Create a Proxmox Thin Client with Almost Any Hardware

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hey everybody it's i want to be retro today we're going to take a look at turning just about any device that can run linux into a proxmox thin client to get started download the debian installation iso and the ventoy installer once the download is complete open the downloads directory in file explorer and extract the downloaded ventoy zip file then navigate into the extracted folder and right click on ventoytodisk.exe and run as administrator select the target device to install ventoy2 then click install double and then triple check that you have the correct device selected once the installation completes click ok and close ventoid to disk copy the downloaded debian installation iso to the new ventoy flash media device once the file copy completes safely remove the ventoy flash media device plug the vento usb device into the target thin client and power it on bring up the boot menu and boot to the vento usb device [Music] select the debian iso from the menu and press enter when the debian installer menu loads arrow down to select install and press enter select the language select your location and the keyboard key map to use [Music] after a few moments of loading enter a hostname for the device and optionally enter a domain name when prompted to enter a root password tap down to select continue and press enter [Music] enter a full name for the user account then a username then enter and confirm the password for the new user [Music] select the time zone to be used for the device select guided use the entire disk then select the target device to install debian to leave all files in one partition selected and press enter press enter to finish partitioning then arrow to the left to select yes and press enter to confirm writing the changes to the disk wait a few minutes while the installer copies files then select the location closest to you and an apt mirror to use for your app to package manager when prompted select whether you'd like to participate in the package usage survey at the software selection menu air down to genome and press spacebar to unselect it then arrow down to lxde and ssh server and use spacebar to select those for installation press enter to continue once the selected optional software has been installed select yes to install the grub bootloader select the target device to install grub2 usually dev sda wait while grub is installed when prompted remove the vento usb flash device and then click continue to reboot the device should reboot into the new debian install log in with the username and password setup during the installation now that we have a fresh debian installation on our thin client device we need to do some setup in proxmox open a web browser and navigate to the proxmox web ui and log in [Music] once inside proxmox select data center from the left navigation then under permission select users click the add button enter a username and set the realm to proxmox ve authentication server then enter and confirm a password [Music] once completed click the add button select permissions from the left sub navigation menu then click add user permission set the path drop down to slash vms slash the target vmid then select the username at pve user we just created and finally select pve vm user as the role with all the value set click the add button we've now set up a role for our new pve user to have access to view a specific vm next we want to expand the proxmox node name and select the target vm then hardware from the sub navigation menu double click display to edit it change the graphic card value to spice then click ok to save the changes now we can start or restart the vm so it's ready for testing later with the proxmox user created and the vm configured we're ready to configure our thin client to remote into a proxmox vm when a user logs in on the thin client open a terminal session run pseudo app update to update the software repositories and pseudo app upgrade to install any available software updates next we'll install vert viewer and c url which will be used by the login script to create a spice connection on login and i like to run app clean to free the space used by the app package cache next we'll create the script file that will be triggered on user login to create the vert viewer session copy the bash script from the video description or github page then paste it into the open nano in terminal then scroll to the top of the script and edit the username password and node names as needed [Music] save the changes to the script file and exit nano next we'll use chmod to make the script executable then we'll edit the lite dm configuration file in nano to allow the username to be selected from a dropdown press control w and search for greeter hyphen hide hyphen users equals false delete the pound sign at the start of the line to uncomment it then save the changes and close nano next we're going to create a new local user on the thin client that will remote into the proxmox vm on local login enter the username and leave the password blank for the full name enter a description of the vm that will be logged into this is what will be displayed on the login screen next we'll edit the pam.d comp file to allow users in a specific group to log in without a password add the line from the video description below the first line in the comp file then save the changes and close nano next we need to create the vdi users group that we're allowing to log in without a password then we'll add the local account we just created to the vdi users group with the local user and group created we need to set up lxde to trigger the thin client script on login we'll create a backup of the default lxde login configuration then create an empty file in its place then create a local config location for the current logged on user and copy the backup of the original lxd config file to this new directory then we'll use the sgu command to authenticate as a local vdi user we'll create a user specific lxde config directory for the vdi user then create an auto start file in the new directory finally we'll paste in a call to the thin client script we created earlier with an argument to the proxmox unique vmid this will be triggered when the user is selected from the lxde login screen we're ready to exit out of the vdi user shell and reboot the thin client the local vdi user we created should now be showing on the lxd login screen and when selected our thin client script will run and create a vert viewer session to our remote proxmox vm we can then authenticate into the remote proxmox vm seamlessly the same process can be reused to create additional vdi users and add them to the lxde login screen to allow remoting into different proxmox vms simply by selecting them from the drop down on the login screen please show the original creator of this process your support i've linked to the original video and his channel in the description he's got some really great proxmox content that i think you'll enjoy [Music] you
Channel: i12bretro
Views: 17,256
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Debian, Debian Thin Client, HP, Home Lab, Home Lab Ideas, How To, Hypervisor, Install Guide, Linux, Proxmox, Proxmox How To, Proxmox Thin Client, Proxmox Tutorial, Proxmox VE, Raspberry Pi, Raspberry Pi Thin Client, SBC, SPICE Thin Client, Single Board Computer, System Administrator, Thin Client Hardware, Tutorial, Using A Thin Client With Proxmox VM, VM, Virtual Machine, Virtualization, i12bretro
Id: gWzBl4De47w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 14sec (494 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 18 2022
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