Crazy Storm & Christmas Q&A | VLOGMAS

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in doing so with her barking she just sprayed the bed and oh my god [Music] but look in there i think i look this granny needs to get to bed [Music] good morning it's the weekend and i'm happy about it starting my morning off i've still got tears in my eyes somehow i got on to watching tom and joanna tom's wedding speech god i've seen it so many times but it's always on my home page on youtube and i was like oh i just haven't seen this in a while i just watched that every time that's how my morning's going my battery died i don't know where i was i think i was basically just saying that i've been crying like videos all morning i am now i've just finished editing the video guys i've been up since 4 am again nala just her tummy is just broken and i am broken as well so i'm feeling pretty tired um but i'm taking it chill today i think i'm gonna run myself a bath which is what i'm doing now and i'm just gonna soak for a bit maybe do a little face mask put some under eye masks on because i need it the last of the christmas presents for some of the girls in the office or in the team arrived this morning thank goodness um so i am gonna wrap those and then i think i might see if we can drive them and drop them at their houses might not be today might be another day but that's my morning so far editing trying to get a bit more sleep looking after nala and watching videos that i know will make me cry does anyone ever do that when you click on a video you like this one or this one will get me oh god i also just need to tidy me and alfie just keep saying like we need to make the house like christmas ready and we've done little bits here and there but it's not enough i want to like properly tidy like get everything sorted feel like our house is just all in order and that everything's wrapped and ready and i want to do the table i do think though this might be a video where i'm not wearing any makeup all day i just don't know if i can be bothered i'm gonna have a chilled tidying sorting saturday and not wear any makeup right i'm gonna go and check on my bath decide what i want to put in it what's in here oh okay i'm gonna do this i don't know what this one is but smells great pop that there ready face mask i'm gonna go for is this one this is the tula skincare starbrite nourishing and brightening cosmic hydrogel masks and oh i feel like i bought some pixie ie masks where have i put those found them and i'm going to do some of these pixie beautify brightening eye patches i'm excited about this my own little panther sesh i changed my mind after my bath and doing my masks i felt fresh and i was like actually i kind of want to put some makeup on because it will make me feel better so i did and i've put on a nice little loungewear set this one is from karen millen it feels very soft alfie has gone to shoot some content uh i think somewhere and what i think i might do in this vlog is a little q and a with alf which i hope in turn will produce something actually worth you watching rather than just me being like guys i'm so tired today i'm just waiting for him to come back what's this on tv some kind of cute little film i've got my shadow she's being very clingy today i think it's just because she's not feeling good you're not feeling good today hello you looking at my camera can you see yourself look who's that can you see who's that do you see is that you does anyone else have a dog that watches tv like an actual human she's now watching the tv what's happening what is that she's just being so cute today i can't handle you we had new bedding on the bed yesterday the lovely um christmas trees that i showed you and i was on facetime to poppy and nala barked at a couple of dogs on the tv this is why it's just reminded me and in doing so obviously pugs have a very exposed back end bless them um in doing so with her barking just sprayed the bed in for any of you that ever watch my videos and you think oh my god she's just got the perfect life sometimes my dog shits all over my brand new christmas bedding but bless her look how she's laying can you see that she's basically my own little hot water bottle at all times she definitely doesn't seem herself today probably because she's tired anyway i'm gonna wrap some presents while i wait for alfie to get back and i need to now like chug loads of water because i made my bath too hot then you know when you get out the bath and you're like oh my god i'm the most thirsty i think i've ever been that is how i feel right now so i'm gonna make myself a nice cold drink get out the wrapping paper get out some of the presents that we've got to wrap and wrap so [Music] so [Music] updates and like you know stats and things in my vlogs because i feel like a lot of you probably come here to avoid the c word and by c word i do not mean christmas i mean coronavirus but there's just been an announcement stating that there is a new tier tier four which is london and southeast and boris has just said that instead of three households for the five days we're only allowed three households for only christmas day oh the family are ringing oh my gosh oh my god did you get that did you get it i saw it but i didn't i didn't get it it's like the craziest store out of nowhere can you hear the thunder the hailstones what the hell whoa in the corner they've been building up whoa hello i don't even know if they're gonna be able to hear how loud how loud this is up there look at the hailstones i've honestly we've not had anything like this in so long there was like a crazy lightning oh did it just do it again it looked in my camera like it's just raining but it's not exactly oh my holy nana's like what the hell i don't i don't think she's experienced much hailstones was that that was just there whoa oh my god that lightning is crazy i was literally making narla's dinner and that came out of nowhere there's us thinking narla's barking at the thunder and lightning in hailstones she's probably just like can i have my dinner please if any of you are watching this and you're in a tier 4 i'm so sorry like that look just must suck um you're rather than tier four i know so what could you do now i don't know i think tier four no one can see anyone i think you just have to stay in your house in tier four other than people that are fully solo can still have a sport bubble i think i think you can still have a sport bottle or something and your brother's got diana obviously yeah whoa scary times but for those of you that's really affected i'm just sending you all my love and i mean there's nothing i can really say to make it better but just know that i'm thinking of you and yeah i don't know i have no word just know you're not alone there are so many people that are yeah feeling upset angry annoyed disappointed let down however you're feeling you're not the only one as like that one day of the year that we all really look forward to so i do think for so many people right now who this is really really affected it's going to feel so sad anyway i'm going to carry on keeping on i'm going to try and bring you some vlogmas in the midst of this crazy i want to say month but it's been a crazy year i'm not gonna lie i know i know these videos are not gonna feel the same and everything's so different this year but i really hope that those of you that like watching these videos are able to take some form of positivity away from them um because that is why that is why i'm uploading them that's why i decided to do vlogmas this year when i started this i knew vlogmas would be a bit different but i didn't really anticipate it would be so different um especially in this last kind of week where usually everything kind of gets ramped up a bit and we'll get a bit more excited and see family and friends and like that's just not going to happen so i feel like that storm was very symbolic on a more positive night this is strictly final tonight and i am really excited to watch it i have no idea who's gonna win i think it starts in like 25 minutes actually and as i said me and alpha gonna answer some questions do a little q and a care to join me for a little oh that's very sticky what's that honey from yesterday oh look at us in grey what's my hairstyle vision in grey i look very pink why do i look so pink let me see you in real life you're very pink i'm actually no you look cute no but look in there how pink i look yeah you do look a bit pink i think it's because you've got full face of makeup again zoe loves filming next to me with a full face of makeup i mean i have for the last eight years i don't know what you're talking about maybe my skin's just got worse no it hasn't you look lovely what's that i don't care what's up baby you shouldn't really be on that blanket you're not do they you've already ruined you claimed it have you no no you stay there no no no no no no she jumped down times like that i'm like she 100 knows everything we're saying that makes me sad yeah you could say as i said earlier alfie and i are going to sit and do a little christmas q a feel like i need to have a little hot chocolate like a cup of tea or something yeah first question is rate the chocolate boxes we couldn't be more different on this best to work worst to best we couldn't have more opposing views yeah shall i go first or do you want to go first no you go fast okay so for me so let's go least favorite to most favorite although let's be honest i love them all there's no there's none that i don't like oh yeah i'll definitely eat all of them celebrations oh my gosh then miniature heroes oh my gosh then quality street then roses and here's my reasoning celebration you like to be wrong no celebrations you can eat everything in that all year round there's nothing new in that that's how good they are there's nothing different there's nothing they're so good they can sell them all year round the same with heroes i'm going on nostalgia and like christmas feels for me quality street and roses just are so much more christmassy because those are the two that i always had growing up so but i do think i prefer i prefer cadbury's chocolate over the quality street chocolate which is why roses for me is my top your go roses bottom okay quality straight second bottom then these two are very close it depends on my mood but i'm going to say celebrations then heroes i feel like more people will agree with you and the reason why is because those chocolates are evidently so good that they can sell them anytime any year round i feel like people in their 30s will agree with that i know and everyone else will agree with you i know what you mean as in like um roses and quality streets definitely are more festive like we've literally got a box there uh tin they're definitely more festive but actual eating they're not as good taste-wise they're just not as good okay well will agree to this but no no no no this is where we have to agree it's amazing that we're the opposite because it means that we don't eat like if ours were exactly the same then we'd all want the same ones yes when we have tins here at christmas zoe goes real hard on those two i got really hard on the other two so it actually genuinely works perfectly when you have kids will you let them decorate the tree um yeah me and my brother used to decorate the tree with my mom you're gonna be like my mom was and the problem is when you have little kids they can only really decorate the bottom half so as a parent you can pick them up things around my mum definitely moved the decorations around when me and joe helped decorate my mum was the kind of mum where it's like oh yeah come and help me out with the baking and then i'd like crack the egg in and stir it and she'd be like that's perfect and then take it in this dirt that's going to be something that's going to be very like a little okay i think the cutest thing and i had this growing up i don't know if you did we so um nissa zoe knight poppy and i used to buy like a tiny tree like this kind of size from the floor like that big christmas tree and we'd have it in our room we used to decorate those ourselves so we had like a tiny tree ourselves yeah in our bedroom we had a tiny tree or sometimes sometimes just in the kitchen like a tiny little dream we would decorate that one that's such a good idea because then you don't then you don't have to be precious about what that looks like yeah yeah that's cute what do you typically put in stockings so when did we start doing this because this was only two or three years ago now i want to say about four years ago we started doing stockings and we we've always done stockings we've started doing it in this way have we i don't feel like i had a stocking my mom and dad used to buy you insurance talking and me yeah you spoiled about stocking i can't even remember that yeah then one year we decided we would all buy each other a stocking present do you remember so like i would buy one present for each person and we would put them in the stockings and we would open one of those stocking presents on christmas eve it became like a tradition we would all sit round so everyone would have six presents in their stocking five presents sorry and they're stocking and we would sit with our pajamas on on christmas eve all like cozy with the fire on and we would pick one present that we were allowed to open and then after the years this year and it's making me sad we decided to make it like a secret santa stocking which i prefer because then you just focus on one person so we draw names out of a hat and every year we get a secret person and we fill their stocking and what's the lim price limit is it 30 or 50. i can't remember we put a price too sure actually i feel like i should know but yeah so we then buy for that person but nobody knows who and then on christmas eve and we're all wrapping the same so we all wrap it in brown paper the person that i've got this year i'll wrap their presents in brown paper and then everyone goes out the room and i put it in a stocking and everybody like we basically we do it so we don't know who's got who and then somehow over the years we just now just open all of the stocking presents on christmas eve just get too excited yeah so usually what's in them is just like any nice little thoughtful gifts for that person that we had but it's just i think it just adds another element of like fun it's not necessary and then you're trying to work out as well so like when i open mine i'm like opening one present i'm like trying to work out like that could have been a poppy kind of present and then open everyone i'm like oh i don't know and then i'm like i reckon poppy you got me this year i reckon you bought me these yeah because obviously the wrapping paper is the same for everyone so the most festive room in your house probably these two rooms yeah i'd say these two but also i do feel like once the dining room is done that feels really christmassy when the food's on the table yeah yeah and there's a tree in there and the fireplace is done that always feels very christmassy christmas eve plans we don't know anymore we need to rethink those are we loud outside in like mom and dad's gazebo well i suppose the tier two rules up to christmas day haven't changed so we can still go in their garden so we could get mom and dad to decorate their gazebo in their garden like christmas christmas and then we could eat christmas eve lunch in there potentially we'll see what they say with masks on and like who's better at wrapping gifts oh i'm gonna say you i think it's pretty close i'm better at fluffing gifts yeah you're i'm better at like alfie's better she will like give me an obscure shape yeah that's me but then zoe can like make it look great why have we never had teams i should do yeah i should do all the actual just normal wrapping yeah and then you add all like the little extras on top because that's the bit i like i don't enjoy the actual wrapping of the presents yeah i don't yeah see that this is why we work so well together when you like my ribbon of course have it grown on you have people commented have you seen that i haven't gone to check actually on that vlog i wanna go and check the comments favorite food on christmas oh it's so hard because for me it's just i'm gonna say trees the cheeseboard yeah cheeseboard the cheeseboard mine is just the christmas dinner but i couldn't pick one thing on the christmas dinner because i like it all together like do you prefer giving or receiving gifts giving 100 every time every i love giving gifts especially when you've really thought of something that you think someone's gonna really love when there's something under the tree like we get a couple of presents for each person but there'll always be one that's like a bit more special yeah i always want them to open that one last do you ever notice because we saw you trying to hide things i try and hide all the good ones until the end and you know that scene in gavin and stacy when it's christmas and um stacy is like okay well i'm going to hand them round and i'm going to go first if that's okay with everyone i'm like why is that meal my mum and dad come over and put and probably in short and we put everyone's out under the tree and then zoe will be like not that one yet no no not that one yet that's literally sorry but alfie doesn't care so he'll just be like yeah open that one that's fine i'm like that's the thing i own it the main one classy or cozy clothes on christmas day only cozy i like only guys i say this because alfie and his family are always like you don't dress up for christmas day what are you talking about we're just like matching pajamas all day but i only did that when i met alfie because my whole life my mom has gotten us so dressed up for christmas day like joining a little waistcoat me and like a little dress but i do love that it's more cozy now i think i will put a bit of makeup on this year though yeah yeah because i hate you straight away first thing yeah and that is the one thing with us all being so like just eating all day and like sleeping and chilling there isn't ever really any like nice nice pictures but for us they would never like go on the wall in the house or anything do you think when we have families we'll still all be really chilled or do you think we'll all dress up to go and see each other because actually do you think yeah like all the kids would just be like in their pjs all day yeah they'll be like it's not just like boxers is it it's like yeah sure is that chris like we still all buy like we will buy matching christmas pyjamas so it's special that i am gonna end this q a here but um we're gonna watch the strictly final now and i should say yes on now and um i hope you enjoyed that little q a let me know some of the answers to the questions or if you've got any more questions because i'm just going to throw it out there we've got a lot of vlogs we've just asked so if you've got any more questions oh hello we are in the car it is nearly half 10 way past my bedtime but we were on um face time with poppy sean and steven alexia and everyone was feeling a little bit glum because of the new um the new christmas rules so we were like should we just we'll go for a little beach walk so i don't know if poppy and shaun are coming but we're going to meet steven alexia maybe grab a little hot drink from somewhere and have a little stroll on the beach to end this saturday call us crazy a hot is it called a hot toddy do you remember we used to get that in scotland doesn't it have whiskey in it yeah oh get out get some fresh air hopefully we'll sleep well we'll just listen to a bit of harry styles cruising down to the beach probably won't be too long because you know this this granny needs to get to bed but i'm excited we've stumbled upon a retro santa in this little gallery nice and festive what do you think bae actually you like him she's like i just want to go inside yeah finished our little walk it's now quarter past midnight that is wild we actually stopped off at a mcdonald's and i got a little hot chocolate i actually think a mcdonald's hot chocolate is really really good it's probably up there with one of my favorite hot chocolates to buy from anywhere i don't know why i love it so much it tastes like a bowl of weetos like the cereal milk warmed up and it's just so good um but i think i'm gonna end this vlog here because my battery's flashing and we're on our way home and i'm most likely gonna just be rolled into bed so i hope you enjoyed today and i'll see you again tomorrow say good night see you tomorrow bye
Channel: Zoe Sugg
Views: 523,327
Rating: 4.9777794 out of 5
Keywords: Zoe Sugg, vlog, Zoella, makeup, grwm, get ready with me, cosmetics, Nala, pug, weekly vlog, daily, vlogging, autumn, fall
Id: xdt2d5Oee6s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 2sec (1562 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 20 2020
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