Create A Game Ready Animated 3D Model In Less Than 10 Minutes -- Obscenely Easy, No Skill Required!

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ladies and gentlemen it's mike here at game for scratch and today we've got a cool tutorial of sorts and this is cool because basically you need to have zero skill to follow along so if you want to create animated anime style characters uh this is going to be about the easiest way you possibly can i'm going to use a pair of tools we're going to use void and we're going to use deep motion and that's because deep motion just recently got void support and what we're going to do is create an animation somewhat like what you see here on screen so we're going to create the character and we're going to apply animation to it and you're going to create all of this yourself sort of and it is going to be about as easy as you've done anything should take about 10 minutes tops all right so first off we're going to start off with the character for doing this part we need the product void studio the cool thing is freud is available for windows and mac it's also available on download on steam which may make it run on linux i'm not sure if that works out in this particular case but v-roid studio is completely free on top of that of course we are going to use deep motion deep motion has a free tier available that's what we're going to use today it does limit you to 30 seconds a month of animation but if you think about it 30 seconds of animation is actually a pretty fair amount of time um with a walk cycle normally being like one to two seconds type thing so you could get a decent number of animations in for the free tier uh and we're going to need an animation so deep motion works by using video uh you could record yourself you want to get your entirety in the shot i have this um content library available to me so this is what i'm using myself we're gonna have to trim that down so we get just the individual frames we want so in the end we want to take this animation right here this video and come on alright so you can see here this is a 10 second video so there it keeps going we only want one cycle of the walk cycle so what we did was just opened it up uh i used quicktime in this case and just applied a trim to it so we got it down to pretty much just a like a looped frame of walk cycle animation all right so we're gonna take that guy as well obviously you can get out your video recorder record yourself or someone else doing the motions you want to animate and then um you can use those accordingly just make sure you get the entire uh subject in the shot and you are good to go and then what you do is you upload them up to deep motion but first we need to create our character or an avatar the one we saw earlier on i created this way creating an avatar in void studio is super simple basically you you just come on in you say create new female or masculine not my choice of terminology um i guess would be feminine in masculine me being an idiot now i do find that this actually runs kind of slow on a mac it might be better in your particular area but really this is if you've ever used um a character creator in a video game uh you're gonna be right at home here basically you start off with a basic character like this you can pick a variety of different faces or you can drill down uh and get into a very individual level of detail if that is what you wish so you want you see here we can switch out the eyes but for everything here you can get even more detail so we can come in here okay we can apply a color like so and have that particular aspect being lit up or you can actually come in here straight out and edit the texture and this allows you to uh basically paint the texture directly right down here if you so wish so you've got full control over everything we're seeing your character clothing um their uh skin tone everything like that can be individually painted if you so wish uh it will go back and give this person a normal set of eyes as opposed to our creepy red shirt oh no our bloodshot eyes are still in there i come in here you do hairstyles as well you can pick a basic hairstyle like so and then you can accessorize so we could go ahead and add a ponytail to actually check out we've got a ponytail let's add a bun here so you can see like so uh you can also add in sides let's add some sideburns in and so on all of the hair colors are configurable down here you can actually even paint or draw individual strands of hair if you so wish to do so come in again you got control over the body type you can customize it also if you wish got control over all the various different things down here body size and so on uh apply an outfit again these can all be individually edited so if you want to come in here and edit the the textures on this one you can directly paint directly on the model if you so wish you can add a couple of accessories and not a ton of accessories available basically glasses uh or um cat ears or bunny ears type thing uh you can see how it looks like there but you create the character you want now this character looks like crap so what i'm going to do is go back to the base model selection i'm not going to save this guy and i'm just going to take one of their pre-made templates so what we have actually looks kind of good all right so give this a second it's going to load in this character same process though you've got control over all the various different pieces using sliders like you would in a video game and here is our generated character once you're happy with it basically just click this guy right here and export it as vr by the way there are vrm uh plugins available for blender and unreal engine sorry unity maybe unreal uh so you can use these directly in your game if you wish or you can bring them into the blender game engine and work from there but in this case what we're going to take this is a rigged character but it is not an animated character as of yet so once we get this guy exported by the way again some performance issues i don't know if it's a mac specific thing an m1 mac specific thing or if it's going to be like this across all platforms but i do find some lagginess in the user interface but here we are you can see this is going to create a 32 000 polygon character which in my opinion actually isn't that bad but if you want you've actually got some polygon reduction options available here same for material same for the bones but i'm good with that it's pretty decent on the whole i'll give this guy a name uh my char you give it other details if you wish and we'll go ahead and export that guy out pick the location all right desktop works for me and save your character and then again let the spin for a bit it will export that guy out and we are now done creating our character so that is how you would go about creating your 3d character now we're going to go ahead and animate our character and that means deep motion now this is a free account that you're seeing in action right here so you can get the exact same thing and it's animate 3d we want so there's a couple of processes we're going to go through here first we're going to go into 3d models you can have up to three characters with the free tier and we're just going to go ahead and create a new one so we're going to go upload now i'm going to browse i'm going to go to my desktop and then there is my car.vrm so there is vrm support directly inside of deep motion now which makes this entire process very very simple and we'll go ahead and let that upload these things actually don't take too too long on the whole it should be pretty much done like so come on you can do it you can do it okay so this takes a little bit longer than i was expecting but again it's not extremely long or if it is i'm just going to edit this down so that it doesn't look as bad but this process it's uh the entire thing about deep motion is it's all uh service okay so that's not too bad it's all server-side uh machine learning stuff you're running these things on their particular servers our model is now in place and available there is mychar.vrm and now what we want to do is create an animation for this person and now at this point what you do is you take that animation file right here so there is the original there is the one we cut down called walk cycle and i was going to go ahead and we'll browse for that guy i think that's in my downloads folder yep so send up your uh video that you're going to use as your um basic uh this is the animation you want to apply so i could also have jumping in there shooting all the actions you want just do keep in mind with the free tier you have a 30 second limit on the month so there we go that's two seconds used for this walk animation this is the model we are going to use you have a couple of options down here you can have it spit out an fbx file which i don't even think you can turn that off at this point in time but i'm going to turn physics filter on you can see by the details here so it just kind of removes self collisions and clipping i play around with these settings there's no real limit to what you can do at this point in terms of your tier you could create as many of these as you want it's the amount of characters you can upload and the amount of time of animation per month where you were limited and once you're good with that you go ahead and create it so we're not doing face tracking or anything like that we don't have foot locking on or anything and then we're going to go ahead and start the job initialization normally takes about two or three seconds and then the rest of this process is entirely dependent on how long of an animation you uploaded but what it's basically doing is taking your video and turning it into an fbx file and behind the scenes with the bones animated your character itself was rigged as part of the upload process so uh when you're working in uh reroid studio you can't see it here but there's actually bones being generated there's some details of the bones right here so you can get bones are actually being created for facial morphs and for the hair and so on um and we'll let this go ahead and run this actually took okay the progress bar just really sucked all right so here we go it just went ahead and created our animated 3d character we're going to see a preview of that result right here and there you go 3d animated character fully textured fully animated so there's the source video in the background now you're going to have one piece of work here and there are some plugins and tools out there to help you with this and i'm not going to cover it in this particular tutorial but you're going to notice the end of our walk cycle in the beginning of our walk cycle aren't seamless you either want to nail that in your source video so that you stop and start at the same point so that when you loop your animation it will look flawless otherwise you're going to have to do a little bit of cleanup in your tool of choice but once you've got your end result i think that looks pretty darn good to be honest uh we're going to come over here and we'll just do a download when you download you've got a couple of options you can bring it down as fbx uh bvh which is uh i forget the bio vision or biohuman it's basically this is a motion capture format and gltf glb which by the way you can import directly into the godot game engine and you're good to go and i'm just gonna go ahead and download that guy right there it just downloaded it imported so let's go back over here to our blender scene we're going to do a new scene just generally yeah we're not going to save that guy and by by default cube you have been deleted so file and then we will do import and it's a glb you may have to go into preferences and turn glb on uh generally you don't have to i think it's now a default setting so downloads there is our walk cycle underscore default file that's been imported there's some options over here but nothing you need to do just go ahead and import those in let's switch over here to ev cycles or ev rendering mode and let's see how our character turned out all right there you go so we've got a fully textured uh rigged character inside of blender fully animated now what you might want to do is turn off the bones uh because they look a little bit bad from here uh we're gonna deselect our character there you go looks picture perfect exactly what we started with we ended with and let's see how the animation turned out not bad so let's go ahead and see that right there so how many frames of animation do i have looks like about 50. all right so let's do that to 50 all right play there you go so like i said you're going to want to go ahead and clean up the walk cycle so there's a little bit of a flame flame a frame glitch at the end because it isn't completely seamless that'll take a there's some tools that can automatically do that for you or you have to come in and do a little bit of animation editing on the whole to the keys that are driving this but yeah that is pretty impressive there is some issues going on here you can see we've got a little bit of clipping going through the clothing there uh i'm not sure that that would be easily fixed with this particular outfit so you might have to do some cleanup you might have to rotate the the arm bone right here out a little bit just so that it doesn't do that but again you have a fully rigged character so let me turn bones back on so there's nothing to stop you from editing after the fact so you can see here we've got various different bones available that we can go ahead and um you know manipulate them get our animation looking as nice as we want so yeah that is the extent of the process so again there are a couple tools involved first one is v-roid studio i'll have this in the linked article down below showing you how to go ahead and do all this stuff then we've got deep motion again free account uh you can get up to 30 seconds per month of animation there uh but if you want to come in here so you can you can go up to 180 seconds uh for uh nine dollars a month kind of thing but there is your limit 30 seconds or 30 poses by the way poses are uh you can actually send up a single image frame as opposed to an animation and have it create a pose from that if you're making stills as opposed to animations but as you can see here variety different pricing here if you need like almost infinite amounts of animation yeah you can get up to this level right there so that is the deal uh it's uh pretty easy on the whole literally it without the explanation and waiting for uh progress bars and the application and such it probably took five minutes actual time to create this model with those textures and this animation and that ladies and gentlemen is pretty impressive in my opinion and you don't need to have any skill at all to do this so let me know what you think and that's it i will talk to you all later goodbye
Channel: Gamefromscratch
Views: 65,151
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: VRoid, Anime, Character, Deepmotion, Animation, Model, 3D, VRM, GameDev, Game Development, Art, Tutorial, Blender, GLB, FBX
Id: eF5J5wXjS2Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 17sec (797 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 12 2022
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