COVID-19: Unvaccinated doctor says 'vaccine mandates are wrong'

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what do you think of the the new rule to require vaccination for nhs staff i'm not happy about that so you're not happy with it so i've had cove at some point yes i've got antibodies yeah um i've been working on covered it since the beginning i have not had a vaccination i did not want to have a vaccination it looks as though we might not have to dr steve james is with us now hi dr james thank you for joining us on the program why did you feel it necessary to to challenge the health secretary in that way uh there's an opportunity i think hundreds of thousands of people would have liked to have taken um it was simply there in front of me and i chose to speak my mind uh why do you not want to have a job i never felt i would need to be vaccinated i always thought that healthy people wouldn't even be offered the vaccine it was going to go for vulnerable people i've never seen someone who's written well on intensive care i know i know some people have had serious problems from cobit who've been otherwise well um and i assumed that it would be offered to adults and but never sort of given a message that everybody should take it and certainly not for healthy children is it not the social responsibility of healthy people to look after those who aren't i believe it's the social responsibility of healthy people to get natural immunity i think it's much uh historically much more likely to be long lasting than a vaccine-induced immunity and i think studies are bearing that out now but if they've contracted covert they could pass it on in that period of time that they potentially wouldn't have to the same extent if they had had a vaccination is the suggestion from the nhs well listen suggestion and there's some data showing that with delta there was some reduction for a few months in the ability to transmit it but you've got to remember one very key thing asymptomatic transmission is a idea that came from computer model generation it's not real world data so if you're sick and you stay away from other people you won't transmit it what about if you don't know if you've got it well if you haven't got any symptoms you're not transmitting it okay so you can't transmit covert even though you don't have any symptoms because again that's not what we've been told if if you're pre-centred so no no sorry let me cut myself there so if you're about to get symptoms but don't recognize it that's possible but in that tiny little window we haven't got evidence showing that at least not in a healthcare setting that makes a difference we know that in household contacts with delta recent uh immunization reduces that but we haven't compared people who were previously exposed versus those who weren't exposed to corona who had vaccines didn't have vaccines and we certainly never tested it in a hospital setting but as you point out there doctors quite often you don't know you've got it until you've done the test no i didn't say that i said that most of the time um when you have got symptoms that's when you're transmitting and when you haven't got symptoms you're not transmitting and there's a very small window where you're pre-symptomatic and go on so if you don't go on to get symptoms and you tested positive you're not transmitting it no but you could have had i don't know runny nose whatever the symptoms were when you had um omicron and certainly uh when it be when it was the delta variant you don't know you've got it at that stage until you've done your lateral flow and then confirmed by your pcr test so in that window you can infect other people including the elderly yes you can pass it on but we know that with omicron it's very clear that that doesn't happen that the vaccine doesn't protect you from onboard transmission we also know that with delta the transmission was only reduced for a few months post vaccine and we also know that that's not comparing people who've got naturally into versus people who hadn't gotten that community and got the vaccination this is what the nhs say research has shown the vaccines help reduce your risk of getting seriously ill or dying from covid19 reduce your risk of catching or spreading covered 19 and protect against covid 19 variants yes that's correct and that's based on the delta information and comparing people who were vaccinated versus unvaccinated not looking at people who've already got immunity so that's not why that's not applicable enough data to the whole of the nhs staff and it's not relevant on crime and you will not be having a covert vaccination under any circumstances i will not be having a copied vaccination and not a nest the entire landscape of covert and the vaccine changes and you know vaccine mandates are wrong um yeah just just to put it to you finally before i let you go our resident doc our resident gp said that you are being selfish okay i think a hundred thousand other people uh in the nhs think that we're speaking our mind because we do not want to be coerced into having a vaccine a vaccine that's still in experimental trial stages a vaccine that's got side effects that are not really clearly talked about at present and people are concerned that they're higher than a being shared a vaccine that isn't really very effective in stopping serious disease in the healthy population because the healthy population doesn't get very serious disease from covered but you acknowledge that it's saved a lot of life people being vaccinated as opposed to where we would be if if we hadn't gone down that route absolutely acknowledged that it has saved lives of the elderly the vulnerable those who immunocompromised got severe comorbid disease in that population and has made a significant difference together with the improved care in hospital and the other treatments have been made available good to talk to you doctor thank you so much for taking the time thank you thank you kay bye bye bye
Channel: Sky News
Views: 366,751
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Steve James, Doctor, Sajid Javid, Health Secretary, Sky, News, Sky News, Sky News Live, live, breaking, UK latest, latest, UK news, COVID, COVID-19, antibodies, vaccine, vaccines, jab, jabs, NHS, staff, Government, compulsory, mandatory, mandate, Kay burley
Id: ucPoLHSav7A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 58sec (358 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 31 2022
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