Cow Introduction #farming #farm #cows #agriculture

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[Music] [Applause] thank you hi there I'm Matt and this is just making it uh what I'd like to show you today is I'm going to give some minerals to the cows and then we're going to walk a little bit of fence line and I'll actually introduce you to my cows so uh sit back relax enjoy the video okay I filled that mineral feeder up for them and all I do is I put a truck tire and a drama inside of it I do a cut out and I put the minerals inside and I sprinkle a little bit on the outside just so when the calves and the cows walk by they can smell it or see it and they'll go right in on it but just make sure when you put the drum out that it's facing downwind guys I don't have a curtain or anything on it if I was to flip it the other way there'd be all kind of water going in on it so it works for me this is the other type of mineral feeder that I have I like this one because it's got the rubber over it they have to lift it up and it keeps the weather out of it keeps it nice and dry there again with this feeder uh I sprinkle a little bit on the ground for them you know just an indication that you know when they walk by they know that I filled it up for them what I also like to do is put out Soul blocks and mineral blocks they seem to last a little longer it looks like we got some geese on the pond uh the cows are in the background there we're gonna head towards them but it's nice to see some geese there okay this is the solar panel setup and I got a wagon with the solar panels on it and you want to make sure that you attach the solar panels to the wagon in case you get a windstorm or whatever so I have a post and I have wire connected to it now behind the solar panels I have a box you want a good box with handles on it so the lid stays tight doesn't blow off and water doesn't get in there so what I got is my fencers in here and you want to buy a good quality one this particular fencer has fuses on each side so if lightning hits it one of the fuses will go and all you got to do is replace it um and then what you want to do is you want to get a marine battery I noticed marine batteries work the best because they take a good charge and connected to the line you also want a solar charge regulator or controller because what will happen is the line coming from the solar panels to the battery will overcharge your battery and could burn it up or it might not last that long so you want a regulator on it okay so that it doesn't overcharge the battery and it keeps it right around 13. 13 volts so I could put a meter on it and check it but I know it's doing a good job and this setup has worked for me I've got two of these I've got one on the North side one on the south side of the farm and the main line is right here and it's connected to the second wire up on the high tensile and then you got to have your grounds I got two grounds in in the ground I've got it connected together and it's going up and it's going to the ground side of the fencer but this really works well you want to make sure the lids on it real good and I've had no problems with it and it's been strong enough to keep my towels in on a temporary fence line with only two strands now over to the cows and the fence here and we're going to check the fence with our tester and what I like to do is I like to have it at least around five if it's under five you may have an issue uh I only got two strands up so the deer if you get deer going through this is in high tents a wild wire this is just regular aluminum we're stain or Steel and uh so we'll check it here and see what it reads the cows are watching me I'm going right up to them I've got some of these cows named so I'll introduce you to them all right girls on the count of three one two three [Music] okay so we're gonna check the bottom wire and the top wire the bottom wire is reading 6.27 so we're going to call that good and it is a cloudy day so you're not going to get the maximum out of your solar and we're going to test the top and we got eight we got 9.06 so we're good there and there's my bull that's uh Ferguson hi Fergie that's my main Bowl right there and he's bred a lot on the cows so far and then I got another Bowl in there his name is Phil and Bill got his name because we bought fill in Punxsutawney Pennsylvania so we need him after the groundhog he's somewhere in there I'll Point them out to you if I see him so that's Ferguson he's the father most of the calves that you're going to see out here in the herd right now from last year now he's going to have to go this year we're going to miss them good job hi girl how you doing you like being on video I got mostly Black Angus here but there's some herefords there's some limos um how you doing girls you better not get outside I've got some soybeans on the other side growing so that goes to show you though how the fencer works and it works real good um you gotta have the battery on there though because at night when the battery is charged that's what takes over so it's got to work good hi girl there's China she's the one with the white base the black at the top how you doing girls you all full I got some minerals for you over there I think these cows like to be on uh camera here they're following me around look at them especially Fergie he's always up front by me I got some fly spray that I'm going to be spraying on them but what I like to do when that happens is when they go through the gates I'll stand there with the sprayer and I'll hit their backs really good I can't get underneath them real real well but when we get the Corral system hooked up and I can get them in the Chute we're going to give them a good dose of fly spray how you doing girl oh we got some jumpers they should all be bred by now there might be a few that aren't but uh I like to keep some steers and we're going to probably keep a few heifers this year because we want to keep some of those nice calves that Ferguson throws like I said he's got to go this year Phil's going to take over and I'll probably end up getting another Bull from somewhere that calf right there that's marshmallow look at the size of her and that's her mom right there that's spunky spunky head marshmallow you can see the colors she's Hereford and Angus she's really nice this is Haven and she has a little bit of a history with her when she was born as a calf her mother just walked away from her and we had to bottle feed her and I really felt bad for her she was abandoned I found her in the woods so she grew up and she has a calf right there on her side and she's one of the best Mothers we have her name's Hazel well it's starting to rain this year was an interesting year started out really dry pastures were all drying up and and it was actually the hay we only got if we were to cut a field maybe 50 percent of what we usually get and then all of a sudden it starts raining so now we're getting a lot of rain it's really helping the pastures but it's hard to make hay a lot of people got their hay rained on but I tried not to have that happen and it's tough and sometimes you just make it you know so thanks for joining me today and uh I'll see you on the next video [Music] foreign
Channel: Just Making It
Views: 4,207
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #farming#farm#ranch#cows#agriculture
Id: 4ULjB_9ooVE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 15sec (735 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 30 2023
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