Create a Particle Tunnel | After Effects Stardust Tutorial

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[Music] in this video I'm gonna be showing you how to make this using the Stardust plugin from superluminal TV I also use some red giant universe plugins and one globe plugin called deep globe from plugging everything let's get started so let's create a new composition and then we create a new solid let's call it star dust mask create a square mask and you can scale it down like this then create another solid make it comprises and then we're gonna add the Stardust plugin hide the mask layer change the emitter type to text mask changing emit type to edge-weighted then in the layer properties select your layer with the mask skip ahead in the timeline to see the particles and changed particles per second to 750 and we don't want the particles to be moving so we're gonna change the speed to zero and let's changed z size over the emitter to 1000 and then let's set the pad subdivide to 10 for now it's going to subdivide the mask path so the pixels are lined up nicely and then let's make these particles a bit smaller go to particle properties and change the size to 2 let's increase the size random the opacity random as well 250 and the life random to 100 and we want particles from the first frame so we're going to change the time offset to our frame rate multiplied by 2 now in the starters panel we're going to create a replica node and link it to our particle node I'm gonna change the scale X and scale Y to 200 and the angle Z to 90 so every time it's gonna replicate it's going to turn 90 degrees let's turn the replicates to 2 then create another replica node link it to the previous replica node and we're gonna offset the Z to the same as our emitter size z1000 so it's going to link up nice and then replicated say it 30 times where we see too much repetition so we're going to change the angle Z to a 90 again then let's duplicate the first two nodes the emitter and particle in the new emitter change particles per second to 1000 and reduce the size C to 10 so we get a nice little line then go into the pad properties and change the speed along pad to 5 and the speed randomness to hundred so it's going to be moving a little bit and changed the pad subdivide to 0 now in our particle 2 node let's make them a bit smaller and change the size to 1 now we can easily link this new emitter and particle to our existing replica node like this now let's create a new camera with depth of field I created one with a shallow depth of field and then we're going to animate it change the camera position to 0 and make a keyframe and then at the end of the composition another keyframe to 10,000 and now I want to go back and change a few things let's increase the particles per second to 1000 so you can play around with these settings as much as you want and then change the pad subdivide to 20 and now you should have something that looks like this essentially you're creating just one segment of a tunnel and then replicating it now let's add some color I created this color map composition already it's just two solids and an adjustment layer it's some colored fractal noise with the evolution animated an adjustment layer it posterized time so it's a little bit choppy so let's bring that into our main composition and hide it and we're gonna use this composition to map onto our tunnel so we're going to create a field node and Link it to our replica node and then in the field settings change the field type to Maps change the map type to layer then select our color map and now we're going to tell it to affect the color and we're going to project it to the UV now let's add a sharpen filter and set it to about 30 it's gonna make the smaller particles pop a bit more and then we're going to add a deep glow effect you can use other glows as well then you can go to exposure and bring that down to 0.5 and reduce the radius to 100 now let's create a background create a new solid drag it to the bottom and then add a gradient ramp now I'm gonna choose a dark blue and for the other color almost black and then set the ramp shape to radial and drag the lighter color to the center and the other color to the corner then set your Stardust layer to screen so it's going to blend better with the background and then we're gonna create a new square shape layer in the center we're gonna add a Gaussian blur to ten because it's all the way at the back where the camera is not sharp and then we're gonna add another deep glow as well maybe we can scale the shape layer a bit more now let's create an adjustment layer and add the chromatic aberration effect from a giant universe and set the master distortion to 0.1 I'm going to blur and change the radial blur to two and then the edge radius to 1000 to 100 now let's add some grain this is another plugin from red giant universe increase the green opacity to 160 and then blend mode to overlay and now you should have something that looks like this here are just some examples of changing the color map and the mask shape [Music]
Channel: Robstacle
Views: 39,271
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #stardust, #aftereffects, #tutorial, #particles
Id: psWq3oIU2nI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 6sec (426 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 17 2020
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