How to create a looping 3D visual in After Effects

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what's going on guys my name is tom from dreadlabs and today i'm going to show you how to do this looping visual [Music] so i know i haven't been really doing tutorials and after effects so i thought it might be fun to expand a little bit on this so i did this class for uh a minor on fontes university of applied sciences i gave like a guest course there so i thought it might be fun to show it to you um and show you how i made it um okay so this requires a little bit of basic um knowledge of after effects but it's pretty simple to do it when you follow the steps and let's just get into it so firstly we're gonna make a new composition and we're gonna make that 2500 pixels by 2500 pixels and i'll explain it to you later in the video why did why it is like this let's just name the composition photo tunnel and let's just import this picture uh that i found on unsplash the link for that will be in the description and first thing we want to do is i want to have the anchor point here in the middle of the mouth so let's just click on a on our keyboard and move the anchor point so that the middle of the mouth is where the center of the anchor point is like this uh the first thing we want to do now is mask the mouth out so let's just zoom in a little bit here and grab our pen tool and start masking it out okay so now we started uh finishing up the mask you'll see that we'll only have the hole in the mouth mask so uh we went the opposite let's just click on a little button here and check inverted and this will invert the mask and now if we click into the mask menu again let's just feather it so the uh mask will be a little bit softened and what i also like to do is expand it a little bit inward so i think around minus 10 pixels maybe just to have that little shadow inside the mouth it's a bit easier uh when you're doing the animation so right so now that we have this let's just go into fitting screen again okay so the next thing we're going to do is make a few copies and put them into 3d space so let's just go rename this to photo one so we can keep track of what photo which photo is which and let's just copy it six times okay the first thing we want to do is select all of these and check this box here which creates a 3d object of them and now we're going to just move all these backwards into the z axis so if we click on position uh we're going to do 2500 for this one and then we're going to do 2500 for the next one and so on so this will be 5000 this one will be 75 100 this one will be 10 000 and this one will be 12 500. and now you can start seeing a little loop here by the way guys if you can see the transparent uh if you can see the transparency grid uh just check this box here so uh what we're going to do now is we want to create a camera and a camera object that will travel through the mouth of this so let's go to layer new camera and leave it as it is and we're going to create a null object as well called camera control and we're going to use a pick whip here and link it to our null object let's just call this camera control first so we need to make this into a 3d object as well so let's just check this box click the stopwatch on the position go all the way to 10 seconds and move this i think 10 000 pixels yeah so let's just get a little preview of the animation that we just did and as you can see when the loop ends there's uh still one mouth missing we're gonna fix it in uh in a few seconds don't worry um so the first thing i want to do is actually make this composition four seconds long so let's just go to the four second mark move this keyframe here and just make sure to make it also four seconds in the composition settings and this just makes the animation go a little bit faster as you can see all right so the next thing we want to do is create that little fade that makes it look infinite so the way i did that is just simply through transparency so what i did is i always want to make two or three a maximum of three mouse visible at one point in this animation and i'm going to show you that with our finished result real quick as you can see here as i go to the first mouth the third mouth becomes visible and once like the mouth of the camera goes through is not visible anymore in camera and a new one starts to fade in so what this means is let's just go to the invisibility tab on photo 4 5 and 6 and just create it put it to zero and with photo 3 here let's just also put it to zero but create a keyframe animation where in the first second this will fade in from 0 to 100 so like this and with the transparency panel on it looks a bit odd if we remove that looks a bit better so we're going to do the same thing with all the other ones here so let's just get a keyframe here go to the two second mark and make it 100 here and create a keyframe for photo five go to three second mark have it fade in here oops you can see that this is 98 let's just make it 100 and do the same thing with photo six okay and now you can see with the transparency check uh turned off it's actually fading in and it looks a bit more seamless so what i want to do now is just rotate these 90 degrees off from each other so let's go to rotation tabs here and put the z rotation to 90 degree increments so 90 degrees 180 degrees 270 360 degrees and 360 degrees plus 90 degrees all right so now what we're going to do now is we're going to do a new composition with actual normal size hd format so 1920 pixels by 1080 and let's just call this finished comp or something and now we can drag in uh photo tunnel so as you can see i had some examples already so i just renamed mine uh for the sake of this tutorial that we're gonna use this one the correct one okay now what we're gonna do is go to the rotation tab and have it rotate one uh circle or 360 degrees in four seconds which will create like a rotation loop and if we zoom out a little bit you can see that the edges here uh aren't touching um and if this would be a composition of 1920x1080 this would happen you would see like the black backgrounds here it still looks really trippy but it's not what we want so let's just resize it all right so i have this noise overlay and it's available in the dreadlabs webshop soon but for now you can just get a free copy for this for the sake of this tutorial in the description um so i'm just gonna go and drag it in here and drag it to the top and we're gonna put the mode to overlay so the transparency of this composition messes up the background here so the only thing we need to do is go to layer new solid and create a black solid and put it to the background here and now you're good to go so now it's a little bit more grainy let's just zoom in a bit you can see it better and lastly i want to add a adjustment layer here the noise has to be on top and then underneath that you need you have the adjustment layer and we'll go to effects and presets and we'll add a vignette make it a little bit darker on the edges and lastly a wiggle position and have the speed to i know 20 wiggles a second and i think five pixels i guess and then let's just put all of these to motion blur and this will get that sub uh give you that subtle camera shake so guys that's it for this video uh i just want to thank my patrons for making all this possible making me be able to make more tutorials more content for you guys um and as a patron you get a 15 discount in the web shop as well as access to all the project files of all my tutorials so yeah there's that so please consider becoming a patron you can get you can become one through the link in the description and if you have any suggestions for new tutorials or new content please let me know in the comments or join us on discord and i'll see you guys in the next video bye yes you
Channel: Dreadlabs
Views: 94,843
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: after effects infinite zoom, after effects loop, after effects psychedelic, after effects tunnel, animation with still picture after effects, infinite loop after effects, infinite zoom after effects, loop after effects, looping mouth after effects, looping mouth visual, looping visual, psychedelic after effects, rotating mouth after effects, trippy after effects, trippy effects after effects, tunnel after effects, looping 3D, looping 3D visual in After Effects
Id: kw5NojnhU6o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 9sec (669 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 26 2020
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