Create a bootable macOS Big Sur USB install drive in 5 Minutes!

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hey everybody mr mcintosh here in today's video i'm going to show you how to download and install mac os big sur on a usb flash drive you can now use this to reinstall mac os big sur on your mac and this will save you at least one to two hours because then the recovery partition or internet recovery doesn't have to download 12 gigabytes of installer so let's get started the first thing we're going to need to do is download the full mac os big sur installer app now i put together this really detailed article that will show you multiple ways to download any installer from 10.11 el capitan all the way up to 11.0 big sur so let's scroll down i've got a direct link to the mac app store for big sur so we need to do is click on this guy here and it's going to open up the mac app store and here it is big sur all i need to do is click get and that's going to download the entire 12 gigabyte installer app right to your applications folder now i already did that so we can save some time here all right we'll open up macintosh hard drive we'll go to the applications folder and then here it is mac os big sur now before we begin we're gonna have to plug in our flash drive into the computer now i recommend when you're gonna buy a flash drive anything over 12 gigabytes in size and also usb 3.0 or 3.1 for install speed so now you as you can see it's loaded onto the desktop so all we need to do is open up the terminal app that's where we're going to be doing all of our work so we'll click on the desktop we'll do command space we'll search for terminal we'll hit enter and here's our terminal app now i'm going to make this window a little bit bigger here so you guys can see what i'm typing in here right now all we need to do is run this command as an administrator to do that we need to type in sudo and then do a space and all we need to do is drag the full installer to the terminal window but if we do that it's only going to be for the installer so we have to actually drill into the installer app to find the create install media binary so we'll do that by control click or right clicking on it and then show package contents inside here is all the folder structure of the installer app now we're going to go into the resources folder and here's a create install media so all i need to do is drag that to the terminal line and it'll fill in the command for us so now that part's done now it's going to say well where do you want to put the installer well we need to put on the usb flash drive so we're going to issue it the dash dash volume command and we're going to do another space and we're going to drag the flash stick over here and it fills that in too and then that's it hit enter type in your administrator password give it a second and it's going to say to continue we need to erase the volume so make sure you don't have any data on there and you don't you know the drill again like i said you don't need to format it or anything because this is going to take care of everything for you if you wish to continue hit yes we're going to hit yes to continue erasing the disk if you get this message here this is saying that terminal needs to be able to access your removable volume just click okay because that's totally fine the erase part is now done now it's going to be moving over to installing all the files that it's going to need here and there it goes copying files to disk and if you want to see what's actually going on we open up the activity monitor here and we can click on disk and we can see how fast the files are actually copying over now we'll go down here and it's copying about four megabytes a second from the disk to the usb flash drive all right we're at about 50 here and as you can see down here we're picking up some speed we're pushing about 20 to 30 megabytes a second on average to the transfer speed to the usb stick so we should be done shortly here okay finished it says making the disk bootable and the install media is now available so we'll minimize this here and as you can see in the desktop here it's ready to go i want to show you a cool little trick if you want to change the icon you can just click on the installer inside go command i to get the information about it then click on the usb installer icon click command i on that and then go over here and click on the icon called command c click on the ike installer usb and then command v to paste and look at that it's the big sur icon how cool is that and we can change the name if you wanted to you can do the the version of the installer you can just click once and give you the ability to click inside there and you can just call 11.0.1 if you wanted to or big sur and that's it you're done so now we can with that usb flash stick you can reinstall mac os big sur on your mac i hope this video created value for you if it did click that subscribe button and i'll catch you in the next video thanks
Channel: Mr. Macintosh
Views: 179,686
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: macOS Big Sur, macOS Big Sur USB Installer, macOS Big Sur Install Disk, Install macOS Big Sur, macOS Big Sur Installer, macOS Big Sur USB Boot Disk, macOS USB Boot Disk, macOS Big Sur Installer Disk, USB macOS Big Sur Install, macOS Big Sur How to, macOS USB installer, macOS USB Boot Drive, macOS Big Sur usb flash drive, macOS 11, macOS 11 installer, macOS 11 usb boot drive, reinstall macOS Big sur installer, clean install big sur installer, big sur 11.0 usb installer
Id: dQCp-rQlZuY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 55sec (295 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 09 2020
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