CRAZY SERIES AGAINST THE YANKEES! MLB The Show 21 | Road To The Show Gameplay #34

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all right what up people welcome back to the channel hop right back into some more road of the show we are playing the yankees in this video today if you missed the last video it was insane we hit five home runs in one game and of course our first stat bat we hit an absolute rocket to right field yeah dude last last game five home runs in one game absolutely insane bro i seriously cannot believe we did that well i guess last video we hit five in one game um but dude i can't believe it i'm still blown away that we did it now obviously it's gonna be pretty easy with the stadium i built it's designed to hit home run so am i shocked that we hit five no but i mean it's still pretty hard to hit five nice little basin up the middle not a baby mighty but uh but dude five home runs is pretty tough i could put anyone on a like a short field and they might not have five home runs like mike trout think if he played on that stadium that i built would he be able to hit five home runs i'm sure he would eventually but uh i don't know dude we've only played at that field like what four or five times and we already hit five home runs dude we honestly might hit six home runs in one game which would be insane i have never done that in my entire life and wrote the show so if we could somehow do it wow he just gasped me up right there but if we could somehow hit six in one game i would cry like literally i would cry on camera i have played five million road of the show games in my life and i've never hit six in a game and that would be absolutely legendary so yeah hopefully we could do it but then again it's gonna be pretty freaking tough i'm not gonna lie but let's see here top of inning number six we need this home run is that gonna go is that gonna go no it sure hops the wall and it bounces over okay well we're up by two now top of the eighth the rangers not doing much here it seems like wait we only have one oh dude wait okay when i unpause it look at the scoreboard and left center field it looks like it says the rangers have one hit it's really small you see that or i guess in center field look in center field i guess it says nine i was looking at the errors i don't know but whatever let's go no sinker because i was gonna say don't i have two hits you know what i'm saying like it would have made any sense but uh yeah we're up by two let's make it three here mighty with the home run come on ah line drive up the middle i mean we're hitting good which is good but i mean we hit we hit five home runs in one game last episode we've hit none so far so yeah i don't like it i just really hope we play more than one game against the yankees i don't know what goes on what's going on right now with the coaching staff but dude they sat me like a few episodes ago they sat me like of five games they set me in four of them i don't know what's wrong with them i don't know but they need to wake up okay because if i sit that many games i'm quitting the team i'm gonna go play for someone else who will actually play me in most the games now if they sent me one game out of like out of five that's fine you know maybe even two out of five but they set me four of five games like what are you doing i'm the best baseball player ever you're gonna sit me and it's a rangers okay it's not like my replacement is any better you know what i'm saying it makes no sense but we win game one against the yankees that is always good we're gonna go hop into the next one and see if we can beat them even bad or even worse yeah than this one i'm an idiot okay let's go okay we're pitching oh my god and we're throwing against stan wait we're up by six okay this is amazing we're up by six all i need is three outs i'm throwing 91 to 96 so that's good but let's go buddy we gotta get mike stan out here or john carlos stan sorry okay oh god my pitching's different my pitching settings changed strike one good job come on baby we gotta get him out we gotta get him out i forgot to change it back come on nice good splitter uh what do we want to go do we want to go fastball up try to strike him out come on sit down sit down stan let's go 95 on the gun smell you later uh let's go split her low come on strike one beautiful and yeah i don't know why but i always call john carlos stan mike stan okay that used to be his name and that's like i used to love john carlos stan i mean he's still an absolute beast but when he was on like the marlins and he was like a rookie coming up dude i loved him and his name was mike that's why i always call him mike stan okay so don't hate me for it i guess i'm a legend or an og when it comes to uh to liking him so give me a break okay i know his name's john carlow but whatever give me a break yeah we got a strike here one one count let's go fastball low and inside oh missed our spot completely now what do we want to do up and in here again see if we can get two strikeouts in a row come on gas em up oh my god we almost hit him in the face yeah i really need to change my settings back to my other pitching motion because this is kind of tough dude all i gotta do is push a button let's go splitter please strike him out please oh he destroyed it hang on i'm switching back one second okay so i accidentally simulated that at-bat i don't know how i did that but we got him out i don't even know how we got him out but we got him out so we got two outs here yeah i don't know what i did i went to change the settings and then somehow boom it was simulating i don't know but whatever that's fine you know we didn't give up a run so we're good let's go ahead and get this guy out here let's go curveball boom perfect pitch strike you're gonna call that a blue or a blue a ball blue are you freaking kidding me that was perfect oh my god two in a row this blue sucks oh my god three perfects in a row oh he calls it a strike let's go dude this guy keeps calling these balls dude i don't know what's gonna happen that's four perfect pitches in a row dude i'm insane come on five five in a row can we go ahead and get this guy out with this splitter up split her up this is ballsy it's a hard pitch to throw but we're gonna do it oh threw it right down the middle it was a good pitch but it wasn't perfect so we blew the streak i probably should have stuck with a fastball or something but whatever he's gone anyways let's go good win i mean we don't get to save we don't get the win or whatever but uh that was good that was good i don't know what we did to the second batter hopefully we struck him out because if we did that's three strikeouts and no we only have two strikeouts well i'll take it so game two against the yankees is another win we're gonna go ahead and hop into game three here against him hopefully we're playing we are let's go baby this is gonna be a big series if we could sweep the yankees that would be amazing okay but we gotta play good we're playing in the day is there any wind six wind straight to center field okay this is nice i like it a lot and we ground out to first base oh my god okay mighty wake up okay you do so good game one game two you pitch amazing and then game three you're doing nothing i need you to wake up right now okay let's go double play opportunity let's go ahead and twist this thing up here don't mess up and throw it to home let's go no i did throw to one oh my dude i jinxed myself literally i want to have done that if i didn't say it oh my god you've got to be kidding me dude how did i do that oh this is brutal come on throw it to me let's go you're gone you're gone beautiful double play even though the first baseman had to save my life again because i always throw it in the dirt i don't know why but he picks it literally every single time here we go fourth inning no runs have been scored let's go ahead and make it two to nothing here with the home run though mighty come on bro we gotta hit at least one against the yankees right oh we might have uppo taco perfect swing it is gone about five rows back that is a 371 foot home run that is my guess three 371 show it to me one time 408 how did that ball go 408 i think barely went over the fence but i will take it two to one so it looks like the yankees are coming back a little bit you know it's only a one run ball game but i feel like we're gonna win dude that guy hit the crap out of that was that not the hardest ground ball ever hit or am i am i just going crazy because i feel like he absolutely smoked that thing someone on first two outs come on right to me beautiful i got it i got it good play mighty let's see that arm beautiful dude he's getting so good at his defense like it used to be terrible i mean it's still not amazing he makes quite a few errors but he's way better than he was so this is good this is looking pretty good uh we need a home run though i mean this is a very close ball game and i cannot afford to lose to the yankees as i take a pitch right down the middle oh my god mighty why would you not swing oh yeah because i'm stupid come on that's the gap shot score both coach send them both we need both come on give me these rbis send them wait no stay at third okay as i say he would have been absolutely toasted yeah three to one hold it no they scored another one three to two game dude rangers i need some help please this guy looks like noah cindergard on the mound am i going crazy or is that literally noah's cinder guard it looks just like him come on i'm nervous dude i don't want to lose to the yankees yes we're still up by one top of the eighth this is probably my final at-bat here so i need to make sure we hit a home run okay making a two-run game again as i ground out to first base god dang it dude he threw me the fastball but he threw it in a good spot and got me out and we're losing you've got to be kidding me oh my god no dude i need another at-bat i need to redeem myself can we just twist it this time that was beautiful that was freaking beautiful let's go okay that's what i'd like to see but we're losing so i don't think we're gonna win yes texas let's go oh my god we're tied you've got to be kidding me this is beautiful this is beautiful throw it to one throw to one mighty let's go dude i cannot believe we're actually winning or tied i mean we could win it's gonna be tough i need a nap yes we get one make solid contact uh no let's do power swing to drive to run we gotta hit this ball over the fence come on baby come on mighty don't miss it get that fastball up and you need to just demolish it okay come on boom slider up in the zone and we launched it let's go baby okay we're up by two hopefully that's enough to win if the rangers blow it i'm gonna leave oh my god no dude they're about to they're literally about to choke right here please don't oh my god where is it oh my god that's in the gap please catch it yeah he missed his head no oh my wait i have the ball i threw it to second no two runs score you've got to be kidding me dude we're up again dude this is the craziest game of my life oh my god what is happening dude literally what is happening that's through yes let's go dude this is a an absolutely ridiculous game dude oh my god what is that what is happening boys no dude this is the most ridiculous game i've ever seen in my entire life oh my god are you kidding me dude look at the last three innings okay we get the lead we tied in the ninth right we get the lead in the tenth they tie it in the tenth we get the lead in the 11th they take the win in the 11th by scoring six oh my god dude you've got to be kidding me wow that was crazy okay it looks like we might have another game here against the yankees dude that was insane that was easily the craziest game i've ever played in red of the show history maybe even ever like in mlb the show history i don't know that was insane bro my god i hope you guys enjoyed that that was crazy i mean we can't get to sleep now against the yankees but you know that's fine that's out that's out yes it is let's go if you would rob that dude i'm throwing this controller i'm throwing it very far two to nothing dude i can't believe the rangers lost that game though like are you serious like are you kidding me that was hours to win the entire time and no they choke very badly but whatever that's fine that was good that was a good game like i wish every game could be that entertaining like literally like we had the lead and then the center fielder got that fly ball and he completely missed it of course my god dude that's that's insane like you guys got to let me know have you seen a more crazy game than that i doubt it like i don't know how it can get more crazy than that like that was insane and we're losing again four to two i hate the rangers bro i hate him i need to get off this team right now if my agent ever says hey bro can i help you with anything i gotta say i want traded and he's probably gonna come back and say well mighty uh you're you're locked with this team for the first six years of your career so i don't think i can do that freaking do it bro okay i don't care figure it out because i pay you a lot of money i don't want to play for the rangers if i don't have to go what let's go baby okay are we we're definitely losing right there's no way we win like there's no way uh yeah four to two still in the bottom of the eighth yeah we're losing it's 100 in l right here like it's not happening it is definitely not happening throw him out mighty good job and now let's go ahead and be sad when we lose this game right here oh my god we can tie it you've got to be kidding me mighty don't mess up do not mess up get that fastball there it was i took it though of course like a dummy like the dummy i am i took a fastball that i could have hit very far whatever he'll give you another one yep oh missed it i dropped the pci a little bit okay where do i want to hit this thing do i want to hit that uh that clock out there in left center field i think so let's go for it oh we actually hit it that way please go get out get out oh center fielder max range makes the play and i don't think we're gonna win boys and girls i don't think we're gonna win yeah the yankees win god dang it dude oh we were so close to sweeping the yankees and then that last game or that the game before this one we lost in like just a crazy game and in this game we obviously lose so yeah we split with the yankees but oh well that was an absolutely crazy episode i hope you guys enjoyed it if you did make sure you smash the like button okay if you're new here subscribe more videos out later today so stay tuned but i'll see in the next one peace
Channel: Mighty Goat
Views: 40,731
Rating: 4.9584417 out of 5
Keywords: mlb the show, mlb the show 21, mlb 21, mlb 21 the show, mlb the show 21 road to the show, mlb 21 road to the show, road to the show, road to the show mlb the show 21, road to the show mlb 21, mlb 21 road to the show gameplay, new mlb the show, new mlb the show 21 gameplay, mighty goat, mightygoat, mlb, rtts, mlb 21 rtts, road to the show series
Id: ulLj2_1lLsQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 43sec (883 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 27 2021
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