Create a digitally Fillable PDF document or workbook for Free with Docfly

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are you struggling to find a way to transform your PDF document into an interactive fillable document to send it off to a client to create as a freebie or even to sell as a digital product well in this video I found a really great free and easy way to do just that with dogfly by the way welcome back to the channel I'm Cheryl here at the ma on Sunday Studio I talk all about branding design and creative entrepreneurship here so if you are also building out an INT business right now then be sure to subscribe to follow along for more videos and tutorials and inspiration all right without further Ado let's head on to my laptop and let's create that fillable PDF document all right welcome to my laptop we are currently on the dogfly website right now and just so you know dogfly is free to use up to three documents a month anything over three documents you will need to upgrade to their Premium plan which is $7.99 a month for a monthly plan or annual plan will be $3.99 a month now let's get back into the homepage of dogfly here all right first things first we're going to have to create that PDF form first so I already have one created um so I'm going to upload it and literally just drag it into the space here um if you don't have um a document yet I do actually have a separate uh canva tutorial on how to create a PDF form like this so if you want to watch that go ahead and watch that uh this template right here is actually um taken from my canva Basics skillshare class so if you want this exact template you can go ahead and take my skillshare class for free as well I'm going to put the links of that class in the description below all right so now that we have that um put in here we can go ahead and go to edit and that's going to open the dogfly editing kind of interface so if we go to form Creator here so you can do a lot of other uh different edits um as well if you want you can do that but you're probably you probably created your document on canvas so you probably could have just done that on the canvas side but we can head to the form Creator here and there are a ton of different form fields that you can choose from so the first one here here is text this is actually just adding text um and editing existing text so again we're not going to be using that one here so if you have a oneline text field uh then this is the first one that you can use so all you have to do is Select it let's just all pretend that this is a oneline question you can go ahead and just click and that will open that form field here and you can extend it as short or as long as you like so I'm just going to make it this length here and once you do that there are a bunch of things that you can do so you can change the font you can change uh the text size so when you type in here you can kind of see like what the size is so I typically like to keep text quite small um and I think I'm going to choose Times New Roman for this you can even change the color of your text whether it comes out bold so I'm going to keep this obviously not filled out right now because that will be what whoever is using this form will actually fill out and so let's just look at here if you want you can name the text field um let's say your question is first name um then you can go ahead and do that if you want you can also change the background color of this um I mean I would probably just keep it clear um and and we'll leave it at that all right so next up is your paragraph field so you can go ahead and click on paragraph here and the same thing you just click and then you can adjust the box to however big your text field is or your paragraph field is and you can do all the same things you can change up uh the font the um the font size the color of the text that kind of thing so I'm just going to change this to Times New Roman and change this to 11 size font to keep it the same um and then next up we have check Fields so you can go ahead and click on this is super you know straightforward it's just a checkbox so just go ahead and click and it will turn that into a checkbox you can make the checkbox bigger if you like or adjust it as needed um again you can change your checks into different things so it can either be like across here I'll show you it can be a check a cross circle square um star Diamond whatever you want but I typically like to just do the check mark um and then you can also change the color as well so you want to make sure to keep this unchecked as well so that um default is unchecked all right next up is your radio field so radio field is for when you have like um like you ask a question and then there's like selections um this will allow you to create as many selections as you need uh but it's only for if you have um like one answer at a time so it's either like this one or it's going to be this one or it's going to be this one I don't think you can do multi select with radio field um and so yeah go ahead and add those in you can change change the size of these boxes or delete one as needed um and that's radio field all right next up is your drop- down field this one is you know very self-explanatory if you have a drop- down selection you can go ahead and add your selections on the side here so let's just say um we have Choice one again you can add that choice two and choice three and and doing that will allow you to have a drop down with all three of your selections here so that's super easy all right um again you can also change up you know your text size I think this is a very great um functionality to be able to customize all of the text and font sizes for pretty much everything so it's quite user friendly and easy to use all right next up is your list field so this one allows ows you to have all of your choices showing at the same time so instead of having a drop down it would all show up on this list and essentially someone can um like choose um this selection does allow you to do multiple selections so for example if you want to do like Choice One and choice three it will allow you to do that I don't think it's allowing me to do that on this preview right now but it does say it allows multip selection so um I would assume that would work right there all right so um next up is your date field which is super super helpful so you can slot that in and uh you can slot in your date for example or you can basically even uh default it to today's date which is super helpful all right and then next we have your signature field so if you want this to be similar to a contract you can add in a signature field here usually I would put a little bit more space into here and this would allow someone to um put in their signature right here all right next is a initials field so very similar to Signature um they'd be able to type in their initials here so a range field this just um allows you to do multiple selections and then basically just line them together which can be very helpful actually so if you want to use that um this is also an option to help you kind of um customize and align your your Fields um a little bit more neatly all right so those are all the different options what we're going to do here is we are now going to download this document so first off you're going to save it and make sure that it that it is all saved and then we are going to export it and we're going to download it now as you can see here I've already downloaded one document um with this account this month so this is going to be my second document so we're going to download it here and let's look at this um this document together all right so we have our beautiful document here now let's test this out so we have our on line field here so let's say this is first and last name perfect and then this is your paragraph So This is a paragraph This is a paragraph So Perfect this is typing in different paragraphs so if you keep um going enter you're going to create multiple paragraphs here it's going to keep going actually which is great um next up are your checkboxes so you can those look pretty good and then we have your choice selection um and then we have our drop down here our date field uh looks like our um signature boxes didn't show up so that's really odd as well um let's see if you can change the date you can easily change the date there okay I'm going to download this uh one more time because maybe it's just not showing in the preview okay so I've opened it instead of in my preview I've opened it in like any PDF reader and it looks like the signature fields are showing up now so um you definitely need to use um like a PDF reader uh in order to see the signature Fields open properly which makes sense because on the preview it doesn't actually work that well so again we're going to try this out here again so sheral Chen so this is the oneliner um the paragraph okay perfect and then we have our check boxes here and our choice selections um we have our drop down here the date here working perfectly and then the ability to add um a signature here which is great so you can definitely use this for contracts perfect so I'm just going to save this document right now and I'm going to open it again just make sure that all of the fields have been saved with it filled out okay perfect so as you can see here after I've saved the document the par the form Fields have been saved with everything filled out so if you're sending this to a client or you're sending to a a customer just remind them to really open it into a PDF reader to fill it out and then they can save it and they can uh feel free to email it back to you with it all filled out so I hope that was really helpful honestly it was really really easy to use dogfly was um like the interface is actually very easy and beautiful um much more beautiful than some of the other options that we've tried out on this channel so I really highly recommend it if you're only making three documents or less in a month then it's completely free but even if you need to upgrade it's not very expensive even on the monthly plan let's just say you're doing all your templates in one month you're just paying around like seven bucks so it really isn't that big of a deal at all all right and that is it you guys if you enjoyed this tutorial be sure to like like the video and subscribe to the channel for more videos like this by the way I have actually created very similar uh video tutorials in the past using PDF Escape as well as using in design so if you are trying to figure out how to do the same thing but with those platforms instead I'll also link those video um in the description below now if you got to the end of this video honestly I'm pretty impressed in today's video I wanted to pose a really random question what is your favorite food Emoji is it the burger the fries the eggplant well mine is actually the dumpling Emoji because well obviously because I love dumplings but I can actually make dumplings that look exactly like the dumpling Emoji so what is yours what is your favorite food Emoji let me know in the comments below I'm so curious all right I will see you guys in the next video bye [Music] oh
Channel: Made on Sundays
Views: 3,973
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: docfly, fillable pdf, interactive pdf, fillable workbook, how to make a pdf interactive, how to add a signature to pdf
Id: DU6eUcOM9sg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 44sec (824 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 26 2023
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