Cat Surface Mining Product Demo

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my name's Kent Clifton I'm an application specialist for Caterpillar out of the global mining division in Peoria and one of the things that you see is our cat vocational truck that's a Class eight vocational truck again a lot of options to put on the back of that the option that you see on that truck is an IMT service body so if we look at the down here to our left you can see the nine ATK is going to load the 740 now again we talked this morning about support and how do we support our mind and I don't want to be pulling my frontline loading tools out to do some of this support work that 980 with an eight-yard buckets gonna run a little bit of material across that grizzly or across that screen we're preparing some road material we understand the importance of good roads as we talked this morning I need to make some material just to cap the roads with so we're gonna screen some material and then we're gonna load it into that 740 that's an 8 yard bucket that is a high lift 983 options for steering in that 980 one of those options then is carried all the way through through the 994 it's called sticks deer so you either have a steering wheel do you have a command steering which is actually like a quarter of a steering wheel with quarter turn forward reverse selector is in the operator's left hand along with his gear selector and then stick steer is a stick so very low effort for the operator steer left steer right change your forward reverse direction and change your gear selection as I said that is a high lift machine about two foot difference between a standard lift and a high lift and all the way through the 990 it will sing swing the same rated payload whether it's a standard lift or a high lift but on average we get two foot and more dump height than reach with a high lift versus a standard lift and that's true all the way up through the 994 and then I'll talk about the differences with a 994 in just a little bit 988 if you've seen the 988 in the past that 988 K is also a high lift machine but what's different about that 988 it used to have a mano boom designed remember it used to have the singular - it's the traditional z bar linkage now that's also a high lift machine 8.3 yard bucket designed again whether it's a standard lift or a high lift to swing 12 and a half ton of pass sticks deer control very low effort in the hydraulics for the operator so those long days those 10 12 hour shifts that operators not going to be fatigued at all putting the load in the 775 70 ton 55 and a half yard body there's three trucks smaller than this and at the end of this demo I'm going to tell you to get your camera's out or your smartphones and turn on your video camera because it isn't very often that we're able to show you almost a complete lineup of Caterpillar trucks but we're going to be really close today so as you see the way that this guy in the up or the operator in the wheel loader is running we started on the left side of this face rule of thumb is that you paint a mark on that tire and you don't want to see any more than one and a half tire revolutions with that loader coming from the face and going back to the truck paint a mark on it go out and measure them full throttle rim pull control setting in there affect ground was slick that operator would be able to go in and dial down that rim pull so it's going to take torque away from the tires but it is not going to take anyway anything away from the hydraulic force or the cycle time of the attachment on the front when the operator heads into the truck and he starts depressing the left pedal it's going to start reducing rim pull all the way down to 20% when he gets to 20% then it's going to start applying the brake so again you see we're gonna have a pretty nice pass match with this for past the triple 75 past with the 773 payload control system on the nine eighty eight is an option so that operator will know exactly what he's putting on that truck send it to the crusher and remember we talked the importance of 10 10 20 in that target payload will know that we're getting the lowest cost per ton we can by maintaining that ideal pass match and in all instances that ideal pass match again should be three to five pass throttle lock stick steer as we discussed manual or Auto shift transmission load and carry you can there's also a system on here that will actually turn the hoist cylinders into shock absorbers when the operator engages that and it can also be set for automatic as he's travelling to the crusher those cylinders actually become shocks and it will make it much easier on the operator going back and forth to that crusher nice easy ride nice load rated load in the truck nothing coming over the sides a little bit of room on the back nice and centered pretty happy so now we have that pocket in there for our next truck to come into so again the guy in the loading tools the quarterback it's his call as to where he wants the truck he's gonna want to tuck that truck in around in front of him just as tight as he can get him the less I have to travel the more that my hydraulic horsepower and my hydraulic power is going to be going to the ground hydraulic forced to lift the bucket up quicker my cycle times are gonna be reduced that's the nine ninety that machine will be changing in a fuse that machine is new to here that's kind of where we started off developing our new cab and when you look at the 993 and the nine ninety four and when they come out I'll point out some of the benefits of that cab and just how much more comfortable it is for the operator today that is a high lift machine again again that's available in a high lift or a standard lift standard lifts designed to load the 50 to 70 ton truck and the high lift the 70 to the 100 ton truck and the thing that you're noticing here is we look at this lineup we've really bumped the truck up one size from what we would consider an ideal match or an ideal pass match for that just to show you that the high lift machine can still load that next larger truck do it productively and do it at a low cost per ton swing in sixteen and a half ton of pass that nine ninety has two hydraulic systems on it so if you have a component failed in one of those systems it's not going to contaminate the whole system so again reduces the amount of downtime reduces the amount of time it's going to take us to repair that mean and get it back out in the dirt triple 7g you'll have the opportunity to get around that this week it's going to be sitting down at the shop and we look at the rating on that truck most of our trucks we've increased the rating the rating on that has gone to one hundred and five times and everybody always remember to triple seven it'd be in a hundred ton again today it's one hundred and five so we put a little bit more tonnage in there that again is going to help us drop that cost per ton 79-yard body three hundred sixty three thousand pound max GVW so knowing that we take away the empty weight that's our target payload the more material that we decide we need to throw into that bucket on the loader or into the tray of that truck we're giving up payload so it's gonna drive our cost per ton the wrong way for pass with a 993 five to six pass with the nine ninety has an engine break on it so most of us know it is a retarder the same thing on this truck to help us on those load it downhill grades to maintain the maximum amount of speed we can and still control our braking temperature so again we're able to pick up a little bit more speed make us just a little bit faster apex control system on the transmission that's actually going to allow the transmission and the engine to work together and that system has given us about a three to five percent fuel savings advantage as we look across the entire lineup today everything that you're gonna see here from three years ago is showing anywhere from a five to a ten percent fuel reduction from where we were so that's a big savings at the end of the day in your pocket the other thing that you're going to notice is the safety features that have been put on these like the kick plates you're gonna see some of the ladder and the boarding and dismounting systems that we've put on to make it safer for that operator again we look at it a hundred ton we also have the payload measurement system in that nine ninety and all of the trucks from the triple seven on up will have a payload measurement system in the truck so if the operator doesn't have the system in the loader he's able to either see a light or he's able to see the digital scoreboard which is going to show him what he has on for payload so now is where we start getting into the big loaders and what we call the mining machines and the mining loading tools so that's the 6040 again you're gonna see the sixty forty in the sixty sixty here today that is what we call a backhoe configuration 2032 horsepower almost a 30-yard bucket you notice again he's focusing on keeping this swing very short and I'll go through a lot of setup options tomorrow but again you notice one of the key things here is that his bench height the bench height is really equal to truck rail height or to the dovetail height that's really critical and you notice as well that he's able to pull that truck right back in off of his corner so most of his hydraulic forces going to the boom up cylinder anything you can do to reduce the amount of power you're taking from that machine while you're hoisting the quicker your cycle times are gonna be it's available in a front shovel or a back hoe configuration so you could take that 60/40 or the sixty sixty other than the size of the machine you can swap that front end the only difference that you really see is when this sixty forty swings around where the boom cylinders mount down on the mainframe there's two holes if you had a front shovel it would be in the opposite hole you notice the ladder boarding system on this again very safe and if you look at any of these mining machines and you guys would know better than anybody where the operators at risk is trying to carry his lunch box and his backpack up and down the ladder so again we look at the design that we've put into these ladders and the security we've given the operator again very safe and you're gonna see it all the way through the product lineup we have over 65 different models of cat excavators today from wheeled excavators track excavators material handlers both track and wheel mass excavators high reach demolition excavators but the thing that I want to point out here is our largest excavator in the cat family today in our 300 series is a 390 is where that changes is when we go into our smallest 6000 series machine which is the 60 15 which for those of you that remember is soon going to be the replacement for what was the 5110 we call the 300 series machines mass excavators or Emmys we call these machines back hoes so the difference is if you see the 6040 with nothing else on it that means it's a backhoe if you see a 60-40 with an FS that means that it's a front shovel so that's the difference between the traditional cap product and where we are today with our 6000 series lineup 6 backhoe models in the 6000 series from 8 to 44-yard 7 of them in a front shovel configuration in the 69 he designed a 4 past the 797 so that's 60 60 you'll see him loading the 793 it's a really nice match so you can just envision the 60 94 pass in a 797 and how much larger that would be the 789 will be back in a little bit and we'll talk about him just a little bit more that 785 D is a proving grounds machine one of the first things that you notice is it looks a little bit like a 793 across the front so you can see we've put on the diagonal staircase you can also get the optional fold down ladder like you see on the front of the 789 again to make it just a little easier and a little safer for that operator that 789 will be out here and again you'll have the opportunity to get around that but if we look at the CAD off-highway trucks we got into the off highway truck business in 1963 over 55,000 units sold today so we used the smallest one we used to have was the 769 today it's the 770 all the way up through the 797 19 different models and mechanical drive an electric drive and over 4,000 of those units have been the 793 which we'll talk a little bit more about just a little bit 993 now typically we used to see a 990 to kind of struggle to load that 785 today this 993 is still a good match for the hundred and five tonne triple7 but it also loads that 785 very easily so if we look at this match we have plenty of reach we have plenty of height that is a high lift machine swinging 30 ton of pass 18 yard bucket that cab is the same cab that you're gonna see on the 994 I want you to get up in that cab and look at it Randy's gonna go through it when you have the class down below for the rest of the week but very low Beltline excellent visibility out of that machine stick steer control an actual trainer seat in it now with a seat belt a lot of minds are saying now we're not gonna allow trainers to be in there but today we need trainers in there and some of these operations I've been to there'll be a trainer in there for two or three days with them we can do that today very low effort hydraulics push button no more switches so everything on the rim pole control settings your wiper your lights everything's a push button on the right-hand side of the panel now again very easy to reach you notice where we're at with the rotation of the tires the flap on the bottom is your disconnect switches your lockout tagout which is built into the machines today so you don't have to develop that and put it on your own machines when you get around that machine look on the right in the middle of the machine on the right hand side and there's a service center in there depending if you get the standard or the deluxe service center you can check you can do your oil sampling from there you can drain oils you can fill oils from there again anything we can do to keep that operator from climbing up on that machine we're gonna try to do VIMS a standard auto loop is standard and terrain is an option so remember all of these loading tools out here today we're doing our operators a lot of good and we're increasing our production if we give them terrain they know they're staying on grade they know where the or pockets and things like that or whether they need to send away waste or if they're sending away or we talked about OEM solutions this is a mega 20,000 gallon gallon water tank with the caterpillar smart watering system on it so the key for a guy running a water truck is not to see how quick and get rid of 20,000 gallons of water it's to see how well he could put down the water to control the dust or to get a little bit of compaction it doesn't make any difference what his speed is he can water anywhere from about 1 to 25 mile an hour but is what the computers doing in that truck that is part of the cat watering system it's taking his inputs and it knows exactly how much water he needs to put on the ground so we're not gonna get over watered side Jets on it we have a gun toward on it you get some dusty piles or you're sending some material through the crush or something that we need to control dust a little bit we can use that gun tore it to put a little bit of water on side spray bars for maybe shooting some water across this slope to again just try and control our dust this is that 740 that we loaded this is called an ejector body you typically would not be able to do this with a conventional dump body because we'd have a big pile we'd have to bring in a tractor or a motor grader to spread that out we're gonna come in and blade up this material but we talked about the haul road and how important it is that I want to come in and just spread a light lift on there bring in the motor grader touch it up and I can continue running and then you can see a traditional dumped right now that one has a tailgate on it to help control spillage but one of the neat things about these is this operator doesn't have to do anything to go up that grade so think about the support on your mind site and what other tools do I need very low cost to operate very low purchase price these things really shine when you put these in poor underfoot conditions that operator hit the bottom of that grate and that thing completely locked itself in he didn't have to do it it locked the differentials then it locked the front end and easily able to go up that grade and obviously in this situation we wouldn't be able to dump that truck on the grade but that 740 wouldn't have any issues claiming that grade at all and spreading that material out so let's talk about motor graders when we think about mining motor graders we think about six teens and twenty fours what do you do want some of your other roads that we don't really need a 16 or a 24 on or wear I don't want to be pulling those big mining machines out to take care of some of those roads think about a machine like this 160 M all-wheel drive v HP Plus is what the VHP means is that when he gets in 3rd through 8th gear it's actually going to increase his horsepower now not that you would want to be blading in those gears but it's gonna allow you to move bigger loads all wheel drive so that front drive on that's actually helping him hold on that slope now think about your some of your secondary roads your public roads in and out of your mind that are gravel that you're responsible to maintain don't pull that 16 or 24 out to do that work use a machine like this you can put a v-plow on the front of this for those of you that work and snow you can put a wing on the side of this that is an optional Ripper on the back again you don't need that the push block on the front is optional you can also put a scare fire under this for doing some of that repair work on your haul roads then we see the 16 M and the 24 M 16-foot moldboard 24 foot moldboard v HP Plus optional Ripper standard Ripper on the 24 so if you had something in your haul roads that you needed to rip and you would use a d7 you can use the 24 if you would get it have to have a d-10 to rip it go get a d-10 because it is not a production tripping machine the other thing I want to point out we talked about operator training this morning unfortunately the guy in the 16mm didn't set through the whole class or slap he's making a three-point turn keep in mind and let's use a 793 for example Hall Road width for your 793 should be three times the width of that 793 90 feet that guy in the 16 just stopped loaded in empty trucks because he didn't know how to make an articulated turn that 24 if you don't make an articulated turn it'll take a hundred and four feet to turn it around if the operator's properly trained on how to make that turn he can do it in 40 feet we look at some of the safety features that are available there's platforms on these machines again to make it much easier for the operator getting on and off that platform would allow him to walk up over the back of the tandems safely step up onto the platform still be able to clean his windows and everything and safely get in the cab the same on the 24 operator would be able to walk up over the back both of these machines are available with constant downforce so it's what that operator can do g-e-t life is pretty critical with these and if you don't manage your speed you're gonna burn the edges right off of it so you can actually you haven't in the cab that's gonna reduce the amount of down pressure that the operator will put on that GE T to help increase that life if you have a 2% cross fall on your road on the left side in the right side that operator now has an option on here that that operator can go and dial in that 2% one side is going to stay fixed and the other side is going to move with it to maintain that 2% scrapers those motor graders pulled some material out of the ditch out back and we wanted to get rid of it but I didn't want to bring in a loader to load that stuff out so I took this scraper up send him in the same direction as what the trucks were running and cleaned out that material I'm gonna bring it down here and throw it in the face now so we can hold it away that is the 623 is the only elevating scraper we make today but we have a lot of other scrapers this is some of the cheapest dirt by yard that you can move but depending on how much you need to move you need to have a hard look at this you don't see these used a lot but again there's a lot of value in these when you start looking at reclamation work and support work so that machine is based off of a 621 which is a single engine open Bowl scraper then you have the 623 in the elevating then you have a 627 which is a twin engine and you also have a 627 push pull which has the hook and the bail and two of those scrapers would work together so you have a twin engine push pull in a twenty-seven a thirty seven and a fifty seven two of those working together will load that scraper Bowl in about seven to ten seconds and that one cutting edge will have about twelve hundred and fifty horsepower to the edge during that loading so again it's a quick way to move a lot of material and it's very inexpensive five different models of wheeled dozers you're gonna hear more about them but to me this is one of the most valuable tools out there you know our wheel loader lineup this is based off of the wheel loader the 8:44 is based off of the 990 the 8:54 is based off of the 992 the 854 is available with the Ripper today to do some of that support work on your haul roads and then we have the 834 which is based off of the 988 so for at Centrepointe back it is the same machine as a wheel loader except for the torque converter all the components on the front of that machine are Caterpillar components a lot of people still remember these as being a tiger 690 it is a true cat machine today there's actually five models there's two smaller but in mining applications the other two the 14 and the 24 get to be a bit small I want to talk just a little bit about buckets and blades whether we're talking about buckets on our shovels the blades on the wheeled dozer the buckets on the loaders the blades on the track type tractor one of the things that we always hear when we go to start equipping a machine is when we get to the bucket size what do you want for a bucket and everybody wants the biggest bucket you can get and that's usually the wrong way to do it is what happens is you only have so much hydraulic horsepower so the tougher the material is and the wider the bucket is the harder it's going to be to load you'll be heating components you'll be spinning tires or tracks you're gonna be burning fuel unnecessarily so we're there to help you understand what is the ideal bucket when I start looking at equipping this machine 994 H that's an extended high lift now the 994 is the only one that has a different front structure and I'm gonna talk about that just a minute when we put this up over the top of the 793 you can see how we've advanced this face he's got himself spotted to load that 789 ideal match right here that 994 will still productively load the 793 and we can go into areas when we take down our shovels for scheduled maintenance to still productively load we are up into that 6 7 8 past match wisdom which isn't ideal but we still keep our trucks running the 994 H has about a 5 to 10% fuel saving advantage over the previous model that machine has the fender extensions it has the large tires on it give us a real good base to work from that machine is extremely stable today that's the big bucket 240 four inch bucket 23 and a half yard and again that white bucket works very well in here if this material wasn't this friendly we would put on a two hundred and twenty two inch bucket it would be more aggressive because we would have the same amount of horsepower over that shorter edge it's going to allow us to go in and break out that tougher material is what you would do when you put on that narrower bucket is that you'd find that you're just on the inside of our tire width chances are we'd probably put chains on it and we put little wings on that bucket which would actually deflect any material away from the tires same cab is what you saw in the 993 excellent visibility TouchPad flattened out that staircase now so the operator it's easier for the operator to get up and down off of it you can also get the optional fold down ladder on this so again when you go to equip these think about your operator and what they typically take in the cab it's a real nice option to give those guys mine star can be put on this machine whether it's health detect terrain detect is what you're seeing on the front of that 789 if you see the wheel chocks and you see those two boxes on top of it with the lasers and the radar in that box that is actually looking around that truck and that operator sitting in the cab has a screen in front of him if anybody got into his blind spot which those of you that have said in these trucks and the larger trucks are worse there's a lot of blind spots if they got into the area that he can't see or any area he's going to be warned that there's somebody in that area he's going to get a red light off in the cab he's going to get an audible alarm he knows there's somebody in his worker he'll get out and check that that can be put on any one of these machines sitting out here that 994 is ready to have it put on that one has a rear vision camera only which is not part of detect but remember that that detect is in that mine star suite today when we look at our large mining trucks we're kind of thinking 785 and up which was introduced in 1980 that of course is the new 789 D increased capacity on that up to 200 ton from 195 ton you'll have the opportunity to get around that that also has the new style cab on it it's in the 1986 we introduced the 789 793 and 1991 1998 the 797 and in 2008 the 795 FAC which is the only truck that you're not gonna see today 793 that one's rated at 250 ton I want you to have a look at this 994 that is an e HL so you have a standard lift good for the 785 and with a good operator good for the 789 high lift good for the 789 and you can load the 793 if you have a good operator this extended high lift 23 and a half yard bucket is about 4 foot more reach than the high lift machine and then you have the super high lift but look at where rat in the middle you can put a load in the middle of that with the 994 so again don't think that you cannot load with that loader into a 793 we can do that very easily we're gonna get the 994 out of here I talked about the super high lift that machine is designed for coal loading only so it'll have a 42-yard bucket on it strictly coal loading ok we talked about our mining trucks we also have the addition of a couple more we have the 4400 and the 5300 with payload capacities of 240 240 to 320 ton and you're gonna see both of those here today so back to our productivity class we talked about the 60/40 let's talk about the 60 60 front shovel one of the keys with these is to keep everything nice and tight one of the big differences between a hydraulic front shovel and a rope shovel is the reach so a lot of times you'll see guys try and take those hydraulic front shovels in to sideload but you'll find to do that an operator has to reach out a lot further it definitely impacts your cycle time it slows down the machine you'll find it's easier to reduce bucket capacity to do that if your operators are efficient they set themselves up right there truck exchange time is good you can be more productive doing a real good single side load like this in you would be with a two side load forty four and a half yard bucket the tripower is one of the features on this that makes this machine such an aggressive digger that tripower is that triangle piece that you see up on the top one of the things that's nice about running that is when I come out of the face I don't have to be putting any hydraulic flow to my bucket to keep my bucket level tripower does that it makes it a more aggressive digger so when I'm coming out of the face is all I have to do is pull up on the boom I just crack the swing a little bit because remember I want all that hydraulic flow in that hydraulic power go into my boom up circuit so I'm gonna pull that up I'm gonna crack the swing just a little bit I may have to push the stick out just a little bit but again by doing that that machine is going to produce better it's gonna allow me to have bigger bucket fills target size truck for that 60 60 is the 200 to the 345 ton truck but this is really ideal depending on the bucket size depending on the body size a really good match right here staying in that 4 to 5 pass range that's the 7 93 efforts to not house machine it's got the optional fold down ladder got the wheel chocks on the front it's got detect all your lockout and tagout switch you'll see in a little bit or down on the ground 793 again was introduced in 1991 with over a hundred million field hours and over 65 billion tons of earth moved with the 793 s around the world there's a lot of 793 s running around the world today that have well over a hundred to one hundred and twenty thousand hours on them increasing that truck over the performance of the previous model five to ten percent increase in production performance higher speed about three mile our higher downhill loaded speed so that automatic retarder now and the braking cooling capacity that we have actually allows us to tram down the hill quicker 4400 again you're gonna see the 4400 you're gonna see the 5,300 all-electric drive today completely integrated with caterpillar equipment on it so again you're going to get around this these things are doing extremely well for us in the field 2500 horse eight hundred and sixty-five thousand pound max GVW 240 ton rated capacity in the 793 that was just here is two hundred and fifty so those are extremely close today 793 was the mechanical drive the 4400 is the electric drive again all supported by Caterpillar today with all cat components rear wet disc brakes and we're running the 4590 tire on that so again for some of those higher speeds longer hauls rated payload our tires are actually gonna live so we talked about the cost of moving material obviously the cheapest way to move material today is going to be with the drag line you're going to have the opportunity to hear more about drag lines throughout the week with three different models from the 8,000 to the 8200 to the 87 50 but another very productive way to move material is with track type tractors but when you think about tractors sometimes you think about support a lot of times you might think about support but think about them in production dozing think about what I said about blades and buckets and widths and things if you had real aggressive bony material that didn't come out very well I might want to put a narrow blade on it one of the other keys about a tractor is depending on what you're planning on doing with that tractor you need to balance out the tractor if these tractors were going to be working on this slope day in and day out I'd want to make sure that I caught up with Mel to understand how do i balance the tractor if I miss that I'm gonna have a lot of that weight on the front idler and I'm not gonna have full contact with my tracks I need those tracks to have full contact the bogie system definitely helps but if I have enough weight on the back of that tractor to keep that thing sitting flat on the ground it's going to increase my attractive effort and I'm gonna be more productive s-blade su blade you blade and then carry dozer blade you can get on the D 11 specifically for big bulk pushing and very very friendly material the other thing I want to point out here is if you've noticed all three of these tractors established a slot it's interesting because the two guys on the nine and the ten have both been properly trained on how to slot those the guy on the Levin again he didn't make the class yeah I think he was with Brad the guys on the small tractors are actually they've established their slot and they're starting in the front and they're diving down into that slot when they dive down and cut into that slot about a length and a half width of the tractor from the dump when they dive down they've actually gone deeper into that slot and now they have sidewalls those sidewalls are actually gonna hold more material in front of that tractor and allow it to produce more and also look at the amount of time that they're traveling that they're not under load now watch the D 11 he's going back every time so the first time down he established his slot the second time down he went just a little bit deeper but is what you'll notice is when that blade loads up the material starts falling off the side of that blade and it isn't going to be able to be held in front of that tractor because we're not down deep into that slot you can get terrain on these tractors we can also get detect you'll see that the d9 and the d-10 both have full down ladders on them as well so again take the time make sure that you understand how you're equipping your tractor one of the other things that's really nice on these tractors is you can get blade assist so is what will happen is that operator will actually go into a cut once he loads the blade he'll hit a button and that tractor now he's going to carry that load so that tractor is sensing ground slip it's sensing the load on the tractor once it starts getting some ground slip rather than spinning the tracks off of it and reducing our undercarriage life it's actually gonna lift the blade just a little bit and let some of that load go until it gains that back when he gets down to the bottom of it he can hit a button and it's actually going to dump that material off when it dumps off that material he'll be ready to go back and load it up again so let's talk about rope stumbles you're gonna hear about those over the next three days as well that's a 74 95 that machine was brought here about a year and a half for mine Expo 45 truckloads and three rail cars about just a little over three million pounds of the way it sets there today 667 thousand pounds of that is ballast in the back of that machine real nice match for this 5300 and the 797 that's a 73 yard bucket with a latch free dipper you'll hear about that tomorrow the other thing that's an option on this is hydro crowd so typically on a rope shovel you would expect to see the dipper arm go in and out with the cable that's actually in simple terms a hydraulic cylinder in there so down in the house is a hydraulic reservoir with a big hydraulic pump that is running that hydro crowd cylinder one of the really cool things about this whole system is if you've seen these if you're used to running these machines they run off of the grid they run off a street power that shovel is running off of to 3516 generators over there that are generating four megawatt of power now if we didn't have the power management demand system on this shovel which is actually the boxes that you see up on top on both sides of the machine those yellow boxes behind the cab those two boxes the gray box on the back left side and down in the house is this power management demand system if we did not have that on this shovel we'd have to have a four or five of those generators generating about eight megawatt of power this shovel when it ramps up will draw about 3.7 megawatt of power in about 1.2 seconds so is what happens with this is as he's digging when he's swinging into the truck and he's reversing his swing or he's braking it's generating power when he drops his dipper back into the face to reload he's generating power we're taking that power and we're putting it back into this power management system and when this thing ramps back up and calls for that power we have it stored so we're able to go back and pull that power back out you look at an operation today a greenfield site that has to wait two or three years for grid power you don't need to wait any more today if you had that system on a shovel the only thing that you would have out there is those two generators everything else you see over there would be gone rope shovel is about the only machine that you will virtually see no truck exchange time with good support of that shovel when that shovel swings around there should be a truck set in there that wheeled dozer right now would be in making a quick cleanup on that far side try and brush it up in about two passes only where the tires are gonna be when that next truck comes back should be about on the last pass he's putting in that triple seven there should be another truck positioning on the other side it's one of the advantages of a rope shovel is I have a lot of flexibility in my reach if that trucks not exactly where I want him as long as he's on my swing radius I can reach out to get him or I can pull back in to get him he gets a little bit tougher with that hydraulic machine something real interesting and we had hope to have the 797 F here today that's 797 even though it says it's a B that is the very first 797 ever made that machine was put together here it spent its whole life here the first three or four years that it was here it actually lived in the mind round-the-clock operation it is still a testbed it is still a mule that we use everyday as we don't do most of these machines again that is the machine from next door at the proving grounds a lot of improvements today you know where we went from a 793 c 793 d to where we are today the same thing has happened with the 797 again rated at 400 hor or 400 ton 314 to a three hundred and fifty yard body all of our trucks have a lot of different body options available we got a nice load on that we're gonna have him pull out of there go get rid of that but again right now is what you would expect to see here is literally no brake when you're running these machines rope shovel will deliver the lowest cost per ton but it takes a lot of coordination to make sure that we have everybody in place to do that that is a mechanical Drive truck available with an X cube that option means that that thing would be completely insulated mufflers engine compartments transmission and everything you literally would not hear that truck run that truck could run right across in front of this stand and you wouldn't hear it run so when you get down into New South Wales areas and in Australia where this is required and literally right on the backside of the dump there's a town that's where they require those type of options TPMS second gear relay meaning that when that truck pulls away you want to make sure that the ground is nice and level if you're relying on the accuracy of TPMS you may not get a real accurate reading sitting at the face it might vary by one or two percent depending on how well you maintain the system once it hit second gear it's gonna dial itself right in the gross vehicle weight of that truck is more than a 747 747 weighs about nine hundred and ten thousand pounds max GVW of that is about almost 1.4 million pounds obviously this is a fair bit slower we're gonna bring in the lineup of trucks and like I say there's a couple of them missing and I'll point out where that is the 795 which we'd hope to have here today is is unfortunately in test on the other side of the property so we're not gonna be able to get it in here for you so the first one you're gonna see is the 775 and remember there's three smaller than that one so just envision three smaller trucks on the other end which are rigid frame trucks that's not counting the articulated trucks so your 775 rated at 70 ton the triple seven rated at one hundred and five ton 785 d rated at 150 ton the increased capacity of the 789 D to two hundred ton the 793 F at 250 ton an increase of about ten ton over the earlier model the MT 4400 at 240 ton the MT 5300 at 320 ton and then if we have the 795 it would be right here at 355 ton and then the 797 rated at 400 ton caterpillar has several these demonstration facilities around the world global mining calls his home we focused our time on our efforts here obviously this is where we have the machines if you have any questions visit with the guys and thank you very much for coming today [Music] you
Channel: Caterpillar Mining
Views: 2,258,089
Rating: 4.6072369 out of 5
Keywords: Mining (Industry), Surface Mining, Demo, Cat, Demonstration, Loader (Product Category), dozer, scraper, Truck (Automotive Class), mine, mine site, digger, Caterpillar Inc. (Award Winner), hydraulic shovel, hydraulic mining shovel, electric rope shovel, rope shovel, motor grader, track type tractor, bucyrus
Id: L0LE1skP-Po
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 45sec (2565 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 17 2014
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