Crazy Mario Bros PLUSH COLLECTION 2021

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- Hey everyone, it's me Crazy Mario Bros. And oh my God, this is my first Mario plush collection update in almost three years. So if you've ever seen the previous ones, you would know that, oh my god, this is a massive growth obviously because I mean I went almost three years without making one so my collection grew a lot. So today I'm gonna be going through all of my plushies, explaining some of the backstories, explaining some fun facts, et cetera. I just, you know, it's a plush collection video so I'll just be going through my collection. Before we get into this, please be sure to subscribe to this channel. I'm almost at 30,000 subscribers and I think we can hit it in like the next month. So just please be sure to help me out and subscribe if you enjoy of course. And without further ado, let's get into this 'cause this is gonna be a long video. So obviously we should start out with the Mario section. I have a lot of Marios here so I'll just be going through them. So obviously here is my main Mario from my videos. This is the Mario that I use in my "Crazy Mario Bros" plush videos. And when you compare it to the other Marios, like let's say this one, you can kind of see it's obviously a little discolored just because I've had this for a few years so it makes sense, you know, it's gotten worn out over time, but that really shows how worn out it is. It's a very old plush. I got it in 2012 from about December 'cause it was a Christmas gift. So I've had it for almost nine years and that's basically what happens when you own something for nine years, especially when you use it in YouTube videos for three years. It's gonna get worn out. Next up I have this Wing Cap Mario, there's another one right over there and I have two of them because I think this one, one of the buttons came off and I don't really know why. So I, wait, what? Okay, somehow I never realized that the other one was missing its button too. I seem to have a weird curse for that. Like the buttons just come off of my Wing Cap Marios. I don't know why. So now we're gonna go through my Stunt Double Mario. So here is my first Stunt Double Mario. I believe that this is the one that I used for the video "Mario's Shower" and "Mario's Bath," but I can't really tell honestly. I'm pretty sure it is because this is the one that looks the most like my Mario when you compare them side by side because there's some other ones, but they don't really look like him that much. So I typically use this one the most because it looks the closest. Then we've got this Stunt Double Mario, which I believe that I used for the cake scene in my three-year special where Mario dunked his face into a cake. The reason why I used this one for that scene is because it doesn't look too much like him and I also didn't really need to show his face. I just needed to put a Mario plush into the cake. So that's why I use this one. And then my last Stunt Double Mario is this one which is missing his hat because I cut it off for some other video. This one looks the least like him so I'm probably never gonna use this one, but it's still good to have just in case you know, just in case. Next I have my Baby Mario plush from the "Baby Bros" series on my channel. Maybe I should make episode five soon. I don't know. Then I have an All Star Mario Plush which I don't really use this, I used it for one video and it was "Mario and Luigi's Copycats." I mostly just got it just because I found it at Best Buy and I figured I could get it, but I'm not gonna use that as my main Mario because I feel like my current one has a charm to it. So I don't wanna switch around my plushies is what I'm saying. Then I have these two Kellytoy Marios. I think the Kellytoy Marios are really funny 'cause you know they look really derpy and that's kind of why I like them. They're just funny to look at, but they also have a charm to them too, you know, I just like the way they look. And then I have this Mario plush from a carnival. I didn't get it from a carnival, I found it at Goodwill and I just figured I could add it to my collection. Then I have this Builder Mario plush which I actually received as a gift from my friend Noob Master. So thank you for that. Then I have a Raccoon Mario which I'm planning on using in a video soon, but I don't really know what for. Then I have this, I don't know what it's called. I think it's a World of Nintendo plush. I know I got it from Goodwill just like that one. But yeah, I'm not gonna use it in anything. I just thought it'd be cool to have just to collect plushies. Then next I have this "Mario Party 5" Mario plush which I received as a gift from SonicWhacker55. Thank you so much to him. That's a plush that I've always wanted and he gifted it to me and that is too nice, dude. So thank you to him. And my last Mario that I have is my Metal Mario plush and I actually just received this for Christmas recently and it's a really cool plush. I'm really planning on making a cool video out of it soon. All right, that's all the Mario's out of the way. Now let's move on to the Luigis. Wow, that's a lot. Okay, so now I'm here with my Luigis where it almost looks like I have more Luigi's than Mario's and actually wait, speaking of Mario, I almost missed this one. Here is a Fire Mario plush which I actually almost missed. That's crazy. And then I have this like Mario Odyssey plush, can't believe I almost missed those two. All right, now we're on the Luigi section. So basically here is my main Luigi plush, yet again, this is the one I use in my main videos. So if you watch my plush videos, you'll know this one. This is the one I used the most. He's got the ripped leg because when I was younger I was an idiot and I wanted to see if it was just like the "Mario Party 5" plush where you see it's like you can kind of take his overalls off. So I literally cut his leg open to see if it would do that and it didn't and I was a stupid eight year old. So yeah, will I get his leg fixed? Yeah, if I can find someone who knows how to sew and I can trust them enough not to ruin it because this is like kind of part of history I guess. And I can't go without showing this. This is the Luigi Kirby plush. Now he used to have arms but I ripped them off in the "Magical List" video because it was funny. Next plush I have to show is Baby Luigi which just like Baby Mario is from my "The Baby Bro" series. So that's pretty cool. I don't really know when I got them. I just know I got them from Mercari a few years back. I don't think they costed that much either. They were probably only like $10. So yeah, pretty good plushies. Next I have my Fire Luigi plush which goes well with my Fire Mario, although I don't really know why his nose is all kind of up like that. I keep trying to push it down so you can see his eyes more, but you can't really see his eyes much from this view. I don't know why, I really need to fix that. But yeah, I really like this plush and I'm probably gonna use the Fire Luigi in a video sometime soon. I was planning to do it back in November, but I didn't really have time. So yeah, then I have my All-Star Luigi plush which just like before, I used in my video "Mario and Luigi's Copycats" where I used both of the All-Star plushies to basically just show them I guess clones. So I thought that video was pretty funny. Then I have this Luigi's Mansion Luigi plush, he's got the little Poltergeist on him so that's pretty cool. I don't know what to use it for. I just got it a few years back and I think it'll be a really cool plush to use. I do have a video planNED soon where I am gonna use it so stay tuned for that. Next I have the builder Luigi Plush, which yet again, I received as a gift from my friend Noob Master, so thank you so much for that. It's a really cool plushy and I'm glad they made it. Then I have the Raccoon Luigi which is kind of weird compared to the Raccoon Mario 'cause they're like different colors. Like Luigi's is kind of yellowish and then Mario's is kind of brown so it's like I honestly don't know, it's like they're just completely different colors, but I kind of like Luigis, you know, I kinda like the lighter yellow, looks pretty good. Then I have this Luigi plush that I received as a gift from SonicWhacker55. I mostly just keep it as a stunt double just in case I need a stunt double for Luigi 'cause I don't actually have any Luigi stunt doubles yet. So it's nice to have just in case I do need a stunt double. Then I have these two "Mario Party 5" Luigi plushies whereas this one I actually think, I think I bought before I found that one, although that one shipped first. Obviously you can tell which one looks better. You know, you can just kind of take a look. It's that one. But I still like both of them, you know, the fact that I have two is really cool because I've always wanted one since I was younger. So honestly this plushy is just so awesome, like I don't know and you can see it's real. It says "Mario Party 5" and everything. So yeah, I really like that plushy. Oh yeah, and also if you're wondering about these plushies in the back here is a mushroom, here is a banana peel, and then there is a red Koopa shell. I think those are from the club Mocchi-Mocchi set. Pretty cool plush set. I really like these large Mario plushies. I actually received this one for free from the company themselves, so that's pretty cool. I remember being so excited to get it. There's also a mini version of it right here which yet again, I received from the company themselves. So thank you so much Tomy. So next up we're gonna move on to the Yoshi section. Now let's just start off from the back. I have these two "Mario Party 5" medium Yoshi Plushies. Now why do I have two? I don't know, I'm trying to remember which one is older 'cause I know there's one that I bought later, but I can't really tell which one it is. They're both too similar for me to tell, so I don't know. And then this is a small "Mario Party 5" Yoshi plush. So you can see that they're obviously very similar because they're part of the same plush set. This one's just smaller. And then here is the main Yoshi plush from my plush videos. I do have a stunt double of him, he's right here. So this is my stunt double, obviously it's like, you know, he doesn't seem as squishy, you know, you can kinda see that he's kinda rough compared to my main Yoshi plush where he is obviously way squishier. This one's a lot more rough so I haven't really used that one much. But if I ever needed a Yoshi stunt double, I got one right here. Then I got a red Yoshi plush from Mercari, an orange Yoshi plush from, I don't really know, a blue Yoshi plush from again, I don't really know. And then a purple Yoshi plush from Target. Now let's move on to my Bowser Junior section where from the looks of it I have about six, so I'm just gonna go through all of them. So here is my main Bowser Junior plush from my plush videos. I do have multiple stunt doubles of him. I have one right here, I have one right here, and I have one right here. Now this one actually looks the most like him when you compare them side by side. So I typically use this one if I ever need to like do something with him that I know might potentially damage him. Like if I ever need to make a costume for Junior and I can't do it on that one because I have other videos to make, then I'll just do it on the stunt double. If you've ever seen the video "Werehog Bowser Jr.," that's exactly what I did. I put it on that stunt double because I had other videos to make with this junior. So I used it as a stunt double. Then I have this other stunt double Jr., which I used for a black eye scene because he doesn't look too much like my main Jr. His face is kind of skinnier, you know, and then this Jr's face is fatter so I don't really use it that much. So yeah, those are my Jr. stunt doubles. This is my old Bowser Jr. If you remember from my 2018 videos this was like my main Bowser Jr. back then from the start up until summer 2018. So this Jr holds a bit of sentimental value to me even if I don't really use him anymore. And then last we have the All Star Bowser Jr. Plush which I am planning on using in a future video. However, I can't spoil anything because it's gonna be a really big video. So stay tuned for that. No, I'm not switching out the plushies. I've had that confusion a few times. Whenever I try and tease this video, a lot of people think I'm gonna switch my plushies. I don't really do that so you don't have to worry about it. Now let's go through the Koopalings. So I obviously have all seven Koopalings. I have Morton, I have Larry, I have Lemmy I have Iggy, Ludwig, Wendy, and Roy. They're all 100% official plushies, I made sure. And you can kind of just tell by looking at them because they don't really look that bootlegy. So yeah, I think they look perfect. Larry's looking all sad as usual. Now let's move on to the Bowser section. Now you're probably wondering why am I showing so many Plushies at once if it's just a Bowser section? Well, because I'm also counting the Bowser section as his minion. So I'll be going through all of them. So first of all, I don't really know what this is, I just kind of have it, but you know I think it's called Zigzag. I'm not really sure, but it's still a pretty cool plush regardless because I don't really remember what it is. I think it's in the castle level. So here is my main Bowser plush that I use in my videos. Here is my old Bowser plush that I use in my videos 'cause that's a newer one. This is a "Mario Party 5" one. This is a bootleg one that I got from Amazon. And then here is an All Star Bowser plush. Now the only reason I have this is because it came in a bundle with one of my Jr. stunt doubles. So I kind of had to get it with it. And as cool as this plush is, I wouldn't really switch it around with my Bowser because you know, he just, he kinda looks too serious. Like this one just kind of looks goofy. This one looks kind of, you know, serious. He's also kind of fat in the stomach while this one's kind of just fat overall. I don't know, basically this Bowser has a charm to it and I'm not gonna switch him around. Next we actually have a custom plush which is a Kylie Koopa plush. This was back when we were planning to make a series based off Mario and Luigi Partners in Time where we made a custom Kylie Koopa plush and I honestly think that this is really cool. Like even if we made this like three years ago, I still think this is such a cool custom. Obviously you can tell we used a lot of hot glue in it. We used a Kylie Koopa along with a Luigi hat to make her hat. And overall this is a really cool custom. So this custom was made by my friend, CrazyKoopaBros, who I actually film videos with. So if you're not subscribe to him, please be sure to go subscribe because he's very talented. He's the one that made this custom. I still think it's the coolest thing even if we made it like three years ago. It's a really cool custom. So go check out his channel. Next we have my main Koopa plush. I don't really use Koopa that much in my videos anymore but this is still a pretty cool plush. This is actually a bootleg plush so you can see it. It looks kind of weird compared to like, you know, a normal Koopa plush 'cause it's huge, you know. But even if it is a bootleg, it doesn't really look that bad. I think it's kinda unique actually. So, I don't mind it. Then I have this other Koopa plush which I believe is just the normal Goldie one. And then I have this Parapatroopa plush which I don't think I've ever used. Obviously you can tell cause it still has a tag on it. If I was gonna use a plush in a video, I'd take the tag off, but I'll use it in a video someday 'cause I think it looks pretty cool. Next we have this purple fish thing which I believe I used in the video "Mario's Bath." And then we have a Chain Chomp which I haven't used in a video yet, so I'll use that sometime soon. Then we have this little Koopa Robo Dog thing, I think it's called Mechakoopa. And then we have just some shells and power ups and stuff. Then we have a Shy Guy, a yelling Goomba plush. We have a normal Goomba plush over here too. We have a Nabbit, which I should actually probably explain the story about this Nabbit. Okay, so if you're ever gonna order from Amazon and your seller is from Japan and you live in America, oh my god, don't do that. I ordered this Nabbit plush back in January, 2020 and I didn't receive it until May. I literally just completely forgot about it by then. So I don't know, I could have made a cool video at the time about like a robbery or something, but you know, I couldn't do that because I ended up forgetting about the idea entirely by the time I received it. So I don't know. I mean the plush is really cool so maybe I'll still make a video out of it. Who knows? Here's a little, what is his name called? Oh, it's a Pokey. It's a Pokey, okay, so I know we have two of these. It's just, I think Carter has one of them. So yeah, then we have a Spike plush, a Polterpup. Like I said, another Goomba, we have Lakitu, we have two Boos actually. Now this is the newer one, this is the older one. This was Carter's Boo plush and this is my new Boo plush. You can't really see much of a difference. I mean it looks a little faded, but I don't know if the camera really picks it up, like that one looks a little yellowish, but not really. Then you have these two Piranha Plants where this one is actually a puppet. This one's just a plush. I really like the puppet. The puppet is so cool. I got it last Christmas and I think it's a really cool plush. Then we have Wario and Waluigi. There is my old Wario. I obviously switched to a new Wario because that one just kind of, I don't know, it's just a newer model, you know? So we're getting near the end. So let's just talk about the last few plushies. So this is the princess section. So there is a "Mario Party 5" Princess Peach. My main Peach that I use is that one which is the normal Sanei one. There's a Baby Peach in the background and there is a Princess Daisy. I'm thinking about getting a Rosalina, but I don't really know what I'd use her for because I haven't played "Mario Galaxy" before, so I don't really know much about her, but hey, who knows, maybe I'll play "Mario Galaxy" sometimes soon. Next I have Boom Boom and Pom Pom which I actually used in my video, "Bowser Jr's Bully" from back in the summer if you've ever seen it. Then I have Donkey Kong and Diddy Kong which Donkey Kong I used in the video called "Donkey Kong." And then Diddy Kong I don't think I've ever used. So he's just kind of there for now. Maybe I'll bring back Donkey Kong in the future and add Diddy Kong to it, who knows. And then last but not least, who could forget the most important section the Toad section. Now here is my main Toad. He is the normal Sanei Toad. And then these are two "Mario Party 5" Toads. This one was a gift from SonicWhacker55 just like the "Mario Party 5" Mario and that stunt double Luigi. I forgot to mention that this "Mario Party 5" Peach is also a gift by him. He gave me four plushies, he's so nice. And then last but not least, we have a Toadette plush which I actually won in a giveaway by SuperMarioRichie. However, the hair kind of fell off and he offered to fix it for me, but I don't know anything about shipping so I've never really went through with it. Still a pretty good plush though. And yeah, that is my Mario plush collection of January, 2021. Oh my god, that was so long. Tell me in the comments what Mario plush is your favorite. Personally, I think that that big banana plush is really cool, but I also like my "Mario Party 5" Bowser. I always considered that one of my favorite plushies. Let me know in the comments section which one is your favorite. And also just let me know in the comments section what's your favorite Mario character. Because if you guys say in the comments a character that I don't have a plushy of, maybe I'll buy them in the future. Also let me know down in the comments if you want me to do more of these plush collections because obviously I didn't do one for like almost two to three years, so maybe I'll start doing them every few months again like I used to. Anyways, yeah, that's my Mario plush collection. I'm Crazy Mario Bros. Please subscribe to this channel because we're almost at 30,000 subscribers. Also follow me on Instagram obviously because I'm trying to hit 10K on there. Leave a like on this video if you enjoyed. And yeah, I'll see you guys in the next video. Bye. (light music)
Channel: CrazyMarioBros Plus
Views: 741,443
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: clb, cmb, crazyluigibros, crazymariobros, crazy luigi bros, crazy mario bros, Mario Plush Collection, Mario Plush, Mario, Plush, Plush Collection, Collection, mario collection, mario plush collection 2021, 2021, 2021 collection, haul, review, mario plush videos, cmb plush collection, cmb mario plush collection, crazy mario bros mario plush, crazy mario bros mario plush collection, crazy mario bros plush collection, the plush collection, crazy luigi bros unboxing, unboxing, unboxings, hd
Id: I6mHmo02j1c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 2sec (962 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 18 2021
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