Create a Sales Funnel in Wix | Wix Fix

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hey guys welcome back to wix fix i hope you're having a fantastic day in today's video i'm going to show you how to set up a sales funnel inside of wix if you don't know what a sales funnel is basically it's exactly what it sounds like what you want to do is have a landing page that your users go to they subscribe to your website to get something free in return then you can use their email to market some sales campaigns or you can even direct them to a sales page and potentially even drive more sales to your website but before i show you how to do that i do want to mention that we are on the road to our first 000 subscribers we are trying to hit that by the end of the year so if you're new around here or you've been around for a while i really want to challenge you to subscribe to the channel if you haven't already it would really help out a lot but now let's go ahead and set up a sales funnel the first thing that we really want to do is let's create like three pages let's say we want a landing page so i'm just going to rename the home to landing page then let's say we want a sales page of course you can name these whatever you want but then let's just have a product page again if you're using the wix ecommerce you don't have to create a page for this but i am just doing this as an example and for this tutorial i'm not really going to focus much on the design i'm just going to show you the basics of setting one up so let's go back to our landing page now if you don't know what a landing page is that's basically the page that the user goes to after clicking an ad so if you click on an ad ever typically you go to a landing page and typically those landing pages have information about why they clicked and sometimes will at the bottom have some sort of subscription form for some free information or a free consultation or something like that so the first thing on the landing page of course after you design it you're going to want a subscription form at the bottom so we're going to come over to add when i come to contact go to subscribe and we're going to drag out this subscription form right here and maybe instead of subscribe to our newsletter maybe you want to say download your free pdf or something like that or download our free guide and then for the thank you message say our guide will be sent to your email soon and then what we want to do is actually add a link to the button so what we're going to do is click on the button go into the settings and after the user submits we want an action to happen we want to go to a site page and then here we can set which page we actually want to go to for this one we want to go to our sales page then on our sales page and for this text it should be like something to incentivize the user and then we can just add a simple button and maybe this button says check it out and this button should then link to the actual product page so now if we preview and we fill out this form then when we press submit it's going to take us to our sales page and of course you want to make the design look a lot nicer but maybe they are interested in your full guide so then they can check it out and it'll take them to the product page where they can actually add it to cart and purchase it now let's say they are somewhat interested but they don't really want to purchase it now or maybe they just need some time to think about it so this is a great example for why you got their email on the landing page now we can set it up so that they get emails occasionally seeing if they are still interested so in order to do that we're actually going to need to use something called workflows and automations now i have already made tutorials on that in the past if you would like to check those out in more detail i will have a link in the description below but for this video i will show you the basics for setting that up we're going to come up to settings and we're going to go down to my dashboard now it's going to open up the dashboard for the website we're going to come over to crm tools and go to workflows if we press get started it's going to allow us to create a workflow from a template or we can start from scratch for this one i'm just going to start from scratch in the top left it's going to allow us to name it for this one let's name it sales funnel the next thing you'll notice is it created two steps for us automatically but we don't really want these nor are we gonna use them so i'm just gonna press the three little dots and press delete step and now we can create our own steps so if we press this little ad step here we can name it whatever we want for this example i'm going to call it email 1 i'm also going to add email 2 and email 3. you can create as many of these as you would like but i would definitely say keep your email marketing down to a minimum you don't want to flood their inboxes because that is the quickest way for your emails to get sent to spam or for those users to unsubscribe so you don't want to spam them or anything like that because then they will just leave your site all together but for this example we're going to send three emails to our new subscribers so for this first one we're going to process three little dots and we're going to press create automation now basically what automations are is they can let us set a trigger and set a follow-up action it basically helps automate your website so at the top right it's going to let us name the automation since this one is email one in our workflow i'm just going to name the automation email one and now we need to set the trigger for this one we want to select wix form and the trigger is going to be when they submit a form now because the website example only had one form on the website it's only giving me this one option however if you have multiple forms on your website you can select a specific form to choose from so when that form is submitted specifically then this automation will trigger but now that we have a trigger let's go ahead and set up an action the first thing we want to do is move this card into our workflow so we want to select the workflow sales funnel and we want to choose the email one step and we want the timing for this to be immediately after trigger next let's add a follow-up action now something to note is if you're going to set up a robust sales funnel i would highly recommend you upgrade your ascend plan otherwise this isn't possible with ascend you can add multiple step automations and you get more automation steps and you can just activate more automations all together with the free plan you can't have multiple step automations and you're limited to just two automations for your entire site so if you're legitimate about creating a sales funnel i would highly recommend upgrading your ascend plan now if you're interested in learning more about ascend and what the plans have to offer i do have a video on that and that will also be linked in the description below but we can go ahead and mock up what this step two would be the next thing i would want to do is send an email to our new user we would customize this template this email template and we would also include the pdf in the email so that way they can just download it right from the email and for the timing we want this one to be immediate as well then we would want to have another follow-up action and because i don't have an upgraded ascend plane it's not letting me add a third follow-up action but once you do have the ascend plan then you can add a third step in this third step you would want to press this move card into workflow we would want to stay in the sales funnel workflow but we would want to move it to email too and for this one we don't want to be immediate we want it to we want to set it to happen after a certain amount of time now depending on how often you want an email to be sent to them you can change the amount of days typically i would just say do one per week max but if you're really trying to go for it i would say seven is probably the safest when trying to build brand loyalty but if you don't really care and you're just trying to drive more sales then you can probably do like two to three emails a week and just set the days to two but again for brand loyalty i would set the minimum amount of days to seven and then you can press save and activate and it will set up the automation for email 1. then you would want to follow the same steps for email 2 in email 3 and for all the other steps that you have but that's basically how you set up a sales funnel inside of wix using workflows and automations if you found this video useful please give it a like and consider subscribing for more wix content coming out really soon thank you guys again and i'll see you on the next one [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Wix Fix
Views: 382
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Create a Sales Funnel in Wix, sales funnel in wix, wix sales funnel, how to create a sales funnel in wix, sales funnel tutorial, wix tutorial, how to make a sales funnel, what is a sales funnel, sales funnel
Id: xqQxDH-bwv0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 23sec (623 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 18 2021
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