New Handbag Unboxing + Hygge Books & Buns

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hello everyone i hope you're having a lovely week so far i'm actually filming this on monday i was so busy over the weekend i didn't get a chance to pick up my vlogging camera so this week i'll just be sharing a bit of what i get up to during the week with you all and to start off i wanted to just also say thank you so much for all of your lovely comments on my last vlog it was so nice of you to share all of your experiences with injury and exercise um on the comments on that video and it was really lovely of you all to be so supportive i really appreciated it and it was also really interesting for me to read about some of the things that you wanted me to film and today i'm really pleased that i'm going to be able to answer gina's question because she asked me what are some of the things i keep in my handbag and i can't wait to share that with you and this is perfect timing too because i've got a really exciting unboxing to share with you my first youtube unboxing which i didn't even realize was a thing but apparently it is and i'm really excited to share this with you we've got big box here that i've been resisting getting into and i can't wait to do it with you because the new york brand teddy blake got in touch with me a little while ago and they asked if i would like one of their handbags in exchange for an honest review on youtube and i really actually liked the ethos of the brand i had a look at their website and what their sort of slogan is is fashion at a fraction and i really liked that i myself believe in always buying the best quality that i can afford and teddy blake new york is all about democratizing the fashion industry and especially the luxury leather handbag industry and they offer the same in terms of quality of leather and style and craftsmanship that you get from real luxury handbag designers but they offer it at a fraction of the price so this sounded really interesting to me and i actually really need a new handbag as you'll be able to see when i do my swap over because i'm sharing with you what's in my old handbag and what i've been using for years and i'll swap into my new handbag and i've gone for a different color but really classic color i went for a camel brown handbag and i'm really excited to get into it because always a bit nervous when i order online will it look the same when it gets here the quality looked really good and teddy blake is meant to be all about great craftsmanship really good quality in terms of the leather which is all made in italy it's all italian leather as well as the sort of classic style of their bags they're meant to be really timeless and yes the stitching is all meant to be good quality so let's have a look and see and hopefully this will be lovely and hopefully i'll be really happy with the color that i've chosen oh it's a really big box move over a bit says teddy blake new york designer handbags made in italy luxury leather each teddy blake handbag has been made with you in mind to be an extension of your unique style and flatter your every fashion choice well if you've been following me for a while you'll know that i don't do a lot of sort of fashion brand collaborations because i do have a very sort of particular style i have a really quite a classic style i think and i look for very classic shapes and colors in what i like especially with that accessories but i thought that teddy blake really looks like my style so i'm going to unwrap this let's see i'm so excited it's been so long since i actually bought a new handbag or anything fashion i think with all the lockdowns i just haven't been buying that kind of thing so this is actually really exciting for me let's see i really like things that come in their own little protective bag cloth bag i think that's really nice because that will help me protect the bag so let's see wow look at that oh i'm so pleased this is exactly the color that i wanted and it looks just like it did online i'm so happy with that i really wanted a true camel brown and this bag i think it's called the ava croco 14 inch bag so it's this crocodile style finish to the leather which i really liked and it was in this style that they had this really rich camel brown let me show you i love the shine to it that's so nice but i wanted this real richness to the color and this one online looks like it had it and it does i am so happy with that because i haven't ever i don't think or not for years had a camel brown bag and i've been wanting one for ages because i think especially going into spring and summer it's such a classic color i normally choose black in the winter but i really wanted another sort of neutral choice and i thought this looked lovely it feels so nice too i mean who doesn't love italian leather i definitely do and this leather looks really really nice it feels great it also feels like it should be quite well wearing i think they make the leather to be as enduring as possible and this is partly why i also went with the croco finish as well was because i thought it just looked quite sturdy it feels really really nice i love the designs to their bags you can see this one is really classic looking i thought again with the croco style it was a little bit vintage inspired as well which i really liked but generally i just love really timeless shapes and colors to the bags that i choose and i loved the shape on this one let's open it up so i think these flaps these just go up and oh there's a popper that's nice as i didn't know there was a popper that's good let me get the paper out i'm so pleased i went for quite a big size actually because i do carry a lot in my bags and there's a longer strap as well that's really nice oh it's got a really nice finish i don't know if you can see that but it's got like a lovely suede suede finish on the inside which is so nice i do like that smell of the leather and there's a zip pocket which is really handy i always like to have a zip pocket on the inside as well and then there's there's another pocket too just below the zip that's just an open one but that's really nice i think from living in london i like bags are really secure so i would never have just an open top bag for instance that's just an absolute no-no if you're a londoner so i like bags that have zip pockets on the inside that definitely close properly on the outside just close it up again because that way you just feel nice and secure which is good and that's really i like that detail actually the metal work on the bag is really nice i went for gold too because i love gold i mean if you notice i only ever wear gold jewelry and i really like gold detailing and i just think it looks so classic somehow and really elegant but this has such a luxurious feel to it i have to say i think that this looks so stylish it looks like a proper designer handbag certainly in terms of the quality and the level of detail on this i like all of the sort of metal work on the bag that's nice that that will elevate it oh there's a zip at the back as well which is good handy for keeping things like an oyster card or something like that in it when i go to london and this is just i think this is going to be such a great bag i also like that their um branding isn't too obvious it's quite discreet on the back they've got teddy blake new york at the bottom and then just on the back here but on the front that's really just in very like discreet small lettering which i like because i like branding to be discreet i think that just looks so luxurious i really like it and i do love the ideology behind it that even sort of high-end luxurious accessories don't have to cost an absolute fortune that's so important and i mean i always do believe in buying the best in terms of what i can afford but the thing that matters to me the most is always the quality so to feel that you are getting genuine italian leather and that kind of expertise in the craftsmanship is really important to me but teddy blake have kindly offered my followers um a discount and i will also link to what i get in the description box down below i'll link to this bag but you can also check out the website because there are so many styles and they add new styles all the time as well i loved this really classic look but i was also really tempted to some slightly less traditional ones like there's a beautiful pink bag and things like that on there i went for really classic but if you want something a bit different then they've got loads of choice so i would definitely recommend checking out the website but i'm so happy with this it's really me it's really my style and it just feels oh i can't wait i can't wait when we can finally go places i can't wait to bring this with me but let me show you what i'm going to put into it what i always keep in my handbag or just grab my old one and i'll do the swap over currently you can enjoy up to 60 off teddy blake handbags use the code tb miranda 20 for an extra 20 off see the description box under this video for links to shop and for the discount code okay so let me show you my old handbag which you can see is like looking quite scuffed up and a bit worn i have had it for years oh my goodness it's so heavy too i do like a big bag like i said because i tend to i have to carry so much with me whenever i'm going somewhere because i have to carry two cameras and my phone and well a lot so let's see how it does the swap over to my shiny new bag so what do i have in here yes okay so my camera this is a big one i use the olympus pen f camera which i absolutely love and this is what i do most of my photography with so when i'm going somewhere and you know for bringing this with me i'm really picturing myself going into london again something like that taking the train down to london i want to be able to have a lot with me so i will definitely need my olympus camera so let's get that in here i chose the bigger style i chose the 14 inch in the avocado style because i wanted it to hopefully fit everything that i need it to fit so testing this together camera and we go great then what else do i have oh yeah this bag didn't have a zip um pocket actually i'm really glad that this one does but it just had a little open pocket and in it what do i have i've got pen fountain pen of course because i love to use a fountain pen and this is my gold karen dash pen that i adore i've got my loyalty card to the little rippon bookshop which is a local bookshop i like to support but i used up my last one and it was right before lockdown so i haven't been able to get any more um on this one yet and then i've got a few lipsticks this is actually a perfume this is coco madame wazelle i think yeah it is which is one of my favorite chanel ones and this is like a little travel one which is really handy so i love that i'm gonna put this in the little zip a bit yeah two favorite lipstick brands of mine chanel i love chanel makeup my great uncle used to work for chanel so i've always been a big chanel fan and i was lucky when i was young he would get me so much chanel stuff because he got a lot um really discounted and for free as a staff member so i've always been a fan of chanel and then i also love bare minerals their makeup is so nice and i've got a little lipstick just a sort of neutral one if i need to touch up or look a bit more glamorous then i've got some lipsticks on me so i'm gonna pop those things in my little pocket actually it's quite a big pocket it's quite deep which is really nice i've got a bookmark of course oh i have my don't books cloth bag because i always keep a cost bag in my bag so that if i go grocery shopping or any kind of shopping really i don't need to buy a bag or take a bag i have a little one with me always and pop that in there little scarf which i always tend to throw a scarf in in case i feel a bit cold and i've forgotten a scarf which i often do so i've got a little scarf to go in there and my iphone so i'm going to put that in the pocket i'm going to put it in the open pocket one just in there i've got a hanky because i do like to feel elegant and i have little hankies i do also have tissues if i actually like have a streaming nose or something don't want to use this but if it's just for something sort of delicate then i like to pull out a hanky it always makes you feel very elegant or to be able to offer someone a hanky that always makes you feel elegant i think i'll put that in the open pocket too little hair brush always a necessity because my hair can just go wild so in here i have all of my essentials of this time so i have a fabric mask i have a disposable sort of well more disposable mask i keep two masks in on me in case i forget one and i've got some plastic gloves um that are disposable as well if i need them for any reason i'm out and about so that's my little important kit that i keep on me wallet two little wallets actually this this has like um discounts sort of cards and things like that generally in it and then this is what i keep all of my money and important bits and bobs in so i'll pop those in dark glasses because i am forever hopeful and when i want to feel like i going to do my best to look like audrey hepburn those come out when i want my holly blue lightly breakfast at tiffany's moment gloves need those at the moment and in here this is another little important kit so i have things like proper tissues in here i have medicine if i need some more lipsticks i should probably have fewer lipsticks in here another chanel and then um ashanti kai one of my other favorite makeup brands little q-tips which are essential especially right now because i got a new mascara maybelline mascara and i really don't like it it goes everywhere half the time i film and i look at it afterwards i think my mascara is like halfway down my face it's so annoying i can't put it on on my under lashes at all so i need a new mascara little compact this estee lauder one which i really like it's the libra let me see if you can see it libra horoscope because i am a libra and i also have a scrunchie i have spare contact lenses you might not know this about me but i have awful eyesight i mean absolutely appalling to the extent that if i if for some reason one of my contacts came out when i was like in downtown london or anywhere i wouldn't be able to see anything i won't be able to see like train times or yeah anything so i keep spare contacts on me always because without my contacts i am blind essentially um so i hate to not have spares got some band-aids and i've got a lip balm that my dad gave me actually when i was in new york a couple of summers ago so it's lasting pretty well i don't really know this mate but what i normally get is um burt's bees i really like their lip balms as well they always have some kind of lip balms because my lips get really dry so that's that little essential kit in here pop that in as well you see why i need a big bag but i don't know how people manage with just tiny little handbags i'm not that kind of girl and then i mean of course a book that's a bookmark too and i actually i want to test with this bag if it will fit i've got a book in this bag i wanted to check if it will fit like hard back as well because i'm a bit of a rory gilmour when it comes to packing my books okay so i've got the book in here still closing this is all good let's see if it will fit a hard back it's quite a slim hard back but still see if i can get that in there oh yeah i can that's all fitting really well very pleased and oh just this i always have this actually in my bag it's my persephone books list so the circled ones i think the ones i don't have yet and i want to get and then tixa ones i do have yes i've picked the ones i do have and then of the ones i don't have i've circled the ones i want to get most urgently i think i need to update this a little bit though i think i actually have got some of these now but yes my little persephone list because i always seem to wind up going into persephone books when i'm in london and i can't remember which ones i have so i've just started keeping this in my handbag always and that will go my little zipper part and i think yeah i think that's everything so goodbye to this one at least for now and hello my new one just closed this up again so i was worried this would be a little bit tricky how you close it but actually just push it down and it locks which is really handy and just pop those over so that is fine and look it all fit in i'm so happy and it looks so much smarter that other bag like bulged out where everything was but this is actually it just looks really smooth and elegant and oh i'm forgetting to show you it also comes with a strap which is really good because often when i'm out and about i like to be hands-free especially when i'm taking photos or if i'm filming then i don't want to be carrying a handbag at the same time oh and it also has a little lock that you can put on it as well the keys are in there and then a little lock which is quite elegant looking and then there's a long strap which is really nice and i like these studs so it looks like you know you can adjust the length of the strap too which is nice i'm so short that i never need to make a strap longer let's say that um clip this on there we go that looks so nice i'm so happy to see yeah that's really nice good to have my hands free with it and that will be perfect i like it either way but it's always so handy to have the option of putting the strap on i'm so so pleased thank you so much to teddy blake and i hope that you found this interesting too in terms of what i keep in my handbag but also i'm just genuinely happy to be sharing this brand with you because i'm honestly really impressed by the handbag i think it looks lovely and it's really classic really elegant looking so i definitely recommend checking out the website and yeah i'm really really pleased just need to uh be able to take it more places now but we'll go out for our walk anyway which will be lovely there are so many snow drops out it's so pretty it's lovely and can i say that bag is trey's elegant thank you i mean you'd like it too lovely i know i'm so i'm really genuinely so pleased with it i think it looks so stylish oh it certainly does it really it really is a classic yeah exactly i think really timeless it's so nice having a bit of sunshine well especially because it's meant to snow i know tomorrow we've got to enjoy today yeah but all these snow drops they're just beautiful yes i don't know if you can see the robin on the tree they're all enjoying i just made new suet puddings for them and all of the birds are out enjoying them today which is lovely [Music] it's nothing to see all these early signs of spring everywhere isn't it that they're coming they almost look like this yeah figs but i don't know if that's right look beautiful the snow drops out and the heat warms it really does actually feel like spring is starting to come today which is probably i wonder because we'll be hit with snow tomorrow but today it's a beautiful yes spring in the air yes it's lovely [Music] hello everyone it is now tuesday afternoon it's about half past three i've got the fire crackling behind me as you can see which is lovely because it's snowed today it's starting to melt a little bit now but it's been very cold today and mum and i have had a really busy morning i've been doing a lot of admin dealing with emails and planning content all that sort of thing and we haven't really been able to appreciate the snow and appreciate feeling warm and cozy indoors so i've said let's have a hygge book some buns afternoon so from now we're taking the rest of the day off and we're going to get really cozy really in the spirit of hookah which i love and books and buns are involved let me tell you how i get cozy on a winter afternoon like today first of all i love to light a roaring fire to warm up the kitchen on a cold afternoon next i load up a tea tray cinnamon buns are suitably hygge with steaming cups of hot chocolate and coffee for us both for me getting hygge means curling up with some good reading material i like to bring together some magazines journals and books to browse [Music] our wool and cashmere blankets are brought out from the blanket box so we can wrap ourselves up and feel extra snug [Music] hygge is a danish word that according to the little book of hygge has been translated as everything from coziness of the soul to taking pleasure from the presence of soothing things and even coco by candlelight it's definitely everything that i enjoy [Music] so here i am with mum hello getting ready to enjoy our hygge books and buns afternoon sounds like such a fabulous idea well done oh well done you we're always having some cinnamon rolls in the freezer yeah i think that's what the best ones do for sure well they always make a batch and then freeze half of them because i mean even if you give some away it makes quite a lot doesn't it yes it does yeah this is perfect i've got my hot chocolate and you've got your little chocolate spoon haven't you like what i am i've got a coffee yes you're more of the coffee yes especially with cinnamon buns yeah not when flying no lovely well this is a nice way to celebrate candle this day i think it's very appropriate and it's lovely to have a a hygge home and a lovely moment together i think it is nice thank you yeah yes i have a bit of relaxation i think everybody does right now yes definitely and on the snowy day it's so nice to sit here by candlelight yes and enjoy some cozy treats exactly which one both got our cozy jumpers yes it's very cold actually let's see [Music] i do like a nice hot chocolate i know it's always so nice especially when it's chilly out and yeah lovely so we just warmed these through yes yes they don't take very long even from frozen do they well this is something and we've each got a book to read we have something that's perfect for getting cozy well we've got a selection of magazines as well because we always want to have a look we do which one have you chosen right i've chosen um celestine voices from a french village by gillian tyndall and um i read this years and years ago but i haven't read it since i just really want to go back and she discovers a cache of um letters when she moves into a house of in france um is it a real story is it true yes true story and it's she says um she discovers this cache of tightly folded letters in a deserted house in central france recently emptied of 150 years of a family's possessions she uncovered the obscure moving life of one woman celestine charmette and this is her original brilliant recreation recreation of the vanished world of a french village so i'm really curious to read it again you know um i don't remember it very well i just remember i really enjoyed it and i found this tattoo paper back and go oh i must re-read that well and it's rather nice to be transported to france yes probably somewhere a lot warmer and i'm a big fan of laura pasalle i got you into reading you did yeah i really enjoyed them yeah she does gothic really well they're really scary and i feel like something that will just be nice to curl up with i'm going to get a blanket in a minute too oh good idea and i'm going to curl up with this and just lose myself in the pages she always writes a very good plot it's gripping yeah really see isn't it this one is set in bars in the victorian times i remember when you interviewed her yeah she talked about that yes and i think it's about a spiritualist and some of her clients start dying mysteriously so it sounds spooky already but just the sort of book i think reading it with the candles lit and everything scissors is it on the cover and like a silhouette is that right yes that's right oh yes i think she's maybe she's not a spiritualist she's a silhouette artist um oh that's it yes she's that you're right she's a silhouette artist she gets involved with some kind of um a child spirit medium yes called pow so yes she's her clients i think that she does the silhouettes of get killed or something so actually approaches the spiritualist to help her what's going on what's going on but that's so interesting because um i've always been quite interested in silhouette artists as well yeah it's so popular at that time so yeah it's quite interesting isn't it and i don't know where the the scissors will come in well that's a bit sinister we're looking forward to it yes it looks like a really good read and one that you'll get into too yeah so that'll be brilliant yes so perfect i'm going to get our blankets get reading and enjoy a lovely cozy afternoon but thank you so much for watching my channel as always i do hope you enjoyed this vlog and i'll be back again with another video very soon so see you then
Channel: Miranda Mills
Views: 8,193
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Books, Booktube, Bookstagram, Hygge, Reading, Teddy Blake New York, Designer Handbag, English Country Living, English Country Style, British Fashion, Anglophile, Yorkshire
Id: 97x3a0_riFo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 41sec (2261 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 03 2021
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