Create a Game Interface From Scratch in Godot 3 (tutorial)

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in this hands-on tutorial we're going to focus on good O's UI system we're going to see how to create reusable UI widgets that work really as individual component you can mix and match in your games reuse across games so we're going to see a little bit of code for example how to automatically update the bar and a label based on a value change in our bar class and how to integrate that in your game and we're more importantly going to look at good O's layout options for UI design it's a workflow that was added in good 3.0 release so this is available in text formats in the optional Docs I wrote the initial tutorial now good as UI system has been improved so even though the original version is valid this is an improved demo that's open source as well that you can explore if you prefer to learn hands-on with that when you're working on game UI you don't want it to be fully responsive unlike a webpage the game will have a base resolution and a base ratio that serves as a baseline for all devices you won't want to support both portrait and landscape orientation in general so that's why you don't need a UI that will adapt to every screen type you just want it to be scalable so that it adapts to slightly different screen ratios which is what you have between all the different computer and TV displays and even Android devices so roughly from 4/3 to a two-to-one ratio something along those lines that's why my UI here it can adapt to the screen size but we only have the widgets in the top right corner that move and stick to the top right corner of their container the GUI container it's easier to understand if I hide the background imagine that this box is my games size regardless of my game size I have the same margins on the left top and right edges of the screen and the GUI elements are only sliding along with that container if I was to resize from the left you'll see it's the bars that move this time so the game's resolution serves as a baseline and the viewport will scale based on the devices ratio then based on your project settings in the display category and be stretch mode and aspect mode actually will define how the game viewport or the camera stretches expands contracts how you map your game being rendered to the different devices so if you use the expand value on the aspect ratio property it's going to take your game space resolution and a big target screen is a little larger on the camera will become a little larger and show a little more at the game world and then the UI will resize to fit that new screen ratio by hide the background and characters your camera will do this if the screen is narrow it will contract a little bit and if the screen is wider it will become wider as usual the project is on github it's open source you can find the start folder inside of the project to follow along with this video recreate the UI elements as I make them in front of you and get more insights on how the UI system works here is our start project we're going to have a quick look at the project's architecture so you only have sprites in there there are no scenes everything we're going to trade from scratch now you do have an interface folder that will contain the base assets for the bars you will find life bar and energy bar subfolders with the corresponding specific assets for the counter there's a background sprite called label BG that's going to be coming to the rupees and bombs containers and you have some reference sprites you can use put on the screen to scale your label backgrounds according to what the artist wanted you to do and we have a theme folder because we're going to use goats themed feature it's a little more advanced that just making the UI elements but with this we're going to create reusable themes so that all UI elements in our game use the same base default fonts and we just have to change the font in one place for all of our interface to update so themes are extremely powerful they power the entire godo editor for example next you have the characters and background that are again just sprites and with that let's get started creating our UI let's start by creating a UI base container for that we'll open the level mock-up you want to select the game node press ctrl-a to add a node and we'll add a control node it's just to indicate that this is our interface name itself interface put it around the top of the node tree then we'll use the layout menu to modify the anchors on our UI container and to resize it as well so that's what these options do in the layout menu and you have the anchors only sub menu if you only want to change relative to which parts of the screen your UI will resize and move now make sure in the View menu that you have the helpers visible the helpers will show you this little anchor widget the interactive version doesn't work too well right now but it will update properly when you use the layout menu so we're going to click and select full rectangle full rectangle means rescale and change the anchors so that you anchor to the corners the boundaries of your parent if there is no parent control node this parent will be the entire screen here as you can see it means that the interface will always scale to fit the entire game screen whether it gets a little wider or a little narrower based on the device we're going to save this interface as a separate scene straight aways for that you right-click on it and select save the branch as scene it allows you to separate it from the current scene and save it as part of your project let's go to the interface folder and save it there as interface RT SC n now you can click be open and editor but to open the scene separately from your main one so now we are only focusing on the interface we don't have to watch and care about our level characters and all that stuff in our scene tree in this project the scene tree is very simple obviously but if you're working on a real game this is a big advantage and if you're working at as part of a team it will be coming for you to work in separate scenes and then merge them using github or another version control system let's start by creating the simplest UI element for that we'll create a new scene and we're going to start with the base note for our component this will be the counter rupee and bomb counter we're going to use the background of the counter as our container all that we're going to add a nine patch rectangle node this one takes a texture as an input and it's going to keep the aspect of the corners of the texture it's going to tile the top bottom left and right edges horizontally and vertically respectively and then it will tell the texture in the center or stretch it based on the option that you choose let's head to the interface folder counter subfolder and we have our label background yeah that we're going to plug into the texture slot of our counter so zoom in on the texture and normally if I resize it you can see that it scales with the widget at the moment so we want to send the patch margin so that it uses the labels corners and the edges proprietary for the left and top we're going to use eight pixels right and bottom same thing here and now it should scale a little better so I'm really zoomed in so it's little pixelated and hard to see because of the color but now it will stretch the texture a bit less let's rename our 9-patch rect as counter save the scene we're going to save it in the interface counter and save it as countered of T Sen any special type of counter like rupees or BOM counters will inherit from that and extend it we're going to add two things in our counter we need a label and a sprite so I'm going to drag and drop my bomb counter reference to use as a reference and I will rescale the base counter down a little bit so that it is bomb counter then I'm going to add my bomb icon to this and the label but as control notes because only the green nodes will scale along with their parent maintained margins etc you cannot use sprites directly instead of sprites you use the texture rectangle node this is similar but has some more option as it can tell and it will follow the anchors edges relative to its parent so we're going to add our bomb icon we'll click and drag the icon into our texture slot and call it icon it can be any icon in our case we will use the layout menu and anchor it in the center right of its parent you can see all four anchors snap to the middle at the right edge of our counter container and with this we can remove our bomb template I will also add a label in there so select the counter press ctrl-a label labels are basic notes to attacks and we're going to do the same thing layout but this time we're going to select Center left let's add a number as a reference for our text and we will also align it center horizontally inside its bounding box and the V align will Center vertically now we can now scale our label you can press the Alt key to scale uniformly in a given axis and you can scale it to the right as well to see your label stay centered inside its container if you want to align its base line with the bomb there are a few ways to do that but the simplest way is to add some margin at the top and you do that by scaling it from the top note that scaling for UI nodes doesn't work exactly like scaling sprite it's only going to resize the bounds rectangle and it's not going to scale the pixels directly our label has one problem it doesn't look really sexy does it so that's where we're going to add our UI theme we'll start defining it I'll expand the inspector a little bit we're going to go down to the theme section of our control well create a new theme inside of it now this theme by default is saved inside of the scene we don't want that and you can save any resource as part of your project using this little Save button at the top of the inspector while you are viewing a resource let's click that and select save as we're going to save it in our interface folder theme subfolder and we'll call it our default theme for the game now let's look at head works a little better so you can see the theme bottom darker opened and shows you how the interface will display when you plug this theme in to control node so the text is a little small and right now it uses the default colors from godõs editor the colors well not too interested in we only want to work on the label and the fonts for now so the theme will override the properties that we decide to add to it and to add property slots that we can override in the inspector click the Edit theme menu and you can add class items it's going to add the corresponding slots or properties for the base class or control node type that you select let's click that we're going to click the two dots next to the type and select the label class add all the properties and now inside of your theme in the inspector you can expand the label category and you will find all the properties for that so you have the font subcategory in which we can override the font specifically for all labels in our theme and in our game you also have a default fonts as the base for your theme and that's what we'll use so now if I modify the font color it won't update instantly in my viewport but if you look at the label inside the theme button panel pnow it's red so that's where you can preview all the changes you make to your theme resource we're going to leave that folded for now and we're going to define a default font follow theme so let's create a new dynamic font it's going to be stalled inside the theme resource automatically know that we can always save it as a separate file and that's what we're going to do we're going to save it in the font folder it will call it default font the point of saving it as part of your file system is that you can then access the phone directly anytime and modify this and it will update automatically inside the theme and on everything that has this font applied in your project so you can use it on specific nodes without having to plug your entire theme inside of them now in my dynamic fonts I want to go to the font category and we'll drag and drop the convert-a-ball font from the font folder you can do that you will see the label update so now it's quite small because of font size that font size to 30 let's say and now it's a lot bigger already be sure to use filter as well it makes a small difference but you'll see that we'll be scaling option on your game based on the screen size it's going to look very ugly if you don't have any filter anter general you warm that on all fonts note that you can also use that to modify the base line of your font push it a bit to the top so you can override these settings here and make sure that your font is aligned however you want it to be inside of your widget right now I'm going to use a lower value maybe 16 pixels maybe something like that all this widget and we have our base counter widget it's not our bomb counter yet so now we're going to create that select scene new inherited scene and you're going to select a parent we're going to create a new scene that extends this parent and just changes a few properties specific to our bomb and Ruby's counter let's open this Sene will rename it instantly to BOMs counter to start with and we will save at this point inside the bomb subfolder to say that at this point we can move our bomb icon a little bit to Center it exactly how we want it to be note that the anchor doesn't move it's only the sprite that moves relative to it all be texture rectangle so that when we resize the bomb counter the icon will stay anchored to the right side so our bomb counter will not resize vertically although it could but the important part is look at how it preserves the right margin because of how the anchor is placed while the label stays stuck to the left side next we'll trade the rupee counter so seen nuna heritage scene and we're going to select a counter as a base again and this time you want to select the icon we're going to head to the rupee's folder and drag and drop our rubies texture on top of it note that we only override this property from the icon note that any change we make to the counter base scene while propagates to both the bone counter and the rupee counter let's rename the base note rupee counter then save the scene inside the rupee's subfolder as we name the note properly Godot gives us the right name in the sing tree now I can again move the rupee icon exactly where we want it to be give it be margin it should have relative to its anchor save and there's one problem with the label when we modified it a little bit it moved relative to its parent so let's head back to the counter base scene and we're going to fix that I want to reset it using the layout menu to anchor to the center left of its parent and now I need to modify the font again so I'm going to head back to my default font resource I'm going to double click it to open it in the inspector and reset the bottom extra spacing to zero so it's Santa's properly maybe I want to push it down a little bit so I'm going to add to the top value six pixels and then save now if we head back - the bomb counter and Ruby counters scenes you will see our label is not perfect just yet the reason is that as we modify these scenes a little bit Godot considers that we've modified the notes margins and so with overridden properties from the counter we want to reset this properties so select label head down to the margin section in the inspector and click the reset value button next to the margin properties that have been changed your labels bounding box will resize to fit that of the counter we have to do the same for the rupee counter although we can do it manually here we're going to do it differently select the label click the properties like toolbox icon in the top right of the inspector copy parameters then go to the rupee counter and paste the parameters we'll reset the margin to follow that b-bomb counter scene now you can save both scenes and you have your BOM counter and rupee counter working for example if I was to resize the base counter a lot like that you should see your BOM counter and rupee counter update instantly you will get that for all properties that you did not override from the parent scene so that's the big strength of working with inherited scenes in Godot now our resize save again to have a decent size and get my good ol rupee and BOM counters again let's now work on the bars and we're going to start with a base bar so we can close the counters go to scene new scene if I head to the final version of the game and open the base bar you will see that the top parent is an H box contain a node this node is going to take it children and it will position and resize them based on a few properties were lined them up horizontally so if I were to reorder the nodes as part of the container they swap position and the container will respect the minimum size of each of his UI elements so let's create our bar the first node we'll add will be an H box container and we'll rename it bar this will be ours bass bar scene that the other types of bond special ones will inherit from then as a child of it we're going to add a texture progress so this is a spatial node that allows us to plug in our own textures to create progress bars of all kind loading bars and also light bars etc whether they're horizontal vertical let's expand the textures category of it we're going to head to the bar folder and light bar subfolder a little project drag and drop the background into the and you will see that the node automatically resizes to show the entire texture then drag and drop the fill that PNG onto the progress not you're not going to see any change there because by default we head to the range section of our inspector the min and Max values are set for us but the actual value the current progress of the bar is set to zero by default can set it something other than zero to see your texture bill a little bit then we want to add something that resembles our counter a little bit it's not exactly like our counter scene we can still reuse the nodes to save time so right click on the bar in one way to add nodes from the scene and customize them is to select the merge from scene option and the file system by clicking the tudor buttons ahead to the interface counter and double-click counter the TSC n to open it we're going to import from the root node from the counter and good-oh will take all of its children along with it so click OK you will see the counter gets added after our bar we can place it before that to have it on the left now if we resize our counter it doesn't push the light bar node that's because the parent the container is using the minimum size parameter of the counter so let's head to the control section rectangle category and set the min size to something like 160 pixels you can see the size property updates along with it we want to swap our icon and our label here we want to plug in we label HP in there so let's go back up to the texture drag and drop the HP texture on top of it and we're going to use the layout menu to snap it to the center left of its parent of the counter note and you can all click on the vertical handles of the bounding box to resize the node uniformly and saturate vertically on its parent can also resize it down on the x-axis because the texture sets the size of the note now to add some margin between our HP elements and the left edge of its parent we just have to move it this will automatically update the margin of the control node you can keep the shift key down and press the right arrow to add a 10 pixels gap between the left edge and the HP element or we can press W to select the move tool then click and drag with the shift key down to constrain to the left axis and lace your HP label wherever you want now the HP is anchored on the right place but you can see that the label is still anchored to the left side of its parent so we're going to select it go to the layout menu and anchor it in the center right of its parent then there are two ways to place the text you could use the center property of the label so that the text is always centered inside the container and the container size defines where the text is going to end up or you can contract the text and use some margin on the right side of the counter note then align the text to the right on the horizontal axis by changing bits align property and make sure to expand the bounding box a little bit because when you change the text inside of it it pushes the bounds to the right so we don't want that to happen we do want to align our text the right side of the node and you can check the clip text appetit so that when you add too much text side of the label roll clip on the right and it won't push the boundaries towards the right side like that can show you without clip text on we are going to add a long string of text you will see that the container expands to the right but if you keep the clip text property on you can add as many characters as you want and it will prevent the box from resizing beyond the size of its container now we want a format similar to for example 12 HP out of 40 while we text and we're good with that as a template so you can save the bar we're going to create the life bar and the energy bar so go to seem new a heritage scene and inherit from the base bar 1 we're going to rename it life bar and you can save it inside your life bar folder directly we don't have anything to change here then for the energy bar do the same scene new inherited scene use bar the TSC n as a base we're going to rename it energy bar and then we have a few more properties to change let's save it inside the energy bar folder we're going to head to that energy bar folder and then we have to change the background and fill sprites on the texture progress node so let's select it go to top in the texture category want to replace the under texture and the progress texture as well with the fill bar is smaller than its container but as I said gouda will use the textures as a baseline to define minimum size of the gauge normally the bounding box should fit that of the bar it can resize it down to the bar no further if I were to change the order the nodes the container expands again as we are using a container as the parent the container also sets the minimum size of its children we need to resize the energy bar container itself instead of resizing its child select the energy bar node and contract its container as much as you can then select the HP label we want to replace it with the EP label you'll see that the texture on a texture rect gives in the top-left corner are the bounds by default can change that with the stretch mode property so click on it and select keep centered to Center the sprite inside its container then you can select the text because we want it to be a bit smaller as the label itself is a little smaller do that we're going to create a new font let's head down to our theme and think we can do is move it and add a new theme there's something a little simpler for the label we can remove a right link the custom property categories going to expand custom font this one we can head to our phone folder we're going to use our default fonts but create a new one from it so right click on it you can duplicate the resource and give it a new name you could call it EP able for example EP label resource we want to move to our energy bar folder as it should only be used by that bar so click and drag it there but these resources are not the fonts of our very lightweight based resources it's not a problem to have many of them in your project click and drag the EP lego resource on the custom phone slot by default doesn't activate the property so you want to click the check box to activate it nothing changes because for now it's a dublicate of our default font so let's go inside of it we're going to change the size down to something a bit smaller like 24 for example you can already see the font looks a little better and set the top property so that it aligns a little better with our peel a ball here with this I want to modify the minimum size of the counters I want to override that from the parent make it a bit smaller like 130 pixels may also want to resize the EP texture horizontally so that it respects the margin that we set on its parent scene and that it aligns with the HP bar same thing you can resize the label container here so that it's centers properly vertically with that our bars are done all right so now we have our base UI components we're going to head back to our interface scene you've closed it you can press control shift o and look for interface it's the last one interface RT sen and we're going to drag and drop our various scenes inside of it so energy bar as I'm in the folder here I'm going to head to the life bar and drag and drop it as well I want to get my two counters on top of that so BOM counters and rupee counters then we're going to use containers again to arrange these elements together so we need the two bars to stack vertically let me get the counters out of the way so we're going to use a vertical box container or VBox container for that this is the vertical equivalent and the edge box container we used for each of the bars so create that we're going to put it at the top of the hierarchy and call it bars and then the energy bar and light bar will drag and drop inside of it this uses the tree order to set the visual order the elements in the UI so you want to set the light bar to be above the energy bar you can use a shortcut for that click on the node to select it and control up to modify its position in the hierarchy then for the bombs and rupee counter we'll use an inch box container again horizontal bar container and put the bombs and rupee inside of it call it counter and while straights going to go to the layout menu and put it in the top right corner of our interface can already see a little problem the BOM counters and rupee counters are really collapsed here and that is because our cowntess doesn't have a minimum size so when you get this problem which can be common when you design you eyes at first it's because you haven't set a minimum size yet and then the parent container uses the smallest possible size all these widgets so let's open the bomb count to seen and then from it open its parent the count is seen and on the counter we'll set a minimum with the minimum width will be something like 120 pixels in the counter seen it doesn't change anything but if we save and go back to our interface you will see nothing changes because Godot considers that we have overridden a minimum size an hour to note so click one of the nodes head to the rectangle category under the control section and click the reset value next to the minimum size you want to do the same for the Europe econ tur and from there you all counters will still be anchored in the top right corner of the screen do you want to reuse the layout menu again because resizing the nodes pushed the containers bounding box to the right so we click the top right corner align and there you go your counters are properly placed on the screen so from there with one of the containers selected you can start to move them using the shift key and pressing the down and left arrow in this case to add some margin around the edges of the screen going to move the bar a few times this hwaseong used the same amount on the left edge and on the right edge of the screen 40 pixels roughly and now when you do that on nodes on the y axis in particular if you want to Center the two widget you will need a different margin on the counter container than on the life bars and with that our interface is set to anchor to the full rectangle of its parent and even though we don't have a node for it here there is always a viewport node at the very top of the hierarchy so it is always the parent of your interface if you don't have any other parent in the scene that's why this full rect option sets the node to use the entire viewport but if the screen was to expand with and simulate that by clicking and dragging on the handle of our interface you can see that the nodes still anchor to the right corner save here go back to your level mock-up and you can click and drag the interface scene on top of the game and magically it will place perfectly on top of your game the scene system in guro makes it very easy for members of your team to focus on a specific part of the game and then you can just click and drag the node drag a reference to the node inside of your main level scene and whenever they update the sauce scene will update in your level and the rest of your game so congratulations and thank you came before getting there in the next part we'll do a little bit of programming we'll see how to add some values at the top of our widgets that we can funnel down to multiple sub elements like our number label and our texture progress so that when we change the life of the player we change it in one place and it updates in multiple parts of our interface don't forget to check out the good course if you haven't already I'm working on very high quality tutorial it's already in early access since the little while that said thank you kindly for watching be creative have fun and see you in the next one bye bye
Channel: GDQuest
Views: 88,171
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: godot ui tutorial, godot interface tutorial, UX design, life bar, create a lifebar, user interface design, godot game engine, godot 3, godot 3 tutorial, godot tutorial, gdquest, game design, gamedev, learn to make games, game engine, game development, godot engine
Id: y1E_y9AIqow
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 9sec (2049 seconds)
Published: Wed May 16 2018
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