CRAZY ALLISON MACK NXIVM STORY #insideofyou #thevow #sarahedmondson

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you always think come on how can someone get brainwashed well you know working with i haven't really talked about this but like working with allison and seeing her grow up and uh you know i never really hung out with her maybe a couple cast dinners and you know directed her and she was really sweet and you know she yeah she was always really nice needed attention who doesn't i know i do and you know there were certain things um but you ask yourself how does someone just completely it's almost like you you're leaving your skin somewhere and you're i i can't explain it because knowing allison for those years and just sitting around sitting but you know i never you never imagined a million years that's why i think i neglected sort of uh to read about it or really it's like this can't be there's got to be something but you probably saw her change i did and and when you first met her because you know it is it's still hard for me to believe i mean there was an incident at my house um years later um still i don't know if i was on so i don't think i was on smallville but she and a friend of hers and this guy said hey i'm gonna talk to you forever we want to stop by and i hadn't seen her and they walked in the house and it was almost like i i just remember i'm not being uh i'm not blowing this out of proportion i'm not exaggerating at all i remember because my friend ethan was here and i remember we just kind of go and i didn't by the way i didn't even know about this next team or anything at this point i mean i remember on set once she came and she was like hey you should take this class it's really cool and blah blah and i remember i said to tom sounds like a cult i don't know and we kind of laughed but we never thought oh it's like you know i'm sure it's like people are looking for things we never did it but i never but but after that you know we never really heard about it it just she that was what she was doing and i never really thought about it so years later i don't know what year this is i i have to go back and i could probably figure it out but i think it was after smallville she you know she's in the vicinity she comes over the house and she walks in and she walked in she was a different person she walked in like she owned my house like literally she owned my home she walked in with her friends and they walked into the kitchen i was like hey she was like hey how are you and then walked into my kitchen started bringing out pots and pans and started cooking i go uh what are you guys doing my friend ethan's like it's like we're hungry we're hungry we're we're gonna we're gonna i remember that like it was yesterday i got to talk to ethan because then i said after a while i just felt uncomfortable i was like well hey guys you know uh like that's it come on you know let's you know it's and i kind of asked them like hey you know you might want to leave soon and i was going to be nice the guy turned almost violent he was violent like he wasn't he i can't remember who what his name i know because i didn't care i just was like who the [ __ ] is this guy very angry and like just i think he was on something he was like and he just started kind of cursing at me and ethan i was like [ __ ] you i'm like you know what buddy i don't know what this is about you just come in you start cooking in my house you guys don't even say why don't you guys just go why i actually like you to get the [ __ ] out of my house that's what i said and i remember i was waiting for allison to sort of jump in and say i'm so sorry no no he doesn't mean this there was nothing it was just like it was almost like they were zombies that's how i remember i'll never forget it and i'm not saying that that the this has anything to do with next thing i was going to do it but when they left i looked at ethan and we were hearts were racing and i'm like oh my god i'm disgusted i i don't you know and i remember i got a text maybe a few days later oh sorry about the other night or something i don't it's bizarre but i'm just telling you that i i don't know where it came from i don't know what happened maybe it was a bad night but it was years after i had seen her hadn't seen her for a long time so i think what i'm saying is did you when you first met her to the time all this [ __ ] went down what was that transformation like what was that sort of relationship i mean i'm going to backtrack for one sec because you said something about brainwashing and it's important that people you know either either you're of the mind of like we're all brainwashed it's just another word is indoctrinated we're indoctrinated by society by our parents to believe certain things you know commercials and doctrine in us we it's it's hap it's not a matter of whether we're brainwashed or not just how brainwashed are you right that's one belief right right i didn't understand how this worked until i left quick plug for a book that really helped me understand it's called combating cult mind control by stephen hassan and it explains how in a seminar you can be indoctrinated especially in three days that's why by day three they had me their hooks were in me and it goes step by step and i'm not an expert i can't even begin to try to explain what he explains in this book but if people want to understand better that happens but for somebody like allison and and keep in mind i was there for some things i wasn't there for other things i can only i'm kind of hypothesizing what happened with her you know and i also don't want to like bring any more hurt on her and her family i want her to be better i want her to wake up and i i've heard by the way that she has which is great yeah that's that's what i was sort of hoping i was hoping that like because i don't know anything other than i just remember her as a sweet girl and i hope that i just kept hoping i was wrong or people were wrong and i just don't know how it happened so continue sorry you know what what i remember is from that first training and i'd met her casually through a group of friends um you know at a bar like at a party super outgoing great dancer i remember thinking like her style was really great great singer great singer really friendly very um i liked how like she was very touchy you know lots of hugs um and i really liked her a lot and after that first training i think because she was um she wasn't working the next day and she she got on the plane and went back to albany to meet keith after two days and i don't some people said it was like the private jet i don't know i don't it's a rumor it's a private jet or either way she got on the plane went back and met keith and that video footage that you see in the vow of them meeting at volleyball like i've never seen that even though that footage existed when i watched that two weeks ago i was like [ __ ] i mean people don't didn't normally meet keith until you'd have to take a minimum 16 day so the fact that they let you know allison into that world and she felt probably very special to get special access to the vanguard i think it's all things that um many of us that were you know were our actors like wanting to be feel important feel special get attention um i think she got all that and and uh that was after two days yeah she had well it was a three-day training in vancouver and she flew back and and met him and and i'm sure he's i don't know about you but i got i mean i felt nauseous i felt got chills when i saw that video like how he was looking at her and what he and what he said to her and i was he was [ __ ] with her mind and like bearing into her soul with his eyes like you could just see the whole history unfold you
Channel: Inside Of You Clips
Views: 1,652,230
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: inside of you, iou, inside of you podcast, michael rosenbaum, michael rosenbaum podcast, smallville, smallville podcast, anxiety, mental health, Sarah Edmondson, Sarah Edmondson Interview, Sarah Edmondson Podcast, Sarah Edmondson Armchair Expert, Sarah Edmondson Michael Rosenbaum, Sarah Edmondson Inside of You, Sarah Edmondson The Vow, Sarah Edmondson NXIVM, Sarah Edmondson podcast, Sarah Edmondson cultt, The Vow, Tthe Vow interview, Tthe Vow show, The Vow Allison Mack
Id: C3_H_8r_dEo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 51sec (471 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 25 2020
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