Create a Ball Rig for Animation Practice

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in today's video i'm going to show you how to create a quick rig for a bouncy ball so you can start practicing your animation principles i'm luciano and welcome to the adventures of lollipop man [Music] this episode is sponsored by me use the code below to get 10 discount on any of my products what's up everyone and welcome to the adventures of lollipop man in today's video we're gonna take a quick look of how to create a very simple bouncing ball rig so you can actually practice the principles of animation although not all the time it's important that you actually know how to build the rigs that you're using learning a little bit about how they're created will help you then be more self-sufficient so before we go into the video remember to support the channel by liking subscribing or even getting in on my patreon yeah we got one of those too right here link below and now to the video as you can see we're here on blender 3.0 and this is basically this just a new number not not that it has many new features it's just a new number and this is like the lollipop man at the adventures of lollipop man edition which basically has my my setup but it's the same thing that you're using at home so first of all we need a ball and we're going to create a quick ball using a sphere and make sure i zoom into it i'm going to make this ball something like 0.25 meters 25 centimeters and as you can see i changed the dimensions which is basically the dimensions in respect to the world for some reason i upside down so now i'm going to make sure that the ball is sitting on the line on the floor right so that should be something like that maybe 20.2 yeah better right so we got a ball right there i'm gonna add some colors so we can see it rotating and stuff like that so just gonna add white color and then maybe a secondary color which could be orange or whatever just going to select this guys right here assign it to that and make sure that this is shown in the viewport color like that and now i'm going to make shade smooth now we got a ball and if we rotate it we can see it's rotating right just simple stuff so we can actually read it when we're animating because if we only had one flat color you wouldn't see if it's rotating correctly correctly or not now that we have our ball we want to apply this transform so that it doesn't move from here like if i press alt g right now you can see that it goes back to the zero but i want this to be my new zero so to do that you can press ctrl a and apply your scale as you can see now if the scale goes back to one the dimension is still the same because still the same measurement in the world then if i try to do the same with location the problem is that the origin will go to zero of the scene changing the pivot of the ball and i just don't want that but what i can do is move the locations to deltas and now you can see it's zero and in the deltas we actually have that transform but the location remains zero for us and the origin stays in the same place so now we can if i move this ball around and rotate it i can press alt r and g of s and it will go back to this position which is the one that i want so from then on we're ready to start rigging now i'm going to create an armature single bone and now i'm going to scale it over to the 3d cursor right so with the point now i can scale and i'm going to go x-ray and more or less put it in a way that it covers the entire thing so this is going to be what we're going to call my root bone right which will move the entire rig and we can position it if you see my video on the root control this is basically that same control and we're just going to leave it right there we call it root with f2 you can just call the naming thing and you're ready so now we're going to go into the armature panel and i'm going to hide this bone in another layer i'm going to create a second bone i'm gonna scale it down again and this is going to be my deformation bone the bone that's going to be stretched so what we're going to do is we're going to have a root we're going to have a controller that allows you to rotate this sphere right then one at the top that will allow you to stretch it up and down from moving it there but with the pivot down and another one from the bottom will allow you to do the exact same thing but to the top so you can always stretch it if it just bounces on a wall and you can stretch it to the one side if it passes to the other side you can stretch it from the other side it should be good to be is enough right then one control to move it from the center of gravity which would be kind of like the center of the sphere and then the root control that's kind of what we need the reason also all of these are kind of separate controls is because it's gonna make it easier for us to separate most of the transforms and work with them independently it's gonna make it a little bit more organized for our brains so we can kind of work piece by piece so easy enough this is going to be my mch in blender there's a thing where def mch and org capitals and with a dash next to them if you put any of these prefix in any bone when you're using auto keying with something like whole character those bones won't get ki at all and so that's pretty good it's a bit obscure i reckon but it works really well so for instance this bone i don't want it to be kid this is going to be just a helper to make the mechanism work how i want it so at the top we're going to extrude a bone with e and i'm gonna do the same on the bottom and i'm going to disconnect both of them with alt p i'm gonna do disconnect bone and clear parents and right now i just need to name them so this is going to be top stretch and then bottom and i'm just missing the one that's going to make this sphere rotate so i'm just going to get rid of all these annotations there we go so i'm going to select the sphere and then align my cursor to selected because it needs to rotate from that very center then i'm going to create a new bone from there and i'm going to make it maybe just that long and i'm going to call this rotation why not so the rotation bone should follow this guy here because this is the one that's going to stretch why do we want it in that order because we want to be able to keep rotating the ball in any direction that it's stretched without changing the orientation of that stretch well let's see what i mean i'm gonna connect the sphere to that bone right there control p set parent to bone and so now i can rotate this bone right and now if i scale this bone in that direction and then it rotates i don't want this to happen i want the the sphere to keep rotating even if it stretched in one direction so if this guy right here is a parent of that bone so p and now i stretch this guy but then rotate the one that's actually directly connected to the sphere you can see that now the shape is preserved right even if the sphere is rotating so it's kind of cool so it makes it a little bit easier to handle right now let's go back to that so this guy is connected properly already rotation stretch now this one will control the stretch of this bone with to do that we're going to do a constraint called stretch two so with ctrl shift c you can just go and stretch two you can also use the menu pose it's somewhere here constraints add with targets and then this guy has to be a child of this one to do the opposite so from from here i can just move this guy up and down you can see it stretches and squashes right and then i can still rotate this guy from its own pivot and it's still doing the desired effect now i want to be able to move this in a proper way i think it's better to have another control so i'm going to select this guy this guy go trophy hip offset so now we got the top stretch moving from the top the bottom stretch moving from the bottom and then the rotation still working and that's all fine now we need our control that should go in the middle which is this guy just created now we're gonna call him cog center gravity and then the top the top stretch the bottom stretch and should be children of the center of gravity and then we're gonna bring back another guy and our other guy called root just to make this easier on the eyes and now that i don't need the mch stretch i'm just going to move it to another layer so i'm going to turn on this root now and so the cog and the root 3g should be a child of the root so i'm going to keep the offset now i have the root cog stretch up and down there we go and you'd be pretty much good to go now we just need to lock and create some pretty shapes to make it more readable going to create a circle scale this circle down and this is going to be my root so i'm just going to make a shape that kind of represents this is the master controller of the rig i'm going to make this bounding box center so yeah points everywhere basically and so the root component is going to in their panel where we have the viewport display we can go custom object you can see it's misaligned so i just need to rotate my shape to orient it to the bone like so and now go to edit mode and in edit mode reorient it back to look kind of like i wanted so now this shape called root i'm just going to put it into a new collection pressing m new collection this is going to be widgets right and [Music] go [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so we're almost there so things we want to do now to prepare ourselves for animation just going to select all the bones hold alt and switch to rotations to euler then the top and bottom we only want to be able to move them in the y-axis so all of the rest want to be locked the rotation one we want to only be able to rotate rotate it and then this one it's okay that it's free and this one is okay that is completely free i want to turn off my relationship lines because they're awful the most awful thing ever and we probably want some color to kind of give a little bit of contrast to what we're looking at here so i'm going to go to the bone groups i'm going to create three bone groups one's gonna be red one's gonna be blue and one's gonna be yellow gonna make red blue yellow and so i'm going to make this one yellow actually now this one let's make it blue this one yellow you just assign them and then this one red something like so maybe this one red and this one and this one something like that as you can see they're much easier to see now that they have a base color and since this one is the main that you want to animate that's going to stay yellow but this one's this one's this one's in this case because they're just like different bones we just create a separate color for that one and make it green in this particular case and so we get yeah something like that and that should be it your sphere is ready and so now you just make sure that you use the whole character selected bones only which will allow you to do two things when you don't select you don't have anything selected press i it will key all of the bones available in the rig but it will only key the ones that don't have a lock right so it's actually super clean to use now if you select any bones it will still key only those bones but only the ones without a lock and so now you're basically ready to start animating so make sure you just use whole character selected bones only and that's basically it you are now ready to animate you can still do some tweaks to like like rename stuff like ball rate and then move this guy out of that collection to a ball rig collection something like that and then move this guy over here and i don't think we have a camera so i don't have a don't need a cinematography collection and yeah that should be kind of it and so you can now save your rig and replace this crappy one and make sure that yeah x-ray is turned off so now you're ready to use it for creating a bouncing ball which we'll see in another video let me know in the comments below what to do with it and thank you again for being here remember you can like subscribe and also join my patreon and see me next time
Channel: #LollypopMan
Views: 5,319
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, lollypopman, rigging, addon, blender tutorial, blender guru, blender 2.8, blender 2.9, blender 3d, blender for maya users, blender animation, animation in blender, blender animation tutorial, learn animation in blender, modifiers, looping animation, curve modifier blender 2.8, curve modifier, nla modifier, non linear animation editor, blender actions, blender action editor, blender animation actions, blender NLA tutorial, cycle modifier, cycle animation blender
Id: u38o_dOzd0w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 44sec (944 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 26 2021
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