Cracking passwords using ONLY response times | Secure Python

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hello and welcome, i'm James Murphy, and in this  video we're going to crack some passwords. thanks   to this video's sponsor, Anvil, a browser-based  full stack development platform allowing you to   make web apps with nothing but python. more about  Anvil at the end of the video. sorry to disappoint   any wannabe hackers in the crowd, but this is not  going to be a hacking tutorial. after watching   this video you're not going to be able to just  go out and hack your friends, or your colleagues,   or government databases. what you are going to get  from this video is a quick dip into the deep end:   what are some of the things that make it so  incredibly difficult to write secure software?   in my opinion the biggest difference between the  way that code is modeled in the theoretical world   and how it actually is in the real world is the  amount of time that code takes to execute. well   in the real world there's an entire class of  attacks that exploit the physical amount of   time that an algorithm took to execute. these are  called timing attacks. that's what we're going to   investigate in this video. we'll be able to  crack a password that's 20 characters long   in no time. okay so let's get started. what's the  system that we're going to hack in this video?   well i have a server, which  is really just a function,   and all this does is i pass in a user and my guess  for the password and it's going to look up the   password in the database, which is actually just  a dictionary up here, and after it looks it up in   the database all it does is tell you whether or  not your guess was equal to the actual password.   in this video, we're going to be taking the  attacker's perspective, so we don't get to see the   check_password function. check_password is just a  black box. we plug in the username and the guess   and we either get "you got it correct" or "you  didn't". we don't get to see anything else. i know   this is silly, check_password is just a function  in the same file, this is totally ridiculous. but   think about check_password as actually going out  to the internet and trying to log into a server.   this is a pretty bad server because it's going  to allow us to make many many many guesses and   it's not going to ban us for spamming or anything  like that, too many wrong attempts, but i think it   gets the point across. okay let's get to cracking.  at first glance it might seem completely hopeless.   passwords can be extremely long, 30 characters or  more, and all we're getting out of this is "is the   password correct or not". if we get even a single  bit wrong, then we basically gain no information,   right? well not completely. the whole theme of  this video is that we do get one extra piece of   information that the server didn't tell us about.  we can measure how much time it took to respond.   if we suspected that the server was  using a bad implementation like this,   just equality checking the actual password  against the guess, which, by the way,   the server shouldn't even store your actual  password, then we might be able to exploit   something about how long it takes to compute  the answer when the guess is closer to correct.   in pretty much every programming language, the  first thing that happens when you compare two   strings for equality is it checks to see if  their lengths are the same. if the lengths are   different, then you can pretty quickly return  false, so if we query the server with a guess,   if the length of the password is wrong, then the  server will respond faster. let's see if we can   use that to crack the length of this password.  okay here's what we'll do. we'll take the user   and the maximum possible length that we think the  password could be. then we'll just loop over the   different lengths and use the timeit.repeat method  to time how long each password attempt takes. the   statement that we're timing is this check_password  of the user and a guess x, where here the user is   inputted as whatever the argument was, and x is a  random string generated by this function. repeat   returns a list and we just take the fastest time  from that list to use as the server response time.   we take the fastest time here because the server  might have just lagged for some unknown reason   and we don't want that to slow down our timing. we  want to measure its performance assuming it didn't   lag at all. to recap, all i do is guess passwords  of a bunch of different lengths and then return   the length that takes the longest to respond, and  here's what we see when we run it. passwords that   were randomly guessed of length 20 took a little  bit longer than the rest. notice that the second   longest choice was 93 percent as fast. and what do  you know? the length of the actual password is 20.   and this is not a fluke. if i change the length  of the string so that now it's length 19 instead   of 20 and run the program again, now we  see that the most likely length is 19.   of course if you have other things on your machine  going on that are affecting the timing, like   recording video, then it's going to make it a  lot less likely to give you the right answer.   when i ran it again i got that 25 is the most  likely length, which is not correct, but 19   was still in the top three. so if you were a real  hacker trying to do a real timing attack you would   probably be doing this on a dedicated machine that  doesn't have lots of random programs executing at   the same time that might mess up the timing.  okay, finding out the length of the password   is one thing but guessing the actual password is  something entirely different. so can the timing   attack do that as well? well if the implementation  was one of these simple equality checks, then yes,   because here's what an equality check for strings  looks like under the hood. as we mentioned before,   first it does a length check, and that's what  we use to crack the length of the password, but   after it does the length check it goes character  by character and if any of them are not equal then   it will return immediately. because string  comparison will return early if the password   is incorrect at an earlier position, again we find  that the more correct the password is, the longer   the server will take to respond. this is exactly  the same thing that we can use to exploit as with   the length. so here's the code that i came up with  in order to crack a password using a timing attack   given that you've already cracked the length  of the password. it's similar to cracking the   length itself except we have to go position by  position and get each character right in turn.   we start with just a completely random guess of  the correct length. we don't know how much of the   password that we've guessed so far is correct,  so we're just going to repeatedly loop over the   entire string, try to get the first character  correct, then the second, then the third,   and so on until the end, and then start back at  the beginning. we'll just keep repeating until we   get the right password. for each position in the  password, we try every possible character that can   be in the password, and then we see what happens  when we put that character in that position.   we'll time how long it takes for our new guess,  we'll time how long it takes for our old guess,   and then whichever one took more time we keep as  the old guess for the next iteration. notice that,   by random chance, we could have a more correct  guess get replaced with a less correct guess.   i'm sure that we'll see that happen when we  actually run it, but nevertheless the more   correct guess is more likely to take longer and so  eventually we will build up the correct password.   here we check to see if our new guess is the  correct password and if it is then we're done,   we return. otherwise what we do is we take the one  that took longer and use that as the guess for the   next iteration. and that's it. all we have to do  now is try it. so first we will crack the length   of the password and then use that length pass it  into the cracked password function and see how   long it takes to find the actual password. all  right let's just see how well it does. [music] so just on the first iteration it's gotten  a lot of the characters right already,   let's see if it can finish off the  last few in the next one. [music] and there you go. it finished, password  cracked: "subscribe to mcoding".   so there you have it. we just cracked a password  that was 20 characters long using nothing but   timing information. this was just one example of  one timing attack. and timing attacks themselves   are just a single class of examples in a huge  sea of things that you can mess up, and if you   mess up anything then you're going to get yourself  hacked. don't trust the security of your customer   data or of your web app in general to something  that's not extremely well tested and proven.   and speaking of writing web apps, if you're  interested in that kind of thing, be sure to stick   around and hear about our sponsor Anvil. that's  all i've got for now, see you in the next one. Anvil has everything you need to develop and  deploy a web app written completely in python,   including the front end, so no javascript or html  required. and it's free to try. create your user   interface by dragging and dropping components.  Anvil's web-based ide allows you to develop in   your browser, no need to install anything. you  can use Anvil's built-in database and let Anvil   handle the tricky parts like user authentication.  when you're ready, deploy your app to the cloud   with a single click. check out the link in the  description to get started with Anvil today.
Channel: mCoding
Views: 72,299
Rating: 4.9546447 out of 5
Keywords: timing attack, python, cracking passwords, hacking passwords
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 19sec (559 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 12 2021
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