Country Coach suspension, steering, handling, and cooling issues. Lots of hard work needed

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foreign put your foot on there and yeah you'll feel it check out his hair higher so you can get a little more moving on put your hand put your hand on the tire too and you'll definitely feel it looks like kind of hard boom boom boom without hitting the ground yeah I think you're right at the end of travel here that's the actual company that makes this yes go [Music] order it [Music] foreign can't really get it to show up on camera at all [Music] go slow let that sway bar bushing is actually missing on there the bracket that attaches to it is bent the other side the link was loose on it was at least we tighten that up we're able to find those parts and we got a new coming Jonathan's on there replacing the airbag right now and remove the shock out of the way to get access to the bolts on it this side we got to look up the part number for a Kingpin on it the other side the bearings got some metal inside of it check that out over there this side felt pretty good other than the Kingpin plug this Hub doesn't pass the pinky test let me rub it in there with some metal shavings in there so we're gonna pull it off and take a look at the bearings the middle of this is definitely filled with metal here 's a little metal shavings it's there it's like a paste so there's where the sway bar bushing is missing and you can see the plate is bent and it mounts to and it's broken it's got a big not just a crack it's got a break foreign so we're going to bend it back in place weld it and we're gonna put a stiffener plate on the back to reinforce it and then I found the kit online for the bushing kit that'll come with the bracket that goes on the sway bar and the bushing so we'll get that all replaced cool stuff huh is that diesel in there is that gasoline yeah it's part of it it's definitely glowing [Music] a little bit more I think that's pretty you got a good angle right so that's a cool off from it well hold it that was easier than I would have thought it would have been almost broke through all the hard Parts yeah foreign under a bit yeah ready yeah I ran out of it again oh but grab it maybe it'll just pull up wishful thinking this should do it I don't want to hit on top of that how about that hammer [Music] just take it way over this way watch your step there guys I did my darndest to clean this thing he's doing the air conditioner ruptured it was a solid hit that was a good time to clean it yeah yeah the bottom one's out first otherwise you can be fighting a loose radiator don't forget your ring I guess everyone's been on this side [Applause] foreign and over here on this side still you can still see black in there right oh removed yeah please turn Kingpin is all done we're taking the tires all to a tire shop get our new tires put on it guys we're working on the airbags right now there's six airbags back here two on each of the tags and then one on the drive axle so Drive ax has like a swing arm the pivots here there's one large airbag right there it's very very large and then the regular tag rolling low bag and then there's a double kind of looted that goes in the bottom that actually lifts the tag axles it uses air pressure to lift the tag there's our brand new radiator I put the hydraulic cooler back in and then the charger back in there's a new sway bar bushing we welded the crack on there and then we also put a these angle iron on there that we welded on to really stiffen it up there just put new bushings on both sides the links are new he had those replaced recently but we have an extra spare set for him now if he has an issue but yeah that turned out really good you got a three-quarter inch Milwaukee back from repair it's like a new case and everything on it the whole thing looks new the invoice said that they did to it I'll have to find that real quick but it would have been like 300 in repairs if we had to pay for it was under warranty yeah foreign this was a good bushing it's worn all the way through on both sides there had done its job but it was completely worn out check on the tire alignment on here we are currently almost a quarter inch tote in and it should be a 16th toe in I believe we're gonna just check with the manual but that's what most buses are usually anywhere from zero to a sixteenth Towing from neutral to 16 toe and we're a quarter inch tote in those tires were all 10 years old so we went in and helped me get some new Toyo Tires the m170s and then using the vehicle weights per axle plus the tire manufacturer's chart for those tires we were able to adjust his tire pressures correctly based on his weight he had been running 120 PSI in his tires which the TPMS was telling him when they got heated up they were 136 PSI going down the road that is like rock hard some of his tire pressures with the weight he was at we're down to 80 psi is what they're set at 80 on the drives 80 on the tags the tags actually should be 75 by the by the book but he wanted to just keep 80 and everything back there and then the the drive tires we went to 90 PSI so it's going to be a much softer ride because the tires aren't going to be so rock hard and that's all you know per the tire manufacturer based on the amount of weight on each tire set up as either a single or a dual so that'll help them out a lot well we did a lot of extra work on this we changed the thermostats in there all the fluids filters fuel filters everything [Applause] start cutting it real hard can you guys close that up and then come give us a hand here yes yeah on that high part that's good and then stay to the outside here you have to see the same for the outside the good over here what is it it's it's more than high enough though right yeah it's a 120 that's plenty High state of the outside here yeah pretty good nice little brake pressure there [Music] yeah that's okay [Music] that likes the frogs down here in the water stay in the middle we had a pretty good washout over here we don't want you too close to that so stay that way yeah foreign acts like it's in control [Music] I was wondering but I didn't slam the door hard enough this was a loud air noise the steering feels good does the ride feel nice and smooth with the tires those bumps are so it's a 20 mile an hour speed limit that they strictly enforce right now [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] close the door yeah 40 PSI Less in your tires it should be a lot smoother right why do you like those new tires Scott right now they're they're feeling good you feel a lot better than my checkbook yeah all the way around and then make a left at the next slide there [Music] we're even harder oh my gosh like I'm gonna rip the handle off yeah usually when this turns green you'll have a green arrow yeah [Music] pretty girl yeah just straight around the square highway speeds some turn-ins and curves [Music] I recommend staying to the left side of the road here when you make the right hand turn just because of that telephone pole and stuff make the right hand turn but from further to the left yeah so is that window is it fogged in between the two layers of glass yeah oh that stinks it's flat though at least but yeah you gotta have somebody make that to have it insulated now they they will separate them and clean them [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you how often was that sway bar noise happening before he said he heard the clunk on the way here like it was a few seconds under wait no it was going over bumps okay and it would even at times squeal so I imagine that was the bar rubbing against the yeah but it was Columbia well there'll be a big bridge transition coming up here and we'll pay attention to that [Music] [Music] it's not to the end of the school zone yet just so you know the sign's way up here and sometimes they sit behind this berm where you can't see them sure they make some money for the town there as soon as you get to this sign floor there you go someone hit this bridge transition as much power as we can [Music] definitely no clunk yep [Music] tight as can be foreign you guys guys did great it feels good [Music] yeah I would say I recommend you keep an eye on those sway bar bushings and the links yeah since there's obviously a problem that's failed so many times before it might be the weight of the vehicle or I'm not really sure but now that we've reinforced it let's see how it holds up and I would definitely keep an eye on it [Music] two failures since I've had the buzz yeah right here turning left [Music] if you do not want the pleasure of overshooting our driveway because it is not fun going down that road stay pretty wide on this corner because rock yeah we had one guy hit that rock oh I was watching his tires not the top [Music] so we're doing a time trial here yeah yeah stop at the stoplight all right make sure you stay in the middle of the driveway and maybe a little to the right where that got washed out is yeah okay you ready yeah [Music] that might have been something falling in the bay I'm not sure if that was a pretty good there slow down you're one of the really go fast all the way to the top we're here so we'll pull up in front of the the shop [Music] um just not pull you in and then we'll take a peek under there and [Music] well after he left he had one little hiccup uh about 50 miles down the road he reported a loss of power I told him to check the charge uh air cooler hoses since we had that off maybe one of those came off at some you know he'd lose the turbo boost that would be the problem he checked them and said no they felt like they were on I was a little concerned because the new radiator that we put in there had a little different dimensions on there and I thought well maybe it was rubbing on there and I put a hole in it or something just come back we'll take a look at it he came back and instantly we just saw one of the charge air cooler hoses had blown out from underneath the clamp we were able to get everything seated real good we put new clamps on it and tightened it down and he was good to go made it back home safely reported back that the bus is the best it's ever felt uh real really happy with it [Music] through the trees and from a mile away you can hear them play as they climb that hill with ease [Music] the top of that mountain there's a new Loft waiting for those who can make the Run they can make it to the top Scott will put them in the shop till their new life has become [Music] where the buses come to run we're gonna get that big job done [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Bus Grease Monkey
Views: 55,309
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 1QdzsIyNBSY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 58sec (1678 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 21 2023
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