Crash Course on Framer CMS (Beginner Tutorial)

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the framer CMS is the most important piece to build out scalable websites whether it's blogs portfolio Pages or e-commerce pages so in this beginner tutorial I will cover all the steps you need in order to set up a framer CMS from scratch now step one is to design the content we want to add our editing powers to for this tutorial we will recreate the CMS I've set up for and to make this extra meta the working file is hosted on the same website and is linked Down Below on my site I have a card that has a title a resource type a software icon an image and a video and when we click the card I want it to take us to a detail page also known as a CMS page that has a top trim color a title a YouTube video and a link to the resource now before we create the actual CMS I want to make sure that our card has the hover state with the video preview so I will head into the working file and create a component out of my card I'll call it card hit create if you're new to components inside a framer you can pause and check out the video in the top right with the layers panel open I will select the video and make sure that it's set to zero percent in opacity I then zoom out a bit go to hover State hit plus hover I select the video again make sure that it's set to 100 in opacity and on top of this I make sure that the play button is set to zero percent in opacity now to test if this works we need to add a placeholder image and a placeholder video so I'll Target the video I'll choose a file Source I'll set it to playing yes and I'll go to the image choose image or unsplash if we're lazy and now if I hit command p as I hover we can see that the video is playing now the thing is not all my cards will have video previews so how do we make sure that this hover state only occurs when we have a video preview well we'll get to that by the end of the tutorial the next step is to create the actual CMS and there are three ways you can add your CMS the first is to go to pages in your left sidebar hit Plus on CMS and then add sample this will bring you to the CMS page and you'll get five sample CMS items added to the CMS collection that was just created the second way is to hit CMS in the top bar and then either import a CSV or add a Blog the latter will create the same sample of five as we saw in alternative one and then we have option three which is to once again hit CMS in the top bar but then head to this plus here when we click this plus this just creates a clean CMS collection without CMS items I'm going to use this option for now but it really doesn't matter what you choose I'll call this collection resources if you want to add more collections you can go to plus add here but more than one collection will require a Pro Plan for each collection we have three main options the first is new item the second is edit fields and the third is import import is for importing CSV files edit Fields is for adding and removing fields to our CMS items remember the title the content type the images and videos inside our card this is where we add the ability to edit those in the CMS view so let's add them we already have a title and here we can change the title of the title we can add a default text a placeholder value and decide whether it's a bigger text area or just a one-liner the slug is what's going to show in the URL in many cases it's best to just leave this to be based on the title of your page then we have a Content field which is great if you have a Blog for example in our case we don't need it so I'll just right click and hit remove now let's add all the things that will be either a part of our card or our detail page a title we already have but the option for this would be plain text now since the YouTube video is going to be inserted as a URL I'll use plain text for this and just call it YouTube URL formatted text would give us the content field we just removed link allows us to link to things which is perfect for a resource link so I'll add that and call it resource link I'll then hit plus again and add an image after that I'll add a color for the top trim let's just call it color now the toggle can be used to toggle things on and off in our CMS items for example if we have items that are featured and we want to show a featured badge for those we could add a toggle to show or hide that badge options allow us to add multiple options to our items this is perfect for a resource type and software icon so add one and I'll call it resource type I'll change the options to be working file and website and I'll let the default remain to be working file since that's currently the most common option on my page and of course if we wanted more options we could just hit add here now we'll add the second option for our icons I'll call it software type and I'll add framer and figma as the options on top of this we have numbers we have dates and finally we have file which we can use to add video files that we can upload from our computer I'll add that and I'll call it video then I'll manually enter the accepted extensions here which in my case is going to be only dot MP4 and for all Mac users here keep in mind that dot mov doesn't work and is generally not recommended on the web anyways and that's it now we have all the CMS Fields created and it's time to add our actual items let's add two CMS items really quick I'll hit new item and then I'll just fill in the fields that we just added now with this setup we can start linking the CMS to our designs let's start by heading back to our main canvas then go to the left sidebar by CMS hit plus resources and then detail page and as you may have guessed by the name here this is our detail page for the CMS and it works like any other page in framer just that it's connected to a specific CMS collection in our case resources now we can choose to use the template that framer has given us here or we can just remove everything and do it from scratch I'm gonna go back to Pages home I'll go to this detail page that I've already created here I'll copy it go back into this detail page paste it in then I'll remove the previous one I'll make sure that everything is set up correctly in here so I'll probably remove this detail page stack here we don't need that I'll just take this top bar set it to zero in the top I'll go to the nav and set that to maybe 24 then for this one we can just reduce the top padding a bit and now if we play the Prototype it looks something like this now from here we can just select our items so I'll select the top Rim then we'll go to the right sidebar I'm gonna click plus fill and I'll set the variable to be color for the title I'll do the same I'll go in here to plus content on the text field instead set variable to title and for the YouTube video I'm going to select it go to plus video set variable and YouTube URL and lastly for the link we're gonna Target the button go to the right sidebar to link hit plus then plus a link to set variable resource link and as you can see here all of these things are automatically located by framers so what we created in our CMS collection can be found here in the right sidebar I'm gonna set it to be new tab no and we don't need to do anything about scroll now our detail page is fully connected to the CMS but we still need to link the card so let's head back to our home page and here is our home page design but before we do anything else here we need to add something called a collection list this will allow us to display our CMS items anywhere we place the list so I'll go to insert scroll down to collection lists I'll drag this resources into our home page place it here in between that title and the footer still didn't place it correctly so I'll bump it down and just as with the detail page this comes with a default template in this case I'll just remove everything within it and instead I'm going to take our card component go back to our collection list paste it in there then I'll Target The Collection list go to the right sidebar I'll switch it to grid I'll set the width to fill then I'll adjust the Gap a bit tweak the padding a bit and there we have the beginning of a grid now the items are properly structured in the collection list but if we play it we can see that the content is still static it's still using the placeholder images and videos and the text Fields hasn't changed to make this Dynamic like our detail page we need to head into our card component so I'll click my way out I'll go to the card in here we can do a similar thing to what we did for the detail page just that here since it's a component we have a two-step process first we need to head to the top bar here and hit variables here we can create variables that we can then link to the CMS in The Next Step so let's start by adding one for image then I'll add one for a title so a plain text call it title then I'll add an option for resource type called resource type I'll do the same for software I'll add another option I'll call it software and I'll add framer and figma and that's all we need for now now let's head to our icons here so I'll go to the figma icon I'll hit plus visible set variable software equals so whenever software equals figma we're gonna show the figma icon now reversely if we go to the framer icon go to plus visible set variable software equals whenever software equals framer we're going to show this icon then we're going to go to the title here again we're gonna go to plus content set variable title and now the text disappeared why is that well since it's not yet connected to the CMS and thus it doesn't get any text from anywhere and since we in variables didn't add a default text we don't see anything but if we add default here you can see that now the default text is at least shown now let's select website here go to plus content set variable resource type and convert option and there you can see that it once again disappeared this is because once again it's not yet connected to the CMS so when Option 1 is set we're gonna set this text to something and instead of having option one here we can go back to variables go to resource type and name the options so the first could be working file just as in the CMS and the second one could be website also just like in the CMS now if we head back out here this is now working file so I'll set this to be working file so the text is going to be set to working file whenever we have chosen working file in the convert option and from here we can add another condition so when it's set to website we'll set it to be website now let's go to the video video and for the video we just hit plus here we create a variable and we'll call it video for the image let's target the image go down here plus fill set variable image and then as a last step I'll Target the whole card I'll go to link hit plus hit plus and Link two and create a variable and this link is not going to go to a new tab and it's gonna be instant because it's not going to be a Scroll once again it's going to go to the detail page now we can head back to home we can go out here to the right sidebar and now all of a sudden we have a bunch of options for our card here this is because we added those variables so now we can go to Plus image here set variable to be image and what this does is that it connects the component variable to the CMS item field so we'll connect image to image will connect tidal to title we'll connect resource to resource type convert option and in here we'll have to set working file to be working file We'll add a condition that says website is to be set to website we'll go to software set variable to software type convert option framer to framer and figma to figma and for link we're just going to hit the field here and click on resources slug this will make sure that it links us to the correct resource URL now if we play this we can see that everything seems to look perfect we have the hover state where we show the video we have the titles we have the resource type and the software icon here what if we have an item that doesn't have a video then perhaps we don't want to show the play now to fix this we have to head back into our card and inside of our card we have to go to variables and if we go to video here we can see that we always have a default video in order for us to not always show videos we can't always have a default video so we'll go out here I'll select the video I'll unlink it and then I'll remove the default video that we have here then I'll go back to the plus hit create variable I'll call this one video again and I'll just remove the previous video one now if we go out here to home and we go back to video here we have to re-link it to our CMS video and for this to be shown we have to create another CMS item or just remove a video from one of the CMS items so let's remove this one we go back and we play now we can see that the video isn't showing anymore but we can still see the play icon let's fix that too so I'll head back into the card let's select the play icon go to the right sidebar and hit plus visibility create variable we'll call this one play icon then we'll just jump back out to home we'll go to the right sidebar here we'll hit plus and play icon set variable video is set so now whenever a video file is added in rcms AKA is set the play icon is shown now if we play it again you can see that the play icon is gone and nothing happens on Hover on the flip side for the video ones on Hover we show the video now an issue that you might run into in cases like this where you have conditional logic is that you miss things between hover States so make sure that your image in this case here still has the image variable when I was testing this I realized that this wasn't set to the image variable which then results in on Hover that we see nothing so once again make sure that your image in this instance is set to image and that's it I hope the framer CMS feels less scary for you now if you want to dig deeper into framer check out this playlist until the next one have a great life
Channel: Tim Gabe
Views: 9,126
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ui, ux, product design, ui design, ux design, framer, framer cms, framer cms tutorial, framer cms collection, framer cms fields, framer cms blog, framer cms portfolio, framer tutorial for beginners, framer tutorial website
Id: ADrNwS19i5I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 31sec (1111 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 14 2023
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