Create an Animated Logo with Canva | Easy Tutorial for Beginners

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I created the animated logo that you see on the screen in canva and it was actually pretty easy to create so easy that I believe anyone even if you are a beginner can do it if you are interested in this tutorial follow every step until the end and let's go to my computer in this tutorial I'll be using some features that are available for canva pro users but if you have a canva free account you can still follow this tutorial you won't have exactly the same outcome as the one I showed you at the beginning of this tutorial but you can create an animation that is pretty close to it okay let's go to and in the search bar let's type logo and hit enter this is going to take us to this results page and we can browse through all these template options until we see a template that we like I do recommend that you go for a logo that has an icon so you can play around with the icon and create a nicer animation if you were to create a text only animation you will have less elements to play around with I really like this logo it gets my attention because it has an icon that I can use for this animation and we can also insert the name of our brand in this text box so let me show you this is the name of the template in case that you also want to use this one I'm gonna preview this template just to show you the name of the Creator in case that you want to go to his profile and use his templates and talking about templates and canva profiles I also have a canva profile that you can follow if you want to get new templates every week we have a lot of options for Instagram posts that are available for canva pro users and canva free users so feel free to go to my profile check out all the templates available and follow if you like what you see okay let's go back to the logo template that I selected if you want to use any of these templates you can click on customize this template and before we do that I want to show you if you are new to canva that every template that you're seeing here without a label these are available for all canva users if you are using a canva free or a canva pro you can use them if you see a template with a lyric crown that means that this template is available for canva pro users so this template right here it is available for free so let me click on the template and then customize this template foreign editor and this is the template that we're gonna use to create this animation I selected this template in particular because we have an icon and the animation that I have in mind is that I want the icon to appear first only the icon and then for the icon to move to the left and at the same time the text or the name of the brand will appear sliding to the right this animation is pretty easy to follow but it will require some steps so please stay until the end so you don't miss any of the steps the first step is to customize all the information and colors that we have on the screen so if you want to change the colors go ahead you can simply select the elements and change the colors in here so let's say that instead of this yellow green color we can go to color and change it for the color that you wish I'm gonna stay with the colors that we have in here and then if you want to change the name of your brand you can double click and then you have access to this text box you can change the name so let's say that I want to name my brand Radiance also if you want to change the font or if you want to adjust anything to this text box you will have all the options on this white toolbar you can change the font the font size and you have some other options if you want to keep adjusting your text box in order for us to create our animation we need to reverse engineer so what I want to do now is to create the final scene and then we can start creating the animation or the way we want the elements to appear or to move so what I want is for this icon to be on the left hand side of my text so let's do that let me reduce the size of this text box let's position it to the middle of the page and then let's move this icon to the left and then let's move both elements to the middle of the page so these two elements should be to the middle and to Center you will see that canva will help you with these pink guides so once you see the guides appearing that means that both elements are situated in the middle or in the center of your canvas now let's start with the animation steps and after that I will show you how to add music to your animation we're gonna add some guides to this design so we know where our elements will be positioned at the end of this animation this is the final scene so let's go to file view settings and then show rulers and guides now we can create guides by clicking on the rulers and dragging your mouse to the right or you can create horizontal guides by clicking on this top ruler and dragging your mouse downwards I'm creating these guides so I can see clearly where my icon and the text is going to be positioned now that I have these guides I can start building my animation app now I want to position this icon in the middle of the screen because I want the animation to start like that I want the icon to be in the middle and then to move to the left so by having the icon selected go to position and then hit Center it is is already positioned to middle so let's click center now I'm gonna bring this icon in front of the text so I'm gonna click on the three dots go to layer and bring to front now let's move this text to the left because if you remember I want the text to appear sliding to the right and then the icon to move to the left now I just need to add one more element to hide the text that we're seeing here let's go to elements and select a square shape increase the size of this shape and then change the color so it matches the color that we see in the background then go to position and move this layer backwards so we can see the icon now that we have the first scene of this animation ready we're gonna start adding the animations so we have all the elements moving at the same time let's start with the icon selected and go to animate today we're gonna use a new new featuring canva which is this one and it is very very easy to use so clicking here and now we are ready to start building the animation we just need to select and drag an element around the canvas to create an animation I just need to create a simple animation so I will move this icon to the left but I will hold shift at the same time to create a straight line so you have here some tips I'm gonna use the first tip here holding shift I start dragging my elements and I'm gonna end where I want the element to be positioned so I know that this is the little square where the icon needs to end so my animation or the movement ends there you can preview the animation in here if you leave it as original you will see that the movement is not very smooth because my hand was not very steady so you can see how the animation looks on smooth and steady you can choose the one that you prefer I think I'm gonna go for steady and then hit done we're gonna add the same animation to this shape so we can start slowly making the text appear so selecting the shape go to animate create an animation and we're gonna do exactly the same so holding shift and moving this box to the left there you go you can see if you like better original smooth or steady I'm gonna go again with steady and then hit done now I need to add the animation to the text box so I'm selecting here both elements my shape that has the same color as the background and the text box so I need to deselect this shape so I'm holding shift and clicking on the shape now I only have the text box selected go to animate create an animation and now we are going to add the animation to the text box I'm gonna drag this text box to the right until it reaches the desired position I'm gonna use the guides to know exactly where to stop so holding shift to create a straight line and then move to the right until the desired position I'm gonna go with steady for the text box as well and then you can play around with the speed if you want one element to move slower or faster so in this case I wanted my text box to move a little bit slower so I'm moving this lighter to the left so the text box doesn't appear too fast and the other icons are still moving so let me show you if I were to leave the animation of the text box this fast the text will move to its final position really quick and then the icon will still move slowly so I want all the elements to have the same speed and that's why I am adjusting the speed of my text box I want them to stop the movement almost at the same time so you can play around with the speed of all of these three animations and see what works best on your case once you are ready hit done if you want to preview your animation before downloading it go to the navigation bar on top select the preview icon and from here you will have a preview of your animation now if you want to add music to your animation you can use the canva library go two elements and from here you can search for audio and see oil you can scroll down or you can use the search bar to find whatever you want I'm gonna use one of the songs available in here so it is under the ambient category and it is this one wisdom in the sun this one it is available to all come by users and to insert this song into my animation I just need to click I have the song or the track inserted in the animation and I can play to see if I like the selection of the song so you will see that the song is longer than 5 seconds and we just have 5 Seconds of the song and we can change the selection so let me see if I like what I hear [Music] I actually like the selection but if you wanted to select a different section of your song or your track double click on this line and then you can move around the selection so let me see [Music] this is not bad but I think I'm gonna stay with the first selection I'm gonna adjust just a tiny bit the selection [Music] I'm gonna go to audio effects and add a Fade Out effect to my track so let me see how this sounds [Music] I think this Fade Out effect makes the end of the animation sounds better okay we have everything ready we just need to download our final animation right now we are seeing the guides but don't worry these are just guides this won't be visible on your final result but if you want to see the final outcome on your canvas you can go to file view settings and deactivate this option that says show rulers and guides so we can see better the animation at the moment and we can go to share download MP4 video this is the suggested file type but you could also download it as a gif it depends on how you're gonna use this animation and then you can hit download if you have a canva pro account you can increase the quality of your animation and then select download by the way if you have a canva free account and would like to have access to all these canva Pro features you can use hour 45 day free trial I'm Gonna Leave the link in the description and this is the final outcome [Music] after creating this animation I started getting a lot of ideas on how to animate logos but I'm still not sure if you enjoyed this type of content so I really need for you guys to leave me a like if you liked this tutorial and also let me know in the comments if you want me to create more tutorials showing you different types of logo animations or any kind of Animation if I see that this tutorial has more likes than any other tutorial on the channel and I see that many of you are interested in seeing more animation ideas I could create another tutorial similar to this one but with a different idea in a future tutorial if you want to get new canva templates every week you can follow my profile I'm Gonna Leave the link in here and I do recommend you watch this other tutorial in which you will learn how to create a Next Level animation in Camp I think this is it for today I really hope that you enjoyed this video and hope to see you in the next one bye
Channel: Design with Canva
Views: 72,366
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: canva easy tutorial, canva tutorial 2022, canva tips 2022, canva for beginners, canva tutorial 2023, canva tips 2023, Canva, logo animation, animated logo, logo design, graphic design, branding, beginner-friendly, online design tool, Canva animation, Canva templates, creative logo, Canva features, Canva design tutorial, logo design tutorial, Canva logo animation, Canva for beginners, Canva video tutorial, Canva logo design, Canva logo templates, Canva animation tutorial
Id: RHOm50TWpiw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 30sec (930 seconds)
Published: Thu May 18 2023
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