Creamy Mushrooms | Jamie Oliver

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So I'm going to show you how to make the  most delicious creamy mushrooms. Really   gorgeous sumptuous silky, and this recipe  is a principle recipe that you can take,   you can use time and time again, and you can use  it for so many things. We've got a nice array of   mushrooms here: so we've got oysters, some lovely  shiitakes, we've got lovely little chanterelles   here these are gorgeous, these are wild, and this  is trompette de mort, the trumpet of death - but   you won't die don't worry. So we wash those  if you wish, let's talk about flavouring.   I'm going to use thyme today, of course you  could swap that out for any other woody herb.   I'm going to use dried chilli, just  a little bit, and then of course   garlic. So, I said creamy mushrooms - what we  have here is some crème fraîche, the idea is   we don't need this, right. We can make creamy  mushrooms without cream, using butter and water   right, it's brilliant. So pan on, we're going to  go medium-high heat, so we'll whack that up now.   I'm going to finely slice the  garlic, just into little slices. The chilli, I'll just take the end off the  chilli just by slicing. Don't need much at   all. I do not want you to recognise like, any  kind of hot-hot heat. Then we've got the thyme,   thyme is absolutely gorgeous and it's a  nice savoury herb. Just a little teaspoon   of fresh thyme like that will make all the  difference. So I love that. So, first little   thing I'm going to do which is quite interesting  and really not traditional, I learnt this kind of   technique in Japan and they would - over barbecue,  over coals - they would take humble mushrooms like   this and they would just kind of dry-grill them.  And then I kind of changed that at home in the UK   to dry-frying them in a non-stick pan, so no  oil right? So what this does interestingly is it   starts to bring out nutty flavours. Like I say you  can go like whole mushrooms no trouble, you can   just break them in your hand like that, let's just  slice a few up. This one is a king oyster, these   will all reduce in size as they cook. So give it  a nice little shake, and if you toss it around   you'll start to see that it's catching and  actually caramelising in its own natural   sugars right, you can see that in the oyster  mushrooms, really nice. So now we're going to   start almost cooking in a more traditional way.  So I'll make a little gap in the middle of the pan   like this, we're going to go in with a  little drizzle of extra virgin olive oil,   we'll go in with a little knob of butter,  we'll go straight in with the garlic. And now we're going to go in with the chilli,  and then the savoury fragrant notes of the thyme.   Now we can start to toss, and this is much more  kind of traditional mushroom cooking. Season   nicely with salt and pepper. I'm going  to serve these mushrooms with pasta,   tagliatelle, so I'll just put that into some  boiling salted water. This will only take like   four or five minutes to cook. Now is the really  interesting bit - we're going to take some of   this starchy water from this pasta and i'm  going to put it into here. And that water   emulsifies with the fat and you get an emulsion,  and that emulsion is the creaminess, a natural   creaminess without using cream okay, that's  what we want. So give it a shake, look at that!   Can you see? There's the creaminess, it's  there, that's there it's coming together now   that's the creaminess. And now we can turn the  pan off and it's done. So at this stage in the   game the pasta is done. I'll also take some  more water to mix with the creamy mushrooms,   and i'm just tossing that pasta in  that creamy sauce, look at the colour!   What you can do if you wish, is just add  a little parmesan. So let's plate up. If you're a mushroom lover it's  such a nice expression of mushrooms,   it really is. Little kiss of olive oil.  And that is beautiful mushroom tagliatelle   with thyme, a tiny bit of chilli, and  parmesan. Have we got the creaminess,   that's the question. What's lovely is the pasta  really does soak up that gorgeous natural sauce. Mm, the mushrooms are so savoury and rich, really  hearty. Those mushrooms as they sat in the pan   untouched, so that could go on a steak, you  could have it on polenta, on toast, you could   put it in a quiche, you could put it on a pizza,  the list goes on... That's a really fundamental,   delicious, honest mushroom recipe. Great  texture and it gives you loads and loads   of opportunity, so guys get cooking, get  the mushrooms out and enjoy, take care.
Channel: Jamie Oliver
Views: 344,148
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Keywords: jamie, oliver, cooking, food, cook, recipe, tube, chef, foodtube, jamieoliver
Id: y8d7wvHLYSY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 57sec (297 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 02 2022
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