Create A Variable Product In WooCommerce

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hi guys my name is ferdi and in this video i will show you how you can create a variable product in woocommerce with a variable product in woocommerce you can create a product with more sizes more colors more of anything but you decide as a variable in your product so let's get started i have my woocommerce website over here i installed woocommerce already and i have my shop i only have one product in the lost tutorial i had created one simple product and now we're going to create a variable product how you can do that you hover over new over here when you're logged in you click on product that's it then make sure you have a good title don't call this product number one people search for things and you want to be found so you can say a t-shirt if you're selling a t-shirt or you say a comfortable t-shirt or a crew neck t-shirt well this is a crew neck t-shirt i think this is also let me put it off why should i do that no crew neck t-shirt so what we have over here below is a big description so if you want to have a description you can go [Music] and write something beautiful about this product and that will be below in the product area of the product page i'll show you in a minute so what i do i go to the dummy text generator i'm so happy with this auto correction stuff so over here this website i can grab a piece of text i can paste it here and i can create a new paragraph if i want to so if i would publish this and i'm doing that i can view the product i hold command or control on the pc to see the product wow uncategorized the title this stuff is all has all to do with the cadence theme i use i can remove this or you don't see this but if you use the cadence theme in my opinion the best free theme for wordpress you can have this extra information so then there's a long description as i said below we can also have a short description over here below the title in order to get that we need to scroll down and then over here the product short description when you buy or wear this t-shirt it feels like you are sitting in a bath full of honey i think that's a nice feeling i never tried it but let's say something like that if you want to and you can have a short description and if i update it and i refresh this page you'll see that text over here so now let's go to the serious stuff over here between the long description and the short description we have the product data and we can have a few different kind of products a simple product group external affiliate product or a variable product well in this video we'll talk about a variable product and here we can create a stock keeping units if you want to know more about the things over here you can hover over the question mark if you are selling a t-shirt that's already been sold on the internet for instance a crew neck t-shirt and for instance i'm selling this t-shirt well i can do them even though it's a dutch website i can scroll down until i find the code the sku for this [Music] product every product should have a sku well in this case is just a simple sku236 but if i would go to a different website if you're selling a nike t-shirt for instance again i love this option i skip the ads and i go over here to and i go to a certain product if i'm selling this product on my website i would like to use this over here the stock keeping unit or the the code of this because if at this is out of stock and people search for this code they can go you see it's all the same now they can go to my store so that's what you can do i sell my own kind of t-shirts so i want to say zero zero zero zero two because that's my stock keeping unit number do we want to manage stock yes but since we're talking about variables it means that every size every color has their own stock so i will leave it empty over here i do enable it but i leave this area empty and when something is almost out of stock what should happen if something is out of stock should i allow back order so people can still sell buy things on my website even though it's out of stock and then i need to make sure i get those new products as soon as possible and send it to the client right now it says do not allow so when something is out of stock you cannot buy it or you say allow it but notify the customer like okay you can buy this but we're in the middle of purchasing this again so it can take a while or just allow it and make sure you send it as soon as possible to the client i say do not allow what i do want when i have only five t-shirts left let's say a t-shirt white xs i have only five in stock left then i want to get an email like hey keep in mind that your stock is very low of this product i can also say sell individually if you turn this on you can only buy one thing of this product and not like five or ten so now we have shipping i have a tutorial about shipping but here we can say what the weight is of the t-shirt an xs t-shirt is lighter than the x xl so we can also change this later at the variables so i i leave it as it is then we have upsells you can also say okay there's a better t-shirt and if you have a different t-shirt you can say you should buy this one instead because it's better quality if you want to do that and then stir the cross sell if you select the product over here and people buy this t-shirt and they go to the card there's no cards yet but if they go to the card they can see a different product like hey you can also buy this so based on what they buy over here you can say hey you should also buy this product hoodie yeah this will pop up in the card i'll show you in a minute so then we have attributes this is important here we can say what kind of attributes the product should have so it can have a different size different storage different color and i want to add a new attribute so i click on add i can give it a name of course the size and then here we can add the values i don't know what's this doing okay i can say excess and then i need to have a pipe i think it's called a pipe over here and then small medium large extra large and extra extra large and extra extra extra large okay i need to be visible on the product page and i need it to be used for variations i save the attributes so we have an attribute size and we can add a second attribute and combine those attributes with each other so i click on add and then there can be color i will have two colors white and black i use it for variations so i save the attributes and based on those two attributes we can go to variations which is a tab below and then we can click over here and say create variations from all those attributes so there will be a different product like xs with black xs white small white small black so a lot of variations and we can create them automatically so we click over here and then we click on go yes and as you see there are 14 14 variations added awesome so if i open this one access white we can give it some information but we can also do that for all the products all the different variations so if i click over here i can toggle manage stock for instance because right now the stock is not matched so if i click toggle stuck over here over my stock click on go now all the stock is enabled but now we need to say how much stock we have so let's say you buy five products or ten products of every different variable that are one of another 40 t-shirts in total then i can say over here stock go and then i can say value and i don't know what happened but it was turned off never feel me again i bought you with a reason come on don't leave me here with those people [Music] come on okay that was weird i'm still enjoying this video if you like this video you can like it you can subscribe for more upcoming videos okay the value i understand for every t-shirt so i say okay and over here i can click on expand and what you'll see now and the stock is managed with every single product and the stock quantity is 10. okay i update it okay so when somebody buys five and let's go to variations when xs white is being bought five times i will only have five in stock left and when we go to inventory it will say send me an email like hey there are only five in stock left so that's how it works let's go back to variations and i open access white it's not downloadable it's not virtual of course i need to have a price so all those t-shirts i want to give them one price so i can click on add variation and then i can go to the price where is it i need to scroll down i think of course set the regular price go the regular price is 19.95 okay so for all those 14 variations so if i click on a random one it'll say 19.95 but the access i want to give them a discount a sale so access white i can say sale price 17.95 and also xs black 17.95 then i scroll up i update it and i refresh this page now it says 1795 until 1995. so if i would say i want to buy a middle size with the white color it will say 90 95 but if i say you know what then it's 17.95 so over here you can have different settings for all those different products so let's see the weight you can change it for x as it's smaller or lighter than 3xl and can give a description of everything when they purchase it on the card or the checkout you can have a description if you want to so what i want to do i want to give everything an image so i go to the product image over here and i click on upload files i go to my computer select files and folder over here you can and here you can find your image you want to show so i say t-shirt byte front open brother set product image then i scroll down to the product gallery i click over here and i want to add three other images so i click on upload files select files and then there are t-shirt black back t-shirt black front and t-shirt white back open them and we can add them to the gallery and if i click on update and i refresh the page you'll see an image over here nice we can go over here to the second one and the third one we can zoom in click over here zoom in navigate to the images press escape to go back and if i say i want to have the size s and the color white i see this white t-shirt but if i would say black it's it's still white so what i want to do when i select the color black i want to the black image to appear so how can i do that well over here i can go to the variations expand everything and everything that is white i click over here i get the white front everything that is black i get the dark one let me see if it's the front of course so i click here white front black front you need to do this only once and then it will be automatic when people select the black t-shirt they will see a black t-shirt when they select the white shirt they will see a white t-shirt or whatever you're selling you can decide your variation what kind of image you want to show and there we are almost xsl black 3xl white 3xl black so scroll up all the way updated let's take a look a refresh so right now we have nothing so it shows the image we have decided over here then i say i want to have an s with the color white nothing happens but if i say black wow look at this that's the way the cookie crumbles and if i say black and xs it becomes 1795. so in that way you can change everything individually but you also can do imagine or assuming the most people have the size m or l you can decide to buy only seven extra small t-shirts and if you go to m you can have 15. so depending on what you think is good what will happen when you're doing market research how much of which size should you buy so you don't have too much left or you don't have not enough t-shirts or the product you promote so we can add a review i can say awesome t-shirt and if i take a look refresh it's looking a little bit weird if i myself have a review over here for the corpzuk awesome t-shirt but also other people can leave a review leave a rating and they need to leave their email address in order to do this but i'm logged in so if i would take a look over here and i go to safari and i paste the link i can leave a review over here and then i need to accept it and i can reply to that review so that's what you can do okay let's take a look at categories so if you go to the product page to the back end here we have a category called uncategorized and i want to add a new category i call this t shirts then i click on add a new category and automatically it will be selected then i uncheck uncategorized because it has a category t-shirts i can also create a subcategory so i can say printed or t-shirts with print i can have t-shirts as a parent category and in that way if you have a really big website you can create some structure in your category so it's easier for the viewers or visitors to navigate through your website it's without print so i uncheck this then we have product text so i can say t-shirt white summer anything you can really all those related words crew neck beth of honey whatever and people search on beth of honey and they see my website so that's how you can use tags so if we take a look at the product refresh t-shirts which is the category you can also have more categories crewneck t-shirt the price range depending on what you choose if you choose a black one to appear over here you can zoom in take a look at different images you can put more in stock you see xs has only 7 in stock and the m has 10 in stock we can add them to the card awesome we can view the card if we want to we have a description with more information the sizes and the colors we have reviews over here and we have this stuff that has everything to do with the cadence theme i have to talk about the cadence theme i have tutorial about everything you can watch them over here over here and in the description and that's awesome if you want to view the cards you can click over here or you can click over here and view the card and what i said before here's the upsell you may also be interested in the hoodie that's what we decided over here at linked products and if i would say hoodie over here update and we go to the website to the shop and i go to the t-shirt you may shall also like this one so then it will appear over here so that's what you can do and then of course you can buy them if you want to know everything about woocommerce how to create a website with it you can go to hit enter and then go to tutorials over here and then woocommerce tutorial that will show you step by step how to create a complete website it's a two hour 45 minute video if it's 2021 then i probably have a new tutorial over here so you are up to date with the most recent tutorial and you can learn how to create your website from scratch your webshop so that's what you can do if you like this video please like it subscribe for more upcoming wordpress and e-commerce related tutorials and then i would like to say thank you for watching this tutorial and see you in the next one bye you
Channel: Ferdy Korpershoek
Views: 19,023
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ferdy Korpershoek, Wordpress, WooCommerce, woocommerce variable product tutorial, variable product woocommerce, variable product, variations in woocommerce, product variations woocommerce, woocommerce product attributes, woocommerce variations, woocommerce attributes, woocommerce product variations, woocommerce tutorial, woocommerce variable product, how to add product variations in woocommerce, how to add variable product in woocommerce, how to set up variations with woocommerce
Id: qccHALTWt0k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 36sec (1176 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 05 2020
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