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Food harvested from organic fields! - From early spring to fall in 2022 - Spray organic matter on the garden with grass mulching. eggshells, coffee powder, sawdust and ashes from the stove, etc. Starting in mid-March, we're starting to plant vegetable seedlings in the garden. Most crops, such as peppers, eggplant, lettuce, cabbage, etc., produce seedlings. With a warm spring day, the seedlings grow well. Peanuts can't be left out. At the end of March, vegetable garden farming begins with carrot seed sowing. It's also the season when winter green onions are so delicious. Plant three kidney beans. Starting in April, food will come up here and there. Gondalbi greens It's a spring day full of wild vegetables. Mowie greens. Gourmet herbs Umbrella greens. leaf beetle Eosuri herb. When spring greens start to grow, you don't have to worry about side dishes.^^ Two types of cucumbers are planted: thorn cucumber and tatagai cucumber. In May, the surroundings of the garden become green. We thin out two pear trees and wrap them in a pear bag. Fresh lettuce makes me feel good just by looking at it. If you add vegetables, the spring meal becomes richer. I eat June's water cherries from time to time, but it's so delicious. The carrots sown at the end of March are harvested in July. Carrots are easy to grow because they don't have pests.~ Beat Pumpkin zucchini It's always fascinating to see a big fruit coming from one seed. Walnut Netting has become a must for organic cabbage. When the weather starts to get hot, cucumbers grow a lot. a millstone pumpkin We harvest potatoes around the beginning of the rainy season. I really felt the taste of harvesting. kidney beans kidney beans are not cooked all at once, so they are harvested from time to time. The kidney beans are pretty like jewels.^^ I planted it because the corn was delicious, but it's a good harvest because the weather was right. If you go around the garden, you can harvest fresh food. This is the joy of gardening. You can put it in salad, too. It's so good. the fruit of a berry tree When it rains in summer, I eat Korean pancakes. cherry tomato The tomato condition was so good because it didn't have much rain. I think more than half of the weather is good for garden farming. a small watermelon Watermelon is the best in hot summer. The sound alone is delicious watermelon~ It blows away the heat,,,^^ And I put some grass mulching and coffee powder on the side that harvested the crops.~ Eggplant vegetables. Keep harvesting peppers until frost falls. I put pickled peppers in it and eat it deliciously all year round. Pear (Original Yellow) I only put a bag on my belly in the spring, but it opened wide like this. I've been planting corn three times since April. Corn planted at the end of June is harvested in the fall. Peanut I planted 50 peanuts in the spring. All by-products from the garden are mulching in the garden. Walnut I don't eat meat, but I enjoy eating grilled vegetables.^^ The leaves changed quickly. Time feels so fast. Perilla seeds a fenced bean Ginger We finished gardening for the last year with the ginger harvest.~ I didn't plant a lot, but I harvested enough to eat. I've been drinking ginger tea with honey all through the winter. I harvested various foods in the garden for a year. When spring comes, we will start a similar year again.
Channel: 꽃피는 산골 Korean countryside life
Views: 2,835,743
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 텃밭가꾸기, 유기농, 텃밭농사, 산골, 자연인
Id: QlSNNvEs6eM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 34sec (1894 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 06 2023
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