폭우가 내리는 장마철 시골집 일상

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In the rainy season this year, there is frequent heavy rain From thunder and lightning to heavy rain, sometimes it feels scary,,, It's already been a rainy season for several weeks~ The rain stopped for a while,,, The flower garden looks good even in heavy rain. Even during the rainy season, there are vegetables that need to be harvested every day,,, Cucumbers grow too much even after a day, so the texture is not good. So, cucumbers should be picked at the right time. The watermelon stems are growing well,,, The little watermelon is really cute~^^ The zucchini was also bursting open! If you don't harvest zucchini on time, the taste will deteriorate. It's a vegetable harvest, so I share it with my neighbors. Prepare lunch with harvested vegetables These days, our dining table is a variety of vegetable side dishes,,, Neither of them eats meat, so they like vegetables and tofu~^^ Stir-fry the chopped vegetables The cat also came in for lunch,,, Season with salt only I think I'm starting to eat more and more simple food. Our vegetable stir-fry is complete! Today's lunch is stir-fried vegetables and tofu. I like tofu so much that I eat it often. The cabbage cucumber kimchi I made a few days ago is also delicious~ Stir-fried vegetables are eaten as bibimbap for lunch today. It is a mountain village during the rainy season where you can eat deliciously and rest well today.
Channel: 꽃피는 산골 Korean countryside life
Views: 80,698
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 유기농야채, 비건, 산골, 힐링영상, 건강밥상
Id: hDrJHjThy_4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 9sec (669 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 14 2023
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