Vitamin D3 (Cholecalciferol) and Vitamin D2 (Ergocalciferol) and Calcitriol | All About Vitamin D

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vitamin d3 cholecalciferol vitamin d2 ergocalciferol calcidiol and calcitriol they all referring to the various forms of vitamin D  in our body or in the food that we eat vitamin d3   is also known as cholecalciferol this is the form  made naturally by the body in response to sunlight   vitamin d2 is also known as ergocalciferol  and this comes from plants vitamin D supplements   come in the form of either vitamin d3 or vitamin  d2 calcitriol or 125 dihydroxyvitamin D if you   prefer is the active form of vitamin D in our body  let's say you're enjoying yourself a fine day at   the beach or just walking out and about on a fine  sunny day that Sun is beaming down on that glowing   skin of yours that sunlight contains ultraviolet B  or UVB radiation and when it hits your skin cells   it turns 7 D hydro cholesterol into vitamin  d3 meaning cholecalciferol vitamin d3 in turn   binds to vitamin D binding protein and this is  transported to the liver where it gets converted   to calcidiol aka 25 hydroxy vitamin D calcidiol  is the storage form of vitamin D in the body   calcidiol is later converted to the active form  of vitamin D in the body meaning calcitriol or   125 dihydroxy vitamin D this conversion of calcidiol into calcitriol or calcitriol mainly occurs   in the kidney but also takes place in different  tissues and cells of the immune system such as   lymph nodes alveolar macrophages and not only in  alveolar macrophages but in the alveoli themselves   so vitamin D can become activated in alveoli the  same cell responsible for getting oxygen into the   blood and removing carbon dioxide from our blood  yeah those cells the same cells that bacteria and   viruses like coronavirus and influenza invade in  our lungs yeah those cells hmm so the vitamin D   becomes activated by our alveolar cells and immune  cell in our lungs perhaps that has something to do   with our longest ability to fight off respiratory  infections well yeah that's exactly the case but   this is a very big topic to cover so I'm gonna  make this one my next video vitamin D in all of   its forms is a fat soluble vitamin it's one of  only four fat soluble vitamins in our body along   with vitamins A E and K unlike non fat soluble  vitamins fat soluble vitamins can be stored in   the liver this can be a good thing because it's  nice to have that reserve when you're needed but   it can also be a bad thing because that means  that dangerous levels can accumulate in the body   and because of that toxicity from fat soluble  vitamins is much more common than for water   soluble vitamins however this usually only happens  when you take mega doses of supplements over a   long time frame vitamin d3 is only found naturally  in a few different food sources mainly fatty fish   like cod swordfish tuna and salmon and mackerel  does anyone eat mackerel these days I don't know   but what about milk milk doesn't naturally  contain vitamin d3 but it has been fortified   with it for almost a hundred years but other dairy  products made from milk like cheese and ice cream   aren't typically fortified with vitamin D and  contain only small amounts some yogurts juices   in breakfast cereals are fortified for older  adults to meet the recommended daily allowance   of 800 IU or international units they would have  to drink about 4 cups of fortified milk per day   vitamin d3 mainly comes from sunlight though  not food but the skins production of vitamin D   depends on a number of factors only some of which  you have control of humans first evolved near the   equator in Africa it's at the equator where the  sun's rays directly hit the earth for most of   the year our ancestors there back in the day wore  little to no clothing and that's why they never   had to worry about being vitamin D deficient not  that they knew what vitamin D was back then but   anyway the more melanin in the skin the darker  the skin and that protects the deeper layers of   the skin from UV damage over time as some groups  of humans migrated away from the equator their   skin lightened to enable more efficient and D  production because of less direct sunshine also   in the last 300 years or so people spent less  time outdoors because of working in buildings   and in the last 100 years people spend more time  traveling in cars which means less sunlight on   their skin and over the last 40 years or so more  and more people rubbing sunscreen lotion on their   skin means less UVB absorption it rubs the lotion  on its skin or else it gets the hose again and   don't get me wrong too much UVB light makes people  more prone to getting skin cancer it's a known   risk factor for most of the 3 million-plus skin  cancers that occur every year just in the United   States alone so rubbing the sunscreen lotion on  the skin it's a good thing in general so depending   on the season where you live where you travel the  time with a day the clothing you wear the umbrella   that you use all of these factors determine how  much UVB light hits your skin the sun's rays are   both direct between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. however  the further you live from the equator the less   UVB radiation you receive people who live north of  about 37 degree latitude can't make any vitamin D   from sunlight from November to March even if they  spend all day outside Barenaked why is this the   case during the winter months the earth tilts away  from the Sun ultimately leading to less sun rays   hitting the earth and you know what else having  darker skin means less UVB absorption which means   less vitamin d3 production also as we age our  body becomes less efficient at converting UVB   light into vitamin d3 and this is why older people  as well as darker skin people are more prone to   having lower vitamin D levels to make matters  worse many older people have reduced exposure   to sunlight for different reasons and may not  beginning enough vitamin D in their diet vitamin   d3 which eventually is converted to the active  form in the body calcitriol has a very important   role in the body many roles actually one of the  most important is to signal the intestines to   absorb calcium into the bloodstream without enough  vitamin d3 your body will start breaking down bone   to increase calcium levels in the blood and no one  wants that this happens even if you have enough   calcium in your diet besides strengthening bones  vitamin D helps reduce fractures in the elderly by   preventing muscle deterioration and reducing  the chances of falling but what is vitamin D   deficiency the official definition of a vitamin  deficiency means that specific health problems   arise as a direct result of not having enough  of a specific nutrient true vitamin D deficiency   and children causes rickets a bone disease where  the legs become bowed this is rare in the United   States though vitamin D deficiency in adults can  lead to osteomalacia meaning softening of the   bone and osteoporosis leading to bone fractures so  what if you don't have deficiency per say but you   have less than ideal levels of a specific vitamin  well this can increase your risk of various health   issues even though they're not solely responsible  for these problems this is what we call an   insufficiency most medical societies consider  someone vitamin D insufficient if their level   is between 12 to 20 ng per ml or 30 to 50  nano moles per liter and vitamin D deficiency is   a level less than 12 ng per ml most experts  consider normal levels being above 20 and less   than 50 ng per ml and most people in United  States have values around 20 in the National   Health and Nutrition Examination Survey back in  2005 to 2006 42% of adult participants had levels   less than 20 the American Association of clinical  endocrinologist says that values between 30 and 50   have potential health benefits beyond bone health  but there are a lot of conflicting studies on this   and randomized control trials are being done right  now to try and sort the cell based on my research   it seems like levels of around 30 ng per ml is  the sweet spot but having to high levels can cause   other health issues in one study levels above  32 ng per ml resulted in people getting less   quality sleep probably because higher vitamin  D levels suppress melatonin production from the   pineal gland in the brain the risk of vitamin  D toxicity typically occurs in levels above   100 in adults who are also ingesting substantial  amounts of calcium vitamin D toxicity whether it's   from vitamin d3 or vitamin d2 generally occurs  after inappropriate use of vitamin D for example   when someone is taking mega doses of supplements  vitamin D intoxication has been reported in adults   taking more than 60,000 IU's per day symptoms of  toxicity are related to increased calcium levels   in the blood which can cause confusion nausea  vomiting muscle weakness kidney stones headache   belly pain and heart arrhythmias it's especially  important to avoid excess vitamin D in pregnancy   because that can cause calcium levels to rise to  the point of causing seizures and the mother and   developmental problems in the baby some might  wonder can I get toxic levels of vitamin D just   by lying in the Sun too long well if you don't  ingest vitamin D in your diet or take a supplement   the answer is no because prolonged exposure to  sunlight by itself doesn't cause toxic amounts   of vitamin d3 in the body that's because there are  multiple studies showing that prolonged exposure   of the skin to sunlight results in a maximum level  of 75 if possible it's best to get vitamin D from   food infra modest sun exposure and be sure to  avoid getting sunburned so if you live north   of the 37th parallel which broadly divides the  United States in half horizontally you can only   get enough sun exposure to make vitamin D during  the summer months but if you live south of that   border you can most likely get enough vitamin  D from the Sun alone pretty much year-round so   typically 10 minutes of Sun a few days out of the  week to the arms into the legs without sunscreen   will provide enough vitamin d3 production for  adequate levels the question of whether or not   the general population should have their vitamin  D levels measured is up for debate on one hand   most healthy people who get some Sun and/or have  enough vitamin D in their diet from fish or from   fortified foods such as milk well most of these  people will have normal vitamin D levels but   for people who aren't getting enough Sun or not  getting enough in their diet they probably should   have their levels checked but it's not always  practical for people to get to the doctor and   get their levels checked especially during the  Covid 19 pandemic so if you're not getting enough   vitamin D from the Sun and/or from the foods that  you're eating taking a vitamin D supplement is a   good alternative for most people 800 or 1000 IU  either every day or every other day will be   adequate me personally I take 1000 IU every day  or every other day at least when it's not in the   summer I'll put a link to the one that I take  in the description below some people ask which   supplement should I take vitamin d3 or vitamin  d2 they're probably about the same in terms of   effectiveness but vitamin d3 might be slightly  better regardless of which one you take if you   do take one it's generally advised to never take  more than 4,000 IU's per day as this can result   in toxic levels over time but there are other  factors to consider and this is why it's always   best to have a discussion with your doctor and  just a few more things to remember people with   darker skin are more likely to have lower levels  of vitamin D same for the elderly same for infants   same for people who live in countries that don't  have food that is fortified with vitamin D same   for people who live in countries further away  from the equator smokers tend to have lower   vitamin D levels as well and same goes for those  who are obese and all these things that I just   mentioned happen to be the same risk factors for  people having worse outcomes with covid 19 is this   just a coincidence is there a correlation and is  there causation it's very interesting and there   are a bunch of studies about vitamin D that are  related to Covid 19 that just came out in the last   few weeks and they're pretty mind-blowing and  this is going to be the topic of my next video   Covid 19 and vitamin D does vitamin d3 prevent Covid  19 does it lesson the severity of covid 19 should   people take vitamin d3 for Covid 19 if so how much  should they take so hit that subscribe button   and click on the bell notification that way you  don't miss out on that one and I'll see you then
Channel: Doctor Mike Hansen
Views: 1,439,532
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Keywords: vitamin d, vitamin d3, vitamin d2, cholecalciferol, calcitriol, ergocalciferol, vitamin d benefits, vitamin d3 supplements, vitamin d3 foods, vitamin d3 deficiency, vitamin d deficiency, vitamin d supplements, vitamin d 3, how much vitamin d should i take, how much vitamin d should i take daily, how much vitamin d should i take a day, vitamin d deficiency symptoms, what is vitamin d3, vitamin d3 benefits, benefits of vitamin d3, vit d3, vitamin d deficiency recovery, d vitamin
Id: yf8uYzgMsEw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 27sec (807 seconds)
Published: Thu May 21 2020
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