COVID19: Long Lasting Damage & More HCQ 'Controversy'

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even in healthy people the effects of covid can last a very long time and as well the raging debate around hydroxychloroquine it's getting politically ugly and we're way out of my wheelhouse but oh my gosh i got something to tell you hello everyone dr chris martin's here you're going to notice this looks a little different why because i'm on vacation so you're going to hear in the background maybe birds chirping boats going by something happening but i am uh taking a little break and i thought for sure i was going to give myself this whole week off but too much has come up for me to just let this pass by so i'm just going to give you a quick update and not the usual full lengthy one but something all right let's move on here we're looking now at the cases and deaths both continuing to climb worldwide at this point in time uh you can clearly see that the we're pretty much in a in an uptrend here very strong uptrend here for cases and deaths as well is now trending up pretty strongly not at the old highs that we saw back in late march early april but getting there so if trends continue we're going to see more of that happening why because we're having lots and lots of cases happening so let's move on now to the controversies that came up you might have seen there was a video that came out of a bunch of doctors uh talking about how uh hydroxychloroquine was a good thing uh james tadaro and here i'd like to get him on as a guest and talk about all this says here our video was taken down by facebook and youtube last night surprise surprise uh you know what youtube video is still up from two months ago though the video was surges fraud oops surgisphere founder sepan decide on the results of the fake lancet study that the who mistakenly endorsed immediately um yeah so isn't that amazing that uh the serger fraud piece that fake data fraudulent data i haven't seen any major outcry from scientists or from the lancet from the medical establishment saying oh my gosh this was horrible how did an absolutely fraudulent study get in they just they still characterize it media they say you know that study where it was uh retracted because they will carefully say the authors couldn't verify the veracity of the data right it was completely fraudulent and yet that lancet study on um on hydroxychloroquine was used by the who the fda lots of world bodies state governments all of that to withdraw the use of hydroxychloroquine so we saw that happen and that video is still up but this video which is a bunch of doctors coming out saying hey in our experience um hydroxychloroquine works well that was taken down so this is i i tweeted back and said this you know this is where we are in the story right now fake in 100 fraudulent anti-hydroxychloroquine studies are a-okay with youtube and facebook but a bevy of mds speaking from their professional experience is not lives don't matter that's it lives don't matter you know sorry all right it's really crazy what's going on with hydroxychloroquine and you know we're going to have to study this from a political standpoint a sociological standpoint not a science standpoint i mean just check this out we've been giving we us humans have been taking hydroxychloroquine for 70 years billions of doses have been given out prior to covet 19 coming along you can search all of the records out there and you can find even the who itself has a massive retrospective study put out in 2017 which went through all the records they had going back decades and couldn't find a single reported verifiable example not one of a person dying as a consequence of heart conditions due to having taken either chloroquine phosphate or it's even safer cousin hydroxychloroquine all right but suddenly postcovid hcq is a huge safety issue it says here uh remember this came out july 1st here from the fda the fda says a summary of fda's review of safety issues with the use of hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine to treat hospitalized cova-19 patients is now available the review includes reports of serious heart rhythm problems kidney injuries and other safety issues it's just remarkable well 60 70 years of data nothing coming up billions of cases all of a sudden it's it's like serious heart rhythm problems kidney injuries and other safety issues uh yeah nah this is bad this is really bad science all right um at any rate uh we've had some studies that have come out uh recently that i haven't had time to review here because i'm on vacation that uh support the idea that hydroxychloric is very effective we've had other ones come out and say it is not effective and again just a cursory read of these these studies are not being done well um the ones that are in particular that are pointing out that hydroxychloroquine doesn't work it's uh it's a little disappointing a little discouraging at this i i let me be honest i can't for the life of me understand how somebody could design a study in a way that would possibly hurt people i don't understand why you would do that why if you were studying this you wouldn't give it early give it an appropriate dose give it with zinc give it with a macrolide azithromycin something like that doxycycline something like that and uh and then you know do careful follow-ups and look at that well apparently that's just too hard too much too much to ask for in this environment so kind of kind of crazy i'm also seeing i came across this that says this is the only chart that matters this is looking at the number of people dying daily in sweden you can clearly see this trend right here by the way uh that's the same as the chart that you would see if you're looking at switzerland or italy or spain lots of places have a chart that looks like this and is being presented as saying this is the only chart that matters because we're really only looking at the people dying daily from this now i'm glad that deaths are down a lot of this is due to maybe the fact that chronovirus has swept through the most vulnerable population first and killed those people maybe it's swept through a lot more of the population than we know so it's no longer has enough victims to to terrorize in that way but as well i think we really have to be honest about this and say that covet 19 has impacts that go way beyond whether you live or you die from it so i want to talk about that part again because that's something i've been consistently pushing for is for people to understand the totality of what covet 19 is brought on by exposure to sars cove 2. i think the impact of covet 19 is really it's much greater than just deaths this is a tweet string that came along from hannah davis here and it says i just crossed the four month mark of being sick four month mark with being sick with cover 19. i am young and was healthy dying is not the only thing to worry about i still have near daily fever loss of cognitive function essential tremors gi issues severe headaches heart rate of 150 plus viral arthritis heart palpitations muscle aches and feeling like my body has forgotten to breathe over the past 124 days i've lost all feeling in my arms and hands had extreme back kidney rib pain phantom smells like someone barbecuing bad meat tinnitus difficulty understanding text reading difficulty following conversations sensitivity to noise and light non-stop bruising thinking now can cause headaches i'm not alone in the cognitive issues as it's common a symptom as cough no one knows when long covet patients aren't contagious many are alone for months so this just sounds terrorizing you know we heard about you know she she wrote here about um having lost all feeling in arms and hands and we just heard about the case of that gentleman who lost all his fingers to covet uh there was the actor who lost his leg so these are all due to the thrombi the clots that are coming down blocking the blood circulation causing tissue death that's how bad the the coagulation disorders are here so to hannah and anybody like her i would say if you are not on the math plus protocol you really ought to be and that's the one where you're on the methyl prednisone and heparin that's the m and the h those two things really seem to do a lot and of course ascorbic acid vitamin c it does a lot very good things for people as well and and then there are a number of other things in that math plus protocol but those would be to me the big ease so but look at that list of list of things heart palpitations muscle aches near daily fever loss of cognitive function you got gi issues it's just it's just a full body assault and for poor people like hannah it just goes on and on she continues people with long covid weren't able to get testing until late there are people on my same timeline who are only now learning they had strokes and encephalitis and heart attacks mri ct scans were only accessible in the ers doctors were solely looking at the lungs for way too long the symptoms she writes are bizarre there are people with brand new allergies to the point of anaphylaxis so continuing their anaphylaxis is when your body goes into a again a hyper storm of a cytokine storm where you know we're familiar with people who have a peanut allergy get exposed to peanuts and their throat closes down swells up to the point they can't breathe anymore and they may die from that or they get hives all over the surface of their body but they're basically getting hives inside their body too say in the lungs so that's anaphylaxis that's when your body goes into overdrive you need the epipen and then other supportive care to get out of it others who allergies have disappeared postmenopausal women who have who are having spotting in periods again medications spontaneously stop working need to be adjusted higher lower so talking about a complete dysregulation of the body here from the immune system and how you respond to people's hormonal balances medications not working all of that right it's just again a full body of salt it causes flare-ups of other viruses which we talked about last time certainly epstein-barr virus i'm worried about cytomegalovirus too past surgeries other conditions old injuries are raw and feel new again my left leg and foot injured in a moped accident in 2017 feels crushed like it happened yesterday intolerance to exercise alcohol caffeine and stress are common i've been hearing more and more about that people feel okay they feel alright so they think they're going to get back to life they get out of bed maybe they try some light exercising and boom it just takes them down again so uh yes that these uh hannah's reporting a lot of very common symptoms and it sounds like it's not just a couple of things this is like this is a full body assault it just sounds awful she continues insomnia's comment the dreams are vivid and bizarre often lucid dreams often violent and nightmarish many reports of dreaming about people who have passed away the symptoms wax and wane you think you're getting better only to be hit again new symptoms appear constantly so yeah we've been hearing about the dreaming first i've heard about lucid dreaming here i've heard about the fact these very disturbing dreams violent nightmarish as hannah describes them here and yes i've heard about people who who passed away showing up in people's visions and dreams that was chris cuomo the reporter talked about those things particularly the dreams a while back so this all is uh comports with things we've been reading and hearing about and she continues here the cdc is starting to acknowledge us and the long covered numbers are high 35 percent of people are not back to normal after the suggested recovery period given the us's current cases of 4.2 million that's 1.47 million long haulers in the u.s alone so i want to talk about this part where she's talking about what is the cdc finally acknowledging here and again i've always said look the cdc ought to be about going out and collecting all the data collecting the data finding out what works clinically collecting all the clinical data doing all of that so it's not up to doctors it's not up to people on twitter it's not up to reddit communities to sort of begin stapling all this together if there are people whose job it is to collect medical data maybe they ought to do that and then present it back to us well i think they've started to do that and this shows up the cdc uh says that one-third of coven-19 patients who aren't hospitalized have long-term illness okay one patient whose symptoms have lingered for months called the report monumental so this came out on july 24th the cdc acknowledged friday that a significant number of cova 19 patients do not recover quickly and instead experience ongoing symptoms such as fatigue and cough as many as a third of patients who were never sick enough to be hospitalized are not back on their usual not back to their usual health up to three weeks after their diagnosis the report found so yeah three weeks after diagnosis that that's not that's long um and certainly if that was the flu if we said hey you could get the flu and after we diagnosed you with the flu usually you'd probably have had it for a while symptoms would have been with you for at least you know three to four days and then we diagnose you and then we would say yeah about a third of you three weeks after that you're still going to be struggling and in the case of hannah we would see that struggling is like maybe a too light of a term this is feels like that hannah's really been her life has been laid low and her body is really under assault still from this thing so continuing this article says covet 19 can result in prolonged illness even among persons with milder outpatient illness including young adults so this is this is new this is kind of adding to our our understanding here that when we say oh this is really it's an old person's disease the older you are the worse it is well this this is saying hey this can this can result not even can result but often results in prolonged illness even among persons with milder outpatient illness by the way for people between the ages of 18 and 25 in this report uh i believe it was 20 20 of that very young crowd 20 one in five chance had a prolonged illness uh with uh their exposure to covet so hey 80 of them regular ordinary course maybe no no low symptoms to maybe even no symptoms at all but 20 percent having a tough run of it the acknowledgement is welcome news to patients who call themselves long haulers suffering from debilitating symptoms weeks and even months after their initial infection we've been reporting on this for a while now this report is monumental for all us who have been struggling with fear of the unknown lack of recognition and many times a lack of belief in proper care from medical professionals during our prolonged recovery from cover 19 says kate porter who is on day 129 of her recovery uh wrote an email to nbc news all right so yeah uh listen we need to obviously consider more than just uh you know charts like this and say you know this is the good news the good news is mortality is down the bad news is this is still a pretty nasty disease and it leads to this syndrome of long-hauling for a lot of people in her one case up to 129 days for that woman who just wrote in um this hannah's on the four-month mark of being sick with covet 19. and as well you know we've been talking about other longer-term impacts heart lung kidney neurological stuff i don't have time to go into all of that but there was this study that just came out on july 27th here talking about outcomes of cardiovascular mri magnetic resonance imaging in patients recently recovered from coronavirus disease and so this is talking about really prolonged heart abnormalities i can't go into the whole study but here are the findings from it so they looked at a hundred patients that had recently recovered from covet 19 and not all of them were i i believe that in this study it was two-thirds were not hospitalized and one-third had been hospitalized so they did cardiac mri uh studies which revealed cardiac involvement in 78 patients so that's 78 and ongoing myocardial inflammation in 60 patients which is 60 luckily it's only 100 patients can do that math which was independent of pre-existing conditions severity and overall course of the acute illness and the time from the original diagnosis so let's look whoa whoa whoa this myocardial inflammation was independent of pre-existing conditions severity and overall course of the acute illness so even for people who had relatively mild cases or they had really strong cases it was independent of that whether you then showed up with having ongoing myocardial inflammation and we talked about data like this a while back from heart studies that were using echocardiograms those are much less sensitive and much less provide much less detail than mris so the cardiac mris are really uh giving us a much much better view into these things so that's pretty strong right there to me if you said hey you're going to have prolonged heart abnormalities and 78 percent of patients independent of whether they had pre-existing conditions the severity of their covet 19 experience overall course of the acute illness all that that i think is really important news and it sort of says this is maybe not the only chart that matters maybe we need to start taking into account the experiences of people like hannah all of the people who are having a relatively long term sense that they are not well again and then the studies which are showing cardiac damage lung damage kidney damage and then there are other long-term lingering neurological issues which we don't have good information on we're wondering just how permanent it is that those are much harder to characterize all right uh what do you do well just really you got to be sure to get plenty of vitamin d this was a great study that came out here vitamin d helps the body fight coronavirus major israeli study claims okay so the sunshine vitamin it's really not a vitamin it's actually more like a hormone vitamin d does so many things it's not just a necessary precursor so that other building blocks can be made that's what a lot of vitamins do they're they're a necessary component that you don't have and you can't manufacture and then you get that component and inserts itself into an enzyme or some process but vitamin d controls a lot of things more like a hormone it influences all sorts of things from calcium deposition in the bones to how your immune system is able to fight off diseases and things like that so from that article they said here good levels of vitamin d the so-called sunshine vitamin help people to fight the coronavirus more quickly and effectively and reduce chances of hospitalization however others are cautioning broad conclusions saying other factors may be involved all right now that's why i had to include that sentence because i hate that sentence i hate that look vitamin d has no toxicity there's no downside to taking it unless you really really really really overdose but that's hard to do but you can but i mean as long as you're taking a normal not dumb amount of this stuff it has no downside it only possibly has upside so why are we cautioning broad conclusions what is that what does that serve oh well yes we see your data says it helps but we need to caution that that could be other stuff happening like okay fine but that doesn't help because if people could take it that would be really great uh because it would really help all right uh her team and and that's uh this uh woman here frankel morgenstern doctor frankel morgenstern her team studied a one 7 807 strong sample of israelis who were tested for the coronavirus and it found that the average vitamin d level for people who screened negative was in the internationally accepted adequate range while the average for those who tested positive fell in the inadequate category vitamin d levels of less than 20 nanograms per milliliter of blood are considered inadequate frankl morgenstern said that people in her sample who tested negative were on average within the adequate range and showed a mean vitamin d count of 21 nanograms per milliliter so just one nanogram per milliliter over the adequate range those who tested positive were on average under the inadequate level under the adequate level with a mean vitamin d count of 19 nanograms per milliliter so those averages those are pretty tight difference in 19 and 21 is not a lot so um i'd love to see the actual data i haven't seen the study data yet but um that's pretty interesting finding right there and in conclusion on that uh she said oh sorry i got that top part twice uh people who went on to be hospitalized after their test had a lower mean vitamin d count of 17 nanograms milliliters so people who tested negative were 21 people who tested positive averaged 19 people who ended up in the hospital averaged um or had a mean of vitamin d count of 17 nanograms per milliliter so take your vitamin d get it up there make sure if you don't know what your vitamin d levels are get your blood tested it's very easy test to to do you want to make sure that you're over that 21 nanograms per ml no problem at all being at 30 to 40 nanograms per mil i know people who maintain theirs at 60 70 even 80. personal decision but just this study alone says make sure you're over that 21 nanograms per mil that would be great all right uh conclusions for today the data it continues to come in uh covet 19. terrible illness for far too many people i'm really glad that the deaths are being controlled in a lot of countries but the lingering sequelae consequences of this downstream are are just for a lot of people they're awful and we don't know why yet and we don't know how to prevent that and um i have to say watching the the uh the the ridiculousness that's going on around uh the vaccine development right now is giving me no confidence whatsoever they're just rushing these things in giving us mrna vaccines which are totally untested in humans by the way we know nothing about how they're gonna react in in our bodies over the long haul or anything like that maybe it's totally fine maybe it'll be totally not fine we don't know but those things are certainly being rammed through with a lot of effort and uh interest by the media which by the way isn't very interested in telling you that vitamin d is something that that could really help you here um they'll report it a little bit but it should be front page telling people how to avoid this thing and if they do get exposed how to have a better outcome we do know that recovery now is slow really slow for up to a third of all patients regardless of their youth or their prior health that those things are not you know that whole story about oh this just hits old people with comorbidities as if that's okay you know um serves them right or whatever the thinking is right that's that's not the case uh regardless of of age or prior health it seems that uh you can have a very long tough run of this and we don't know why yet why that is true for some people not others hydrated chloroquine is now 100 politicized event uh people have taken sides uh some doctors are on this side some are on that side that's really tragic to see i wish we could just go by the data um and bad science and uh even worse humanity are now exposed in this whole drama and uh yet they continue um so it just goes to sort of i think cast an indictment on current state of things that's a personal editorial opinion of mine speaking of editorials you could see in newsweek there was a fairly lengthy editorial in favor of hydroxychloroquine by a yale epidemiologist that just came out last week and of course he runs through all the things we've been running through on this channel for a while and what i mean by of course just the logic of it which is hey the downside is very very minimal if there's any at all and the upside seems to be avoiding dying or worse uh you know getting a lifelong impairment that completely destroys your quality of life if that's worse could be for some people um you know if you can uh the the downs that avoiding that downside is enormous um gives you plenty of upside in that story so at any rate he runs through the logic on the whole thing and points out just how politicized this is and then points out lots of data showing that yes hydroxychloroquine works but of course you have to give it early and it's good to give it with its uh cofactors which would be zinc and azithromycin so if you do that combo package seems to work really well for lots and lots of doctors and lots of different settings um but you give it early and you give it with this cofactors seems to work okay so that was a pretty good op-ed there and and again so you know what's really what is the harm here of um of hydroxychloroquine so you know it seems here that um you know if it's uh safe and what's the issue what why is there's why why are medical boards threatening to pull the licenses of doctors who prescribe this the medical board would pull your license if they fear that you're about to do harm or irreparable harm to patients that's a good reason to get your medical license pulled well what harm would the medical boards be pointing towards when they say a doctor is in such a flagrant violation of their hippocratic oath that they would have to pull their license because they prescribed hydroxychloroquine what possible danger could they be pointing to because there isn't data of that right now so ending right uh be sure make sure you want to get plenty of vitamin d get lots of it um that'll be a really good thing lots of vitamin d get sun sunlight that's fine you can get tens of thousands of units uh in the sunshine if you have enough skin exposed and you have fair skin in just 10-15 minutes or you can take vitamin d as a supplement either way it seems to be really important we've been promoting that uh additive to help prepare your terrain for a long time all right that's it uh maybe you can hear the boats and the birds in the background i'm going back to my vacation hey everybody enjoy uh the dog days of summer here see you next time hi folks this is adam taggart chris's co-founder at peak prosperity to get your own resilient shirt simply go to shirts each shirt is made of 100 organic cotton and produced in the usa and when your shirt arrives please send us a photo of you wearing it if you feel comfortable doing so we'll add you to our wall of proud peak prosperity members who are showing the world that resilience is the way to a better future thanks for watching
Channel: Peak Prosperity
Views: 109,796
Rating: 4.8761125 out of 5
Keywords: Chris Martenson, Peak Prosperity, The Hydroxychloroquine 'Controversy', COVID, SARS-CoV-2, resilience, Adam Taggart, virus
Id: s_fSz3y022o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 0sec (1680 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 28 2020
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