Covenant of Salt

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good morning it's awesome to be in this beautiful state of Oregon it's my first time for my wife Trudy would you just stand it's my wife Trudy and Trudy is originally from Namibia and I'm from South Africa we've been missionaries were for IOM for the past 31 years and during this time are the privileged have ministered in 97 countries around the world and the fun thing I do is what I did this weekend introducing people to my base frame the Holy Spirit and we had awesome time this weekend a lot of miracles I've had a few even this morning again testimonies but yesterday people told me they got healed of pining they make somebody that we prayed for sleep up near that got healed like they could sleep for the first time in a long time and quite a number of other things but God have an appointment for you this morning and I trust that before we leave here God's gonna do something for you for your family for your friends and whatever you need Jesus is here so let's just open our hearts and let's trust him for what he wants to do in our lives if you yearn and you're just a young Christian or maybe if not yet committed your life to Christ also I don't want you to leave here without doing that and that's the awesome thing coming together with Christians some of you been serving Jesus for 40 years some of you've just got saved last week or maybe you brought a friend or a family member and you're not saved yet it's not leave here unless you make your life right with God I don't know if you think of what's happening in the world today if you think it's bad or it's good what do you think if you if you have to think if I ask you how's it going the u-ace of a scary I had some of the Millennials are a little bit scared do you know that what the enemy want us to do is to see the negative sides but actually that's not the full truth there's so many great things happening around the world and I can tell you as I've traveled to so many nations all over the world God is moving in countries that you never thought possible this awakening among Muslim countries in China in Russia in every way in the world have been I've seen and I've seen this in the u.s. in this trip we started in New York we went to Connecticut for two days then we went to Colorado in Nevada and now a year in Oregon and I believe we're about to see a Awakening like we have not seen before in this nation as I told the guys in in the conference this weekend the last major awakening this nation saw was about a hundred and four years ago it actually started in nineteen six ah su Zhou Street revival if any of you heard of that a few of you it was amazing what God did through that and that revival that started in Los Angeles spread to every continent in the world and I believe God is about to do something again where we will see thousands and thousands of young people coming into the kingdom so don't look at the negative see what God want to do this morning I'm gonna if we can put the PowerPoint on we're gonna talk about assault covenant and then if you ever heard of this but this is public oh we have actually quite a lot of scriptures about that but before I get to the salt covenant I want to talk about God's covenants God basically made there are seven covenants in the Bible the first covenant was in the garden when God created the heavens and the earth and Adam and Eve was they and God made a covenant and he says this is your planet you are the boss everything on this planet is yours everything will be subjected to you there's only one thing you can't do don't eat from this tree of knowledge of good and evil and of course you know the story the enemy came deceives name and boom they were the Covenant was broken you guys know what's a covenant the younger generation the older ones maybe know what is a covenant it's between two people where you pledge to one another marriage is a covenant so when we enter into them into a covenant we pledge to one another that we will be faithful and if we do this and both sides there's a blessing if one of the sites break the covenant it's not going well so the second covenant God made was immediately as Adam and Eve was out of the garden God said out of your seed I will bring a redeemer and he's one day gonna crush this Serpent's hate yes he will bite you on the hill but you're gonna crush his head and I wanna bless you all the nations will be blessed through this seed that is coming there was the second covenant third covenant was with Noah that's after God destroy the earth were flat and then God said to Noah never again will I do this and for you to know that I won't do it again I give you a covenant and what was the Covenant rainbows every time we see that we remember it's that promise of God the next covenant was worth Abraham God called this man and said I will bless you so that every nation on this on this planet will be blessed through you and that's a covenant that God made with his sons and it continued actually even told today if you look in different books on the New Testament in the book of Galatians in the book of Hebrew it repeats it he says when you are a son or daughter of God that covenant belongs to us the next covenant was with Moses so now the Israelites were in Egypt they were slaves now God didn't forget his covenant the people forgot it and then what happened God called Moses in Ihram mind it's basically a renewal of that Covenant that God made with so when God made the covenant with Moses he said the same thing the only thing that was added was the Sabbath and then the next thing was the Ten Commandments but it's basically saying if you follow this if you do this it will go well like that mutual I want to bless you but these are the things you have to do and then the next covenant we come to is the one I'm gonna talk to you about this morning it's the covenant God made with David the Covenant of salt now I'll show you soon a few scriptures because I don't think many of you knew in the Bible he talks about God's covenant of salt that he made with Israel but it specifically said the Covenant of salt God made with David so why why am I taking a little bit time to to talk about this I have been as I told you a missionary for 31 years I grew up extremely conservative I grew up in a Reformed Church so the things about Holy Spirit the things about miracles about science and wonders was not part of my way of thinking I grew up also very analytical my first degree was a bachelor of science mathematics and physics I completed that then I went to another university that a degree in education then I studied some theology and then suddenly I got stuck I realized I can't help anybody and God started to take me back to the Bible not do what I studied what my parents told me my grandparents the church I grew up in all the different universities I studied God said go back to the word and I started seeing that God might covenant with us man and the moment we line up with that you know what happened a miracle happened something shift and suddenly we experience a little bit of heaven here on earth and somebody got healed like we happened this weekend somebody's life get changed somebody that have struggled with depression and heaviness it gets broken and suddenly freedom comes and this morning that's what God want to do to us I I want to share with you just a few testimonies of what I've seen and I've had so many just incredible testimony so of people who have cancer the last day of cancer and God healed him now I told the guys this weekend most of my family are actually in the medical profession I'm the only one that are a little bit not so now I'm the only one that's wise now also not true but yeah my whole family are doctors and dentists and psychologists and physiotherapist I'm the crazy one serving Jesus without a salary being a missionary but you know what as I connect and I dream and I read about God's promises and I pray that out and I say God this is what you promised suddenly a miracle happened and somebody's life changed I shade with the guys there was a lady in our church in South Africa she had stage 4 cancer the doctors my family said to me it's finished and we prayed and was not a quick was sometimes some miracles is like this this one was a little bit longer but in spite of the doctors gave her a one percent chance of success 99% they will she'll die because it was already spread from the liver to the lymph nodes to other parts of the body they said it's finished no it's never finished when Jesus come even when it looks finished Jesus will come and bring life I don't know what your challenge today may be your your marriage broke up or maybe you're just so desperate at work you you just I don't know how I'm going on you know what Jesus want to come and bring a breakthrough I shade with the guys also this weekend I met a guy a doctor in Norway his name is dr. Suarez all he's a ent ear nose and throat specialist and he suffered with severe depression he said to me Stefan it was so bad I didn't want to wake up in the morning I don't wanna go and work it was like darkness over me that depression was so heavy and he actually felt he want to die but you know what Jesus came and he broke that spirit of heaviness over him and he totally he said it was like literally like a snap of a finger it was over and he said to me Stefan you can use my name wherever you go in the world and tasty fire that I dr. Suarez all got hundred percent healed but you know was the one who prayed for him in the midst of his darkness in the midst of him feeling hopeless was his wife Maria Maria she was crying when when she poked me she sees Stefan my interceding for my husband and I said just remember God's promise seen that's what I'm this morning what I want to emphasize we have a short time together but in this time I want to emphasize to you that God did not forget his covenants to you we just need to remember another moment you committed your life to Christ you went into a covenant with God Almighty who as you gave your life to Jesus let's see if you haven't then we're gonna pray for you it's okay I'm not gonna look whose hands didn't go up but every one of you that put up your hand now you are in a covenant relationship with God Almighty with Jesus with the Holy Spirit and God is the one that makes the covenant with you and he's not a God that lies so once we line up with God the blessings of God come the freedom of God the miracles of God comes but we need to remember that I wrote down a few words that I believe God want to heal this morning words of knowledge so often when I travel and I go to places and meetings I ask God for a word that sometimes have thought the picture a scenes of something that God want to heal and I've seen some spectacular miracles that is impossible I've seen people that are there are HIV positive I know as a scientist they can't be cured you know that maybe you don't but if you are HIV positive we got AIDS like in three give medicine to treat it I've prayed and God of healed people and today they are HIV negative I thought you have cancer with other things I felt there's somebody this morning you've got a knee problem and it's quite give you a lot of pain in your knee and I believe Jesus want to heal that there anybody here that needs healing in your knee this morning okay there's a brother there's another laser sister day is a few here okay we're gonna trust God with you for healing this morning I felt this a couple year you are trusting God for a baby and you couldn't fall pregnant and God want to do a miracle and we're gonna pray with you this morning I also felt I wrote down someone who has called God and God has called you a number of times into full-time ministry but you every time like okay no no it's not the time no it's not the time I feel God want to remind you again and says today you need to decide God is just putting his finger there in says and I feel I I want to say this because I know some of the guys gonna watch this on video the second session I also felt this specific word is for the second session you have been called God are stirred in your heart you know that but every time you made an excuse and God says let's not walk out of here at the end of the second service go to Pastor Jason or some of the leaders and say pray with me I want to do this I don't know how I'm scared but I'm willing but even some of you here if that's you not now because I'm saying it go hard already spoke to you I'm just confirming what God spoke this is your day where God is stirring something let's go back to there I'm gonna continue with the salt covenant now here's a just a scripture in revelation 19 verse 10 the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy people say to be sometimes Stefan why do you tell so many stories why do you tell all these miracles you know why because I want you guys to see another miracle the spirit that sorry the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy every time we share a testimony of something Jesus that in your life in my life in our lives it releases the spirit of prophecy and another miracle takes place every one of you sitting you have a taste I mean even if it's just the fact that you got saved that's a testimony if you share that with one of your friends that releases the spirit of prophecy and something happened pastor Bruce told me last night when he sustained in the Jesus Movement got saved and he was like what the heck are you talking about she said I found Jesus right pastor Bruce and and he was like what are you talking about but that was the first seed and then the hunger came in him and eventually got saved you have something to share and when we share that God does something else covenant of soft now yes a scripture whatever you set aside from the holy offerings the Israelites present to the Lord I give to you and your sons and your daughters as your regular Shea it's an everlasting covenant of salt before the Lord for both you and your offspring now this is interesting this is the story I want to take you to this morning so what happened was the the tribes of Israel does if you've done the study of how Israel's history wins so Israel God gave him the promised land they took it God blessed him and then I forget every time we forget God's promise something happened so Joshua and the elders took the promised land Moses couldn't enter in because he got angry and he hit the rock and then what the Bible says Joshua and the elders died and the people forgot and the other nations invaded and then we have a four hundred cycle of seven cycles with their judges and it goes terrible with Israel because they forget and then one person remember God's covenant just one and it's like God you promise this God is like mm-hmm and he's saying that angels and everything changed and then you have for another thirty forty years it's going well with him and then they forget and another nation come and invite them it's not godly invites them it's them that does that move away from the protection of God and some of us are forgotten God's promises to us to our children to our family to your personal what God said God wants you today remind you so that you can connect with that so that we can see a shift in our lives and our neighbors in our city what happened in after the the seven that there are all 400 years of the judges you have the three kings they didn't want to judge anymore after Samuel they got the three kings first it was King Saul and he was not a good king and then you had David who had a heart of the God and then you had us saw Solomon who had a heart of the women and bad things happen and so at the end of that the Kingdom split sorry the kingdom split and Cain tribes went to the north of Israel and two tries to the south you guys know that story as the Bible okay some of you know some of you don't so the ten tribes in the north was called Israel and the two tribes in the south Judah and Benjamin was called Judah the capital was Jerusalem the north never serve God that nineteen different kings not one of them served God the South had twenty kings and they were out of the 27 kings that served God now this story is one of them are bija so excuse me I'll be job was now the southern King and he was a godly man he believed in God the northern King Jeroboam a rube Gero Gero Obama and I say that in English he was not a good one he decided to attack the self he had 800 thousand troops and the self had only four hundred thousand troops and that's not a fair battle so what happened Abby jaw warns juruá bomb and he says do not attack us God made a promise and I'll give you that let's go they he said to him that's verse 5 don't you know that the God of Israel has given the kingship of Israel to David and his descendants forever by a Wow covenant of salt you've never seen this before and he basically tell this guy listen do not attack as God does not forget his promises yeah you have got more men than us but don't do it the guy didn't listen he actually surrounded them and it looked like they're gonna be wiped out what is a BJ do he cries out to God he says God remember your covenant to us and God hurt you know what happened that night 1/2 a million of the northern troops were slaughtered half a million and sadly they only have 300 thousand left and the South half more than him see what happened when we remember God's promise that's all this guy did now I can give you dozens of stories like this with somebody one person remember God's promise and everything changed the history guys you living in Salem a city that was founded by Christians a city that had history a rich Christian history a lot of it we forgot about it but God might promises and if we start one of you too this morning in this service so in the second service says God I will take your promise I want to pray I want to remember what you promised me everything can change there's some of you you need to stand in the gap this morning for your family things just went bad your children are not serving God they are for away from God but God did not forget it that's that same scripture don't you know so ii chronicles 13 verse 5 you want to read it up later it's another one just talking about the salt covenant Leviticus 2 verse 13 why why do we use salt why is the Bible and again the New Testament also Jesus talked about salt we are the salt of the earth but why would God use so many times in the Old Testament about a covenant of salt it's not the salt that as it's like my ring is a symbol of my covenant with Trudy it's not the ring that makes us Mary it's not the salt that's gonna do the miracle for you this morning it's Jesus are you with me but this is the symbol but why do we use this symbol anybody what do you think what a salt do it's a preservative yes and flavour yes without salt food tastes horrible you can cook the base food or if you forget to put a little bit salt it just tastes nasty that's right I know some of you don't eat salt on your food anymore I'm sorry for you it's not nice so we look at it was used for medicine you know when I didn't have medicine this is good when you need to however you have a wound you don't have medicine salt will help that it doesn't get infection to preserve food to cleanse and taste what I've learned now since I live in Norway it also helped with ice we have snow for two three months of the year like three feet high or more and you need a lot of salt but you don't slip and in your driveway and so it's good for that too there was another example in the Bible of salt the water was poisonous 2nd Kings 2 verse 20 to 21 and the Prophet said bring me a bowl of salt and I bring they brought it and then it yield the water and suddenly the water was not poisonous anymore this is what Jesus is Matthew 5 verse 13 you are the salt of the earth but if the salt loses its saltiness how can it be made salty again it's no longer good for anything except to be thrown out and trampled by men mark that's Colossians 4 verse 6 late your conversations be full of grace seasoned with salt so that you may know how to answer everyone either privilege I thought this may seats a few places around the world lost yet it was lost here God gave me the revelation of this I've never before been a Christian for many many years I've been in ministry for 31 years lost it was the first time that I saw X covenant of salt and I just again it's symbolic don't worship the salt dunt it's not gonna be something special you know in when Moses use the copper snake when the snakes bit him and they worship that it was bad God says don't worship this this is just symbolic today but we're gonna all partake in the salt if you want to we have they at the communion table the in front this side that side is for year in the front and two stations at the back where you can go and take some salt just remember God's covenant but I just want to share with you a few tasty manie's Nastya was in Germany I was in a town close to Stuttgart that's women see this Benzies and there was a couple they didn't tell me about it but six weeks later the lady wrote me a message a name is Sabrina and his name is Hannes they have tried for seven years to have children and the doctor said it is impossible you cannot have children so that morning when I did the salt thing they came and said God your word promised children is a blessing from God they walk they took the salt and I say thank you God for what you promised us that's it six weeks later she got she had pain in a bridge she went to the doctor so there's something wrong with her the doctor examined and said you're gonna have a baby you pregnant and she said it looked like two or three days after they partake they took the salt she fell pregnant she actually had the baby I just I saw it on Facebook too two or three weeks ago the baby was born a miracle against the advice of the doctors I told you about this guy that was that at severe depression his wife Maria said God you promised to break that spirit of heaviness the Bible says in the Book of Isaiah 61 instead of a spirit of heaviness I give you a garment of praise and God broke this thing he starts to minister now in the church he takes the main four men's groups so I resolved when God broke that spirit when I was in Australia last year I was in Perth and I did this at a community there was about five six hundred and a lady had a severe knee injury and she said God she said I couldn't walk the stage because the place where they lived they have to climb the stairs every day to two flights or stays up and she said I'm trusting you and she took the salt and she said she woke up and he was 100% there was no more God healed her yes it's not the salt that heal there is Jesus that healed her are you with me but I don't know what you trust in God for today I felt also one of the words I wrote down there are some of us here you've been so worried about your children you've been praying and I feel God says I've heard your praise something is gonna shift last year not a miracle I was in in Canada in British Columbia Victoria the island and there's a lady Margaret that I've known for a number of years she said my son have not been to church for more than 20 years and she went and took the salt she contact me she said Stefan my son is back in church he's actually helping the worship team now and God just did something and for the first time in 20 years he took his children I saw her grandchildren she saw happy she said I was just crying and crying because my son came back to Jesus the grandchildren are coming I don't know what you need to trust God for today but God want to do something that breaks natural laws physical laws whatever happened whatever disappointment heaviness the sky Richmond God want to touch that today so let's not leave here we have a short time together this morning but in the short time Jesus can meet with you and I've seen in seconds God break things other people's lives grief hope against hope lessness I was speaking in a church last year in South Africa and suddenly I just stopped and I felt God say there's somebody that want to take your life and God says don't there's a purpose for you that's all I said then I went on the Bostic called me after the service assistive and you know what happened after I said no he said the lady came to me open a hand bag took a gun out and she said I bought this yesterday I was about to kill my partner and then I want to kill myself and that word and boom God broke that God came in the midst of hopelessness and brought hope that's what I want to say to you today I don't know how challenging it is for you maybe in your school or your college you just feel I can't go on God says you can I will help you you know when when Trudy and I moved from Africa so God called us we were missionaries in in Africa for nearly 30 years and God started speaking to us about going to Europe and I was like no freakin way please God don't send me to Europe these guys are quite stubborn it's difficult the Germans and the Dutch he said and God said to me but I need to year about the Holy Spirit and then my family said how are you gonna survive sniffing it's very expensive are you stupid why do you want to do they you know it literally way we live in Norway it cost me 80 percent more than what it cost in South Africa literally 80 percent more but you know what times when Trina I'm not sure how we gonna pay our rent a month are we gonna buy our food we go and say God you promised and God comes through we have not gone hungry once every time we were able to pay sometimes it was very like it was like you know tomorrow is the day I have to pay my landlord and I'm like God what are you gonna do and suddenly someone just come and say Stefan I just felt God when I give you something and there was then exactly enough that I could take it to the landlord my landlord doesn't like me to pay cash so it was a few times I I said I I can't do it a different way I don't have money in my bank to transfer it to you is like okay it's like another you know is it's over hey father thank you I'm gonna ask the worship team to come up so just again the the specific words I wrote down but please don't limit it to that I felt some money with Annie that causes you pain another word I didn't say that I actually had on Thursday night but I feel it's again for today for somebody yeah there's somebody that's struggling with us with a stiff neck that is quite painful I don't know if you an accident or something happen but your your neck is quite stiff and God want you heal that and then I felt someone struggling to fall pregnant it's only for the married ones please don't we're not gonna do this one if you're not married not yet get a partner and in a husband wife they can we do it someone who has been called that when I said earlier God has called you for full-time ministry and God is saying today he's reminding you of what he told you actually a few times and then there was somebody worrying about your child you've been praying for your child God says I did not forget and in the last one I wrote and again I'm risking with God I was sitting here I actually wrote it just Jesus before I came up I wrote cancer but I I felt I didn't write that's done but I felt the word I use is mommy and Papa cancer father you know in the reproductive cancers I feel these people yeah that you have a cancer that I have to do with your reproductive system and God want to heal that today if that's you as we take so let me just show you how we gonna do it so the one I have solved in and the other one is empty so you're gonna come these different stations all over the auditorium just come and take a little bit salt and remember what God promised you what are you trusting God for for healing for restoration in your marriage for your child to get saved for I don't know what it is whatever it is Jesus paid for that are you with me we just need to remember because this was actually this covenant God made was David the next covenant this is the last covenants I told you they severed this was the six covenant in the Bible number seven was the covenant Jesus did with his blood and you can also so once we've had the salt if you want to take communion you will see the communion table sorry but let's first finish the salt and then you can go back and take communion because that's the reason we even do this symbol of salt Jesus body was broken Jesus blood was spilled so that me and you can have life can have restoration can have forgiveness can have whatever Jesus paid for that [Music] thank you Jesus so the table is open you can just come and help yourself at any one of the spots and you can even come back a second time so maybe you want to go for yourself and then you want to go with a family member with your husband or wife with a friend in the church say I am praying with you for restoration of this you know there's a friend here with you that need a miracle go for the second time but first I want you to meet with Jesus thank you God we just say Jesus thank you that you have paid the price the ultimate price so that that covenant you made with us when we became your children we actually inherit the promises that you made already with Abraham with Moses and then of course also with David so I pray today this morning in this service and in the second service miracles will take place God restoration will come those are struggling with depression and heaviness it will be broken those who have physical pain in their bodies it will be healed those who have the cancer in the reproductive systems they need healing today God that you will come and as you curse that fig tree when it was not bearing fruit I want to curse the cancer in their reproductive systems and I want to say cancer you will shrivel up in the name of Jesus and you will not continue to grow at this moment I speak Dave but it was a lot as they just remember your promise as they partake of the salt something will happen just I want to welcome you there in the back is two stations here and the four in the front is four just come and and the worship team will continue and we will just allow Jesus to come and do the miracles thank you God your presence you [Music]
Channel: COTH
Views: 7,540
Rating: 4.9178081 out of 5
Keywords: church on the hill, coth, community, jesus, christ, bible, sermon, bruce stefanik, jason treadwell, gospel
Id: labCr4azHio
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 16sec (2236 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 24 2020
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