Create a Splash Text Effect in Photoshop

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hello there you're watching danske the place to be to develop your creative skills in this tutorial we're going to learn how to create an awesome text splash effect all in Photoshop righty-o so we're now in Photoshop and you can see that I've opened up a few documents already the first one we've got is our tutorial document this is the main PSD file where we're going to be working and you can go to file down to new to create a new document now depending on your version of Photoshop this screen might look a bit different but the important thing is that you create a new document that is 1920 by 1080 well in fact actually that's not important you can create whatever size you like but if you'd like to follow along those are the sizes that I'm using and we can set the background to well it doesn't really matter what color because we're going to actually add a new background color in a moment so once you've got your new document the next thing that we're going to get is a splash image now you can find all sorts of splash images by doing an image search on Google or you can use third-party sites like Envato elements it is linked in the description and the reason that I like using elements for something like this is because you can search their 3d library so I've just typed splash here and you get a whole bunch of different splashes to choose from but the best thing about this is if I were to click this one for example here it loads up in a separate window and I can click the view 360 render and it lets me rotate the angle so depending on the text or the image or whatever it is I'm trying to create I can actually adjust the angle of this splash to then suit that image so I can rotate this until I'm happy so something like that and I can then download as a PNG or a PSD now downloading as a PNG is a lot quicker and you get this image at this angle but it does come with a shadow as well and that's part of the image so for me personally I like to download the PSD because it's a full layered file and I can switch off things like shadow really really easily even if it is a bit larger and takes a bit long to download it just makes it so much easier so I can jump into that now so this is the PSD of the angle that I've downloaded and as you can see it comes with shadows and lots of other options and layers that you can switch on and off we're just going to switch all of this off just so I can literally grab the splash itself and I'm going to right click on this and select duplicate layer and select the destination as our tutorial document now if you have a splash that you've sourced on Google and it's not on a transparent background like this one for example all you need to do is just grab something like the magic wand tool or the quick selection tool and just select the background and then just kind of cut out that way and I've done a few other tutorials on photoshop cutouts so you can follow those if you like but the ultimate goal is to get this splash onto a transparent background like this so we've added the splash streaking closest down now because we don't need this anymore and I've also opened a silk effect now this is totally optional but it's something that I will try and use later on in the tutorial you can again search Google Images for silk and or you could use stock image sites like Adobe Star Koren vital elements or whatever you like but something like this just to add a little bit of texture to the finished product but anyway we'll leave we'll leave silk clear for now and we'll jump straight into this so I'm just going to double click on the layer name and call this splash and we'll switch that one off for now so the first thing I'm going to do is select the background and from the bottom of the layers panel click the adjustment icon and we're going to add a new gradient and you can see here it adds a default gradient and we can click on this slider and what we can pick from any number of these wild presets here or we can just start with black to white and we can double click each of these swatches and then pick a color for the left and the right side of the gradient so I'm going to click somewhere around the blue section of the hue slider and bring this to the right and up a little bit so I'm not going for pure black I'm gonna go for a very very very very dark blue then click OK and then I'm going to double click on the white and do the same again so hover around the blue section on the hue slider and then just go up a little bit and you can see in real time my gradient changes so I can preview how it's going to look so we'll go for something like this and of course we can adjust things like the angle and the direction as well if we want to but I think for this we're just going to have it going from top to bottom and that has a linear gradient so it goes from one direction whether it's left to the right or top to the bottom now at the moment you may notice that we've got something called banding appearing now this is when you use gradients you can often get banding appear and that's where there just aren't enough different colors to fill in the gaps in the colors if that makes sense and it just doesn't look smooth so what we can do is we can check this box here called dither and it just smooths that out so sometimes when you're working with an image in 8 bits per channel you can't get a lot more banding 16 bits usually can get around that and you get a lot less banding but regardless of whether you do or don't get banding just double click on that thumbnail then you've got that dither checkbox there it just helps smooth that out it just it's just where Photoshop can't really reproduce enough different colors between those sections and it just has those kind of hard divides called banding but anyway that's banding and I'm actually going to lock this layer now here because I don't want to move that and we don't need this background layer because that's underneath so I'm just going to delete or backspace on the keyboard and then just select the type tool and just left click anywhere on the canvas and I'm going to type some text or a letter in fact this can be anything you want and I'm just going to make this considerably bigger and you can of course scale is by going to edit free transform and just hold shift and scale up or down and you can pick any font you like any letter I'm using Gotham bold for this tutorial and we could use a variety of different letters you can use logos you could do this with anything photos but I'm gonna use a nice a nice round zero and then just adjust your font properties so you're happy so we'll make that again a little bit bigger and just make sure it's in the center because of course we absolutely have to and then I'm just going to double click on this layer name and call it text just so I just so I don't forget it is entirely possible that I forget so we've got our letter this is what we're going to be adding our splash effect to and next we're going to right-click on the layer and go to blending options and it will bring up this screen here I'll try and move this out the way so you can see what I'm doing our first screen we land on is the blending options screen and we're just going to take that fill opacity and drag this down so because we started off with some black text we can drop that down something else you can also do is just bring that all the way down add a color overlay pick a color of your choice so that might be black and then just bring the opacity down here it doesn't matter which one you use ultimately ultimately we still get the same effect so I'm gonna go for let's go for something like we'll start with 15 but remember this is all still editable so when I click OK it's listed here under effects and I can turn this on and off oh yeah there we go so you can adjust the fill from here quickly as well rather than having to go into the blending options screen so we've got our text and we've adjusted that now we're going to add an inner shadow to our text as well the goal of this is to create a little bit of depth so it looks like the letter that area here is inset a little bit from the background so again we can right click and select blending options and then check the inner shadow box now these are the settings that I've got at the moment you can of course adjust the opacity make it a lot harder or a lot softer you can change the angle in fact I think I'm gonna go with 135 on the angle so as I increase the distance here you could see it becomes a little bit one-sided which is fine but we're going to keep it quite subtle if I take the distance to zero it just looks equal around all the edges and I'd like to have just a little bit of an offset there so I'm just gonna throw that off so something like 4 or 5 and the size well this is how much below we get so we want to keep this quite low as well not down at 0 because it will be just way too hard but if we bring it up a little bit and drop that a pasty down to something subtle like this but we could always keep it a bit less subtle while we work on it because once you click OK it's just listed as another effect so we can easily just go straight back into those blending options and just tweak it some more and to be honest that's how this process for me at least goes quite a lot of the time it's very much a you know two steps forward one step back two steps forward kind of process where you just iterate iterate until you get something you're happy with right so we've got our letter we've added that in a shadow and we've adjusted the fill opacity now the next thing to do is actually add our splash so we can switch this layer on here and you can see the example that I'm using here it has a tiny bit of transparency to it now that's not really an issue because this is a smart object if your image isn't a smart object just right-click and select convert to smart object and then you can double click on the thumbnail and it takes you inside now I'm just going to do something really quick here just right click and duplicate this layer a couple of times now because this has a little bit of transparency to it if I'm duplicating it over over again eventually it will become a little bit more opaque so we'll do this a few times and you can see here as I've layered up these different copies it just becomes a lot less transparent and you can leave a little bit of transparency in there if you want and then we can close this down so this is a dot PSD file this is a smart object within our main document so once I click Save it will close this down it will take me back to the main document and it'll just update any changes that I make so that's why Smart Objects are pretty cool just double click it go inside make any changes save it close it and then you're back to the main document it's like a way of storing files within files now at the moment the splash is incredibly large so we're going to need to scale this down and we can hold shift so we don't skew it out of proportion and then we can position these where they're going to be now I could drag this splash across the entire thing although I did this when I was rehearsing the tutorial and it just this side looked too right but the left side just wasn't working so what we're going to do is we're going to do these individually so the right-hand side so I'm just gonna rotate this now and try and visualize where the splash is going to be to everything underneath this area on the right here is going to be filled with this this splash liquid and then everything above it is going to just be left like this as you see it now so I think the right side position looks pretty good there so I can just double click or press return to set that transformation and then I'm going to duplicate the splash again now I'm going to call the one underneath right and then double click the name of the one above and call it left just so we don't get the left's in the right mixed up which is entirely possible okay so let's click on that right layer now we're going to hold down command or control on the keyboard and just hover over the thumbnail for our text layer and you'll see this icon appears next to the hand and if we left click it will select that letter or the shape that you started with and with the right layer selected we can click the add layer mask icon from the bottom of the layers panel and it will do something like this in fact I'm going to name these right splash and left splash just so we don't get confused with terminology okay so this is the right splash layer so what I'm going to do now is select the layer mask and make sure that I've got black that's all the way in the bottom left corner is selected as my foreground color remember when we brush into a mask with black it removes it when we use white it adds to it then you can swap those black and white colors by pressing X on your keyboard so with black selected as the foreground color and the brush tool we're going to grab one of photoshop's default soft round brushes you can adjust that slider here and we've got a hardness of 0% which is fantastic and because this layer here is the right to splash we're going to use black to just remove anything on the left side now we can press X on the keyboard to swap our foreground and background color so now you can see white becomes our active color and we want to keep the splash over here that goes outside so we're going to brush in over here now we don't want to do this and brush in because of course we're not going to see any of that imagine that all of this area here is going to be filled with this same white milk like liquid okay so we've done that one side let's just switch this off and switch on the left side so now I can do is go to edit free transform and just focus on exactly where I want this next splash to be and we can flip this around horizontally as well so it's just about trying to visualize where it's going to be and adjust the rotation I think I may have actually made it worse I'm going to flip that one back and if it helps you can switch on your right splash as well just to kind of visualize the link between the two sides because if we have this down here and this up here it just doesn't really work we need this to kind of at least flow a little bit like it's on the level and this may just take a moment so when you're doing this as I say just try and visualize that this bottom area will be completely full so let's try something like this so both sides are splashing up okay so remember we did last time we've positioned our splash where we wanted to be we just have to hold command or control and click on the text layer thumbnail it selects the layer and then we add a layer mask from the bottom of the layers panel and we're adding this to our left splash now any of this down here we don't need that so we just use black as our foreground color and the brush tool to brush that away and then we press either X on the keyboard or we just select white in the top left corner and we want to brush him what we want to keep so we want to keep all of this splash out here and we can then use black again I guess to just brush away this because we don't need all of this continuing down here and because we're using a nice soft feathered brush we can really have a nice graduation on here rather than like a hard straight cut okay so the next thing we're going to do is click on our text layer and then add a new color adjustment layer from the bottom of the layers panel so it's going to be a solid color layer and we'll just pick any color for now it doesn't really matter we'll just switch that off and then we can double click or single click you can double click if you like on the thumbnail for the color layer and we're going to sample one of the colors from our splash now it doesn't need to be perfect but let's just click OK anyway and it looks something like this and you can see of course this color fill that applies to the whole image and completely covers our text and our background so what we need to do is just delete this layer mask here by right-clicking on it and selecting delete layer mask hold command or control on the text layer and then click on color fill and add that layer mask and it will add what it will mask off this color was selected only to the letter and of course we can go back and change it by double clicking on the thumbnail if we like and then what we can do is select a mask and with black we're going to brush out this top area remember this fill this splash is only going to be the lower half so we can remove all of this using black and the brush tool and you'll see we're left with these hard edges that isn't an issue because we can just click on the mask for the right side to start with and we'll use that same soft feathered brush and we can adjust the brush size by using the left and right square brackets on the keyboard and we're simply just going to soften that edge so I'm just removing this bit here and we use a nice small brush for the corner and what this looks like it's just that that's all I'm doing so I'm just taking that hard edge and just softening it similar to what we did here already so we're just doing it along this left edge now so I'm just removing lower part of the splash but because I'm using a nice soft brush it just blends the color of the splash seamlessly into the color we've used here now if you have a splash that is one color let's say yellow and you want it to be red don't worry we can change the color at the end but at the moment it's important that you get your lettering your fill color down here as close as you can to the splash so it looks something like this and they blend together really nicely ok cool so we've added our letter we've got the splash in place on both sides now there's a few more things that we can do now we're going to try and use this silk layer here so let's go to select all you'll see the marching ants appear indicating the entire canvas is selected and edit copy and then we can go edit paste in our main document and then we can double click on the layer and we'll call this silk and again this is a huge image so we're just going to get free transform and hold shift to scale this down now using silk like this is entirely up to you it's completely optional but for me I find it just adds a little bit of texture you can see over here we've got something that is a little bit silky when it's kind of blended into the letter so adding a little bit more silk just down the bottom I don't know to me I think you just can help add a little bit more texture to what we've created so let's just shrink this down a little bit more and I think I'll do a bit on the right and then we'll duplicate this layer we'll go edit transform flip horizontal and we'll maybe add some more on the left here this is something like that we'll see how we go so we'll start on the right first and what we're going to do is right click on the silk layer and select blending options and again I'll try and move this out the way so you can see what I'm doing so from the main blending options screen we have the blend if section at the bottom and we can drag these sliders here but it generally does look a bit of rubbish if we do that so if we hold down the Alt key on the keyboard we can left-click on the left part of this slider and it will allow us to separate it and this will help blend the lighter colors the white highlights in to the image and we can also hold down alt and separate the shadows as well so we can bring these two up and just bring these down a little bit here if I just preview so that's the change that we've made it just helps blend that into the the background the fill color a little bit more and we can click OK now we've still got this area outside but that's fine all we do is we hold down command or control as we've done before hover over the thumbnail for the text layer left click and you get those marching ants and we just add a layer mask from the bottom of the layers panel and if it does make a selection of the other way around or anything that's fine you can just invert that by going to image adjustments and invert and it will invert your mask now of course we've got these hard edges here this isn't looking particularly smooth but as we've done before we can just use the mask and with that brush tool and black as our foreground color we can just brush this all in so a nice large brush and just brush that in and you can see what that's done there is just kind of give this a little bit more texture and we can do something similar with this on the left so what we can actually do is right click on our first silk layer and go copy layer style this will copy those blending options that we adjusted remember we changed the blend if section here it will copy that and we can go right click and paste layer style so that gives us a head start and we can then hold command or control select the thumbnail on our text layer and add a layer mask and again using the brush tool and black we'll just brush into that mask something like this which kind of connects quite well actually here with the flow that's a little bit of a a little bit of a win there so you can see I'm moving this around now it does move that which doesn't work so we need to unlink the layer from the mask when they're unlinked the mask will stay in exactly the same place and we can move this texture around so that's that's pretty good naturally that's as worked pretty well now something else that we're going to need to do is try and match the color of this silk texture to the fill here we can see below because at the moment is just a little bit different so what we can do is we'll start with the right side and we can go to image adjustments hue and saturation now at the moment he's a very very white so I'm going to try and increase the saturation and just drop the lightness ever so slightly so you can see that slight change there this is how it looks when it's very light and I just made that change and I'm going to make a mental note of what I've done here so plus 36 on the saturation - 7 on the lightness so remember we are still trying to keep everything that we're adding here all in the same color if we can we can change the color of it all at the end but at the moment we want this to all kind of flow together nicely so I can then select the next layer here so in fact I'm going to call these silk left and right because you know I'm going to get them mixed up so silk left is selected we'll go to image adjustments hue and saturation and let's just check that these do work on this side as well 36 on the saturation and - 7 on the lightness we can go and tweak that a little bit more so you can see if I get this a bit too wrong that hard edge becomes visible but we can always get back onto our mask layer and just brush that out so that is the beauty of masks you still have all the flexibility you need when working with them so we've just added a little bit of texture there now you could go and add a lot more or a lot less you could refine that tweak it but it just kind of helps just add more texture to this splash effect and this is quite a nice continuation down the left here as well and even after we've done all this we can just select both of those layers by holding shift and clicking and just drop that opacity so I think I'll have the left one just bring that down so it's a bit more subtle like the right side so I'll go for something around 40 on the left of 80 percent opacity on the right so it's all really really nice and subtle in fact I'm going to select the left layer and go to filter blur and Gaussian blur and just add a very very subtle blur as well so let's preview that there we go just help blend it in and I've just noticed this bit here so now it's just finding out where that is so that's on our left splash layer and that's a really good way to actually detect where issues are so if you come across something like this and you think ok I need to correct that just switch layers off individually until you find the problem layer so I'm just brushing into that mask with black so there's no eraser tool or anything in this it's all just done using masks and using black and white to brush into or out of layer masks and if you don't understand what layer masks are what they're was I'll try and Link a tutorial to layer mask so at the top of the screen now just because layer masks are awesome and it's definitely definitely definitely worth learning them anyway that's enough enthusiasm about layer masks they are amazing but less carry on so we've got our splash effect it's coming together pretty well I think and the next thing we're going to do now is left-click on the top layer so our silk left hold shift and left-click on this one here so color fill so it selects all of those and we're going to right click and convert these to a smart object then we can then double click and give this a name so we'll call it splash and you might be thinking well this is one layer now Dan you've just merged all of those together remember smart objects are incredibly useful so we can double click the thumbnail for our smart object and it takes us inside of it all of this is still fully editable what it does it just packages it nicely inside one layer so this is great for kind of keeping your layers organized when you have a hundred thousand layers but also it means that we can do this next thing I'm going to do and that is this is quite a hard edge here you know this is a 3d render we created this letter and Photoshop everything at the moment for me is just looking to perfect a bit too sharp or a bit jag around the edges so something I like to do is just go to filter down to blur and we'll add a Gaussian blur and you can also use blur and blur more now the amount of blur that you're going to use depends on the size of your image so you can see for this image one pixel of blur already way too much so we'll start a naught point one and we'll just go up by point of one of an increment so we'll start with that we'll go to naught point three now the reason I like to just add a tiny tiny bit of blur is because well this is a splash so there is some kind of motion so it kind of makes sense that this wouldn't be perfectly perfectly in focus but it also just it takes away some of that perfection and just helps it look a bit more realistic now the reason that this is a smart filter is because we created a smart object so that's the main reason that I did this is because it well it keeps our layers organized which is great but it also means that we can add filters to this and it lists them and we can turn those on and off if this wasn't a smart object it would apply that blur and that's that that would be the end of it so now we can double click this and I can actually go not point to I think is a bit more suitable and I can change that so that's really really helpful and I'm going to do the same thing with the text as well so right click on the text layer and convert to smart object and I'm going to go an add the same amount of blur to that and you can see it's listed under here and we can collapse and expand that collapse that we don't really need to see that listed anymore fantastic okay so we've now got our splash effects we can turn these off and on individually looking pretty good the next thing we're going to do is we're going to actually add the color so we can click on our top layer which is splash and go to the adjustment icon at the bottom and add a solid color layer now let's just pick any color for now so bright red and what we can do is change this to multiply now that looks great but it does apply it to everything that is below it so it applies it to the background the text everything we want this layer to only affect the splash layer so what we can do is right click on this go down to create clipping mask and you'll see that it only applies that color to the layer directly below it and it has this arrow here indicating that and the layer that is is applied to has an underline and then we can double click on that thumbnail again where the color is and change this to whatever we want so this is pretty cool now so we can go for something lighter we could go white maybe not black but let's go for like a really nice vibrant color for now we'll see how we go click OK and we've used the multiply blending mode as well you can try other blending modes as well and you'll get slightly different effects but if you want to be able to pick a color in the color picker here and then have that color recreated on your splash this is the most effective way to do it now you may find when you do this it does darken your color ever so slightly and we can see that we've lost a little bit of detail on the splash as well so we can actually bring that back in so if we click on our splash layer and add a new adjustment layer from the bottom of the layers panel we can go to levels now because we've added this in between the splash layer and the color layer it will automatically make this a clipping mask you can see with the arrow there and you can stack as many clipping masks on top of each other as you like if it doesn't remember just right click and create clipping mask then it will apply that to the splash layer below and now what we can do is start to adjust these slider so we'll bring those shadows down and you can see you can really go to the extreme here so bring on maybe want to get too much do too crazy but we can bring those down a good bit and bring up the highlights now this will brighten it but it will start to remove some of that detail so we can get a brighter yellow by bringing the highlights up and then we can find that perfect balance by adjusting the mid-tones in the middle but remember this is all fully adjustable so we can double click on that thumbnail and it's all there if we need to fine-tune it later on so remember two steps forward one step but one step back that's how I like to work anyway lots and lots of iteration so I get most of what I'm doing done like this and then I spend a lot more time just tweaking everything and so it looks amazing ok so we've added the color awesome now the next thing we're going to do is we're going to add a little bit more texture to the graphic overall remember we don't want it to be too perfect so if we just click on our bottom layer and what we're going to do is go add adjustment icon solid color pick any color it doesn't matter because we're going to remove it instantly anyway and we'll just drag that fill all the way to the left and we're going to call this layer pattern and we can right-click on this and select blending options and we're going to go down to pattern overlay and check that box and you'll see I've got a selection of patterns here now you might see some completely different ones by default but if you click on the COG and go to artists surfaces you will see some of these and you can click through them make sure you've got multipliers the blend mode and opacity at 100% you can click through them and see different kinds of textures that we can add to our image now some might be more relevant than others let's go for something like this one here and we can zoom in and you can adjust a scale if you want to so if you make it larger it will start to pixelate or we could make it a bit smaller so that texture is a little bit finer in a bit more detailed and we can adjust the opacity as well so I'm gonna bring this down to 50% and click OK so we've just added some texture to our graphic well though I'm going to drag this layer above the text layer because I want to apply this to everything except the splash so we've got all of our splash layers here in fact we can group these together now so we can select them holding shift and go layer group layers so we're keeping everything nice and organized and then we have our background at the bottom we have our text layer here and then we have our pattern on top then we can lock that pattern layer so everything underneath the pattern layer is going to have that nice pattern applied to it and we can of course right click and just go back into the pattern overlay screen if we want to adjust the opacity make it a bit less visible or a bit more visible and then we've got a splash here as well now there's one last thing I'm going to do and that is add a new layer grab the brush tool and I'm just going to add a few splashes of my own now if you don't have this particle brush which is which is quite likely and what I'll do is I'll add a link in the description where you can download it or you can follow a tutorial that is linked at the top of the screen now on a card where I show you to go and create this particle brush not this brush here doing that but it is a particle brush that we're going to use in a moment so what we're going to do is switch off all of these color adjustment layers and we're going to drag this new layer let's drag this under our splash because we don't want to drag it above it because we don't want these colors to affect it not just yet okay so I'm going to use the eyedropper tool I'm just going to sample this same color and drawing with this particle brush does that which is which is no good whatsoever so if we go to window and down to brush settings we get this screen appear here and we can check shape dynamics we can check scattering and look at the preview at the bottom that's the brush we're using at the moment which is not really that useful but if we increase the scattering it completely randomizes how this brush is brushed onto this layer so I double click this layer and I'm going to call it I'm going to call it particles and we can adjust the size of the brush using the left and right square brackets on the keyboard and as we brush you can see it brushes completely randomly now this brush was designed as a particle brush with effects like snow and things and actual you know light particles in mind but you can use this for this so we've got our scatter on and we can just left-click and just brush here or there now doing this bit and getting it right takes a lot more time and finesse to really get it looking good in fact for me I like to add different layers for different areas because then what I can do as I can move each of those layers around individually I can erase any particles that kind of double up or don't look a little bit right so at the moment we've got particles too then particles one and you can add like loads of particles layer lots of different brush effects and all that group them together in a particles folder if you like so that's how it looks without them that's how it looks with them so that's me doing it very quickly but you can finesse that a lot more but now if we switch back on these layers here you can see our particles well they're not actually affected by those same color adjustments so there's well there's a few different things we can do we could double-click our splash here and we could go into this and edit it but it's kind of cropped so the particles wouldn't be able to go out here and we could change the size of the canvas but then when you change the canvas size it can move this from your main document so I think one thing that we are going to do is grab these two layers by holding shift and left clicking and I'm just going to move these up here so you can see now we've actually lost our particles they've disappeared that's because they're being clipped but the clipping mask to the splash layer underneath so I'll move these above and I can right-click on both of them and select release clipping mask and now they're released so now they're still white again so this is a bit of an issue now the way that we get around this this just requires a little bit of layer moving adjustment this that's not even a word but I dragged the particles out here and we'll drag the color adjustments up here so we're just going to restructure everything so we'll go and add the particles into our splash folder so enough splash folder now we have our main splash and we've got all of those particles like this so those are all together in the splash folder and then we have our adjustment layers now rather than applying those adjustment layers only to the splash layer we're going to apply both of them into the splash folder so we can hold shift and select both of these adjustment layers right click and select create a clipping mask and you can do that as well so you can apply adjustment layers to both individual layers and folders so you can see here they are now pointing down the splash folder is underlined and our particles are now visible now the reason we've structured it like this is because we want as much flexibility as possible so I can double click on this color thumbnail and change the color and it changes the color of not only the splash but anything else in that folder so our particles and any other brush effects that we've applied and the same for our levels we can go into this and we can fine-tune that and it applies it to everything that we've already done so there we go we have our background color our gradient we have our text that we added with an inner shadow we've got that pattern layer layered over the top we've added our splash and our particle brushes and then we fine-tuned the levels on that and added our own custom color fill there so we can quickly and easily change the color and there we go that's how to create an awesome text splash effect all in Photoshop as always guys please feel free to leave any questions or comments down below like this video if you enjoyed it take care and I'll see you [Music]
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Views: 30,934
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Keywords: photoshop tutorial, photoshop splash effect, photoshop splash effect tutorial, text splash effect tutorial, text splash effect photoshop tutorial, how to create a splash effect, how to create a splash effect in photoshop, how to create a splash effect tutorial, how to create a splash effect photoshop tutorial, how to create a splash in photoshop, how to create a splash tutorial, how to create a text effect, how to create text effects in photoshop, photoshop text effect, photoshop
Id: bw-dFcLjalI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 9sec (2529 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 05 2018
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