CRAZY Gusty 30 KNOT Crosswind Landing at Sedona plus GIVEAWAY

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[Music] wins from one eight zero instead of one nine zero so let's shift it to the left a little it's probably gonna be real bumpy coming in you know it's gonna look a lot little squirrely so there's always a chance that we'll go around hit down aircraft i'm careful between uh six thousand and about outside so it's pretty unpredictable [Music] i'm eric a private pilot based in los angeles join me and my family on our aviation adventures throughout southern california and beyond [Music] it is thanksgiving time and that can only mean one thing our family trip to sedona that's right um yeah check it out we have all this stuff loaded in the airplane yeah the weather looks good for the trip if the winds at sedona are going to be kind of strong and gusty but i think right down the runway what a joker relying on the terminal area forecast i did check it and it called for winds at 2 pm to be almost straight down runway 2-1 from 190 at 16 gus 26 but settling down to 11 knots direct headwind by 5 pm near the time we were planning on arriving so hopefully we'll be all right with that but and hopefully it won't be too turbulent i'm a little worried about how bumpy it's going to be on the approach you got to show everybody your matching sweatshirts you want to see the drip oh check out the drip yo we may or may not have been forced to wear them it's a joke it's a joke i love wearing them i do i actually do love wearing these methods we always look forward to flying to sedona around this time of year and it's always an adventure fuel flow is good last year we had the door pop open after takeoff in sedona and poppin's jacket got sucked out creating a tense situation in case you missed it check out last year's sedona video on our channel sedona is an amazing place that lets us recharge and reconnect with each other and we are all especially looking forward to getting away from our usual routines this year since it's been a particularly tough and strange one number one bravo navigation oh now bro throughout the two and a half hour flight to sedona i kept an eye on the winds using the adsb weather on the dyno hdx so right now we've got about almost two hours to go and sedona is reporting winds from 190 at 14 gust 21 so we got some strong gusty winds that's 20 degrees off of the uh the runway the runway two one so 20 degrees so two over six is one third so one third of 21 that's a max the gus seven knot crosswind so you know five to seven not crosswind that doesn't seem too bad so i'll add a little speed to my approach um you know the rule of thumb there is the half the gus factor that's another rule of thumb if you missed one of my previous videos i did my top five rules of thumb that crosswind calculation was in the video so check out that video um for the crosswind rule of thumb along with four other rules of thumb the gust factor one was not so but i think the general accepted rule of thumb for that is to add half the gust factor to your final approach speed so i'll do a little research on that talk to your cfi about that one number one bravo whiskey contact la center one three two point five thirty two five victory la center one tree two point five one bro yeah what about this summer we should go to the big um air show to oshkosh you know [Laughter] i think all three of us have the same look where is oshkosh wisconsin yeah it's on the way to the bahamas i think the only one person in this game that would really enjoy that is you i'll go with you for sure cool but don't you think you'd like it there's like all kinds of different planes it's like thousands of people fly in it's like there's air show there's demonstrations there's drones there's fireworks ridiculous house parties i can go attend house parties just keeping an eye on the weather nine minutes ago sedona is reporting winds from one eight zero instead of one nine zero so it shifted to the left a little at 12 gusts 23 so a little bit more of a gust factor and a little bit more of a crosswind component uh but still not not outrageous um scary to me yeah the the thing about it with this winds from there that strong and gusty is that it's probably going to be real bumpy coming in so it's more you know it's a lot about your comfort that i'm worried about but also just about the actual landing in the crosswind or the gusty wind i feel so groggy i feel drugged it's weird oh we're at 9500 that can happen you get a little hypoxic i always enjoy the flight from la to sedona it's so beautiful over there the radios are usually quiet and the scenery is amazing you guys seen this over there the way the sun and the clouds are on the mountains the shadows and stuff about a hundred miles west of sedona coming over these charlotte's here uh what's the picture looking to start it over there's some precipitation in the distance we don't need the ils um [Applause] it's 50 degrees off so it's a straight crosswind at 14 knots just about and the wind varies from one two zero to one eight zero shifting winds and very gusty the weather for prescott 17 knots that's almost right down the runway so uh at prescott so prescott is a really good alternate if we need to go somewhere we got tons of fuel lots and lots of fuel if we want to go to prescott and wait for the winds to die as we got closer i was able to tune in the sedona automated weather and started checking it more frequently wind one five zero at two zero gust two seven visibility you've probably noticed the trend here the wind was becoming increasingly more of a crosswind and growing in strength while remaining gusty so it's gonna be a gusty left across two notches of flaps and these strong gusty winds coming in we're starting our descent for sedona it's gonna be pretty bumpy i think and uh you know it's gonna look a lot little squirrely so there's always a chance that we'll go around the weather at uh prescott right which is right over here it's a 15 minute flight from sedona is perfect for that runway the wind is like straight down that runway and it's much less altitude we always could come back to prescott land for a little while the winds will die down here they're forecast to die down a little while better service tournament squawk vfr and change to advisories approved how's it going bud all right thanks squawk vfr change to advise readings i have to admit i felt my tension rise when the controller cut me loose on the common traffic frequency definitely felt on my own in the challenge ahead so doing the traffic turkey 631 bravo whiskey descending on 8 200 [Music] pretty unpredictable [Music] all right thanks for the heads-up all right guys you gotta really fasten your seat belt there that'd be a little bit gnarly we may not we really may not land i understand i trust you so donald traffic trick is six three one bravo whiskey is on a left downwind only two one at six thousand one hundred sedona sedona airport automated weather observation two three three seven zulu weather wind one five zero at two zero gust three zero [Music] [Music] leaving altitude so donald traffic cherokee 631 bravo whiskey turning left face only two months caution terrain caution terrain so traffic cherokee six tree wine brought whiskey turn power only two on sedona well we're definitely gonna go around here not waving right now not landing right now i made the early decision to go around since i was high on the approach and decided to just do a low approach to feel out the crosswind and gusts so doing a traffic cherokee 31 bravo whiskey is going around i'm 2-1 left traffic's going i was just like uh i was really high i was trying to keep it a little bit high there then i just decided it was getting like kind of squirrelly on the base stuff around runway 2-1 then i thought let's just go around i was just trying to feel out how gusty crosswind was and it didn't really seem that dusty there so i think we'll be all right let's see jonah airport automated weather observation two three four two zulu weather wind one six zero at two zero gusts three zero the second time around was especially rough during the base turn sit down on a traffic cherokee six tree one bravo whiskey left face runway two one sedona all right caution terrain caution terrain so you know traffic jerry six tree one brought whiskey so final round with two months ago all right we still might go around okay 500. i think we got it there though just come in a little lower are you sedona traffic cherokee 631 bravo whiskey what's going around we're only wait two months going in cherokee your winds are currently one five zero at nineteen gusting 30. yeah we're just doing a a couple of low passes i feel it out there one bro i could tell that poppins was having a rough time in the turbulence and i felt bad for doing another lap in the pattern and prolonging the experience you i definitely felt some self-generated pressure to get the plane on the ground on this next attempt or call it and head to prescott instead so now our traffic cherokee 631 brought whiskey's uh left base for only two months ago [Music] caution terrain only two months ago five hundred we go dudes these were the strongest crosswinds i've flown in the cherokee six the plane felt super solid and stable maybe because of its heavier weight or maybe because i only used partial flaps but i was pleasantly surprised at how stable it felt okay i'm sure that was really scary that was a bit crazy those charts like the turbulence yeah the turbulence over there was gnarly sedona traffic oh man poor thing cherokee 631 brahma whiskey is off of a 2-1 texting the park sit down i'm so sorry jenny i'm sorry you guys you guys put up with a lot i'm really sorry poppins is such a rock star after cleaning up the wing she helped push the plane in what a trooper we loaded the rental car and we're ready for our sedona adventure [Music] it was time for some off-roading no not that kind of off-roading this kind thanks to my friend elliot who took us on an awesome jeep tour to find a sedona vortex [Music] here we are in the land of the vortexes and i heard if you meditate hard enough magical things are going to happen so i'm going to give it a try that's right we got some socal flying monkey merch coming to you i'm super excited about how these turned out we got the new socal flying monkey color logo and it says let's go flying let's see what else we got we also have this socal flying monkey cloud surfing hoodie let's see what else we got and we've got the socal flying monkey patch hat right here you can get these hoodies and the hat at the socal flying monkey shop you can use the code monkey10 to get 10 off everything in the store which is only three things but i'm super excited about this merch and this is a way that you guys can support the channel and i super appreciate it i'm giving away five hats and all you need to do to be eligible is drop a comment in the youtube comments i'll pick at random so it can be about your experience with crosswind landings or anything else like what you enjoy doing on family trips as for us we went on the usual hikes and discovered some new ones [Music] most importantly we log some quality time together i'll always cherish the quiet in between moments that this place provides us flying our own airplane here pushed me to new places as an aviator and the girls set out to climb a little higher than ever before getting out and having adventures together always seems to make us grow a little each time in our own skills closer together and in our imaginations of what's possible
Channel: SoCal Flying Monkey
Views: 43,578
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: crosswind landing, crosswind landing cockpit view, crosswind landing inside plane, crosswind landing technique, crosswind landing cockpit, crosswind landing passenger view, gusty landing cockpit, gusty crosswind landing, crosswind landings, extreme crosswind, crosswind landings small planes, gusty wind landing, sedona airport landing, sedona airport, sedona airport mesa, sedona airport winds, small plane airsick, small plane turbulence, severe turbulence in flight cockpit
Id: -7aujsoPMEc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 45sec (1065 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 10 2020
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