Create A Custom DYNAMIC Map Animation | After Effects

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hey guys in this video I'm going to show you how to go from this screenshot and make it look something like this so this is a really cool effect because it involves using a few different techniques so the first thing that we're going to need is a map texture now to get my map all I did was basically just took a screenshot straight off Google Earth and this is basically the part that I wanted to use I found for this sort of thing any sort of mountainous terrain where you've got very sort of you know like highlights and and shadows here work really well but I've just created a new composition here to whatever settings that you need to use then I can just basically drag in my map texture so the first set of things I'm going to add to this map to texturizer are these three things here the tint the emboss and the curves now you can find all of these by just searching for them up here now what I've done is I've just basically left the black map to Black the white I've moved down to this uh you can enter in those numbers if you want to get that exact position but just sort of a gray color I've added an emboss these are the settings that I've added in there you can basically enter those in exactly as you see it here basically just starts to kind of bring out those areas where we want to try and highlight or really exaggerate the highlighted areas and then really darken those Shadows the other thing that I've done to help with that is add a curves over the top and I've just basically added what they call an S curve giving it a bit of contrast by crushing those blacks increasing those highlights is really going to kind of exaggerate that overall look now once I've got that all I need to do is then just basically duplicate that so I've got two layers now what I've done to that is I've changed the tint to be this yellow color so you can enter in that yellow there if you want to basically highlight the yellows it if you don't want it to be yellow color you can change to whatever color you want but I'm just using yellow the emboss I've basically just adjusted this blend with the original so if you see from here and also the contrast I've left everything else the same the S curve again I've just basically exaggerated that the extract is basically just going to remove most of that image just leaving little specks of that yellow highlight now if you want more or less you can drag up or down on this but I found that that sort of level around there is about right those are the settings there if you want to enter that in again you can find that by just searching for it up there dragging it onto that layer now once I've got that I can duplicate it again so I've got a third layer now now to this third layer I've basically adjusted this map to white color to be a red I've adjusted these three for the emboss which will basically just again to highlight that area I've basically given this much more contrast and highlights you can enter in these exact valleys if you want to follow along and the extract I've basically also just adjusted this you can adjust this for more or less of that red effect somewhere around there let's just kind of adjusted to your liking but that's about right what I'm going to add over the top of this is a new adjustment layer and to this adjustment layer I've added a hue and saturation I've basically just brought up the saturation and with the brightness and contrast I've also just brought up the contrast that's really going to help exaggerate that map effect so really bringing out these colors with that highlighted effect now at this point it's really just kind of going through all those different layers messing around with it until you kind of end up with a look that you want now with all of those layers I just want to basically come up to layer and then down to pre-compose call these ones map so we know that that's our back map background now we're ready to add our map image over the top so this is the actual country or the continent that you're going to use now you can find similar sort of images that you can use in your own personal projects but what I did was to save time I saw some from envato elements and if you need to make the animation quickly then envato elements just has lots of these pre ready to go assets that you can use in all your commercial projects so you can see here on screen they've just got a ton of these assets that you can basically use in your projects and it also includes unlimited downloads so you can download all of these different files and try them out in your project to see which one works best for you it's something I've personally been Now using in my own projects for over a year now because I don't want to spend hours trying to recreate all these assets from scratch I can just go onto my envato elements account and it's all covered under there one simple license now if you also want want to check out envato elements for yourself then you can use my affiliate link down in the description below and that's going to get you 50 off when you sign up to an annual subscription now what you need to do with this map is basically just remove the background now you might not be using this exact one basically just added the extract function to remove the white part and then I basically added a fill over the top and then over the top of this I basically just use my pen tool up here created a rough mask just to cut out that text and that's pretty much how I got that map one other thing that I also added to it was just a black solid over the top and all this does is basically just fill in that text so basically just want a solid black you know part or country whatever you're going to use that then we can use to map out the rest so you can just position that on the map wherever you want to use it and then all I did was I basically just used my toggle switches here and just set this bottom one to use that Brazil cut out automatically basically isolates that and away we go we're using that map information underneath and now we have that map basically sitting over the top now I'll need to do is just duplicate that background layer remove that and now I've got basically that layer sitting underneath then what I can do is basically take those two come down to layer and just pre-compose and that's going to be my country and I can just hit OK and that's now in its own composition now if you're liking this video and you want to learn more about how to create map animations or just animations in general similar to other videos that you see on my channel then you definitely want to check out my animation Master course there'll be a link down in the description below and in that I teach you how to make over 50 different animations I lead you through all the basics from absolute zero right through how to create some awesome looking animations and effects it'll also help you understand animations to the point that you won't have to rely on YouTube tutorials as much in order to create your own animations so if you want to learn more about my animation Master course then check that out via the link in the description below now what I did with my country is I then just came up to layer and down to Auto trace and then with these settings here I basically just hit okay it automatically draws a mask that goes around the outside and delete those two I just want this outside one that basically runs around that part and then to this I just added a stroke effect these are all the settings that I used here and I just want to basically use the mask one added a bit of brush size and then I just basically decreased the spacing and that's going to give it more of a hard Edge like this I might just bring down that brush size I also added a glow effect here and these are the settings that I use for my glow effect I basically just messed around with these three settings here just try and really exaggerate that you know the the glowing of that map what I then did was I basically animated these settings so basically for this I used the start function and then I went across here made this zero kind of like this get you to bring those up kind of adds this outline effect as it's been drawn the other thing I also did here was add another glow radius created another one there and just drag this down to zero and that just kind of adds this you know the animates that effect on over time then what I did over the top to add the movement was I added a camera this can be just 35 mil is fine and what I did with my map was I just wanted to basically bring this out in 3D space I've got to make both of these three day and then with my map you can either move it back or you can move your top layer out the other thing I'm also going to do is hit C on the keyboard and I'm starting to get a little bit of that 3d effect just kind of interesting the other thing I can also do is add a motion tile to the background this kind of just fills in those edges what I can do is just add a drop shadow and what I did is I set this to be about 76 I set the distance to be zero and then I set the direction to be about 179 and if I create a keyframe here for the distance over time I want this to basically animate out what that's doing is basically creating a drop shadow that's moving out from the background what I can do is then take that and duplicate it and now I've got two of those drop Shadows basically moving out something else that I also did to help with that was also if I toggle these switches here I can go to my track matte settings and set this to be the map underneath make sure that map is on hit this again and then invert the map now what that does in short is it allows you to see through the map so it almost makes it look a little bit translucent you can see that background underneath it kind of makes a really interesting effect you don't have to do that but it's something that I did in my original and the other thing I can also do to that is come down to the camera options turn on the depth of field accept my aperture level here you might need to go through and just set the focal distance to keep that in focus so as the camera is panning by you'll need to move that around to basically keep that in focus you can also adjust the aperture over time but this is how I created my original here and what it looks like at the final animation one other thing that also added I didn't show you here was how to add this text all that is is basically just text that I've typed out so I just added new text I just typed out the word Brazil and over the top of that to animate it all I did was I just came up to my effects and presets use the typewriter effect drag that onto my Brazil text you can put that whatever color you want you add this into your map composition so into this country layer you'd add the text over that but it's something that looks really cool and unique and hopefully you picked up a few different tips and techniques in this particular video now if you like this video give it a thumbs up or a thumbs down you can also check out more videos over here on the side of screen thanks for watching and I'll catch you in the next one
Channel: Flat Pack FX
Views: 26,193
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: flatpackfx, Flat Pack FX, how to make video effects, after affects tutorial, adobe after effects, video effects, Adobe, FAST & CREATIVE Way To Create Textured Maps | After Effects, Map animation, Vox animation after effects, SUPER CREATIVE Vox Trail Effect | After Effects, how to create animations like vox, how to make vox map effects, vox animation series, how to make animations like vox
Id: 8cQejMw1Jss
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 38sec (698 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 31 2023
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