Country vs City Life Q&A + Our Favourite Town & Country Books

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hello everyone i'm miranda and welcome to my youtube channel today we're doing a mother and daughter special episode about city life versus country life last june both my mum and i moved to yorkshire from london and i know a lot of people have been really interested in how we're finding country life versus city life so i asked some of my followers on instagram to send in questions about the difference between town and country life and we thought we'd answer some of those questions in the video today and if we have time to at the end of this video we'll share some of our favorite city books and some of our favorite country books it sounds great to me i think so too so i've made a note of some of the questions a lot of them were very similar so some i've kind of put together to make a question a lot of people just asked why did you decide to move to the country i've actually already written a blog post about that so i'll link that blog post in the description box down below for those of you who are interested in the real decision about why we moved but a really quick recap is also just that the timing was right it was something we'd thought about before and then my mum was made redundant and of course the pandemic happened i think if the coronavirus hadn't happened we might not have moved yes but i think probably not no but it was just happenstance and it was it did lots of things coming together and it was really that that spurred us on to make the move yeah i'm so glad yes it is it's a very happy move for us yes it is it's a really happy move um okay so the next question is was it hard to decide where to move to why did you choose yorkshire and did you visit the place a lot beforehand so yes we didn't immediately know that it would be yorkshire we did have a few key areas in mind one of which was yorkshire but we also thought about cornwall yes and we also thought about dorset so essentially these three places mean something to us you're a dorset girl i am and you'd lived in dorset for years whilst i was in london exactly so you're quite attached to dorset i love dorset too we've both holidayed in cornwall and found it beautiful yes absolutely loved cornwall but we decided cornwall was just that bit too far yeah the five and a half hour train journey from london yes made it because although we wanted to be in the country we also wanted to be able to go back to london we loved london you know we did want some flexibility yes we did so then we really narrowed it down between dorset and yorkshire we had holidayed a couple of times in yorkshire in the past this was before i started vlogging and we'd absolutely had fallen in love with yorkshire then we had i used to joke this is where i wanted to retire yeah yes i could always see myself living in the area someday too we'd holidayed in the part of yorkshire that we actually live in now in north yorkshire so we'd really fallen in love with this area and when it came to choosing between dorset and yorkshire it was really down to the property that we could rent that was available at that time because we were looking whilst lockdown was really amazing so little there was so little available it was really hard to find anything and it just so happened also that the realtors were a lot more on the ball this property and this is also just what worked out i think you might have gathered the impression which is true that both me and my mom can be risk takers we take the plunge we do we like we embrace change we're very adaptable people and i think you know we've always seen life as a bit of an adventure we've both moved a lot in our years i think too we've been convinced that wherever we ended up one thing we were renting so if it was really a miserable thing we could actually it wasn't like it was set instead no and the other the other was that we enjoy challenges we enjoy wherever we've been yeah and we just thought we're gonna love this and in fact we have but it's absolutely beautiful and wonderful too yes we were always very lucky but everything just kind of came together and it ended up working out yeah so i do believe in that if something is meant to be it happens so um but to answer i said did you visit the place a lot beforehand we couldn't visit at all no because it was in lockdown so we pretty much had to say yes to the place without all even knowing that yeah yeah so that was a real leap of faith too sometimes you just have to do it i think members of the family thought we were probably slightly mad i think everyone probably yes we were slightly bad but i think that we knew that it made sense for us yeah and we were all into a good thing for us yeah sometimes you just have to go with that instinct what's the best thing about you moving are you both enjoying the country lifestyle more than the city so yes i think yeah yeah i mean you absolutely were going to i think i think so i'm sure i was a bit worried about how you were more worried about me adapting from london to the countryside and i think to be honest i thought i would miss london more than i did and i kept expecting well i kept thinking or was it going to hit me now suddenly though i really miss london but no i absolutely love the countryside life i'd lived in london for 15 years it was a long time i've definitely done london properly and it's also we haven't moved countries it's not like i can never go back to london and that makes a big difference if i felt that london was entirely shut off from me that would be more of a problem i think this is why we want to choose somewhere that you had access through trains and stuff yeah easily yeah yes yes exactly yeah um what was the first part to that question the best thing about the move best thing about the movement is where we live and the space around us yeah and having much more space than our tiny cramped london floor exactly exactly that's exactly what i'm saying yes yes it's space outside outside and inside it's having that increased space room to breathe the beautiful countryside around us i think too because we've gone through the whole pandemic thing where we didn't have a garden or even a mountain or even a balcony it felt so claustrophobic in the city at that point that was really tough yes yeah yeah it was scary actually too i found yes i know taking public transport was yeah yeah no it wasn't and i think just having this space around us and we both love the countryside getting to enjoy the beauty of it being able to open our front door and breathe in that country air that doesn't get old they're all cliches but it's so true isn't it yeah it is it is yeah it is okay so next question do you miss london and the life of this city dweller is there anything you miss from the city aside from museums and cultural exhibitions so i would say that i miss my life because i think i'm a really adaptable person i think we both have learned to make the most of wherever we're living it's not like my living circumstances in london have always been so ideal you know i i had to live with people i didn't always want to live with sometimes i've had flat share arrangements in tiny cramped spaces i've lived in parts of london i really loved i've lived in parts of london i didn't love at all so it's not like my london life was this completely idyllic bubble you know which i think you know people misunderstand that sometimes yes yes and i've lived in london for a very long time i mean yes i love london i think it's an amazing city and it still is one of my absolute favorite cities and one of the very few cities i actually could live in because there is a lot of green in london there is and i miss the bookshops i definitely do miss the book we do miss the cultural things i miss the shops but that could be because of lock down here we haven't had the chance to go to a lot of the bigger places and that's the thing to be fair about where we're living and i think that it's easy and i'm guilty of this from when i lived in london is you think london is the be all and end all and that's basically all that exists whereas in fact we have access to leeds york yeah harrogate newcastle durham farm manchester yes great cities all around us some of which i've never been to before and i'm really excited to explore them and i adore york york is an amazing city i've never been to leeds and i really want to go i mean there's so much else to explore and a lot of culture culture and cosmopolitan multicultural places outside of london too that i'm looking forward to i'm really looking forward to visiting some of the country houses well those yes getting to enjoy that part of really being in the countryside yeah using our national trust cards exactly we're both excited about that as well so there's a lot that we are really keen to explore in the countryside and also visiting other cities that aren't too far from us so i'm excited about of course we we miss pockets of london that we're especially fond of you know and we're sort of imprinted on us now there are pockets of places we miss and there are people we miss yes obviously that goes without saying we have room for people to visit here yes which we didn't in london no and actually that's quite important to us yes they should be able to feel we can have friends now and things like that so it's not like we're suddenly cut off from everything in london i mean we are right now but we're looking forward to i suspect one thing that we might miss is perhaps the ease of getting to the airports that's something that isn't true of where we are now but let's face it that could be a long time before we're thinking about travelling yes and to a certain extent obviously i miss like all of the amazing restaurants and things like that but i'm also the sort of person anyway who i really love to cook at home i'm quite domestic we both are i although i love having all that access to great food in london i didn't want to go out every single day i mean i couldn't afford too much absolute fortune yeah to eat out in that way there and to me having a special meal out is for a special occasion yes it's not an everyday or even weekly occurrence so i like the fact that there is a slower pace here yes and if we do want an amazing meal out well you know there's a great food scene in york and even in some parts of the countryside i'm sure and we'll learn and explore yeah that's nice we're always good at finding good places so i'm looking forward to that too what has surprised you most about living in the country [Music] so it's the cliches being true yeah that surprised me most yes you think of it as such a cliche you think that people are friendlier in the country yeah that there's a slower pace of life the fresh air the fresh air yes and the open space you know you just see oh it's all these cliches but in fact we found them to be quite true yes and that has surprised me yeah i do have a certain amount of adjustment to make in terms of in london the pace of life it's much quicker even for things like queueing for a bus you know in london you sort of get up and like race towards it in the countryside you literally stand yeah and in london i you know always have my handbag glued to my side expecting pick pockets anywhere and i really don't have to worry about them as we amble along country lanes so sometimes i still feel like quite a londoner in the countryside but that i think the things that we're really enjoying and what anyone would enjoy yeah you know yeah has pictures of the english countryside from literature it's true it's it's like that yes yeah we're lucky here yeah we're really lucky obviously it wouldn't suit everyone and i have my own priorities in life right now and that i want to devote a lot of time to my creative career and the writing i hope to do and all of the things i hope to do within my creative work if i was someone whose priority was really in finding a husband or you know a partner having a family that kind of thing i probably wouldn't have moved out of london because i think it would be a lot harder to meet people like that in the countryside yeah but it's just not my priority it's not what i have time for or want in my life right now i really know what my priorities are at the moment and what i want to do suits this lifestyle and where i'm living right now so not saying this would be a choice that would suit everybody at all this is very much our personal ill yes for me i mean it i feel especially my age if i can say so that you know the stress of work in london is actually quite um yes that cliche is true as well yeah and even like sort of managing the tube and stuff as you get older and being squished into corners in this heat of the summer and stuff it's not so pleasant and i think you know that is something yeah that here you just are happy not to have to deal with that sort of stress yes okay so next question um does living in either places change your level of productivity inspiration well that's an interesting question it's definitely broadened the type of content i can create so some people have messaged me and saying oh you seem so much more inspired living in the countryside and i'm enjoying the content you're creating which is lovely to hear i had these ideas years ago this is content i've always wanted to create and in london i just couldn't really do it because we didn't have the space um it was really tough it was working a lot too yeah we're still in london outside of the home now i work from home so again that's why a country move makes more sense for me yeah so it's definitely broadened the type of content i feel i can create like a lot more cooking and things like that which i really enjoy and a bit more interiors and just general lifestyle and i think in terms of productivity well it's definitely a bit of a change of pace and routine and i think i've been feeling much happier in the countryside yes yeah and obviously that always makes a difference to your productivity when you're feeling better um not that i was really unhappy in london but it was stressful yes and i think part of the move was also involved in me really reflecting on my personal priorities that's so what i wanted to do and for me i mean i never thought that i would be involved with anything on my youtube channel you know when you were working full-time in london you wouldn't have been able to really do this no i certainly wouldn't have and i i barely had time to sort of you did a lot of the cooking if i was doing extra it was definitely being crammed in around the edges of the day type of thing yeah wasn't it yeah i have time to be inspired in the kitchen which i love yes yeah so i think we are probably more productive but yeah it's just different interesting too it is yeah and next question is has the move changed your daily routine and pace of life well we've addressed this a little bit already um yes and i think it has changed it i'm still very very busy i mean i think you're busier yes yeah i think that's really interesting she's very busy she doesn't often get a day off in the week i mean not including the weekends as well i have to say to her i think you should have a morning just quiet yeah yes but yes i mean i do find our life here very inspiring i'm enjoying doing everything that i do and i think in some ways it does really help to be able to step outside and just be in the countryside straight away i feel it's easier to kind of take a deep breath and get away yes from any everyday stress or something sometimes and i'm so grateful for that yes because that wasn't something i easily got in london i stepped outside the door and it was just an extremely busy dirty street yes and here it's beautiful i mean you step out and it's really beautiful and i mean that's a joy it is a day yes it is a real joy to us every day next question would you get a dog now you have more space so loads of people ask me if i'm going to get a pet or if i have one i don't have one of you really neglected for things i've ever seen um i love animals i would love a pet but our rental agreement doesn't allow for pets because there are quite a few period features in the property that we're renting so we couldn't have a pet and at this stage in my life it's not something i would want to commit to either because when we get back to normality we'll hopefully be traveling about power yeah i mean we we you'd really love animals aren't yeah i am you're not i'm not a huge person no i'm not not in terms of you know having the responsibility of it so i grew up with a dog though because i lived and begged for a dog and yeah and i loved that yes we had a yellow labrador yeah and i adored her and i'd love the dog one day but not any time soon no yeah and then the next question is is life more affordable in the country yes it definitely is compared to london it really is just in terms of even the price of food in the supermarket yeah yeah yeah yeah so it definitely is more affordable and that's also one of the reasons why we wanted to move yeah too yeah is you can get more for your money i think generally certainly in terms of um renting for instance well and and it's things like you can have um tea and scones out when you know it's possible yeah and the price is so much less than london yes yes yes so yes i would definitely say that life is more affordable in the countryside what has been your biggest culture shock in moving to yorkshire um i don't know i mean for one thing we've moved in really exceptional circumstances we haven't been able to travel around very much at all you know we we've been very very careful mainly because of your health history yeah we've really taken it very seriously so we just haven't been able to travel around as much and actually experience as much of yorkshire as we're looking forward to yeah the weather for me has been a little bit of a shock how cold it is yeah i think we're coping better in the winter because you expect it to be cold in the winter ready for the winter yes so we were sort of prepared for that yeah what really shocked us was how crazy it was summer watches live i want my winter tights all summer long that was a shock it really was and you know i thought oh i'm used to the country because of all the years endorse it but in fact you realize it's a bit more balmy down south yes it is and i think as well just the slower pace of life the fact that if you're expecting a workman or something like that they'll say they'll come at a certain time and then it hours later they may turn up and being a londoner we've come that hard to adjust too yeah yeah best things to happen when they're meant to happen in london and we've had to learn to adjust to that we have it's just like oh well i'm going to be here waiting for this person yeah i think that we've come to accept that you know if somebody's coming it might take all day so you've just got to be around and wait for them so that that's just a change yes yes exactly um and then next question last question is how to make new friends as an adult when you move to the countryside well like i said we have moved in exceptional circumstances we moved during a lockdown and yeah we just haven't had much flexibility in terms of being able to meet people from stop no so we haven't been able to do the normal things that we would do like join a book club for instance a local book club or your local church we would like to go to our local church we haven't been able to yet and we won't do that until we really feel it's safe yes we've been really lucky because we have some lovely neighbours and one in particular we really really get on with we have a lot of similar interests and we took advantage in the months that we could meet outside yeah to really get to know her yes and we've been very mixed together and that's been really so lucky yeah and we're really grateful for that and we can't wait to have her over no i know again i mean it's been we can't even meet um in a garden or anything right now so that is tough at the moment but we're just looking forward to the future and we're staying positive definitely we're lucky we're each other's best friends you know yeah we're really lucky with that yeah as well as mother and daughter we're best friends we get on yeah really well so that's and it's wonderful it's not easy in london is it when you move to london yeah i know it's not actually easier because people move away so that you have one group of friends like you did from the university they moved on yeah or people just get people in london are so so busy yeah they really are because you work so hard if you have family and stuff you've got so many commitments in london it's also the norm in london that you don't live in an area that necessarily your friends live in so it can take at least an hour traveling across london to see a friend it's not like you're all in the same space and london's a really big city and that's sometimes i feel like there's some people i just wouldn't see because they were in south east london north west yes and it would just take forever it may as well have been in yorkshire i know what you mean it sounds silly but it's so true it is true and it takes a lot of organization to just meet up sometimes in london because everyone's leading frantic kind of lives or at least this is my experience yeah of it and of the type of people i knew in london so although it's a cliche i find it's true in the countryside people just have more time they are friendlier they'll do things spontaneously which coming from london that's a surprise because you just don't have such spontaneous meetups generally in london they're normally planned because if you ever meet out you've got to book the restaurant you know you've got to really plan things in london and you've got to plan in the time to be able to travel to somewhere and yes it's just very different yes it is very different yeah yeah but um obviously i love london there are pluses to living in a city there are lots of pluses as well to living in the countryside and it's all about your faves in life it is really i went to london as a university student and i adored it and i would you know recommend that i would recommend that to anybody definitely have your time in london it's an amazing city i'm so glad i went to university there i've had so many opportunities from having lived in london but i'm now in a different phase of my life yes and i'm really loving the countryside and we both are yes we're very very happy so that was the most very great thing yes but we thought we'd share just a few of our favorites yes city versus country yeah books now as well so do you want to start with your city party absolutely well i tried to choose um books that to me really gave me a sense of place in city and for me i think i've chosen london for all of mine um and also that made me sort of feel familiar there were places that i knew from living in london so the first two i've got are a taste for death by p d james and the murder room by p d james the murder room is starts in um hamster which of course i know well because miranda lived um in hampstead as a student and also we lived in west hampstead when we were living there before we moved yeah and a chase for deaf i think is paddington yes it is it starts with paddington i think she's brilliant on london she gets she gets it right she is really good actually yes you're right and i remember one of her books is partly set in the sort of ends of court areas yeah there's something there and it's so true yes yeah yeah yeah i think you could almost use her books for chores yeah you know so that was one of the ones i really enjoyed and then i also want to recommend um judith carr's book um bombs on aunt dimity which is part of the trilogy it starts with um when hitler stole the pink round they're still pink yeah and then i think it's a small person far away comes after this one yes but i love this one and at the beginning oh and it said a lot in kind of hamster golden green sort of a lot of a lot of that north london yes and i love i love it because she talks about um how she didn't have enough money and she was separated from her family where she was living and she was young and she didn't have enough money the four pence and this is during the blitz during the minutes yeah yeah and she wants to see her family and like she has to walk all through london and she says um uh she walked all the way from holland park to bloomsbury rather than borrow for prince and um but there's it's a wonderful walk she does and you can follow it now which i think is very exciting yeah yeah like to do yeah sometimes a lot of very good interesting things about london in the bombs yeah that one and then of course a huge family of mine the london family books which are a london child of the 1870s a london girl of the 1880s a london home of the 1890s and there's a london family between the wars as well which isn't here but you've got it i love these books by envy hughes she's very good on historical london of course fascinating detail yeah such good london yes i agree and then london fog is one that i really love because it talks all about literary london where they use fog as a device and what historically was going on when when it was foggy why it was foggy and i find this so fascinating but recommend it to anyone yes it is yeah you've read it i've been to haven't you yes and it was so unhealthy yeah you realize why it was called the big smoke yes yes it's by christine l corton but i i really enjoyed that yeah and my final one is um very specific to hamsterd it's called the view from devonshire hill dancer hill thank you darling downshit yeah a memoir and it's by elizabeth jenkins so you might know because she's written harriet which is persephone book yes and she wrote um their torches and their hair is that right the tortoise the tortoise and the hair yeah yeah yeah yeah i really like her books but this is her all the years she lived in a house on russia hill which we yeah i mean you can't see inside it no house is still standing and we used to walk down down sher hill all the time yes yes yeah yeah that one is a very special one yeah okay so talking of smokey foggy london yeah there are two city writers specifically about london that i just always associate with london and one is the sherlock holmes stories which i'm sure reading these as a teenager is partly why i was desperate to get to london and live there and i absolutely love sherlock holmes and all of his carriage rides through london the fact that sherlock holmes knows every street in london can be blindfolded it will still know where the carriage is going essentially i've always loved that um so classic london stories and then charles dickens to me is such a london writer such a good city writer yes yes and bleak house with its opening lines i always sort of would think of london michaelmas town lately over and lord chancellor sitting in lincolns in hall implacable november weather as much mud in the streets as if the waters had but newly retired from the face of the earth and yes so dickens for me is such a london writer of a twist all around yes i know the twist as well yeah such a brilliant one and then i thought of this book all the time when we went to chiswick a lot and hammersmith and walked by the thames and saw a lot of canal boats this is one of our favorite parts in london and i had a little office there at one point and i would always think of offshore by penelope fitzgerald which gives a very different take on london living in that it describes a single mother and her daughters who live on a canal boat in london in the chelsea area i think so yeah yeah and it's just such a good book it's one that really stands with you amazing yeah and a different side to london than you would maybe normally think about but still such a part of london the river and the canals in london are of course so important yeah so i love that book and then i realized i've chosen all london ones too yes it's not not really surprising mrs dalloway of course virginia yeah and i always would think of this book when we go to hat charms yeah think of her looking in the window at hat charts and again you could do the walk yes exactly and persevere books do do the walk they always choose the what is it a wednesday in the middle of june and they do the mrs down away yeah so yeah and then mrs powell free at the claremont by elizabeth taylor this is another favorite book of mine set in london about a woman who's really come to the end of her life and she's moved to london to live in a hotel and she meets a much younger man and they form a somewhat strange or unlikely friendship but a friendship does spring up between them and i always remember seeing that this young man goes and sits in the sort of waiting area at harrods because they have such comfy seats and he's right from there where he can be warm and comfortable and somehow that's just such a london passage yeah to me and i've always enjoyed that in this book and i worked in harrods myself it was one of my first jobs in london while i was an undergraduate student so that was always amusing to me and then i always think of zadie smith being such an amazing london writer of course white teeth is one of her most famous books about london i also love her essays and in this collection phil free um she writes a lot about london particularly north london of course and this came out i think not long after we've moved to west ham and we were also close to bronzebury park and wilson green and kilburn and you know all that part of north london that she writes so much about um in her work generally also in some of the essays in here and living there and actually going to bronzebury park for the first time and seeing the area just brought her writing that much more home to me and made it that's right yeah and she's just another such a great classic london writer so really recommend those how about country now right wow and by the way when we were pulling out our books we realized i think we read much more book set in the countryside yeah we're in the city yes we do yeah we do which is really funny to realize yes yes i mean i love nature writing but just in generally the type of fiction even though i read tends to have much more of a country or like small town or village setting yeah very much in the city yeah we obviously uh sort of gravitate yeah anyway country souls at heart i think so so i chose um village hours by ronald life who i've talked about i know a lot before and recommended i love his essays about his life in the country i love the things that he talks about and um i think he just does it so well he's such a good one he's such a good writer and he's so evocative of a place and country living yeah he's just a rural historian too yeah you get so much from him yes and then i had to shout out for um dorset these two books are i'll hold it and she was a dorset artist and she did these gorgeous um gorgeous gorgeous books about parts of dorset that i know inside out yes and they are a delight do you want to just show them if you hold one yet i can open up one yeah she's a most beautiful illustrator yeah artist and she hand printed all of these i've got about her biography it's very interesting um you know i just wanna endorse it yeah very dorset looking the thatched cottages yeah so when i when i when i miss when i miss dorset i can look at these books yeah and the beauty take me back there i love these and then as we've said moving here for me there's been a lot more cooking going on yes and i found this book again i i had an old edition but i found this new a new um reprint yes absolutely love it it's called the country kitchen bike do you think you say jocasta yeah in this so um i love this cookbook i mean it's all things that you would make and it's very much country cooking absolutely you were quite inspired by this when you're making the quince but i was i think i like that yeah yeah she's very good on that yeah very seasonal yeah and then i've got two more and one is by an american and it's susan branch's book of fine romance which she says is falling in love with the english countryside and i she's an american who comes here she comes here for an extended holiday but she travels to all the places in england that are the most perfect yes she does she does a very good tour doesn't she does so yeah highly recommend it again yeah beautifully illustrated yeah and photographs yes let me read and my last one to whip right along is i can't not mention miss read any of her books it would be village appropriate yes but um this one i think is lovely the world of thrush green it gives you an overview and yeah just enjoy reading it yeah enjoy looking at the beautiful illustrations yes that is yeah one those were my wonderful choices well i had to choose thomas hardy because i think shout out to dawson yeah and he's such an incredible writer of rural england and tessa the derbyvilles is one of my favorites of his and i reread it last summer when we moved here and reading his descriptions of the countryside as i was getting used to countryside listen living was really special yeah and absolutely adored rereading that one and then jane austen to me is such a country writer i mean she does city very well too but she is a country girl at heart she really yes she is she did not like bath and she loved her country walks yeah and that really comes through in her books as well that she loved the countryside and the freedom i think that countryside offered women to a certain extent in those days too yeah and yes so jane austen for me one of my favorite country loving writers yeah then this is such a gem of a book a month in the country by j.l carr it's a wonderful book it's set in an august in the countryside and it's about a man who's returned from world war one and he's recovering from the awful trauma of those war experiences and he's restoring some of the murals in an old church but as he does this work it's also the countryside the landscape around him that brings him back to his sense of self and heals him so it's a beautiful book about the restorative power of the countryside then h.e fates who i've mentioned quite a lot before but his book the darling buds of made that whole series is a delight but it's all about farm life in the 1950s i think on a farm in kent and it's just all about the joy of country living of making the most of life in general yeah all the all the good things really go into his books and i absolutely adore that one then the secret garden very special to us now living in yorkshire and i think this was one of the childhood books that first inspired my love of the countryside and a visiting beautiful garden so that's a wonderful one of course and then i wanted to mention two susan hill books that i absolutely love one is through the garden gate and one is through the kitchen window and they're both illustrated by angela barrett the illustrations are stunning and they're just wonderful insights into country living um really looking at both food and then gardening but there's some of susan hill's own words as well as some quotes and extracts from her favorite writers and they're just really beautifully done i absolutely adore them and they hold a lot of the charm of country living they do in them i was just thinking i should have also chosen all creatures great and small oh yes yeah we should well it was hard narrowing our choices as it was we could go on and on but okay thank you so much for watching thank you to everyone who sent in a question and i hope you've enjoyed our thoughts on country living versus town living and some of the books that we love that celebrate the best of both yes but yes thank you so much for watching do give this video a thumbs up if you enjoyed it and you can subscribe to my channel by clicking on my face that pops up on the screen but we'll be back on friday for our tea reads so hopefully see you then goodbye bye bye
Channel: Miranda Mills
Views: 8,395
Rating: 4.9937501 out of 5
Keywords: Country Life, English Country Living, Yorkshire, British Countryside, Books, Booktube, Bookstagram, Country Reads, City Reads
Id: omJ_qkmOlUA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 37sec (2797 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 10 2021
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