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[Music] thank you [Music] what's up guys I hope you enjoyed the intro because you're going to be learning how to create these amazing scenes in mid-journey yourself in this video I've been making stuff like this for my clients and a couple of weeks ago I posted a quick reel and it blew up for a small Channel it got a couple of thousand views people said they would buy a course and you know I was thinking about selling of course on how to do this but I thought I want to grow my YouTube channel and here it is the entire course absolutely free just before we get into the course couple of things go over so first of all we're going to be using mid-journey Photoshop After Effects and Premiere Pro so you really do need the Adobe suite if you haven't got that I've got a link in the description where you can get it at the best price for wherever you are but the techniques I'm going to show you you can do this with any image we're just using mid-journey for the images second you can do this however you want you can watch the video for entertainment if you want to learn and then go apply it yourself but what I would recommend is following through so get your own image follow below step by step pause rewind whatever you need to do speed it up slow it down flip the screen upside down however you like to learn because at the end of it you'll have a real project that you can go and show off and that's how I advise to teach all my courses because it's just what gets results obviously it goes without saying that I like a comment and subscribe if you find this helpful goes a really long way and then finally if you do like my teacher's style my courses there's a link below where you can get a month free with me on skillshare where I've got other courses there's a few notable ones create her Moses style reels and Premiere Pro everyone's doing these captions nowadays there's a full-blown course on that it's step by step people getting great results create the perfect Fiverr Gig if you want to get into freelancing people have followed that course and literally quit their jobs and then there's a full-blown A to Z of after effects in there as well but what I really want is to get into this course now so just remember all those links are below if you want to learn more otherwise let's get into part one of this amazing course which is getting into mid Journey I'll see you on the other side all right guys so the first thing you want to do is head over to Mid Journey which I spelled wrong and we click on you're taken to this page so join the beta mine just takes me straight to Discord to log in I wish I could show you the process I tried doing it in an incognito window but essentially what you do you go over to download the Discord go to Mid Journey sign up and then you log into Discord with mid-journey so we're gonna say for this example that you're already in Discord so now in your Discord server all you need to do is you need to send messages to the mid Journey bot so on the side here you're gonna have mid journey and indirect messages we've got the mid Journey bot down here so you can see all of these images that I've been generating so the first thing you want to do is get set up so if you press right forward slash and then settings forward slash and S and settings and you type the message message and this is how it works it's all done through messaging I've got use the latest model 5.2 I always use the latest model so stylize high or low is how like fancy and cartoony or make things stylized low will go for more realistic things I've got remix mode on which gives me an option when I generate a new image to tweak things to add and remove things you don't need remix mode on I would just keep this simple follow along get an image generated High variation and low variation mode the differences between those is how different are the four Images going to be or is it going to be four Images quite close together I've got it on low you can have it on high it really doesn't matter I do purchase credits I think I pay about twelve dollars a month I've never run out of credits so anyway those are the settings you press forward slash and settings to get there when you're set up now we're gonna actually start adding some prompts so let's just start simple we're going to type forward slash I am and you'll see imagine at the bottom of the screen we hit enter and now it says prompt you can get as descriptive or as basic as you like with this you're always going to get something amazing it's really incredible but what we're really looking for here is we want an image basically with a nice foreground and a background and maybe some things that we can animate will start quite simple but one thing that's really important to remember is there's a code for what aspect ratio you want the images to come out so they're going to come out square by default but we're gonna make landscape in my example but you can also make them vertical for reels so let me show you how that's done I want to make something colorful and exciting so let's go imagine man with sword in hand looking up long path to a mountain that is fire on top of the mountain and then here is the code that's really important after your comma do a space dash dash a r space and now whatever ratio you put in it's going to give you images in that ratio so we're gonna go 16 colon 9. let's send it and let's see what mid Journey pumps out and like I said there you could do 960 you could do one by one how whatever ratio you want the image to come out okay so here's what we've got these are incredible images I think this one will be nice this one in the top right corner because we've got a foreground a middle ground background and we've got some lightning so we can composite some lightning and stuff like that in later I'm going to give you another example something completely different because I want you to create your own project so let's put woman happy and free in a Fields lots of flowers butterflies flying around dash dash AR 16 by nine again be creative I really want to see your projects as well so remember if you do share your projects and anyone likes it send them back to this video okay so check this out here's what we've generated we've got some crazy images this one woman with lots of butterflies I'm not sure that's a butterfly there that looks like a bird with butterfly wings mid Journey can do some really weird stuff but let's do one more you can also add Styles so let's go imagine and then two soldiers overlooking a battlefield and now we can type any style Manga style cartoon style watercolor style so I'm gonna put Manga style which really doesn't make sense for this image but let's see what it comes out with dash dash ar16 by nine okay this is a real nice look at this bottom one uh bottom left one we can cut out these clouds we can make these clouds move we can pan up and show the battlefields we can have glow in the background we can do all sorts of stuff with this so I'm going to start with this image and we'll work through it remember the processes I'm going to teach you you can apply to any image so now to download this image we've got two options here we've got u3 and V3 u3 means upscale three it doesn't actually make the image any better than 1080p but what it does is gives you the full quality image here and then if we click web and then visit site it's going to take you to a site where you can actually download the image and we hit this little save button here save with prompt and you can see this is just downloaded and now we open this up and boom there's your image you can also go to the home on this site you can see all the images that you've previously downloaded you can see I've done tons here so these are all my images and if you need inspiration you can go to explore and have a look at these images even better if you go to uh copy you can copy The Prompt and now if you go in it back into Discord you can just paste and it'll show you the prompt I'm not sure what this person was going for when they searched this prompt but there you go so you can go right click imagine and you can take the prompt straight from other images that you find and then finally you've got this V3 so if I click V3 here usually V3 will just remix it and it'll give you some other options but because I have got the remix mode on I can add and remove things and do a bit of custom code there they're more advanced prompts let me know in the comments if you want to learn more about Advanced prompts let's hit submit so you can see us waiting to start here we're going to do some coffee because I'm a YouTuber or YouTubers drink coffee die apart from the ones who make videos on you shouldn't drink coffee all right so here we go you can see that I've got multiple variations of that same image by clicking V3 so your first task if you don't have mid-journey and you can't use Discord or whatever go over to unsplash or pixels get yourself a free image just to work with there's loads of good stuff on there and then we'll download that and we'll hop into part two which is where things get really juicy and we're gonna jump into Photoshop and we're going to really mess these images up so I'm gonna go with image number three here I'm gonna upscale this one more time just to show you hit web visit site download and I'll see you guys in part two in Photoshop all right guys so we are back in the game now we're going to open up Photoshop and we're gonna get in there and we're gonna start cutting up our layers so this is probably the most detailed most complicated part but it's really fun so I'm on the Photoshop home screen here I'm just gonna drag my image in and it's going to create a new scene with my image it's going to create a new canvas with the image there's a technique that we're gonna do to basically the the processes to separate the foreground the middle ground the background the objects then delete where they were off the background each time and I'll show you why so the first thing we're going to do is we're going to unlock the background here and I'm just gonna straight away rename this and call it background this main layer so now what we want to do is go up to our object select tool so I'll show you a couple of the tools quick so object select usually works pretty well so what I'm gonna do here is I on the trees the man I want them all selected so I'm just gonna go like this to start and see what it does so you can see it's kind of selected here which which obviously is a good enough but if we drag around the men it's done a really good job of grabbing the man here so we could put the man on his own layer but because the man is on the same part as this foreground I want all this the two men and the trees and this foreground all selector once so I'm going to press Ctrl and D to deselect and I'm actually just going to go in and I'm going to get my quick selection tool now you can see the cursor is pretty small on the quick selection tool so if I press left and right on the bracket button it makes it bigger and smaller so we're going to be really rough here and we're just going to drag around like this and you can see we've pretty much selected everything we want now what I'm going to do is I'm going to hold if I hold alt I can remove the selection so the game here is to essentially I want to follow the edge obviously this is the background I'm just following the edge it doesn't have to be perfect whatever tool you're using the goal here is just follow the edge and these smaller parts can get quite tricky I click to add to the selection and I hold alt to remove from the selection so I'm literally just going to follow the edge around now like this and I'm going to keep going until I've got the edge selected like I said this is a more complicated one you can make this simpler you could just cut somebody out and cut the background out but I I already have an idea of what I'm going for I am just going to use this magic magic selection tool and follow the edge and we'll go down here and you can see the if I press h i can drag the hand hold alt and zoom in and out with the zoom wheel and those are pretty much the tools but then I need to get my object selection tool back so obviously these skyscrapers are not included it so we want to follow the edge around here you can use other tools and really refine this but for the sake of this tutorial I am just being quite rough so you can see the tree is pretty much selected there we could definitely make this better but for now I'm just showing you I'm following the edge so I come down here this is part of this foreground so I'll follow that edge this isn't so we press alt this bit is this bit isn't and we're just going to remove these selections and follow the edge all the way around all I'm doing following the edge following the edge following the edge and we're going to cut out this foreground so I'll probably fast forward this bit also notice the little gaps you know between the legs and things like that I mean you probably won't notice much but it's just always worth considering as well that the gaps are actually in the background we can scrub around and just scribble at this background round just being careful to only get the foregrounding following the edge following the edge following the edge drop a comment below if you're following the edge because that really is the trick and also the more defined the edges the easier this is going to be if you had a tree with that's why I picked this image as well is it's got like really solid outlines so it's going to be a lot easier than if I had like a realistic tree or things like hair with lots of like tiny pieces it's going to be a lot harder to actually cut those out don't worry it doesn't have to be perfect I definitely picked a complicated one here for the sake of keeping this tutorial concise what I'm going to do now is just get on to the next bit and we'll fix anything later so really important step here we're going to right click we're gonna go layer via copy now you can see we've got another layer here and we're going to call this foreground I double click on it to change the name now if I turn it off and turn it on you can see that you can still see it because obviously it's in the background but if I move it see how we've got two and this can cause real problems later on because when you're zooming in you'll see multiples so here is the magic trick this is the bit you don't want to miss you click on your top layer the new selection that you want to keep you go select load selection okay we've just loaded the selection of the foreground we've cut out now we click on the background and then we right click if it's not clicking get a brush tool right click we're going to go delete and fill selection okay now check this out it's all gone so now if we zoom in it's not going to cause any problems do you know how long it took me to work that out so anyway so there we go so we've got a foreground cut out and it's looking pretty good the same thing goes for the middle ground the backgrounds and anything else you want to animate really so I think what we're going to do here is we're going to cut out the middle ground as well so this is going to be the middle ground then we're going to cut out the clouds and the sky and the Sun and I think we can get a lot going on with that if you find that there are some weird anomalies in the background you want to clean anything up there's a ton of ways you can do this uh one thing you can do is clone stamp tool and say you know imagine something looks a bit weird down here I can click alt select an area and then I can kind of clone a bit of the scene if I want to add like more of this black cloud down here or if there's any bits that kind of look a bit off uh let's have a look you've got the Eraser tool where you can just really rub things out next thing I want to do I'm going to hide my foreground layer and now we're gonna go and do the same thing but look how easy it is for for this one we can put Middle Ground here right click layer via copy and now we're going to replace this and we're going to call this Middle Ground obviously you can call it whatever you like but we're going to go to middle ground and now we're going to do the same thing again so we go select load selection and then we click on the background right click delete and fill selection okay so now look foreground Middle Ground yeah it's a mess but it's in the background it's like you've already got the sky layer here so we're kind of working backwards the background is fine like this and what I think I'll do now is I'm going to remove the foreground and I just want to select these clouds look how easy it is when you select the clouds because there's a nice black outline it's really easy to just select the clouds so I'm going to right click layer by a copy I'm going to put cloud left select load selection click on the background delete and fill and now behind the cloud is all red so when the cloud moves you don't have two clouds now we're going to do the same thing click background again load this Cloud just the darker bit we're gonna go right click layer via copy and then we go Cloud right I think we're good like this for now because I imagine the sun coming up even though the bottom would be cut off here it doesn't really matter because you won't see it you want the ones closest to you at the top because if I put foreground behind the middle ground then obviously it's disappeared so foreground Middle Ground clouds background and that is a great start so now what we're going to do is we're going to go file we're going to go save as and I'm Gonna Save this in my folder and I'm just going to call this soldiers example and we're going to save that and then we're going to open up after effects and I'll see you in the next part all right guys now we are back and we're going to get into the really fun bit so we're going to open up after effects and we're going to bring our Photoshop in and we're gonna manipulate it and make it look amazing we're going to create a new project and first thing always do this with After Effects because unlike Premiere Pro it doesn't make you save a project and if you don't make a save and you lose and it crashes there's no Auto saves because you haven't actually created a project so I'm just going to create MJ here and we've got a project set up so now what we're going to do is we are going to go down to Mid Journey YouTube here I've got soldiers example we're going to drag the Photoshop file into After Effects you want to import as a composition quick reason why footage doesn't give you the layers and composition retain layer sizes makes all the layers different sizes which is no good so composition editable layer styles so now you can see if we double click the composition up here we've got soldiers example and we've got all our layers just like we laid them out in Photoshop it's all ready to be animated so look I can move these soldiers around so very important step we're going to pre-compose each of these images for a good reason which I'll find out later so I'm going to pre-compose my background and leave all attributes in soldiers example pre-compose my cloud pre-compose Cloud left pre-compose middle ground and pre-compose foreground okay pre-compose done now we're going to make all the layers 3D by hitting the little box here and now now they're 3D if we press p on any of our compositions you can see we've got three variables x-axis y-axis and we've got the z-axis which is the one we're really interested in The Parallax effect that we want to create the further back an image is the slower it moves so I'm gonna just shoot out some random numbers here remember guys you can play around with this you can play around with the image the distance whatever suits you but this sun is pretty far away so what I'm going to do is I'm going to press p and we're going to push this sun back and to keep the numbers nice and round if you want an example I'm just going to put five thousand so this is back 5000 we're going to press s Scala and now we're scaling back up and now if you look if I go layer new camera I've got a one node camera because a one node camera so it goes left right up down forward back a two node camera focuses on a point and moves around it which isn't what we're going for so 100 camera preset let's actually make a 50mm camera so now if I press p and I move the camera in and out you can see the foreground moves but the background doesn't move as much which is great let's let's push the middle ground back but we'll go halfway this time we'll go 2500 and then again scale this up so now if I push the camera you can see we get more of a parallax effect and I'm going to keep these soldiers in the foreground I always keep the foreground at zero because you don't need the complexity of there's no point moving this and scaling it up I keep the foreground at zero I've got the middle ground at 2500 and the background if I press p on all of these the background is at five thousand now we've just got the clouds left and right and I think they are kind of in line with the middle ground but a bit further back not quite as far back as the sun let's try 3500 for the clouds left and right press scale and we'll scale them back up and now let's have a look when we move this camera so you can see we've got a really nice Parallax effect I feel like I want the clouds a bit closer so what I'm going to do is I'm going to get the clouds I'm going to click here and I'm going to bring them back a little bit let's go 2000 let's go 3000 for the clouds okay so now when I move the camera there we go we've got a really nice Parallax effect here all right guys so now we're nice and set up it's literally just a case of playing with these keyframes so we could go down here we can zoom in I like this this motion so what we're going to do is we're going to click P we're gonna go to two seconds and we're gonna drag it across and we get this kind of motion but it's a bit fast so I'll drag the keyframe out and now we can literally duplicate this camera we can drag it across and we can just we can just make another scene so we can remove these keyframes and then we'll drag this camera over here and it is just a case of playing around with the cameras now I'm just going to cut my composition down to five seconds trim the comp and just have one camera motion let me know if you want a video on more advanced camera motions but now we're gonna make it even more special so we've got this nice establishing shot where the camera is moving up so let's just move the camera up a little bit like this so now what we can also do is we can animate the clouds separately we've got Cloud left and Cloud right here so let's go to the end hit p and we can make position keyframes on cloud left and right now if I move Cloud right a bit Cloud left a bit as the camera is coming up we're going to see the clouds moving as well which just gives it a really amazing effect and now what if we wanted to add some lightning storms in on the horizon well this is why we pre-compositioned our footage earlier so I'm going to go over to this random website that you've probably never heard of I have a discount affiliate Link in the description and I promise you I've used story blocks I use art list and art grid for my music and stock footage but for graphics and things like that this is so cheap and if I just go lightning storm and then change to videos they've got videos images vectors the amazing thing about this is it where I can't get stock footage and images in other places I seem to get it here I think this is really amazing and not a lot of people know about it so I can get lightning storm here and we can really start playing around with different kinds of Graphics so I could add some lightning in here I really like this thunderstorm here because it's quite subtle so let's download this one for now and we'll see how it does so now what I want to do I want the lightning storms in the background on the horizon maybe over the city so I'm going to double click go into the background and then I'm going to down go to downloads grab my lightning storm here Ctrl alt shift H or control out shift G fits it to the right height and you can see we've got this lightning storm but it's kind of low so we want to bring that up here now I'm going to change the mode to add which is going to remove the black so look at the Hat you can see there's a little bit of a you can kind of see the border so what I might do is just I'm just going to cut roughly around the lightning mask it out and then I'm gonna go to the mask I'm going to press F and I'm going to feather this mask by 50. so now we don't we just see the lightning bolt so what I could also do is press duplicate move another lightning bolt adds another one and then duplicate again and maybe move this one all the way across here and we could even go layer transform flip horizontal so now we've got one a different way so they look like different lightning stones and now when we go back to our example because we pre-composed this in the background the lightning is going to stay 3D and follow the background it looks like it's a bit high so I'm going to bring them down because I want them to land behind the Horizon I think I want them to just be a little bit more subtle so I'm going to change the opacity to 50 percent now what if we wanted to add some fog just in front of them but closer than the lightning we can just type fog in here this looks like a nice fog I'm going to hit download now I actually prefer this one so I'm going to hit download now on this fog it's a nice nice little subtle fog so we're going to go into a we're going to go to the middle ground now we're going to drag our fog in here and control alt shift and H then we're going to go to add and now you can see we've got our fog going across the middle of the battlefield you can see that it's black and you want to make sure you've got this little button pressed so that you don't get this Blackness so make sure you press that down there rasterize image I think is called so now you can see we've got the fog moving along nicely with the lightning storm now we're just going to add some sound effects we're going to render it out file export and render render this out to h.264 and here is the final result so guys I hope you found value in this tutorial would you like to see a breakdown of how I edited the whole trailer together in Premiere Pro with the music with the sound effects if so maybe I'll do a part two and I'll break down that whole mid Journey trailer sequence that you saw at the start of this video don't forget guys I'm putting this stuff out for free like comment subscribe give me all the love you can and I will give it back with amazing content and if you want to learn more from me remember you can get a free month with skillshare learn how to make reels learn After Effects Inside Out learn how to get paid on Fiverr for your amazing work until next time thanks for watching and I'll see you in the next one foreign [Music]
Channel: ryancollinsvideo
Views: 282,507
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: midjourney ai, midjourney ai tutorial, midjourney tutorial, midjourney tips, midjourney promptshow to use midjourney, how to use midjourney for free, midjourney freehow to use midjourney, how to use midjourney ai, how to create ai images on midjourney, how to animate midjourney images, how to create image with midjourney, how to create image in midjourney, midjourney 3d, midjourney video, ai video, midjourney, midjourney prompts, how to use midjourney
Id: VaB1YRTCg10
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 1sec (1861 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 30 2023
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