected this is going to allow you to see your entire motion path all right back to the tutorial and then we'll come to the end here when we get to Venice we want the null to be maybe right here now if you look at this null you can see it's moving along so we want to make some adjustments here and the first thing we want to do is we want to go grab the pen tool click and hold and select convert vertex tool and what I'm going to do is I'm going to grab these two middle ones and we want to smooth these out and the way that we do that is just click and drag and that's going to smooth these out quite a bit so click and drag both of these so that they're smooth smooth motion and then for these you can do kind of the same thing here maybe something like this and now I'm going to go down to the timeline and we want to grab these two middle ones and what I want to do here is right click and go Rove across time and what that's going to allow me to do is it's going to give me the timing of this is going to be very smooth and linear and even if I go down here and grab the beginning keyframe and go to easy ease out if I want that to smoothly ease out you'll see that these two keyframes change their timing to reflect that and to keep this all a very steady Pace even if I go over here to the end keyframe keyframe assistant easy ease in those come back so now we should have like a really really smooth movement here so this is ready to rock and roll now I just need to add a camera so for that you go to layer new camera and I'll select two node and we're just doing top down here so I don't need to enable depth of field or anything like that I'm using a 35 millimeter preset so to connect this to the null you simply parent the camera to the camera control and you don't want to connect it to the position just connect it straight to the camera control now the camera is going to fly around and perfectly match that note which is cool now it's just a matter of framing up the camera and I'm going to do that with the camera control tools and that's what all of these are right here you have an Orbit Control which we're not going to use for this because this is 2D top down so we're only going to be using pan and Dolly now to quickly jump between these tools you can use keyboard shortcut C so I'm going to unlock the world here if you click on the world layer and I go to Dolly now it's going to zoom in directly wherever I click here so we'll go to the beginning here we need to go to the first keyframe and we're going to get this framed up with the pan and the dolly tools here something like this and now we have this framed up and it should have a little bit of an animation already set here there we go all right so that's looking really great now if I want to make modifications one of the best ways to do this is to come over here and switch from active camera and go to front and this way you can get like a bird's eye view of what's going on so now if I scroll here you see that this camera layer is flying like this and if I want to move the camera I'm going to hit V for the selection tool and if you grab the camera control null you can see the position animation here so let me just go ahead and turn off the route because you don't want to see that but you can see that if I just grab these keyframes I can move these around and tweak this path ever so slightly if I want to you don't want to grab the null here you want to grab these position keyframes and that's just going to make your life a little bit easier and now to jump back we just go to active camera you can always actually go to let me close this panel group over here to make things a little bit easier you can switch this to two View and then on one view you can have front over here I switch this to front and then this one would be active camera and you can tweak camera control right here so let's say you know the path's quite out of frame here so if I come back here and I grab that last in keyframe I can reposition it hear or move this one or you can physically bring it back like this or move it make it a little bit slower okay so I've almost got a completed animation here and now I want to go grab a texture that I can plop over this animation so this is a website called I'm going to search Old Paper texture and it shows you right away which ones are free here any of the premium ones have the little crown on them so I'm just going to go grab maybe this one here and download it and once again take note that it says attribution required so be sure to check out the specifics of that all right I've got my texture image inside of my project here so now I'm going to drag it and drop it just above the map but below the route so I want to be able to see where to place this I need to toggle on 3D here so that I can see it in 3D View and you can see I only need the texture image to kind of cover up this area because we're so close up here and you can see right now the basically the resolution is looking pretty terrible and that's because it's scaled way up so I'm going to hit s for scale and I'm going to start to scale this down and position it so that it's just covering up this particular area so that I'm not like wasting pixels here just need to find the size that works so now we'll bring the playhead to the beginning and see if we still have the texture here indeed we do so now I'm going to bring this back up above everything else I'm going to toggle switches and modes and I'm going to set the blend mode to multiply now we have this texture here and it's looking quite strong so I'm going to switch let's go back to one View and take a look here and it's looking way way strong so I'm going to bring the opacity down just fade it out ever so slightly I actually this is this is a really really strong texture it's not really depends on how gritty you want it to be all right now I'm ready to add some labels so I'm going to click on the text tool and I'll click right in here and I'm going to type in New York and I'll set this text to 3D now it sends the the 3D text off somewhere crazy you can see it actually writes right over here so to position this right over the New York area I simply need to parent it to the null object of this path or of that you remember we created the nulls to follow the points of the path so now we can connect everything here to have it automatically snap when I parent it I just need to hold the shift key so I'm going to grab the parent pick whip of the New York text and I'm going to drag it over the New York null and then hold shift as you release it and it'll automatically snap it straight there so I already have set up the font here I'm using inter and this is actually looking good already I've set the kerning and the character size I just need to right align the paragraph here to set it maybe over here and that's looking pretty good let me go ahead and add like a little marker as well so I'm going to click and hold we'll grab an ellipse and I'm going to turn off the stroke and we'll turn on the fill pretty sure we're using the same color might be a slightly different and now what I can do is if I hold shift and double click it's going to create a perfectly symmetrical ellipse we'll call this New York Marker set it to 3D and same deal it's going to go crazy be all big so all I need to do is hold shift drop it on New York again and now I'm going to search for the size parameter and we want to bring the size way way way down I'm going to manually type in something like 25 until we get it okay so we want to do something like 10 and now just bring it below that text there and what's cool about this is now when I grab the controller here if I move it around you can see that everything follows the point of the path as well as the label and now if I want I can drag these and drop them underneath my texture so if I want the texture to be applied to these now I can just go through and add all the text labels and little map marker icons that I want to all these other locations and just throw in all the final touches I will also turn on motion blur for everything and go ahead and render this out if you really want to make it like an Indiana Jones map go shoot some footage of yourself or find some some stock footage and simply do a composite over it and there you go foreign 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Channel: Boone Loves Video
Views: 14,495
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: boone loves video, boone, adobe after effects tutorial, create an Indiana Jones map in after effects, adobe after effects map animation tutorial, indiana jones map, indiana jones animated map, how to create an adventure travel map, travel map animation, after effects tutorial no plugins
Id: UvS8ucUM-dM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 0sec (1020 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 24 2023
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