Create A Stylized Character - Part 2 (Blender 2.91 Tutorial)

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yo what's up so if you're watching this that probably means that you've already watched part one of the tutorial on uh creating a stylized character from start to finish if you haven't watched that yet highly recommend you do so because that's going to get you up until this point and we're going to keep moving right away so let's just jump right in so we left off right here with a partial torso completed head so i'm just going to jump into edit mode i'm going to keep working so we left off here um with the edge selection mode either up here or you can hit the two on the numbers on the top not the numpads um just go into edge selection mode and that's looking good i'm going to give it another extension now because this is the bottom of the torso but i'm going to extrude out once more and on the z-axis and here we're working on more of the waist section of the bottom and i'm just going to start pushing these together so i've got this back one and this front one and we'll create a face there and forgot this middle one simply by just clicking one edge if you hit f you can fill in the face all the way over now i'm gonna since this one's now selected i'm gonna grab this one on the left side turn off proportional editor and just scale these guys in a little bit because i want to i want to get them a little closer together start working it towards some legs here okay with edge selection i will select this loop and this loop i'm going to try and get them a little more round so i'm just going to scale them on these different axes here cool and i will just extrude straight down just e z i'm going to come in the front view here and just keep extruding down and we're going to actually change all these proportions here later once we added an armature but this is just to get us in the right place right now since we have these bottom two selected i think it's a good time to go in here in individual origins before we add more uh vertices in you can just actually scale these down a little bit just to like get the legs tapering in a decent way before we add more vertices and it starts to get a little more unorderly so grab the knee section put it more towards the center and we can actually scale this down just almost like a halfway point you really don't want these you see how these lines can start getting bowed or or under under bode i guess just try to find a nice happy medium spot that's not it's not doing anyone too much harm nice all right so we got these selected here um one thing i want to say is let's just throw in edge loops on each side of it on both legs so just so we have a little more geometry to work with i will holding alt and then selecting both of these here again i'm just gonna do control b and give these a little bevel out and then i'm gonna give them a bevel of about two like that just so we have more again more to work with whenever we're actually bending this geometry with the armature then so let's take a look at the side view and then this is looking a little too tubular so let's just give it some shape so if i turn on proportional editor i can go into the side and go into the side view here and then wireframe view with face selection i could just sort of hover over these and just start pushing things around and maybe you don't want that turned on but um just keep a note i'm not going overboard with this and also because we have wire wireframe selected in the side view i'm working with both of these at the same time so just keep your eye out for that make sure you're actually you're actually selecting the back side because you want these symmetrical one thing that helps characters i find a lot is grab the belly section and just pull it this way it gives the gives the the butt section like a more of a curvature and then um it gives the belly a nicer like rounded a more natural feel there and then this is a good place to start just moving points into position and just you you sort of want to have this like this torso shape my characters i give the torso shape obviously it goes down but it just sort of starts to curve back a little bit all right that's looking good for me so far so let's just keep on moving so let's see how our character's looking all right all right calm down everyone it's okay we'll put some clothes on in a minute so we'll go into side view here again let's start working with the feet here so the feet no this is again this is a stylized character and you're gonna see the same thing i'm gonna do with the hands similarly you can decide how detailed do you want to go like just like with the face um you know our nose is just a like a round sphere essentially right um so do you want to put five fingers in your character or you want to have and just have maybe have like two or three or you know like three or four fingers or um you know likewise with the feet you'll see how i like to do this is i extrude down this very bottom portion here and then i will actually oops i will over here with this little box selection tool selected just grab these front ones i like to pull them out like this cool and then i shoot it down again and then i select these front four and then you can extrude them out this way and now you're starting to get a little bit of a foot shape and then i just fill in this back heel here fill fill all right we're starting to get somewhere it needs to work we're going to work on it so a very tight selection we'll just highlight this bring it down a little bit i like to bring this this guy back here just because it gives it a heel and you know you need a heel and i just slide things into into foot position making things look a little more have a little more depth and i find that um one loop cut vertically on each side um gives more geometry and helps it just helps it out a little bit and then you can even like add that loop cut in and just bring it a little closer to the ground because these these will double as like you know slide on shoes just something something easy they don't require too much detail or effort but if you want to go into more detail modeling a shoe you certainly can but i i like to leave them like this because i just i find it gets the job done in it i think it looks good so we're getting into the clothes section and here is how we will do the clothes so so i like to make the clothing just part of my character so there's some really easy ways to do that um one way so i like to start right where the shirt meets the torso i will add another loop cut right here right in the middle and then i bring it the whole way down until we hit the bottom like that and then i will just give it a little scale out nothing crazy just a little bit of a puff there and then you can add in another loop cut below it and then as you can see it sort of makes that pin look and then this is we're getting this because we have the subdivision uh look turned up a little bit and basically these three vertices are kind of in the same spot but this subdivision thing is pulling them apart so you can see so it's helping us get this little pinned look and if we just scale that in and sort of pull it up tuck it under these vertices you can just play around by moving around so i'll grab this this one and i'll pull it down a little bit scale it out you're get you start to get this like a shirt that looks like a sort of looping over top of it now um you can actually do the same thing but in reverse so i'll go back a little bit so say you don't want your shirt hanging down but say your character's shirt is actually tucked in well you do the same thing just add another add another thing there you can actually grab this one below it scale this one out and bring it up a little bit grab the next one in scale it in like that scale this one in and just keep working this one up to make it look like the shirt's tucked into the pants and then maybe just pull that up a little bit just to make sure we're not having pants too low but there you can have a some pants tucked in and it actually looks looks like they're tucked in rather than having the shirt hanging over i think i'm gonna go with that look for this character is having the the pants tucked now this is looking a little crazy so maybe i made that back arch too much but i'll bring that back so again he's still all skin material but maybe he's like wearing some some skin clothing that's something like the dark web or something i think people are into doing maybe this guy surfs the dark web you know i don't know i don't know hey i don't know now let's talk about pants so does your character want uh full pants or just shorts well you can do whatever you like this is your character i'm going to make shorts but the same thing applies down here so basically you're going to want to find a nice place for your for your shorts to end actually i already have a nice uh seam right here so we'll do the same thing um we can just grab both those seams ctrl b bevel this out and just make sure you have three little points there and yeah you scroll up or down on the mouse to get more but i'll leave it right about there and you can grab the top one on both and i can't again with individual origin selected just scale them on out and then pull them down grab these guys pull them up and scale them in really you're just looking for that pinch and that pinch is going to help sell the fact that we have different layers here and you're going to sell this even better once you add a cloth clothing material so i just like to go and add temporary materials so add a new one new we can just call this pants and then go into edit mode i'll go to the front view and then you can just start selecting edge loops here um just select all the ones that belong to the pants and assign them over here to the pants and just make sure again that they are selected so let's just do a basic basic material just to get us going they're looking a little plain right now so we will go into our shader editor object mode with pants selected i will just turn up the roughness turn down the specular add a sheen of like two and then maybe like let's do some like i don't know salmon pants so once once it comes time to the shirt we're gonna do the same method um but let's actually add some arms in here so we will go to our character tab and edit mode and again we'll look from the side view and then i like to grab this ver this section of vertices right here sort of right in line with coming down the side um and then just a little bit back so these four if you're in wireframe view if your face selection turned on you can just select them right through the mesh and then you're sure that you've selected each side properly extrude these out with e and then since they're going to go all crazy directions always hit escape i will just scale this along the x-axis go back to individual origins scale them along the x-axis again because now we want to affect them individually and just flatten them out to zero so now we're just starting to pull out some arms a little bit we will extrude these guys out extrude on the x-axis cool extrude again so the arm's really blocky we're going to fix that so since they're so blocky an easy thing to do is just make sure wireframe selection and then make sure you have the box selection grabbed and then everything that is considered arms just highlight that and then over here in your tools panel in edit mode select this little subdivided cube look thing that's the smoothing modifier and then we can just grab this little handle and pull it down and it will just smooth everything out nicely it'll start to round everything off kind of nicely and for some things it works really well for others it doesn't so much so it's just finding that happy that happy balance happy medium so i'm going to grab this ring of vertices and this ring of vertices and with median point selected again i'll just scale these back more into the armpits just so we're starting to like see that crease a little bit and that's going to help us out a lot it's going to help us out with our deformations it's gonna just look a lot nicer so yeah pull that guy back and we're getting there we're getting there let's let's make a hand now let's just grab one side here duplicate it and then i will hit p which is the separate tool and i will separate it by selection so when i go to object mode we actually have a whole new object here and this is going to be the hand so because the hand is still has the origin point from the body we can actually add in a mirror modifier and now whatever we do to one side will happen to the other perfectly so let's focus on making a hand here so i will grab all of these vertices and just extrude them out a little bit and maybe add another edge loop right in here cool all right so really this is just a game of working with what you got making the hands look good so the most important things to keep in mind is generally the fingers are going to go this direction and the thumb is going to go kind of this direction probably probably a little more like this direction but for a character that's super simplified like this going right out this direction is probably probably your best bet i like to make these each face here will be a finger on the top so because we have two we'll need to add in two more edge loops one two and then on the right side around the front view go back to the y uh go back to wireframe view with vertices selection and then just scale these guys on the x-axis we want this flat so scale it to zero and then we can actually grab each each one of these guys one two three four and we want to extrude these out as fingers but we want to do it individually so instead of hitting e to extrude as like a hole we're just going to do alt e and select extrude individual faces which is going to pull them all out the same length now whatever place you stop is good so stop about that length and you can leave them all the same length but if you want to make it more like fingers um just look at your fingers and see which one's the same length generally you unselect the pinky move those three fingers out a little more and then just select this middle finger here and move that one out a little more too so you get this like ring this little roundedness add another edge loop around each finger like that um i like to grab all the edge loops here and then bevel them out again with just one just to give it that like just to give it sort of you know three parts like a finger would have looking good they're looking a little tall so i'll go back into this front view here and i will just scale them on the z axis and again this is a separate object so you can sort of just move it around move things into position make things look better than they are you know is it looking too smushed you gotta you gotta scale it out a little bit that's looking better right maybe we'll scale the whole thing down there's no right answers but you know this is how i do it and depending on what kind of mood i'm in sometimes i'll even give this corner a little bevel which is where i will then scale this out from right so i bevel it first so it has everything coming out of this like 45 look and then if i grab this front view thing here because like if you look at your thumb there's like a little like wedge portion coming out that like kind of need to create that so we got that there now that extrude this bit out scale it down bring it around grab these guys here them in starting to get that look start it needs some work here for sure now we don't want this to be like ridiculous but nice all right i'm liking the way that's looking i just like to give it a little rotate sometimes if you just grab two uh two of these and just hit r twice you can just sort of move them around in a nice a nice way so another thing to make sure you capture with the hand and again just look at your hands see what see what's going on right where the thumb connects you have a little bit of a bulge right here so you kind of want to like make sure you retain that because that's a critical piece of the thumb the look of the thumb i'll add another little loop there scale this down okay that's coming together i think it's overall a little thick height wise so i'm just gonna grab everything actually just the top bit and bring it down bring it down yeah if you start you know keep in mind about how the whole mesh looks like it's like going this direction you want to adjust for that you can actually do that with uh the skew tool here this guy if you select this and then you just sort of start pulling it back this way the skew tool is pretty cool for situations like where you just want to like move everything in one direction and sometimes if again like we're looking maybe a little blocky this tool is great this smooth tool just click on it and just give it a little just a little something just to take off just to take off the edge man you know what i mean literally quite literally just to take off the edge okay let's go to the top i will select these ones give it a little rotation hands have rotations you know it's not all blocky it's not all blocky okay so here's where it gets interesting we have we're going to connect the hand now so i have these three vertices are all we need um to delete i'll just grab those just delete those delete vertices and then i'm going to grab this guy here and connect that in just so we have this perfect ring here and we're looking good all right so it's time to connect them up so i will grab this guy the actual body edit mode and then we can delete that front mesh here that front vertices go ahead and delete that remember we don't have a mirror modifier selected on this character but like we do on the hand so we have to do everything twice so delete that on the left side too and it's a good time to look at um how the arms compare to the hands now that you made them so they're clearly bigger so we just gotta fix that up a little bit so scale those down and also make sure you sort of scale them down on the z-axis too because they're not perfectly cylindrical anymore scale everything on the axis we have this little loop cut that essentially representing the the forearm here not the actual elbow we'll deal with the elbow here in a minute but let's get this connected up first so got this guy we can actually just go ahead and apply the mirror modifier it's going to give us this warning apply modifier was not first um that just means hey it wasn't the first one on the stack so subdivision comes first in this case it didn't affect anything but there are times when if you apply modifier after it's gonna look different because this happened the subdivision happened first then the modifier happened so just keep that in mind uh order matters over here in this stack the selection of these is only gonna matter if you have different modifiers which is why we applied the mirror modifier to begin with so it doesn't exactly matter so just i like to always though grab the hand first and then whatever whatever you're adding in grab the body second because the body is the active object which means all of the modifiers are going to be applied from the body so ctrl j i'm going to join those two together so now if we go into edit we have one object and we can just select both of those edges and then under edge at bridge edge loops and we're going to get a nice little wrist attachment wrist attachment like this call of duty if you unlock the wrist attachment bridge those edge loops all right i'm surprised we didn't have any normal issues usually you might actually have some like pulling happening because you're going to have like conflicting normals but just to be sure we don't again any time that you join things or you mesh mesh messages together might be good just to go into edit mode select everything give it a nice shift end to recalculate those normals on the outside perfect all right so we got our character here one thing to keep in mind is he's actually huge so he's seven and a half meters tall generally speaking um humans are like 1.8 is that it i like to just shoot for two meters tall and a meter is one of these cubes by the way so this is one meter so it's just a good way to go about this is say hey humans should just be these two tall so let's grab everything here and i let's just make sure we're moving from the 3d cursor so right there in the middle and just bring everything up scale it down if you actually just because you can put the because if you're scaling from the 3d cursor if you just do shift s you can do cursor to world origin if you have a bunch of stuff selected you can just put it right where you want it to stand here and then just scale this guy down to world origin and then it should all work so now our character's actually the proper height which is important because if he's not the proper height your materials might look differently for example the skin the subsurface scattering will actually act differently on larger objects because it actually has like a certain depth that's going to go and that depth is actually being applied to the size of the model um and again make sure we just normalize our scales and everything that we brought it down so give it a ctrl a apply the scale same thing for the eyes control a apply the scale and same thing for the ears remember they're all separate objects all right all righty then we got our character coming along just fine i'm gonna turn up our little world shading yeah sweet i don't know why that was so low so let's add a shirt on our character so just like we did for the pants we already have a nice seam to work with down here so i guess the first step would be to um add elbows so you're just going to add an elbow so ctrl r right where an elbow would be generally control r on their elbow and then you're just going to want to look and see how are they looking i actually think the arms might be kind of long right now if i'm being entirely honest so i will grab these two here and just scale them in on the x-axis just a little bit and also remember now they're skeleton on the x-axis they're all stubby you made them all stubby so switch back to individual origins and scale them back out a little bit just do not try to normalize what you just did there i'll grab the middle ones there scale those guys down all right now it is time to add in it might be good to add and just like we did below add in uh an edge loop right where the bicep is going to be on each side all right and then we can grab this elbow edge loop here on each side again that's alt left click on each one and holding shift you can select multiple loops let's just give it another bevel with ctrl b and bring it up to about two just make sure you have another one in the middle just because we don't want to have any issues with bending okay so let's add in a shirt so just like we did with the pants um we're gonna decide hey where's the shirt gonna go well we already have uh shorts so we should probably have a t-shirt so i will grab the edge of where the t-shirt should go on each side and give that a little bevel and then just remember to scale up that first one there this is what's going to give it that puff so you're going to scale that up with the individual origin selected and it's already getting a nice puff there for that and then you're going to want to grab each of these ones on the edge here oops each of those edge ones of of the three and then with median point selected just scale it in a little bit and there we're looking nice um one thing is we have a we have no neckline so essentially we have an optical illusion or what i like to call a neck shirt which is continuation of neck to shirt it's like where does shirt start neck and scenario we have to actually fix this up so jump into edit mode here and we have to fix our little neck shirt scenario i will just add one and right in between and sort of scale it in and then you can just do what we did before give it a bevel and then find we can find the one on the towards the skin and just bring it down a little bit just to sort of create again we're looking for that crease that crease is important it's going to help us define visual separation of the shirt and the body and then to top it off we're going to use the material to sort of hide the fact that hey this is all one mesh and actually what we can do here is we can add another material and we can select the pants and because we want it to be the same cloth thing we've already built you can just click this three here and now we have pants 001 which we can rename shirts and now it's essentially we have all the same settings we use for pants except we can just change them now so i want a black shirt and then once we apply this thing so you might be thinking hey how do i select just the shirt it's kind of complex i don't have to individually select all these faces um what i like to do is i like to find where is the shirt not right and then we hide those vertices and then we can use our select linked tool so here's how we do it just like we did with everything before holding alt you can select a ring so i'll select that one which is clearly part of the arm i'll select the portion that is clearly part of the head or the neck with shift remember you got to make sure you have both of them selected and then another portion that's clearly part of their arm and then let's grab this last portion down here that's clearly part of the pants this one here and then if i just hit h to hide all those we have a perfectly separated cutout of this shirt and if i use l to select i select adjust the shirt and i can assign that shirt material to that and alt h brings everything back and we've easily identified what's the shirt and what's not and made that a material all right our character body is is done and created and now it's time to rig it up you
Channel: FruitZeus
Views: 8,909
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Create A Character In Blender, Blender 2.91 Character Design Tutorial, How To Create A Stylized Character, Stylized Character Blender 2.91, How To Create A Character In Blender, Character Tutorial Blender, Blender 2.91 Character, Blender 2.91 Character Tutorial, blender stylized character tutorials, create a stylized character in blender
Id: -C05hT4GqWs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 39sec (1719 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 21 2021
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