CRAFT TO-GO CASE // Sewing Tutorial!

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hi and welcome back to my channel my name is erica today we're going to be making this adorable little travel craft case [Music] so you guys this case is so cute i'm going to be using mine for my english paper piecing so i'm going to show you how to make these but before we do that i made two different versions so this one on the left is using some pam kitty fabric it's absolutely adorable this one we're going to be making today is using my tilda fabric i believe this one is their circus rose line and the fabrics are just so fun and pretty so here's kind of what the inside looks like i've got a nice big pouch over here on this side that i can keep all of my pieces i'm working on this side has my little scissors in here i've got a needle minder i've also got this fun little piece right here that is keeping my sew tights on there i've got a wonder clip and then here's my other little needle minder that i can use while i'm stitching it also has two nice panels that are perfect for all of your threads and i have a couple of glue sticks in there as well then i have this nice big pocket over here that can hold all of my pieces that i'm working on it zips up perfectly into this cute little travel case and i can just take it with me on the go so if you're interested in making this project with me let's go ahead and get started here's what you're going to need so here's some of the supplies you're going to need for this project of course you're going to need some fun fabric you're also going to need some fusible foam some regular quilt batting and then i'm also going to be using some of this vinyl for this project this is just like a medium weight vinyl it's not super heavy i think if i wanted to i could tear it but it's pretty you probably can't see it on camera but it's pretty flexible and easy to sew through i'm also going to be using some of my regular sewing supplies and then i've got a couple of fun zippers here we're going to be using a 36 inch just regular nylon zipper i'm also going to be using this fun kind of decorative zipper and i'm going to show you how to install that so you can see all this fun decorative edging so you're going to need two zippers for this project the other thing you may want to get and this is totally optional this is just a magnetic sticky sheet so it's sticky on one side and magnetic on the other and it's perfect for the little magnet section to keep your sew tights or your needles on and since mine is sticky i've gone ahead and just put it on a piece of batting it helps give it a little bit more stability but it is pretty soft still and flexible you could also just use a piece of cardboard something that's going to give your little magnetic section just a little bit of strength and a little bit more structure you'll also need some basic sewing supplies so i'm just going to be using my creative grids ruler my olfa trimmer and then i also like to use these wonder clips these are great for projects like this where we're going to be working with thicker materials and if you're curious i am going to be using some of my tilda stash so this is just from their circus rose collection and it's just a beautiful array of fun colors but you're just going to want to get some fun colorful fabric and we'll be all set to go as always i will put all of the exact cutting instructions and measurements in the description box below the video if you don't see it just click the show more link down there i will also have a pdf pattern available for this project as well it will have step step-by-step written instructions along with graphic illustrations just to make it super easy i think that's everything we're going to be needing for today's tutorial let's go ahead and get started so i'm going to go ahead and start off with some of our smaller pieces that way they're just kind of ready to go and we start assembling we'll be all ready so i'm going to start off with our straps so you should have two pieces for your straps and let's just set those aside and you should have two pieces of foam for those straps so we're going to take our straps and we're just going to press this long edges in by one quarter of an inch on both sides like this and then we're going to fold that in half and press it again and then we're going to add our foam to the center of that and when you add your foam you're just going to want to follow your manufacturer's instructions whatever kind of foam you purchase this happens to be double-sided foam so i'm going to make sure to press it on both sides just to make sure that it is adhered well if you find that your foam is just a little bit too tight you can just trim off an extra like eighth of an inch or so until it fits inside there nicely once the foam is fused to the strap i'm going to take it to my sewing machine and sew down both the open side and the opposite side using a 1 8 inch seam allowance not only will it secure the fabric but it's also going to give our strap a nice symmetrical look and a little bit of added structure along with the foam so we're going to repeat that process on both straps so here are our two straps and i've just sewn down both edges like i said so those are all ready to go and we can set those aside next we're gonna work on our magnetic pocket and our scissor case so for that magnetic pocket i'm just going to flip it right side up and i'm actually going to do this for both of these and i'm going to press one edge in quarter of an inch press the other edge in quarter of an inch and then press this one in one quarter of an inch and this one in one quarter of an inch just to make sure that kind of fits in there it does and then we'll take this whole thing and fold it in half like so and press one more time and then i'm just gonna put a taylor's clapper on that one so that one can kind of cool over there i'm gonna work on this one for this one because we don't have to put anything inside of it i'm actually just going to put it together right sides together i'm going to sew all the way around the outside using a one quarter of an inch seam allowance i'm going to leave about a two inch or one and a half inch opening right down here on the side so we can turn it right side out this one i'm going to now open it up and just take my magnetic strip with the batting on the back and just tuck that inside there nicely and there should be a little edge all the way around it so you have a place to sew now we can fold that up like so and use a couple of clips just to kind of clip it in there so it doesn't move around on me and then i'm going to take this over to my sewing machine and i'm going to sew around these three open sides don't sew on this folded side yet we'll sew that side when we attach it to the lining of our bag [Music] so for this one i'm just going to clip off these corners just to help it turn a little bit easier and i'll even clip off these top ones just don't clip into your stitch line and you'll be good to go and then i'm just going to flip it right side out and this is a good time to use a hair marker all right and then you can also use a pencil or any other kind of a pin cap actually works a little bit better than a pencil just don't poke through your stitch line and then we're just going to fold these open edges in by one quarter of an inch and they should kind of just go that way naturally and just give that a little press this one with our magnet inside is all set to go so we can just set that aside and then next for this one i am going to choose a top edge and just run a stitch right along this top edge that's just going to give it a little bit more structure don't worry about the other three edges we'll sew those when we add them to our lining so here are our completed pieces we've got our two straps our magnetic section and then our little scissor pouch we can set all these aside and now we can work on the outside of our bag so let's go ahead and prepare our outer zipper pocket so here's the top portion of our zipper we're also going to be using this fun decorative zipper and it just i just purchased this at my local craft store it just says clothes bottom fashion zipper by coats and clarks and this happens to be a 22 inch one because i like to have my zippers longer than i need them so that one will go right there and then we're also going to have a cute little patchwork section down here now for this patchwork section you are going to need 24 two and a half inch squares if you don't want to do a patchwork section you can do what i did on this one and this is actually a cheater print i did not patch work these together it's printed this way and then i just did the quilting lines on it so it looks like i did patchwork but i didn't have to do all the work you can also just do a solid piece of fabric if you prefer you're just going to want it to be the correct dimensions as indicated below or in the pattern so for the patchwork section we're going to need six across and four down and i've just arranged my squares in a way that i think looks nice to assemble this we're going to sew together one row at a time going across and then we'll sew those rows together and so i like to just pick all these up in order and so i'll just stack them in order and bring this over to my sewing machine and i'll stack this in order and bring that to my sewing machine and so on that way i don't have to keep coming back here to my table to get these and i can just sew them all in a row once i get over to my machine so here are all my rows and i finished sewing them now i'm going to just flip them over wrong side up and i'm going to press my seams going in opposite directions so these two will go to the left and these two will go to the right that way when we sew our fabric together our seams will nest nicely and i'll kind of show you what i mean here in just a second so now these ones are going to go this way and this one's going to go this opposite direction and try not to mess up the one i have on my table so i've pressed the bottom and middle row seams going to the right i've pressed the top and middle row to the left that way as we put these together our seams will nest nicely so i'm going to start out by sewing these two rows together and these two rows together and then we'll sew them all together so i'm just going to take this top layer and put it on top of this second one and then where my seams join my seams are going in opposite directions so this top one's going to the right the bottom one's going to the left and i just push those together with my fingers until i can kind of feel them snap together and then i'm just going to take a pin and just put that in that seam right there and i'm going to do that all the way down these seams as you can see here's our seams right here we're just going to butt those seams right up next to each other nice and tight and then we'll just stick a pin in there okay so that's what it's looking like we're going to take this over to our sewing machine and just sew right along this edge using a one quarter of an inch seam allowance and while i'm at it i might as well just save myself some time and prepare this one as well so i'll sew them both together at the same time [Music] [Music] so here are my two pieces and i'm gonna go ahead and just press this seam and then flip it open and press it up and then i'm going to repeat that on my second panel here all right looks like that looks nice then we'll go ahead and take this one and lay it on top of the second one and again your seams should nest nicely i'm going to pin those together the exact same way just nesting each of those seams and that's really going to help give us nice crisp points on this patchwork section when i'm done pinning all of these seams together i'll take this over to my machine and again sew down this edge using a one quarter inch seam allowance and then we'll press that open and we'll be ready to move on to our next step and here's what our back looks like our seams are all nice and nested and we're ready to move on okay so this piece finishes at about eight and a half by twelve and a half and we need to trim it down to seven and a half by eleven and a half so that means i'm going to take a half an inch off both the sides and both the top and bottom just to kind of make everything look proportionate so i'm going to just rearrange this so i'm taking a half an inch off that and half an inch off of this top here and now we can turn it around and do the same thing on the other side and at this point we should be at eleven and a half by seven and a half all right now we're ready to move on to our next step which is to add batting to both our zipper top and our panel and i'm just using regular quilt batting for this you could use foam for it but since we're using foam for the main part of our bag body i didn't think another layer of foam was really necessary it just gave it way too much bulk so i'm just using regular cotton quilt batting and i'm going to just place my patchwork panel on top of my quilt batting and you can pin or spray base this if you like and then i'm just going to take it to my sewing machine and i'm just going to probably follow my patchwork stitches and just do a straight line quilting on this one quarter of an inch away from each of my seam lines the other thing i'm going to do is take our top zipper piece here i'm just going to open it up place my batting right inside of there right next to that crease and you'll have a quarter of an inch over here at the top fold that over and again you'll have a quarter of an inch kind of overlapping up here for this one all i'm going to do is just run a stitch right along these open edges by a 1 8 of an inch seam allowance and that's just going to kind of help hold everything together when we start assembling our bag you could also run a zigzag stitch around that edge if you want just leave this folded edge plane so here's our finished patchwork piece and as you can see i just did some straight line quilting on it so that's ready to go we've got our zipper and our top panel which i just ran a stitch around the edge just to kind of help keep it together while we're assembling things next we're going to take our lining piece that correlates with the front pocket and just place that right side down on top of this pocket we're going to sew right along this edge using a quarter of an inch seam allowance i'll go ahead and press that really quickly and just press that up and then we'll flip it around to the back and you just want to press it so it's nice and flat and just make sure these edges are all lined up all right so now we have our lining attached to the front panel of our pocket we're going to take our zipper we're just going to lay it right on top of this edge so we can see that fun scallop but we don't want to be sewing too close that we can't get into our zipper so i'm going to take some pins and just kind of pin that in place all the way down this edge i'm just going to run a stitch line right along the top here so that i'm not too close to my zipper because this is kind of a short tape on here i don't want to run into my zipper i want to be able to open and close my zipper but i do want to attach it to my panel okay so then i can just run a stitch right down this edge making sure that i'm catching my panel but also making sure i'm giving enough room for my zipper to open and close when we're done doing that we're going to take this top panel and do the same thing but we'll just line it up just like that and again stitch it to the top panel as well so here we are our zipper is attached and just looking so cute and then the next thing i want to do is just run a little stitch this way about an eighth of an inch in just to make a little stopper for our zipper i'm gonna open it on this side and again run a stitch about an eighth of an inch in just to kind of stop our zipper that way our zipper tab won't pull off in either direction here is our finished zipper so i've just sewn the edges here so that our zipper pull won't pull off next thing we're going to do is grab our lining for our front pocket and just place that right side up place our panel on top of that so just to help me out i am going to clip around my edges that'll keep everything in place while i'm sewing i'm going to take this to my sewing machine and sew a basting stitch around all four edges just to secure our lining to our front pocket when i'm done with that i'll clip off the edges of my zipper and we'll be ready to move on so our front pocket is done next we're going to take our panel and this is going to be 11 and a half inches by 12. so just make sure you have it facing the direct the correct direction so your panel should be 11.5 inches this way and 12 inches this way so you're just going to line up those pieces and if you have one that's about half an inch or so longer then you know that that's not the right one so just make sure you have it going the right way and i'm actually going to turn mine this way so my flowers are facing up when i go the other direction i'm going to lay this right side down on top of our panel and we're going to take this to our sewing machine and sew one quarter of an inch to secure the rest of our bag to our front pocket so here is what our piece should be looking like i'm going to press this really quick and then we'll attach this whole panel to our foam next we're going to take our foam panel and this is just double-sided fusible foam and we're going to attach our outside of our bag to that so you're just going to line it up along all the edges and then we're just going to press it per the instructions on your fusible foam to adhere it in place and sometimes this front pocket because it's thicker doesn't attach as well so if you need to you can just run a basting stitch around the outside edges of this panel to kind of help you keep everything in place as well the next thing we're going to do to the outside panel of our bag is attach our straps and so those are going to go three and a half inches in from either edge so one two three and half i'm just going to pin those in place and again one two three and a half and i'm kind of eyeballing this but you could definitely measure it if you like and just make sure you don't have any twists in your strap i'm going to do the same thing one two three one two three and a half i'm going to do the same thing over here all right and then i'm going to take this over to our machine and i'm just going to attach these straps down just using a quarter of an inch seam allowance that's just going to hold them in place then we don't have to worry about them moving forward all right our handles are attached to the outside of our bag we've got the foam on the other side and now we can go ahead and set this aside while we work on the inside of our bag so we're going to start off by working on our vinyl pockets and we're going to prepare our binding for all of our pockets at once and then we'll sew them all at once to save time so i'm going to start off with the small one this is the only one that you need to worry about the short edges on so i'm going to press both short edges in by one quarter of an inch next i'm going to press it in half right sides together wrong sides together sorry next i'm going to press both long sides in so they sort of meet in the middle but give yourself a little bit of space there like so and then fold it in half again and just give it one last good press quilters clapper on it for a second we're going to take our next piece which i believe is seven and a half inches but refer to your pattern for this one we're only going to fold over one of the short edges by a quarter of an inch and we're going to repeat the rest of the process the same way so fold it in half just to get yourself a center crease and then fold in those edges so they meet in the middle you're just going to have one raw edge on this one because it's going to get tucked in to a seam allowance so we don't need to worry about that and yes i am burning my fingers as we speak like so and then fold it in half one more time we're going to set our seven and a half inch one aside and then for these others that are super long we don't need to worry about the short edges at all we're simply going to fold them in half long ways like so and then press these edges in so they meet in the middle like this and then fold it in half again and we'll be good to go so i'm going to prepare the other two pieces just like this one with raw edges on the end and i'll meet you right back here all right i think all of our pieces are done i'm going to attach these bindings to our vinyl patches the only one we're not going to attach yet is this one that's seven and a half inches long so we're going to set that one aside for a little bit later and i'm just going to start out with my smaller piece of vinyl and i'm just going to place my vinyl right inside that crease just butt it right up next to it and then i'm going to sew right along this open edge just with about an eighth of an inch seam allowance making sure that i get both sides of my binding on the vinyl stitched in place okay so the little one obviously goes on the little one i've got one for these medium sized pieces and then one for this long piece and i'm just going to clip it in place if you are using these clips just make sure that your clips don't get down onto the vinyl as you can see i have my clips just staying right here on the actual binding if you get them onto the vinyl it will make a mark in your vinyl you'll have like a kind of little teeth mark in your vinyl and you'll be able to see that so just keep the clips off of your vinyl and you should be good to go okay and then as you can probably see my binding is actually overlapping the edges of my vinyl just a bit i gave you a longer measurement than you need that way in case anything slides around or gets wonky on you you can just trim off the edges and make everything nice and straight when you're done next we're going to take this over to the sewing machine and we're just going to sew right along this open edge with about a 1 8 inch seam allowance just make sure that you're getting your binding on both the front and back of your vinyl so that everything stays nice and secure we're gonna repeat this on all four pieces of our vinyl all right here are our four pieces of vinyl all done and ready to go and now we're ready to move on to the rest of the inside of our bag so here is the inside lining of our bag and the first thing i want to do is just find the center point so i'm just going to lay it right sides together and i'm just going to get a pin and just make a little mark right there so i know where the center is you can also do the math but who likes that next i'm going to take my ruler and just draw a center line and this is just a friction erasable pin this that line is actually going to get covered up anyway so it doesn't really matter i just like to use friction erasable pins so that's marking my center the next thing i want to do is mark 7 8 of an inch away from my center on both sides and these are going to kind of be our guides so we know where to place all the stuff on either edge so i'm going to mark 7 8 of an inch so here you can see my center line and then i have a line on both sides that are 7 8 of an inch away from the center line and then we can kind of start placing our pieces so we're going to take our pocket that is 11.5 inches long and we're going to place that on this left side and i'm going to overlap my line here's my center line here's my line to the left i'm going to overlap that line by one quarter of an inch and i can kind of just clip or pin that in place and when you're clipping your vinyl like i said you'll actually make little marks in it so i like to clip it on the binding if i can i'll also just clip it right on the edge where i know it's going to get caught in the seam line and you won't be able to see it it's just going to hold it in place for me so i can kind of make sure i know where that goes so this one is set next on our right side we're going to take one of our shorter pieces of vinyl pocket and we're going to place it two and three fourths inches away from the top edge so two and three quarters of an inch away from that top edge and again i'm just going to kind of barely clip it here so two and three quarters of an inch another thing i like to use are these so tights these are perfect for sewing with a vinyl because they're magnetic and they'll hold that vinyl in place for you without making a mark on it so we're going to take this over to our machine now and i'm just going to run a basting stitch along the edge of this pocket and then down the side across the bottom and up the side of this pocket of course you don't want to sew along your binding because this is your pocket so let's sew both of those down and then we'll come back and continue adding our pieces so here's what our lining is looking like and i just attached both my small top pocket and my larger pocket and i also used this line as a sew guide so i just sewed just on the inside edge of that line it kind of gave me a nice straight line next we're going to take our smaller pocket and we're just going to layer it so that these raw edges line up and then it's going to go over our line that we drew by one quarter of an inch or so and again i can kind of use my so tight to hold that as well and you just want to be careful with these so they don't stick to your machine as you're sewing but otherwise they do a great job at keeping your vinyl in place when you're sewing so we're going to do the same thing for this one just sew down this edge right on the inside of this line that we drew and then back up this edge so here's what our insides are looking like we've got three of our pockets attached next we're going to take our third piece of batting or binding and i have the folded finished edge up here and i'm just going to layer it right on top of this raw edge so i've just positioned our extra piece of binding right here right along the edges of our raw edges and i'm going to sew down both edges using a 1 8 inch seam allowance just to secure this in place and it's just going to hide these raw edges nicely and just make it look nice and cute so here we have our binding attached looks nice and neat and now we're ready to move on the next thing we're going to add on is our scissors panel i'm going to position it about a half an inch away from this line here and i'll just throw a pin in that to keep that in place and we'll take that to the machine and sew around all three edges here leaving the top open we're also going to take our batting and i'm going to place that approximately half an inch in from the edge and about an inch or so down from the top so i'll go ahead and pin that in place for this one we're just going to sew down this left edge next we're going to add our magnetic piece and i'm just going to center it on the top of this pocket and make sure that it's at least a half an inch down from this top edge up here and i can't really pin this one in place because of the magnetic piece inside but we're just going to stitch right along this top edge about an eighth of an inch in that way it can flip open so you can put your magnets on there and they will stay nice and secure in there all right we're making some really good progress this is what it should be looking like next we're going to just take our last piece of vinyl we're just going to center it over that pocket and then just stitch right down this edge to secure it i like to add the vinyl to the needle case that way you can put needles right on this top piece you can open up put it on this second piece and they're just protected so they're not poking anything in your bag or getting caught on anything the vinyl will kind of keep them protected so i'm just going to lay that right on top of there and just sew right down that edge and we'll have a nice little needle case okay so here we are we've got our needle case with our protective vinyl cover on it we've got our scissor case we've got our magnetic patch we've got our thread pockets and then our larger pocket now if you want i actually like to leave this larger pocket salt like one big pocket but if you would like you can also run a stitch right up the middle of this and make it into two smaller pockets it kind of depends on your needs and what you're going to use it for i like just having one nice big open pocket so i'm going to leave that i think we're good there and next we're going to work on our zipper panel so we've got two pieces of fabric here and two coordinating foam pieces and what we're going to do these fabrics are folded in half right here so we're just going to unfold that place the foam inside and it's kind of hard to fit on here but you should have a quarter of an inch on both short edges and a quarter of an inch on this longer edge here as well so as you can see i've got a quarter inch there we're going to fold that over and just attach it by ironing just like we have our other pieces that have included foam on them i'm going to repeat that for both of these pieces so here are my zipper panels and they are nice and fused i'm going to have the raw edges facing away from the center and the folded edges are going to be facing towards the center i'm going to take my 36 inch zipper and this is just a 36 inch robe zipper that i got from our local shop i'm going to place it right side up and i'm going to line up these raw edges of our zipper side panels and we're just going to overlap our zipper like so we're going to take this over to our sewing machine and just sew right along this edge just to secure the zipper panel to the zipper i'm going to actually do that with both of these zipper panels and you're just going to want to make sure you're lining up the raw edges of your panels so right here is going to be lined up so your zipper panel should be looking something like this you should see about a half of an inch worth of your zipper showing your panel should be attached to both sides we're going to take this over to our sewing machine and just sew right down this edge using a 1 8 inch seam allowance all the way down both sides to secure our zipper to our zipper panel so as you saw in the video i stitched right here on these ends just to close them off so that our zipper doesn't pull off accidentally and then i went ahead and trimmed off the rest of my zipper so the zipper panel is ready to go and i think we're ready to assemble our bag so here's our zipper panel we have the outside of our bag finished and then we've completed our lining as well and so now we're ready to kind of start assembling so the first thing i'm going to do is take my outside panel with my zipper over here on my left side and flip that right side down and then i'm going to take my lining and place that right on top of there and i'm going to make it so that my double pockets with all the extra accessories are on the right side that way you're going to have the bulk from all of this on one side and then the bulk from this and the book from your pocket will be on the opposite side and i think it just works out a little bit better that way next we're going to take our center piece you should have one more piece of fabric left and that's going to just cover up these raw edges that we have down here just going to press those long edges in by one quarter of an inch just like this and then i'm going to place it on top of that just like that i'm going to pin all those layers in place and then these i'm going to just kind of i don't want to pin into my vinyl so i'll just hold those with my fingers as i go so i'm just going to clip it down here as well and just make sure all those raw edges are covered up i'm going to take this to my machine and i'm going to sew through all of the layers right along this edge here with about a quarter of an inch or an eighth of an inch seam allowance that's going to kind of attach the lining to the backside foam it's also going to give us some stitch lines on the outside of the fabric which will help the bag fold up where it's supposed to so i've aligned everything nice and neat and i've just clipped my lining to the outside panel of my bag and then this part is optional but you can take it to your sewing machine and just run a basting stitch all the way around to hold all the pieces together or you can do what i'm going to do which is to run a zig zag stitch all the way around the edge of the bag i just think it makes it a lot easier when we're going to be assembling all of our pieces together i've also run a zig zag stitch around the edges of my zipper panel here as well and again that's just going to make everything nice and easy so i have a nice zigzag stitch all the way around so all of my pieces are nice and secure and now we're going to attach our binding and so we're going to turn our bag so the outside panel is facing up and then i'm just going to start on one of these straight sides that doesn't have a lot of seams and i'm going to lay my binding right side down right along this edge here and then i'm going to take this corner and just fold it down so it's got a nice finished edge right here so you kind of have this little triangle shape and i'm going to just clip that in place and i'll just put another clip down here just to get us started next we're going to take this to our sewing machine and we're going to sew using a quarter inch seam allowance to attach our binding all the way around the outside edge of the bag [Music] when i get to the first corner i'm just going to stop about a quarter of an inch away from the corner leave my needle in the down position and then raise my presser foot and just pivot my project around lower my presser foot and then keep on sewing you can also do a traditional quilt binding on this project if you would prefer to i just find this binding a lot easier on smaller projects like this when we get back to our starting point i'm just going to overlap that by about a couple of inches or so just to make sure that my raw edges are all covered alright our binding is attached on the outside of our bag and i am going to go ahead and take a minute and just pin down these corners and maybe a couple places along this edge that's just going to keep our binding out of the way so that when we flip this over and add our zipper the binding won't get caught up in the zipper the other thing i'm going to do is just trim off these corners just kind of round them just slightly as you can kind of see how the binding kind of leaves that poking out just a little bit i'm going to go ahead and just trim those off it's going to make it a little bit easier when we add our zipper it's also going to make it a little bit easier when we go through and add our binding back to the other side all right i think that's it for this side we're going to go ahead and flip this project over to the lining side and now we're ready to add our zipper panel so we're going to go ahead and start attaching our zipper and so the first thing i'm going to do is just fold my zipper in half and just clip at my half point my halfway marks i'm just going to put two clips at my halfway mark that way it's kind of easy for me to see the other halfway point i'm going to find are these short edges of our bag and so i'm just going to quickly fold that in half and just put a clip there and put a clip there also going to find the center way okay so i've got all of my centers marked and then i've got my centers on my zipper marked now i'm going to place mine so the zipper comes off the left side and over to the right side and this is kind of my front zipper pocket side so the front zipper pocket is over here on the left i'm going to start with my zipper pull side and i'm just going to center my zipper right along the center mark of my bag and just clip that in place then i'm going to do the same thing on this edge obviously making sure you don't twist it any okay so i've attached my zipper at both center points here and i'm just going to take that over to my sewing machine i'm just going to hold this mess out of the way and i'm going to just stitch right along these edges using a one quarter inch seam allowance but stop when you get to a quarter of an inch away from the edge of your zipper all right so both of our sides are now sewn in place and i actually measured and i think i stopped about 3 8 of an inch from the edge here so you know whatever just be approximate with that you just need enough space that you can get around this corner right here next thing we're going to do is line up our center points on the side of our bag and zipper and we'll just go ahead and clip those in place like that and then i'm going to start i like to start down here i just feel like it's easier but we're basically just going to clip our zipper panel in place all the way along these edges and we're just lining up these raw edges when i get to my corner i'll usually clip on both sides of the corner just because i feel like it holds it in place a little bit better and then we'll add one more right here and then i'll start back on this side again and again we're at our corner so i'll clip on both sides of the corner so now we can take this to our sewing machine and just sew right around that edge using a quarter inch seam allowance when we're done we're going to come back fold up this side attach our zipper in the exact same manner now the only thing that i did differently on this side is on mine this is just really kind of close to this edge so i just went ahead and flipped this back just a little bit and i'm just using a little clip i'm trying not to get it on the vinyl and just holding that out of the way that way when we sew around our edge we don't accidentally sew our needle case in with our zipper panel now you can do these one at a time i'm actually going to do them both at the same time just to save a little bit of time and just watch these needle heads as well when you're sewing around those corners that you don't accidentally hit one now when you're adding your zipper if you get down to this edge and you have like a you know like a lump like your zipper is too long don't worry about it just uh unstitch this part that we already stitched on trim off however much you need to maybe like a half an inch or a quarter of an inch or whatever sew it back on and then test it again and just make sure that it's nice and smooth all the way around and then you can start attaching your zipper okay so now i've got my zipper panel all the way on i'm going to go ahead and take this over to my sewing machine i'm going to sew all around this edge using a one quarter of an inch seam allowance when we're done we'll attach the binding to the other side and we'll be done with our bag so my zipper is attached all the way around my bag and i just like to go back and just double check and make sure i didn't miss anywhere since that's a lot of layers to go through now we can go through and just pull out any of those pins that we had holding our binding in place because we don't need those anymore okay i think that's all of them the next step is to wrap this binding around this raw edge and finish off our bag now i'm going to go ahead and just open it up a little bit while i do this portion because i just feel like it's a little bit easier that way that way you can kind of get to this side the only thing you don't want to do is open it all the way to the end here because you're going to have some binding that goes around and covers that up and so you don't want to be sewing over your zipper head so we've got our bag opened up and now we just need to fold our binding around these edges i'm just going to kind of do that all the way around just to give myself a head start so i'm going to start right here at this point where we had our overlap and as you can see here's our overlap and i just like to start there just so i know that i've gotten that one nice and tight so i'm going to just fold in both layers of binding towards this raw edge and then fold it over the raw edge and clip it in place and then as you can see right here we've got a really nice finished mitered edge we don't have any raw edges and it just looks really nice and we didn't have to do any measuring so i'm going to repeat this process all the way around the outside edge of this bag so here's what our project should be looking like our binding is attached all the way around and then i just wanted to show you these edges you do want to have fold your bag in half to get around these edges make sure your binding can get kind of go over that zipper area and then here i just closed my zipper some so that i could get around that edge now we're going to take this over to our sewing machine and we're just going to attach our binding using a 1 8 inch seam allowance all the way around and we'll be done with our project when you get to this edge it's a little bit easier to kind of fold up your bag just to get across that edge all right guys so that is our project for today i hope you enjoyed it these are so fun and adorable and you can really put any crafts you want in here i of course showed you my english paper piecing crafts but you can do any kind of stitching i think they'd also be really fun for school supplies or even kind of like a road trip type thing there's space in there for a notebook you can put all your pens and pencils in there just have a fun little travel on the go case so that's going to be it for today's project i hope you enjoyed it if you did please make sure to thumbs up and subscribe and if you make our travel to go case make sure to share it using our hashtag that way i can see all the fun projects you make thanks so much for joining me for today's tutorial and i will see you next time alright so our little scissor pouch is done we can set this aside our magnetic pouch so our oh my gosh erica talk with the words excuse me pardon me excuse me nope struggles by 12 and a half and we need to met um to trim a pin actually i'm going to mark it with a pin where's my bin there it is what's next what's next to the right my zipper pocket is going to be or sorry the left what dad ate it what [Music] sorry i was gonna eat that next we're going to go over towards oh wow that's a loud airplane replay lighting today it's not great hey guys and welcome back to my channel my name is erica today we are going to be making this thing that i can't hold up hopefully i don't spill it all alright guys that it jax taxi stop can you guys hear the chaos in the background so that's going to be it for today's video if you enjoyed it please make sure to say subscribe and thumbs up [Music] you
Channel: Erica Arndt
Views: 46,864
Rating: 4.9826779 out of 5
Keywords: erica arndt, sewing with erica, craft to go case, road trip case, English paper piecing, cross stitch, sewing notions case, sewing notions, how to sew, easy sewing tutorial, embroidery, stitching
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 7sec (2707 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 03 2021
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