Crab Warden & Air Buster + Cores!| Final Fantasy 7 Remake HARD MODE Playthrough #4

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[Music] boy are you a joy what is good my family facets how you doing hard mode white count to Roche down smashing it let's continue welcome back guys for how give this is your prize for taking the top spot on the day in G you earned it after you guys come back from the plate maybe we can play around together wolf darts at our bloody thing so wedge my dead bloody body oh man this theme so yeah I've just been offered in my Barrett video as I'm editing move this video my appreciation for the big big big big this ello ray arrows one up a croc Dan Allen Costa button water but good to seem bully the ball first in the house first first bully hello alright probably we just in the last episode how to encounter the first fake ghosts the first one the first significant one just but go down the stairs alright I'm gonna be heading on to the next mission so a Buster so you deep breath let's go hello Michael how are you I'm good okay I'm ready now god damn tune god it feels good been in this game a otai so what up when you posting the video so the barrel one is probably gonna be ready maybe late today and or tomorrow and then yeah I'm not sure what wanna do after that go back through all of barons quotes oh my god it makes me wonder if the VA stuck in most the lines that Barrett does because some of them seem to improvise to be scripted tickets for the loveless musical would you like to go with me maybe you do realize it Gregg is so pure he was gonna ask some complete slum strangers to love this ribbon well lad the game sound has a bad echo Oh Oh am I not I've I didn't mute the BACtrack he's some echo gone hopefully that should have eliminated it hello Helene Oh what I've always nice to wake up to one of your streams good morning mate get a nice high here lefty one soldier I'm produced two miles done that I wanted to be a soldier but as you can see cut the chat you're too good to be soldier right sorry sir that's one thing we've never seen in there for seven universe before the actual the Mako injection process we've never actually seen it what does one have to go through an average soldier anymore liar you haven't seen these license oh no not me sir I don't know who's scarier avalanche or my superior Jim all right ways we go I don't plot Mac [Music] always buzzing what I guess was his life home own impress oh I can't wait until gaming gets to 5d when are they gonna start introducing sniffs into gaming little like gaming sniff packs cartridges I want to be able to smell the steel the musky smell of Ron eggs you did another play - hell yeah I've been told that hard mode is hard I say hey Johnny's mine my Johnny said he was leaving town and headed off somewhere on his own but he left so many of his things behind I should make sure he has what he needs oh man I feel I feel like I need to tell Johnny's mom that Johnny's dad that boy can't sleep without his lucky girl went to the honeybee you forgot his favorite toothbrush oh I can see him now crying in his hotel room wasn't he in a tube for Mike oh well that's the squad that's Claude and Zack and they were actually couldn't choose but I think that's the new normal process I think they're just injected with it [Music] fancy meeting you here wait a minute don't tell me you're leaving town - yeah I can tell by that look on your face have I seen the layest sleep easy videos that you talk to know about a fire in your heart I could see it in your eyes burning brightly yeah wasn't it like an hour and a half it was a long video long sleep easy be diving deep on FSI people mission starts the moment we board that train you sure you ready for this hell yeah who do s hustle do you think bigs is on schedule all we can do is hope today really got to be the day huh they no stopping this train we all Sun a lot of people risk their lives to get it rolling I already put the word out Moore's coming too I shall them all down by today but we should've never down for you another lie gone by today no well we shut another one down for you is he talking about another avalanche sell their blue cool telling them that they have to shut down another one today or they'll do it again easy if is that even part of Rufus's plan is it ruthless making it happen today hardly oh here we go faces our groups which have split off from Avalanche Ice Cube mid gazelle led by Barrow harbored misgiving about HQs policies and decided to defect since going rogue Barrett and sometimes what we talked about the other terrible I mean there's so many lines on the second playthrough we have raised the threat level and into the state of heightened alert currently experiencing delays we anticipate that our arrival in Sector four will be later than scheduled it's a hollow separate days to the Shinto Karzai ID cards are from the station we take the back streets once we're inside the facility it's the same deal as last time teefin an uncertain posture and then blow it all day let's do this from a Jesse wage they deserve sure [Music] so nobody teef [Music] always that white wedge just gave me oh he was talking about the dollars good game which gave me the lack of material [Music] there's barely anyone on this train and none of them look happy to be here might stand out as a group [Music] you two stay here I can see the strands of hair imbalance beard so bloody clearly [Music] nice hustle mm well that's why beg beg wigs and bed wage winked at me say goes like I'd be in school i am lillian 91k service here comes the first hurdle not much important I know I know it doesn't mean I don't have bought a slice goddang we hustling through here teeths what's the dealio in my love hey would you mind keeping an eye on things the next Quarles I'm worried there might be trouble why is that Barrett's always on edge before missions but you know he's a good guy underneath it all the people on this train don't I'll be fine maybe but I won't be until I know for sure be right back Thanks it's part of what I said in my at my barrel mob combat video all right Barrett's almost alive Billy such a freakin bull in the china shop he's so in-your-face and the swings with reckless abandon it's like you don't even take eco-terrorism seriously all right another showdown with Shiva middle manager you still support those terrorists is twitch Utley Avalanche is a blight on Midgar let alone the reactor itself it's total insanity but we won't lose heart know everyone at Shinra agrees the reactor will stay online [Music] what you got a problem with that man [ __ ] Richard wanted to have some prawns he doesn't look at the nuts oh no charlie Big bollocks over [ __ ] oh [Music] [Laughter] please be green you know you're better than that even that line you know you're better than that again for trout to say something like that they staged the game is such a familiar thing do these characters know each other from previous timeline and they're suddenly remembering all the entire way through the game and this is one big reunion what say you should have nothing more to say to you with you friend the sector poor office has got the worst of it everyone's panicking I've come to a ballet they scare the calf at me may I would not uh sure a word I would I would curl up in a beta Sh fetal position where a man of this stature to reprimand me heads going into timeline stuff oh boy I mean that's all there is to go into I can't go deeper I mentioned this in ff14 but I think it's worth mentioning again on this stream all of this crazy trippy timeline II fanfiction s like writing we were saying we was Nomura we've been no morals I've even seen review saying uh Nomura had introduced his kingdom Arts bollocks I started suspecting that weren't the case I thought we were in regime herb because he's he's massively fanfiction in his writing but now could came out saying it was actually kicked are say he was the one who flipped this story up as high as he did he was gonna go him further Nomura was like whoa calm down Qatar say bring it back so Nomura why don't you go check I made this game more saying oh my god what is this parallel universe I'm living in serious and v 15 months oh my god there's as many mainline fun fantasies of there are months you've supported this channel you buddy beam scanning no way emergency ID again alright why did this emergency ID scan happen unauthorized IDs detected the red level critical inspection of containment [Music] we get stopped but sooner somebody said is because we went on a different day - the day that Jessie's ID card you made but we survived the first scam I simple / you pay every day oh god Lenny step out on the leg [Music] I must be running somehow the camera doesn't go crazy in this train hey what are you doing Bereshit but I work for Shinra I'm the enemy I don't care I don't want anyone to die please look after the others I should my turn [Music] there's no internet Hey Sports 15 like you right though goddamn is it ah but my twitch stream is still saying god dammit I switched off most oh god it is I even opened the screen ready to switch it God dang by one moment I've been a boob own memento Dandi boo [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm a professional professional [Music] so beautiful - elevator theme isn't it oh you like that press all white can I steal to just focus on that focus on the jump the train down barrels jump off this train there we go Biggs Klan no fear no fear no fear [Music] you just hear him land a clown suit is actually an amazing shield it is pretty much the lengthening size close contact screaming oh cloud you like to fool all right ready the boy doesn't even blush in anime tufa shows up in a red dress blushes in anime Syrian there somebody said if you've got full unbridled strength edge better [Music] [Music] I see you say now I see we saying that that was bloody juicy hello Shelby what up buddy how are you every day is a bloody dream every day is a fantasy that I never want to be final splat eagerness as high as how about his country [Music] but no one look at these vending machines out there ever gonna give me anything I need Oh God Nana got some em of manner hey Pez and took 18 minutes to get the notification we do [Music] fils we cup good luck are soon [Music] I'm coming through [Music] yeah I don't know why ends up sending those sketches late as hell but yeah I don't understand why you always know what to say this Tifa being sarcastic women like to be cooled to light that's a priest pre-cooling transition born survivors he syrettes speaking of which where is the third in custody sir return it to a wild yes ahead right we I wish clouded as she rubber tire rub burned hiding his face yeah crab sense know is gone mess you up I heard this same nonsense about rose [Music] Pez watching hardmode to the staff during the summons came I'm not mentioned knights of the round summon wait Thor's second attempt because chattin effed up well I have a visual on that I could see when the immediate system most summons happening nicely well in the format that something's are coming in now let me surely they'll do it but no I got a run on the uneven deal with that watch yourself let's do this easier has never in doubt my friend who's playing who's been playing this for the last week around the house he's been coming over playing it got to the Shinra building and the mobs in that place on pretty gnarly do the mobs on the hard mode ever become a new channel feel like mobs pretty much throughout this switch that's what I'm saying why - cuz I have yeah oh yeah Roche wasn't worse let's go teeth is long lovely legs wave at the roof right jump of the Train focus on the targets I just start our hit more than one target payback Mott's to me a long hard [Music] they caught me a few times for let's just on the first one I was a massive new weight now I'm bloody great Oh [Music] or after have a look Oh the Jeff Fitz I asked she stipend the Jeff he fits together and up turn them into stream highlights we need my chair hey sign for the grave we planned plan a was of everything went off this is timeline explanation your sniper in street shot to the reactor but we knew going in we had to have alternatives back-up plan this case we had to get off first cofán to further out b.c but to when we go call really quick so we're all out on one - yes we were riding the train between sector 4 and the main pillar when they had to bail out who thinks I would actually get on well with reactor 5 the female character like barren deserts right so for now which gal rats not too far those need to switch to a different route before we get station but you convince your ass is gonna be dropping security who our fridges 65 Makarov - don't worry about this is straight shot to victory people well we got a friend sitting sector 5 man Simon references the other I have nothing to worry about sir preparations for the grand finale are proceeding without incident I have the utmost confidence that everything will play out as you intended yes of course I will not fail you soon sir and I like this struggling on chapter 17 however the casualty rates significantly exceeds previous protection remind me what your job is is it to question the wisdom of your superiors and ramonja personal hardships sir casualty rate you think I care about the cash and this is what I meant err - and a greater pandemic economic vision slow then go round up more for sector three aware of routes Alysha non-id use your head and bring me solutions instead of problems for a change yes sir it is so hard to find good help these days which is why the president ought to count his blessings what would he do without me it hurts a bit too much I know what's the longest you've been interview played hard mode you've been stuck in a section I heard one person say two weeks for Hell house two weeks oh did say Barrow would be fun to get drunk with we do karaoke what stemscopes we look for graffiti deadhead in whichever direction it snows poems the pay attention to railway signals to see blue light cocky little fascinate fantasy so that was teef as a jungle without a bridle [Music] educator I miss and nobody cares 99 yet chapter 17 is rough then whack mom dudes are my god those whack-a-mole dudes yeah just you know ourselves another reference to Jesse was supposed to be here bring it oh my god oh no sir pray get fried good get your keep those gloves up coach have you seen theory about how Shinra and etc are connected deeper than we ballon Rufus's coin had an emblem of a guard dog and a mandala I guess that means Matt as you say mandragora flower Rufus's coin was weird that was the Queen deal but gone heads ever simply about Xuan central are connected deeper than they've let on was cornered and elemental or flowers there was something that I saw in is that potentially because of the connection with what's happening in the VR I'll see the VR is channeling real-world memories Mako that powers the machine that's how set off / Genova takes out over because you know it doesn't it looks really real it's like through that VR set they're being shown an actual image of the future and there was something that is true that the our stuff Shinra had seen something more that puts their priorities on building neo medical of the mall with Wutai even more so than the original that's why mr. was designed differently at the end the same way that no Zack is back and the seven heavens bar sign look different when you see the media that Zack is looking over is designed differently we're saying is because of what shinmin know in this timeline well they're basically allit allocated more funding to Palmers division instead of Reeve but I like to see what you've got Duke women why do you think the sexual it was a purple flower one that appears in the vr propaganda what on his coin so the madmen who wore flowers a purple flower their peers in the V iron of course purple has been symbolizing corruption this whole game one that appears in the vr propaganda and in burn or a village in crisis you're not to about dumb apples are you virtual purple flower o the maximum level is fifty pence is it Oh God dang I'm almost a next level then do you think they got a vision like clouded in the VR yeah good thing our colleagues put up all that stamp Rafi without it we'd be lost for sure but there's another little thing that kind of separate to this I was gonna do the theme of you on it but I want to see your guys views on this so you know I tweeted out about the train graveyard section and you know that's actually was really weird it felt really out of place that we had seen before no goes now we'll nothing to wake you not really had that before someone appearing in ghostly form or have we haven't had that before we either way you know Aerith is there and you've got the kids showing up and she seemed like the physical image of them and you know the ghost the train graveyard is a place where I love despair has happened like Elmyra says she go down there she see a love like keep separate from their family and orphans so a lot of them wanted to the graveyard died or lost that's what eligor actually is these are the creepy crawlies make the demon from the sickly circle is 60 Legion who are feeds on negative energy but basically it felt any far famous by those kids appearing and let you see like the little wisps penis will come together it felt very reminiscent of the farplane in ten [Music] and now the live-streaming farplane up way way way were more similar then just granik's for the new posters [ __ ] in as a nice trip you're gonna have to factor up quad careful boy just the crates in this game looks so juicy I can't help opening them even though I know I can't use any it wasn't my theory YouTube let's see if it's easy Bob Oh about the Shinra central connection I've got the check I saw the big bid yeah the Train greg gard felt like huge padding I did not really enjoy that sexually ivory was someone else in the section when we're running to the pillar and people have to die flocking around with it but I think it was a nice insight into this character more I felt that you know when it went to playing hide-and-seek as a kid by yourself we were looking into maybe Aerith when she was young and in the lab like her only friends were the ones that she made up and but you see her trying to be really bubbly and exuberant with the other kids and play with them and then they disappear I kind of feel like it's yeah so badly wants people to like her because she doesn't want them to leave I miss to stylist all bonus to claim you must be 220 greens he's doing Oh whoop that damage wait who let my race our Comment boomer trace teef has the race I need to put raised a more than one character in fact I don't think you I've even set my material properly [Music] could you finish this thing off [Music] we're gonna have to do this without tapes they're carbuncle you're lame you're right buddy you're looking a bit roughed up no mark you pull on carbs do cost MP Oscar come on down will he raise Tifa jenika julika [Music] you're taking over into the ice damage oh yeah [Music] finish it does it just give me an everyday problem oh the deals ice damage on contact like on get see from your dazzle yes you beautiful it also carbuncle beautiful oh my [Applause] [Music] does not prove of Tifa she feels threatened by the truth you don't mind about me by the entire time I just have to catch it problem Winston those things really creep me out a tradesman Shinra should do something after an accident [Music] yeah I agree Rufus where Rufus will either die or this time he'll have a change of heart I reckon he'll be the loud [Music] where the hell am I going [Music] where I'm again [Music] so hope this was the mix p5 a stream tomorrow MA I didn't pick zeros the kids are all right there's something I never I'd never heard of I thought I knew everything was to know about ff7 kids alright cuz yeah that's got Kira a some other characters isn't it even the ones that some what some of the people that Baron mentioned was that from before crisis but I know I have there three scenes between arrow t4 Barrett is talk about bunch of characters reject this corporate propaganda [Music] yes [Music] just give it a quick once-over and call it a game I feel bad about going and killing these guys a little bit let's doing their bloody job average dudes this could have easily been you clogged do you know I'm sorry I feel so bad see failure surface finish strong I know she's got winless on bow I feel I need to sort out I was gonna Oh oh we're done I should just keep having sprites of all the new cats have fun lately most interesting marl I'm most suspicious after she's gonna be a shadow - Alice - probably Roche Leslie I didn't understand so I I didn't understand Leslie from that angle back he had a girl who was in love with but she had to go get pimped out by the dog he watched her go and then proceeded to work with the dawn but not really was waiting for an opportunity to get revenge [Music] you upgraded weapons to level six yeah all right Barney tell I need to do some house oh god ageism housecleaning I've got empty materia slots sweet Jesus right what do we need probably another raise someone else might be available waste waste e of a slot yeah let's get some high ISO bigboy Peru I need to start doing some of my newbie materials if I want to get all maxed so I got I've got poison max barium match bindings leveling up a cloud just burn it up and deeper time maxed are where I was cleansing [Music] cleansing his wife I think that's all I think that's [Music] my lab findings well it's the winners faded out see does that actually mean clouds coil is that on another weapon of clouds is isn't it some another it's on another bloody weapon all right that's what it means when it's greyed out god damn it quad [Music] sket binding teria go in [Music] feel like I want to go back to me lay mode Barrett me late load Barrett wills the best let's give a black black material I'm gonna pretend I know what like does in this game increases drop this very in gauge cooldown time evasion ability there's an old rail yard not possible what we're looking for someone inside would see we've compiled a report on avalanches combat capabilities and our report and we are far sir we are good the exam report will do anyone vital have you already forgotten the war with boot I an enemy spared as an enemy will repay your kindness with blood we must crush them thoroughly completely without hesitation or mercy bloody a hearty sudra don't settle for anything less will you but Sir if so I can only assume that you were your men no longer wish to serve in your current positions is that correct we'll prepare the prototype in Section II for immediate deployment barrel of daily dodges okay are you joking or are you being real another day another reason well how do I do it pair of deadly dodge a cutter one try out - the crab warden crab ball follow stance now follow the nose the nose news the head is now a buff stem a rocket shooting off well what does this mean so gone airship there similarly shaped to the cetera ship space Rockets dis blue things telling us more we're not overthinking this enough guys it's not that justice for stamp stamp Puritans you nice babies thank you making progress knock it down it's a good player it's good plan fight goes down at my idea right is it just well not here so crap warden why although widely Nelson will not say ye must build choice I Pez have you must all the weapons skills yes yes I believe so I'm not sure if I got every single weapon I feel like did I miss some Sesa spenders in my corner no way hi hottie hottie ban-ban these these are worth just dropping a deal we're already in a world of pain and difficulty right now ah [Music] few more hits and then TIFF can pray beautiful socks off pray pray [Music] No my two characters that have raised a dead I can't erase oh [ __ ] Oh No Oh God all right Barrett you better drop some crazy [ __ ] but that will flee now we flee missile launchers [ __ ] fight [Music] our new missiles could be coming [ __ ] they are there let's just hunker in the bunker we gotta hustle around this better [ __ ] batter is Quintin thundergun Oh God more Hunca munca right [ __ ] you there we go I need to get something I've got rain barrel I'm gonna shaft Ernie I'm gonna need to use spells as she weeken that's the one [Music] for the free world [Music] I've got big hair pick in bunker shot it's increased stagger what's just going to do the most damage self-destruct shy getaway and I maximum fury probably bump scared to castle Jack Bauer skink lift all right it's good it's gonna take a while but this is the situation we're in I'll take this nice I'm going to do max material for this stay away school I'm gonna be cheeky even a honker Maxima theory oh thank you you know nice slow hustle on this Oh I guess oh my god Rick yeah I'm not even using a high damage the Barrett Barry is my way maid she's a piece of beautiful savvy way mage mr. evening's a life saver so much in this in these characters Worcester of abilities to use honor slow and steady does the race can I run it no why even try me why even try oh my god firing him Hilton Wiener numbers cravings may [Music] oh yeah first parrot [Music] we need some winnings thank God in keys [Music] I'm not fully healed bad will obviously be reaching that secret fast why kind of still it to Mandy wouldn't bail us till the countess plan excellent what did they miss tip and so two bigs made the plan right I provided some input what's that supposed to mean remember it's a good plan burn the MP PES I am gonna need to get some proper setup because not thinking bother then I've got cures and Beru [Music] probably table of rays off give it to me yeah I'll give it to Bearer [Music] and the swap for buying me I'm using this EKG cannon this is Gordon oh man may even proficient on this bugger I swear I'd became proficient of Selena consumed all the ATP charges deliver a close-range attack so I need to kill some people point-blank oh my god I need to get these skip out rays and then I've also got their you ball strike the enemy and sending it nearby no you strike three or more enemies whoa evil God thank you baby on to sex [Music] ah Hovick I just Dave Dave Dave the rave Dave Jabberwocky became a new member did not see that Hovick lost my job yes BAM glad just cheer me up oh you know I've been America you're here 20 years I like 24 million of you have lost your job it's bloody Savage thank you so much evil words your message for not getting blown up so over the nice plate of cheese he was very cheesy Wow I'll get the ball is any other weapons I've not called proficiencies on dande clods dande teeths just para hmm I wonder if I swap out my e-k-u cage a cannon Wow I'm gonna run it I need to actually put some more spell tight materia I mean these a meal a nice cool I'll stick with them Big Bertha for health [Music] big Berta to the face you know to the back my groom is Jesus right now the table now [Music] Oh [Music] I'm gonna good that Omo sure you could do anything in this other room for me I don't think so that is that sound [Music] nice [Music] cockroach lightning yes going out the way yeah the way out [Music] cloud is a better may choose high magical MP bias I want to stick in long-range stick more long-wave tanks Barrow yeah it's be fair gonna keep my team is is we use Clara Barrett mostly for healing I just want to see if I'd left a soundtrack soundtrack for is somewhere I don't know where stem song down oh very quickly I there's been saying I've been wanting to show you guys is this a Japanese video just going over the top like dubbing over the top well is this really what Don Cornejo in the Japanese game does I I need you guys to see this it does bear in mind that Aerith even does 100 know what they're saying I think it's hi hi oh hi what two SEC's where is it this here this video here need you to cast your eyes on it where is this loading screen focus 19 [Laughter] [Applause] what does it mean Oh what does he mean in Japanese I don't know that's ridiculous yeah and display cap to go away that is anyone she played this game in Japanese is that real shout bed to a safe it's like a quirky character speech akin to Neuros Dottie Baio what that I'm still I'm still blind two in a row things the only new rule I have coming into my life was the area 51 overruns keep looking for faith balloonist and he'll lead us to the passageway stampings parrot so pure oh god here we go hi next big boss fight here we go there is 51 yeah she can't be area 51 this game only goes up to 50 no stands Mo's pointing straight at the crab he led us here treacherous little [ __ ] Oh G packet stamp would never have done this to us oh I'm not supposed to walk up to the ship it all right you just admiring the view teeths welcome what are you doing guys why are you just standing here I'm supposed to hear marker it's like a speech tick in a way pairs Sipsey by what yo whats deal why is this boss not beginning I had to go here that's why I said get back Bera is surprisingly agile for 302 pounds are you no Wyatt here we go [ __ ] that's actually give me the opening line to my Barrett video electric I would never guessed it a larger weapon manufactured by shims advanced weaponry division Scarlett sober Evan young bristling with powerful weapons I'm very scared very scared $10 if you be without wife Antony Jin Zhu Jian Uzi [Music] it should have probably could thunder on clouds element weapon vibes bring it down never fear I'm just gonna thundergirls early if I should run from eggs pressure gunshots pressured bunker shot si señor I lost EFA's over pal right but that's the pressure but one must have battery remembering these mistake a damage bonus I'm a time wasting time focus strike the way we don't want to do it now though kind of want to get all my ATV bars up before the stagger so I could slow stagger this and then actually get maximum damage in drop a world [ __ ] batter Oh waste too much time that's [Music] moved up into an affinities and first space first space more drugs not the most effective I'm gonna nice [Music] by Australian smash [Music] [Music] that comes in man this commercial goddamn addicted way right your hankies flower girl chad newsome okay Oh magic damage are things to physical form you see pressure nice Janome the crap really dude that dog built that way with that one more backup fresh new career can I counter stance this I probably come away keep it together [Music] what builds into that that's fantastic salines angle finish didn't even land [Music] so not my heart flies are going better than my OG face TV's Limit Breaks up so when I take this leg it will pressure yes SOI tapes to feel better about and lunch my god straight into the stagger Oh Mike my time ain't nothing but a crap Pina oh man that steak was not gonna last I smell good destroy the pilots that will expose the jittery [Music] god this game is so beautiful masterpiece last piece right here comes the dolphin [Music] so doors okay anymore I know alrighty four teams getting snapped together actually just just just pray Barrow pray for Tifa flee oh yeah I'm just gonna start using some why is this thing harassing I didn't win last face I need I need to up my precautions as leader to lead him away pink berries okay [Music] all right don't they called skin targets but he'll have time he'll have time to get us to see thundering [Music] ow ow [Music] I mean I swapped to the target being character the target being character yes the target being Carrington's slowly going to hell in a handbasket [Music] Tracy for prey prey a bit more bit moving playlists are you standing in fire eyesight I stood deeper in fire like cloud you need one more thunder from you son all right but yeah times goes limit break it says swap it let's drop it my kids gotta keep it we're going to choke on both feathers around by the way I did not in the last fight I did not look at the visual detail that was handing in that fight and I knew as much so the black feathers we set off just poof us off into big old familes them the detail is so beautiful in the skin [Music] alright that was a waste for what you did I'm gonna get myself no charge this might be a bit risky and cloud probably won't get off but oh my god clouds God Trey Barrett pray for cloud oh my god walk that damage was over the walk goodnight all that just finish it guess it darlin oh my god that was not to kill it [Music] I want tea for up on her feet Just Cause two too sexy don't ever don't fan kick dolphin nice toy Fiona building character level 50 data [Music] it's like a real sore pay at the end real sloppy [Music] yeah thank you sucks dispenser analytics reports that the feed went down after an anomaly was registered during the test by the way Daniel J Lynch name or an excuse for your failure to properly prepare the armor no sir all modules were confirmed fully operational it's far more likely given the circumstances that the sensors were overloaded [Music] my next stop err bastard so no cause all the sensors in Section II or uncle's or in absolute the president - mm president yes yes [Music] everything is fine sir better even there's been a development yeah thank you cheered chewed a rhyme understood sir thank you [Music] [Music] we know exactly right I see why is she on Elsa sat on this hard nature of this anomaly sooner than my first run legit I was at least about 15 nano maybe not about hey maybe it was 10 or 15 miles final swing so you will deal with our intruders personally yes sir though I treat my people more than fair I see every soldiers come disavow me Paul counsel Heidegger wailing on him scarlet pop no legs of our guys fortunate combination of substances is high - come on I want some of will he's got the basses jovial in happiness I guess I hope four pairs wife is only a hill house you okay yeah you handicap to a normal run though I did handicapped myself a lot got the start I've been to any giant robots like that in reactor one yeah except a bastard look like a scorpion speaking of which what would you say that last why are these things based on the visitors at now random animals lo endorsed and complimented the giant scorpion olivewood I don't think I need to heal a bench my friend was having the same for all my god antonia she came through with the sh makies good job PES a bet is a bet you're doing really well thank you babe yeah my friend was saying the same thing he was like oh man do I use my potions right now with there's a bench just there massive risk you have to take how I'm risking it come on god I used to live beside potions walk down the corner there's a bench just so you know it's not gonna get any easier when did it ever into the depths we descend chapter 5 whole chapter down no wipes who do I wanna see a fairly one who has played hard mode if you had to guess you tell me how far through you are what chapter you at and how many times you wiped I think I'm in good stead to be all of you know one white lesson to me that's for sure so I'm still on track for being the best hardmode run all of the peasants that's my goal through hearing them straight on the Rio this area is hell complete I'll see hell only cuz it is that there's the reactor support them so what's the plan after plan II comes F G in eh that he was the last this year is section F we cut through section G and head for H a cargo platform in H will get us closer to the reactor Biggs should be somewhere over there see that whole description about the different areas first place was like what the [ __ ] we got a date with the reactor and there's a very good reason well we'll a different plan different plan leads to Big Show makes me in there and different plan equals grappling hook grappling hook equals wedge surviving thank you my lease sue your video on random remake reaction vids love Joe excitement thank you I was on a random reaction vid after he made it I've made it start from the bottom now we here right so all i've gleaned from these comments is comment size is you guys [ __ ] suck too hard mode and you wiped loads way more than two so many none of you are even willing to say your number I'm gonna finish his hard mode and my wife counts still gonna be in single digit calling it now now go Frank nice we said that at the same time I'm calling it pairs no less than 10 wipes in your whole run synchronise your via Frank night what did we pick up on them we saw a PEZ from an owner time line he [ __ ] rocks and is a legit stream professional please says not all right so these Sun lamps are I'll admit I didn't under I didn't look at these properly I was like oh yeah they're pretty big landslide look at that sun shining nananana na this whole goddamn things the lamp this is one big giant ass freakin lamp man just blasting right out of there we might get there look that blasting Sun down on to the ps2 texture quality slums are ps2 slums a simpler time i legit remember looking down from the ship of ff12 the bahama and seeing the exact same texture still to copyright switch off the lamp holder now this I saw I've got to choke by pulling this lamp wait this is sewage for the way I'm being a div which for the objective first right oh okay I'm gonna whiz my way through here succeed no good needs power I think that looks more like what we need this is legit the kind of area I could end up running out of mana in fun if I'm not careful so it's all refreshed I'm getting the feeling no one's come down here for long time no plate inspectors huh whose soft I think it works hello great greet yet this is this was one of your favorite sections of the game nice boy Ginty gentian nothing can prepare you for for you up for hard mode Hill House yeah God's the nastiness of that fire I love you so look at this instructions for dealing with the power shortage kill the lights I'm Heidi of this house winter stuff do you think these are the plate Suns the closest thing we have to the real thing you've got to put out a Sun just to open a gate huh but if we go through with it the grounders in Sector four will suffer now or later so it's going out for good when we blow the reactor that's true there we go bought Barrett's let's go weird moral justifications you know that throughout the game maybe if the maintenance guys are whoever weren't playing hood the vamps are important but when you think how much Marco it must taste Barrett will happily talk about sacrifices being need to need to be made until they're one of his own we've definitely a flawed hypocrisy in Barrett and this part and is his imperfect ass and they've betrayed so well that of console are seen at the top of that ladder I'm so hot Pez you didn't unlock the tier 2 era through no I did not with that was because I was that I needed to do for that there was a there was a section of the game I went past do I need to pick an option synch around new market mommy what is just so I don't great job cloud alright we're gonna be in this area wall I agree I could go ice on my weapon for the boogies but there's also machines around either way I'm not going to need fire right now let's go there are a few machines but there's loads of bugs yes yeah stigma Ison I like this anyone else who has come on one other element or Metiria teeths alright yeah she's got five as well [Music] are there any human characters in here and maybe I'll never use fire fire as well thus Hasselblad's next up section chief yep and after that reactor five great I'm sure those things are welcome us just as warmly as before simply tell you what the rock runs deep in this damn pizza noobs never in doubt Luke mopes are you guys get to see my age terrible navigation skills again did you get the other elemental material from the angel pears there's only two in this whole game left boys our third it's my guess look yes am i right from that one less thing for us to worry about what's that old lady old dwarven lady's name again I remember the name angels name yeah there are only two yeah yeah got both these things gonna turn on No posix up our down the set up I'm gonna add and we gotta Bri with this [ __ ] monsters sure seem to like it what's up with that it's like in the Tucker's they get twisted by the maka but it all goes back to [ __ ] I couldn't resist I don't know how I'm gonna do Hell house without a mr. cuddles worth or fuzzy wuzzy carry me I threw a mr. cuddles worth it Sephiroth I'm so proud of that you've got the MP absorb material pears I think I do but I think I skip over it because of my lack of willingness to understand what it is so good I'll never have a look at this NPR material and pubes all do you say HP absorb wait is there an empirical materials at a support material B absorb wait is there such material no MP master is needed for MP absorb are weird huh oh I don't have it okay now hhp absorb is just the damage you cast you get some of that back right how does empty O'Toole oh good it's that better than me to go waste oh wow I'll actually see the wall wall for where the scenes what's that structure built across that okay silly you know the best way to not get lost is to believe that you know mind over matter isn't that from one of Marlene's books yep one of our favorites loves it when I read at or before bedtime doing all the voices life in the endless maids am i right that's thus twice there's twice Barry's called Molly's books as the backbone of his moral philosophy sense point of this section of the way Oh duh I'm sorry there's no point of this section wait I need to oh I need to traverse over there my head II Hearst gone cross out loud so maybe I don't need to be down these stairs hmm I agree Barrett is very holster holy tweet is best to both ska goes there and chemically I'll go up these stairs so I could follow my intuition it will lead the way home hey let's take a moment to get our bearings nice nice what legend where's Dylan G right yeah and to reach maka reactor five we need to go through section H okay unfortunately I didn't spot a connecting catwalk to section H did you well we could always do another lap go for 10 why don't you that fish needs to shake more it's not Barrett ELISA shakes I'm forgiving it a try it might not work out but it's the only idea of God it's not a bad one so we're shooting for those giant fans way over there okay at least we've got a clear landmark to guide us those ventilation fans keeping the plates air clean by pushing smog into the smoke they couldn't they're pushing the smoke down let's go mystery only wipe two times pens were down 1.5 1.5 the facts the first wipe didn't count I didn't know you couldn't use IMS it's totally fair 0.5 doesn't a show on the screen I find it's - hey look I think we can come out to that pipe sure seems that way they're so damn it from Barrett no fear no fear no fear gent a metal sabers out you chicken so many times up until now if you save her I'm just worried your bony ass is gonna get blown off decided [ __ ] I know we gotta keep moving okay then follow me no worse than a windy day huh one was a tornado warning maybe don't look at the fan whatever you do I said different material there instead of the summon one that Eugenie so trade-off allows MP recovering the senior from cabbage could attack a defense a perfect for hard mode so one sec Elizabeth who saber give you 2% MP regeneration lose so the passive regeneration moves up 50% and I want to level this materias quicks I've got dam can as she's saying that I switched off Ray's materia and I had a pee up on one of them actually did I have that going on Aerith a PR revive I I an APL revive Tifa yeah we just want to get this material master so I could take on a piece I think that took a couple on the harder life I mean not really comes a crazy three tops who scripted these lines just a couple of seconds maybe three times section H is just up ahead slow and steady guys and that's our objective the cargo platform yeah I'm pretty sure that's the one nice bench this is it the cargo platform Biggs was talking about let's not keep him waiting oh my good god powerfully father into the stream damn it awesome to air Buster way out needs three lights worth it looks like but that's that's all of them isn't it oh nothing let's regroup here if we get lost remember the h1 sign right let's see now closest light we're in an airport parking lot that one by the light of these magnificent lamps we shall lead our brothers and sisters of the Undercity to a brighter future say what the Sun lamps so right a future my ass syndra's lead us down a one-way path to darkness and death whatever voice that was T for just put on I'm very aroused Wow where I go as you want to but you might want to buy more revive materia why I feel like I'll take it from here very nice I'm convincing myself let's finish this lo confirmed PES likes manly women that was a bit harkening towards Jews I haven't been able to stop thinking about Jules look there's this switch let's go I thought it was because of the difficulties of the pull-up challenge but I think it's me look why do I keep hoping these boxes what's [ __ ] wrong with me I have a loo cobbling disease I'm actually running round to open them what what am i doing I I feel like I'm expecting something different to pop out like literal definition insanity right now doing the same thing expecting different three rally power wait wait [Music] that's one down Matt manly women hey guys Oh Chris no mainly women with golf clubs this is originally she back online because of us no don't need to French are a few rusty Mexico keep us from reaching the reactor Wow who Pooky Pooky sentries range hey guys get in there and fight I'm short I can jump out to Akane now that was something there was enough we can move this catwalk yeah line it up perfect [Music] all that Luke and myself a pretty way to like a bigger thing though I mean there's not much late-game is there to do with Gil I've got a hydrofoil okay I'm loaded is this game a reimagining little plot or same plot without a graphics is definitely a reimagining I mean it's weird it's a real there's an equal it's both it's acquaintance almost like the light from the original nothing down to some of the same wording well in the same time oh yeah it's a sequel I still I still feel weird saying that I mean it Dinkley is but it's a recall it's a it's a whole new scar whole new word to recruit [Music] and it has in a serious plot twist at the end remember this is a spoiler a full spoiler stream so feel free to talk about that gr freak to your heart's content Almighty I literally after I finish this game I walked around and I was just walk around my hand to my head it's too late meaning we've only got one left oh should be able to climb down from here whoa hmm might I - no my sister was saying what the hell is wrong with you they're like you want to check them out sometime I can show you around come out now that was I we can't tell if you'll react to good or bad as is good it's good as are you sure you seem like you're freaking out [Music] I say the real son the only one who need to hell with sinner it in that lights to hell with them working-class people get melatonin and memin see in their skin it's on you see if it could be Bob to run over it but yeah I mean if this is a sequel I mean it kind of is premature there has to be a purpose there has to be a good reason there has to be big elements of the og story being resolved that were unresolved in the original and for me I've said it there has to be the fate of humanity it has to be aerith's coal what Aerith has been striving towards 3 I'd maybe like to see why cloud is so ridiculously indestructible and strong i I'm kind of artful cloud not having like some remarkable backstory or ie some secret weapon I was forged in the bowels of Minerva's orgy room in the lifestream but I don't know the fact that clouds as strong as the years the fact he picks a froth up with the sword unenhanced with Mako that's another player man I could possibly see going somewhere I don't know any others guys any other plot hole holdups on the universe that you like the answer to now stammers well there is Genesis and why Spyderco just always in Bacchus of me yeah speaking of which what should we tell pigs I don't want you to worry I will all worry bigs I'd like to see more on why Kate said to send Ian again I think there's really cool thing with weapon organic weaponry that can be included into Kate's here wreath just the general other see I wanna see a revamp wreaths Kyler's material up there buddy I don't need that do I still need to move this yeah stay tuned especially if there's no viable path we'll just have to make one [Music] I think I'll just cross over there legend knock the boxes off the shelves here I mean [Music] pretty much got I've got full man on HB knock the boxes off the shelves my reading that comment late you mean back here why is there something juicy of then it's my good good mako shark it's got me but I've read I watched one sleep easy theory but once these things start spinning it's agony now but poor Topsy code don't overdo it like this but before it dies can I get another tray of Barrett [Music] [Music] absolutely Haas and p5 are boomers tomorrow [Music] yeah [Music] and that makes three enough to finally get our cargo platform moving it better be okay let's head on back to the h1 side I hope that Jessie's injury isn't anything serious the best thing you can do to speed her recovery is to kick Shinra ass in this day wedge - yeah in terms of the biggest theory I'm most curious about as per the called cloud theory I mean it's such a recurring theme in this game Sephiroth trying to find himself a vessel I can't help I think he must want he must want cloudy who if anyone else has got any other ideas separate extends his hand it's a lend me your strength Claude that Sephiroth the one standard edge of creation all of your thoughts and ideas do you think SME myself soon enough don't you work he knew we might be late so he came about a silly to kill flood the streets on those seven for you guys aboard knock down the Box in the shelves Pez I mean if you tell me what's in it I'm not being climbed to find it but I'd there just be some cookie make up shots I need that but it's Advent Children black Sephiroth traveled back in time through the livestream to change the outcome whispers our players defense like weapons is their destiny planned through weapons and we the planet or Aerith herself from seeing the lyceum also informs Aerith as the game goes on but she's not so sure the best thing to do she's trying to I'm completely onboard editing you just an SS binge yeah it's pretty much how I view get ready Marco reacted by weird come to our mark takes a while to go through these Nixon's a silly powers relish and burn reactivating forego platforms there is materia pairs up on the shelf Pargo platform activated from leaving input saying there is materia I to be in the box it's not gonna belong on the plate I hate you too if you're talking on top of that those shelves are going I cried the first time a besom shiny ice material all right [Music] good person in church how cool would it be to control Sephiroth oh well we kind of did in a nibble and flashback and and be curious what they'll do do behind flashback wise now cuz we've seen quite the bulb quite the bulk of that old section really I mean not not the part about going there in the truck scene good guy about your new Seth well we had to you know live three actors like this where doesn't summer material put to the play why that will it be different right you had guys it's the reactor cultures but it won't be the manuscript hanging over their heads what the hell's manuscript if someone can coherently one sentence tell me what people ask me to go back to some people I go back saying go to the fans tell me what is there again you can't just say go back you have to tell me what for guys wait what is the menu screen what is a manuscript I did oh I'll them up great for weapon upgrading 'z no I don't give a [ __ ] about that I'm a bloody badass I just it's going to be spicy nao get ready what is not really the one for this / yeah crazy fuh pray [Music] breather [Music] out on the clouds from the cloud [Music] flower go bring it home so I use another thunder which is our strength Guarnere strength [Music] there's a few really playing I should have filled before that I was interested okay Pez if you're really playing an alternate timeline Sephiroth is messing with a different clouds different clouds I mean it's weird to me [Music] I mean I guess the answer would be yes that this is just another time line but Anna there's so many there's so many different timey wimey legends this game could be using [Music] like for example type-0 again not too not too many spoilers but the there was a big eye a big book I had when everything died would absorb the souls and then put them in a new a new timeline it's kind of each timeline was linear to the next so my logic being is that maybe the life student as per the licensing chapters white whenever the figures out set forth plan that you can always enjoy indefinitely and by that logic the planet will always be in danger the planet might have been like ah she I'm going to let them in et ille here in the first game this is generous city let all of humanity desire die so the souls back in the livestream and then release the clearly sailing like the planet might have reset so by that logic it wouldn't be like a different cloud and a different timeline being [ __ ] with it would be the same cloud in a timeline that is linearly linearly progressed after this one and it's the same cloud hence no they gave memory ISM my time travel is aways iffy and that's why screenings have got watch hell they progress whose plot holes I hate plot holes a plot hole black big glaring plot holes can ruin a product for me may I ask how far you on p5 are I am up to murder Romi's palace my dear Dobby is it the planet Minerva not specifically Minerva is just one of what can be many messages from which the planet speaks so pretty much Minerva is a manifestation of life streams will by do why it's kind of made a lie there can be others I believe that air with is one I also believe like I've said Zack is one I think that Zack mercy wait Wow it was Jessie and wet yeah yeah she's an agent of the will of the planet yeah I also believe that tops Harrison Zack are terrorists jumped off a train a newbie agent nice and quiet here though beginning was so quiet I had no trouble securing your route into the reactor you magnificent son of a [ __ ] Brigadier so where are the others Jessie got hurt come on man not so bad she couldn't rope in this thanks for stepping up it's a job works out pretty good you picking that train you did while Shinra scours sector four you can waltz right on into sector five it's a bit of a squeeze but not against you where you need to go the dark and full of the mud tape beggars can't be choosers oh and you'll be needed you're grappling guns of course see the crafting a Sun SPOT I can't understand you take on the world and then some mix very nicely Grambling gun in this area at all we do right [Music] do y'all get these big sister sexiest of neglige secure better whatever so you don't lose it when we're done we'll be using these babies that get down safe all of us got it I wonder if we will see the pro materia in the remake there's Pro materia this huge materia um again I'm not see much of before crisis so maybe someone can life scene scenes have not played it there was that Jade weapon wasn't as special kind of materia that ball around the Jade weapon that the Turks had to stop I remember what the Jade record was Jade weapon what excuse me sir your time quickly now quickly as if you could look their Stern seemed to fall out of events this master smell this place reeks of Marco looks like we made it lay house the same is reacting one we're near Baco storage this movie oh yeah better Ginty Thank You Bates everal of ancient equals where it goes crazy absolutely and like I said I don't know what kind of overworld map or open worldwide linear layout will have but I hope they do what they did in 15 they got the archeology right with 15 I ain't told a subtle beautiful awesome art story and if they could do that with like temple of ancients and other places that'll be great I hold up at least one set but promise more will new onset intervene before song is attacked so he keeps the cool this new Sephiroth is edge of creation nuance woke seth leader my supposed to squeeze my suit here oh yeah oh god of course kind of scary huh yeah no nerf air Buster for sure hey check it out they stick this big boy on us we'd be screwed six ways from Sunday mechanized units like these were designed to take out giant monsters probably a new prototype if they do decide to deploy it and our best bet would be to run like hell and let's hope we sleep through the explosion Connor was this comet Duke when Vincent's dad took it from a pool which topped the planet from collecting and sealing Genova squatchin hold on wait what story is this with whom out Vincent's dad Vincent's dad I can't wait to fit shows up in this game I'm gonna hustle my back through we have the two our twelve multiple screwy I'm gonna do on this stream airmaster no cause just missed that one [Music] faster faster so I am gonna break cranes it takes me back Oh Dutch service stuff that because part material as you might wipe the punch to the airbox don't overdo it I am a PEZ reborn in the professional livestream I have come back I have cut away my newbie nurse and my penchant for silly mistakes I do not know wipes well where we go I'm back home by now I'm in the robot a robot spot bevel waist yeah [Music] I can see [ __ ] that's on you like to show it what is pressure what is happening to everybody's life I could just go damage like a prey Wow you ready take it from here my god oh my god to spread the spirit of that fire oh my god that was that was Morty no touchy [Music] what do I do I mean the sweep of things are going to hit me as a baby ship what sways America I'm stunned good night cattle Baron's okay I'm just gonna change it now what happened I spoke the big speaks pride cometh before the fall is just God didn't have my electric element to one yeah those robots are hardcore I mean the flame fro was crazy on them I could deal with those things take the lead I know I'm gonna get me to these [ __ ] out first I got don't overdo it nice all into a Photoshop keep it together oh my god that damage was so good and yet I'm still gained early this serrated by moss that's lame for man [Music] that is still a staggered in the air um what a mad mad lad getting self wiped on the new mobs it was like this last time ecologist and scam resist [Music] I may have to leave I don't know after this is it just a rush to the labs and then air Buster next dream [Music] [Music] [Music] she picks this Masamune out way easier she's got like glowstick bangers I even cloud in the LG game couldn't wield a bloody sword like that she sets of sweat dragging it up the stairs anarchy this t4 is goddamn hench so apiece you can carry the sword how much time we need got all the time this will cover the remote didn't anything talk about Sam new tifa's dad will make you say it Jesse there was a love weed interaction we will Adam MS safe distance Choki Sam good go boom safe distance what no sirs day we get out to say where we got it I missed her my Sam steam as opposed to hustling this way wait what was that mean I didn't listen to instructions better climb back out well I'm weirdly perfect timing which drop is someone watching us what is this breaking news from Mokpo reactor five Shinra has confirmed the reactor to be the target of the bomb issued by the terrorist group Avalanche members of the group were observed entry and security is currently sweeping it for explosive devices go live in the sea I'm here in the sector five under city residents are outraged that the tragedies marquetry after one was only done in a campaign president Shinra has issued a statement providing assurances and that the terrorists will soon be brought to justice and so to a people beset by chaos and uncertainty we will offer the finest components bread and circus the pitbull I give you said that as technology yeah [Music] [Music] I wasn't counting if I would come and she just is counting stuff you guys pissing me off countless times engaged where's gonna whine your County I'm Hayley so crystals and for each and everything [Music] I don't believe it we played right into shinra's hands yeah a nipple machine or furs are you I say let's give them one let's take down see those big ass back in front of everybody okay I'm sorry I want to find the gun the tannoy and wreck him so if I if I go through these labs when I get air Buster will I have MP the stored by the Tommy gets air Buster or will I be left with the manor after the spice it's ready sir be a copy only after you finish no MP restore lie its way of MP I use in here take on one out for the last fired nice finished all of the thoughts of all of you what goes he's made zach maguet triple slash and after they were gone he made it I need to do the first one why no no it looks like a few of its opponents are still in transit we got no lights a mouse on the other I need an Austrian personal it slow down and give ourselves an edge there should be a console somewhere mister console you're talking about so I need to do the first core lamb I would so doing you can get it to work needs a key card will this fighter do keycard you find it yeah good job now let's check out that console actually that's a good idea like that because we're gonna be clearing through these rooms it'll be quicker and easier if I just swap out is fire yeah yeah let's do the same motifs and then a Swiffer slobber all over to lightning when we get to lay boss she's already [Music] so I have to take out the first call and units huh I'm guessing that some sort of component yep an enhancement powered by liquefied materia sounds bad pretty sure I can divert this unit for disposal where is all this tech skill coming from a kid who lived in the boonies and unit flag for disposal strip that [ __ ] better just imagine in their faces when they find out so far so good I mean how can they not find out surely they have CCTV in this room Shinra what are you doing you think they're watching us even now well they bloody well should be probably got a live feed nothing we can do about it except smile for the folks at home it's good they're safe cuz I'm get a bit scared ok scared of my choice of not musicals jesse has remote hang space don't underestimate her they believe you're not so fat hey right Barrett to enough hours in the stream this mono [Music] component outbound for p7 copy we've lost contact with pH then tremendous check it out so going forward twere they to do truly far passively mates which managed to say oh if they didn't have fc7 who would not mind this combat system outlay of this combat system double being the system for future fair yes we can find the key cards and if the answer's no what would you rather what do you want to see improve personally the firefight series can camp on this combat system and I will be I will be pleased my honesty switch up but that allows the mechanic I love I can I just head through the door okay I can't right [ __ ] you in you're pretty sure that console controls the door what do you want from me Barrett by the way man Aira eco required frappe I've got to pick the key card up again any cards just the one two choices I know the combat system I will see group team attacks that's definitely one of why I wanna see in part two of this remake they did go through it yeah we've got a touch the console they did a bloody saucy job with team attacks and fifteen fact we had multiple editions from the dust sky demo on this pitch Garrus true listen up y'all everything Shiva has told you is a goddamn lie Marco is the lifeblood of Auckland those greedy bats not bleeding it dry y'all gotta rise up Barrett who are you talking to the people put me on TV I will drop some truth thousand girl says they cut the sound I'm a drop of tones goddammit be okay switching this game is always why fault versus day in count switching would have been like could have been like I would be adverse to especially lay down the line not so much before by there's good instruction all right wave them gain her be careful now's our chance got some heroes out now Katie yeah team combos like in 15 quick switch for the backline as well like 10 Kentucky a bit of bloody troubles gone one up in trance I wanna see pink transparent it would be so glorious right shake as usual my potions Wiimote you [Music] recently I still got pickup this buddy car key card ever do if anyone sees the key card wait where - key card yeah eret [Music] Swiper I see that Jesus find any cards only one and this time we've got three choices take your pick I'll give a [ __ ] I tell you what I never look forward to an execution more in my entire life you don't say we're about to make fools out of Shinra why the whole damn city is watching jobs like these you've got to save her oh no if you're about to ask me to dance then don't come on don't be shy how about you Kyle I don't dance it's neither did school my boy do you think we'll have air with versus Saffold fight in the game you mean like a one one can imagine a one-on-one throwdown I'd only deal I don't know I purple maybe for the illusion Seth xerath just think he brown pasty but could I see Arif dropping down with the chair and smacking the praying Sephiroth oh yes [ __ ] I don't dance you're right there's a straight [ __ ] life flesh foods copy they're here I mean you know deal with [Music] ah TV didn't have time to hear math such a pushover god Peter so has anyone gone hot has anyone done hard mode key cards and Buster would know cause removed as it what as you did it how rough was it if you have sexy tiragon still see man squeenix could push down we should be good I'm demanding Cecilia rice who did their switch slowly people would pay ain't no silver [ __ ] taking me down here we go a chemist is [ __ ] coming worked up a good sweat made someone beats Fe as as told cloud Ola someone be Sephiroth as a frog how well how did they they would have had to estate kurma froggy right is this the fight now how god it is we shall walk have a save let's get some here we go God Tish be sure I have what I need Thunder all I should have just want my she sticks up first so I want thunder on elements yeah I I don't know I don't know if I have another find lightning I don't know I do have another max1 ready good booj spell yeah wait wait he's five okay now I'm just gonna go like that I need anything else they will just pop your head on - bye no she won't and I wouldn't even ask Rudolf dashes the kind of lass who she's literally been going on nutrition course with strangers across the world and you'll spend the whole day putting your makeup on just fit inside oh I've got a call with a stranger in New York I would blush my face [Music] engrosses a genuine gross person in general I can barely speak I'm getting nervous hey you still got key cards you might want to use them before the suit down oh Jesus he made me drop my give a wave in your dungarees she's like a little brown people just been some art ashes that you've give lift every dinner get in the kitchen and make some food it's that no no it's a pizza oh I thought this was the green-screen that's not game seed but that he was a key card yeah if super didn't prepare now we just gotta get it dust hanging off the screen covering tifa's lovely out where's T fur Oh behind me the green screen is busted - what you've done God's sake - don't do by a master do tell - that you are can Boyd son is important freeze in essence but tracking down the placement what can I wear your hearing from the brass for money yeah yes still prepping a story they're here what was that much more I had to witness and flip their nipple off with the do dream cam [Music] [Music] [Music] warriors well god never had a to physically squid okay no guys I can't tell bend over for the spanking you are about to receive how surprised I have 12 will you be if I get this first time looks like a performance assessment don't you think we definitely took it down a peg or two yeah did we give us a fighting chance did we clown drill though We Need to Talk victory poses something coordinated for the live on camera finish good blow up big start a new trend Tina mmm no way up bus will come soon right does it hey does it might my trip in no way we're getting back off that part they don't cut tea coming soon see now 12 no one's known 1612 don't overdo it Thanks talk to he'll take them down yeah my own you that just catches counter stance can't start cutting settling this issue and Rama in this game would have been so over P as so many points where is the under correspond the enemy hates pain that's the treasure of all once you fill out once you stagger and you can do that by hitting their weaknesses here and then we'll certainly bilities then I have pressure you put on the enemy then where the snow did you do dirty dirty amounts of damage big boy to an effigy not right oh yeah we win for a sign I wouldn't be pushing this far and extending the stream three hours where I not confident I'm gonna take this first time so comfortably gonna get through this we're gonna make it on man over Manos right try embarrass philosophy if I believe in Barrett says I can do it you better give a big ol smile this time if the price is right they're getting along as I said I think this is I think this is the door the door of doors the guantes killed about that I like it anyone else anyone got anything else more inspiring to send me in with combat league cries tied me up because of timeline bleed-through yes emotional bankai dimensional little bit of remembrance open it already it's locked down hey is there any way we can get it oh well this was the door gasp and that room over there ah [ __ ] I gotta do the levers damn complicate you know the faulty equipment store rooms that way - oh God do you think we'll find the components we diverted if I could get this first on it's like a tragic loss I'd like to sound that so how do we do this it's simple really remove the levers at the same time similar service a massive in heaven - I think that which just leaves right soldier boy alright first time each lever is currently in effect so we need to synchronize our movements that gave Baloo bodily now tifa's fine having children okay pay attention you two three two one [Music] bad ass i'ma ballast are you gonna play goes to sushi no really think about Lucy oh yeah oh my god I did notice that my first one cloud also left Tifa hanging so I could tell you my dear why I'm sorry I don't care what backstory or hardship you've had I don't care how confuse your asses leaving someone hanging on a high vibes lovely unnecessary this would be the treasure vault that's right what's the catch by passing a couple of security everything you get in there you alone on menti users same deal but we got to do it several times no prob Zen appointed me owning this toy this is just for the loot right just for the treasure bowl of teefin news okay guys you know what we bagged be sure to follow me up and Twitter because up to the polls let's go after you girl gotta get past level one first right do you go to one that was great you guys gonna swim again on the Betty Legend all right three two one beta level security disengaged I could do this is my first play we've got halfway there steady guys three two one breathe I failed one too long again passes passes yeah yeah oh I didn't hear when she breathed whoa it's pretty much pressing on the one which means the one isn't a one you guys are naturals for me is three two okay don't lose focus three two one delta level security disengaged disposal room now accessible thank that sudra add that to the web camera didn't take as long as I expected good work guys likewise you made it easy I put my heart and soul into those countdown what is that is that different dialogue based on these countdowns by the way for most people who played seven we make her played original you probably thought that was a lame ass section believers bio is there an OG and it was great it was a mind-blowing [ __ ] you've seen 3d arms going I see you black shot I don't see you your remaining unnoticed mate the dialogue is different Wow well if you get perfect levers I did all of this to bottom from ether come on air buster let me out yeah Oh oh you have some maker shots these t4 such [ __ ] sweetheart okay now I'm gonna save I saved back before the cause the save over the top Oh God eze will you put your turn to die yeah my turn to die death by majority vote on the playlist it's a Great Dane where there's a game called your turn to die death by majority vote that's the game a new key fantasy I've been raided I've been raided I must now be exuberant and do something very funny and out there so that these new people like me and I'm indeed [ __ ] this fool who whacked so many times on his first playthrough he's been reborn he's been reforged in the fires of ff7 remake dankness I'm now about to take air Buster no calls who is it well wife it may have been just someone to amuse these new people so far wife is the rain sport which would make you a soldier tax soldier once a soldier Shinra all three from Shin pilots want to make our enhancements accelerated cellular degradation being the most common cause of death this is classified but every May because the data for your crush and what a waste indulgences the lifeblood of our planet but I'm so confused it's good to brainwash them such methods are flash to the million attempts of propaganda that's going on I think it is being televised it's just saying quite a lot of walked our own savage stuff you stood over this it will be edited and transmitted accordingly that's what we do through the truce pause for just games to sound great and glorious Wars and your instruments of insurrection will detonate lately so choose God Tim now let us raise the curtain on our main event yeah if our players can be a [ __ ] up enough over the next 50 years a wee star game eco-terrorists I'm sick of all of this get your head in the game counting on you man cloud happen to be a self dialog yeah see that kind of here we got all bye boss the music is so good well of course both girls night you guys Oh understand bringing once in how to do with clouds hell [Music] Square Pants fine plans fine thunder from gondola all tapes tapes vodka I could barely focus on this fight this tune is got so much stank [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] he's getting closer for this tag of the four we stagger let's build as much you know okay alrighty attacks to try to increase psychic but don't stop now [Music] so I'm going to probably do a trainer power prayer man that damage is cool now's our chance Hey you see the fracture but I didn't think the attack is straightaway God dang I think I'm safe here you [Music] you [Music] Barriss Hills hits moodle over here yeah Chanukah bring it home come on taste yeah oh nice [Music] I'd see miss Taggart stand away the [ __ ] she is [Music] oh my god oh my god bloody hell ribbons mate I could get the cops around Ashley I'm just gonna I could get coffee out okay let's raise Tifa a lady killer safe return [Music] it's a safe baby always about to get fried watch [Music] [Applause] poor man this fight is a roughen yes Finney and from Claude nothing there's any point in me using definitely no point these are limits you did nothing copy flea typically fastener oh my oh my [Music] that's Olmstead I smell [Music] Oh came back straightway weird Oh God baby done next verse how did your thing what to learn just make sure you got my back right there's many thunders as we cannot fall through the space it's applicable timely fashion Jesus wait wha this normal use this that feels like a new tank tactic Samba can it could be does take muscle well flying [Music] I'm eating I'm eating mad ass thus while being on Barret I'm going to be in a bit of trouble this fight is fine always coming in clear I'm tempted just to limit with tea for now start it start advice [Music] play play play play play play play Oh that's pretty nice let's be nice come on go save clouds for when I stagger mucho does not fail up with it slow like it ow [Applause] that pressure dinner's one more phase but school focused Oh from cloud and we are good yeah maxima funeral one more phase [Music] don't come back loud I'm gonna need to pick you out loud now oh my god is to attain master again [Music] where is Lois already we'll just attack with this well an unstoppable force meets an immovable object we have this moment right here obviously that was gonna happen it turns out there's one I love Jesus I should just call clear keep it together so a lot of planning a lot plenty of time honesty easy for easy away what does chew them in place bring it always did like a fat but you know why he's pissing me off I'm just gonna shoot him in the face [Music] this time that was dropped in the middle of Castro's we almost got this come on guys bring us on you amantadine SWAT mine look at that sundae Oh again at yo yo dude please another one Icom staggering with one more we Thunder we Thunder will go viral we need another picture cloudy ladi Dadi stay with me stay with me just a little more [Music] wait I have Oh No what do I do why do have raised on Barrow fashion next one yeah so close to a nation Hey they saved contains maliciously use all of the children yeah we don't have long to get clear please and get out of here oh man that was a close recovery don't you this ain't the end of the line for you or me he makes the military and I know exactly what the point of that was just to make his death in his fallen pot 100g ff7 slightly less ridiculous peasant was pulling out of his ass that made me sweat that was Ted's sake you guys good job bliss beta sad ray bloody brilliant mate thank you God rewards me for everything I do [Music] it's Luke seen here with the flashy cloud other cloud this Dalek happened in OG but I can't help but think does this Dalek come form one the cloud in the timeline with Zack so of course that cloud hasn't forgotten who he is easily add the identity crisis anybody it's the kind of tricky [ __ ] yeah make it through with just scrape knees back then back then what do you say be doing this haven't we never mind about that right now you need to focus on yourself move something anything cuz there's a flashback Sephiroth and they they put it quite extensively in the or mania pounding we had Ian's my flashbacks F is a thing he does it form of its own I'm wondering if flashback cloud as much as I do Quinn hey who are you Oh cloud there's still so much to be done what here we go here comes best girl Oh second best girl maybe you're not okay well said ah he lives finally always are we oh man they needed the Amelia green that comes to my cheeks the second Erath is on my screen and you are wait to observe areas under B are we watching everything she does remember what about the flowers oh the flower girl and this is an old church in the sector five slums you came crashing through the roof without so much as a look out below fell right into my flower bed lucky for you like really oh sorry if this is Aerith from the future she has our four memories she should have at least burned mattress that kind of power yeah I think she's slowly we might forget you dropped this when you landed Thanks I've got one too how slowly is the body tear mother not like mine no it's special mine's not good for anything at all that you just don't know how to use it could be though I really don't mind even the way she said couldn't be even the way her face from my mother pretty crazy huh nice meeting again later you came like you should stay a while cause it's pretty crazy us be like this oh man yeah why we will leave it off their evil thank you so much mate good job Pez clutch when I reckon before I feel like Harmonia Buster was easier beg kid than unnormal but maybe that's just me that was the hardest fight in the whole universe and I pulled off without a hitch I am a living legend now the actual VA gave away so much stuff when playing through I haven't watched behind this playthrough is she a joy to watch she's certainly Korean and this month that's for sure each time the whispers touch oh she is briefly controlled by future Aerith as no he doesn't and that's when the memories come and it's also why they aren't always present a security really I don't the only thing I think it's a bit weird with her be slowly regaining stuff is you see some very early early early on hints that has anyone been through the reddit post hunt it down I should probably put a link somewhere but there's like 50 examples of Erath saying things that like more such a giveaway which is absolutely do but Branagh as well she's quite emotional but sweet you say she's quite emotional though but sweet as if there's a quite emotional a bad thing god damn woman's in there emotion a sad great stream and to Nick's God thank you mate yeah I'll be back again tomorrow to mush up Reno first time and also probably rule as well she's always crying oh I had my fair share of the lumps believe me oh by anything before I bounced off anything for our bounds thank you for joining me guys I think it's all of the other tips as well do quit Asset Ginty much love Jenny Daniel Jergens thank you so much Hovick and Dave Dave Dave Jabberwocky the rave as well as Anthony and Shaolin spanker or shower Lin's punker thank you baby where there was one other name remember there was uh yeah it's although no Chi fantasy folk all happy a beautiful buggers raids riveting hmm hello to all of you Julie Kerr as well that was the name right she did an amazing job with aerith's voice though I think do you think Vincent will remember the future too I think I think Vincent will be way more than just remember in the future I reckon when Vincent shows up she can't change big time Vincent Vincent outside the loose of space of time Vincent's chaos they're going to find a really cool way to bring chaos into this tale somehow you know G cows was a little bit lame to be honest hey you were just pop I've been combat a wee bit and not really much this is typical pears wiping the easy stuff and doing hard stuff easily my combat is oxymoronic now the whole cast aside from Zack is fantastic well we've not really seen Zack much we have to give more of a chance all right guys toodle-pip siege mode be well and just remember white count is 3 you'll never be as good as me [Music] I suspect so [Music] just to sum up Tomlin's and a packet of crisps it's really great it's bad [Music] and his trusty psychic Jeff [Music]
Channel: Final Fantasy Peasant
Views: 10,743
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: final fantasy 7 remake hard mode, final fantasy peasant, let's play, playthrough, gameplay, soundtrack, walkthrough, combat, end, ending, full fantasy peasant, explained, remake, final fantasy 7 remake, ff7 remake, final fantasy 7, ffvii, ff7r, ffviir, ff7 remake trailer, cloud, aerith, ff7 remake stream, final fantasy 7 remake playthrough, final fantasy 7 remake ending explained, sephiroth, lore, hard mode, theory, ffp, ff7 remake hard mode, hard mode ff7r, airbuster ff7, air buster ff7 remake
Id: 4BDYZ7VwP9c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 208min 10sec (12490 seconds)
Published: Thu May 28 2020
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