Could this Railway ever be Reopened in the Future? The Scarborough to Whitby Railway Part 3

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foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign welcome to part three of my walk along the Scarborough to Whitby Railway this is the third part I've already done one and two obviously the first part being from Scarborough to cloughton and the second being from clarkton to Raven's car and that is exactly where I am now now what I'm looking at in this line as well which I find very important and I'd like to ask the question and you can comment below could and should this line be reopened if possible because from everything I've seen the only two little bits that are missing are down at Scarborough where the marshalling yards used to be and also at clarkton where the station was you have to go through a little bit of a housing estate you can see that in part one so couldn't should this line be reopened so let's have a look at realm up online and we'll take a look at where we've been so far and where we're going today so the full route is from Scarborough right through to Whitby around about 21 miles in length and we go through places such as cloughton Ravens car Robin Hood's Bay and of course on to Whitby so this particular walk part three we're going to begin where we left off at Raven's glass station we're going to take a look inside Raven's car tunnel right about 279 yards in length we'll enter from a North portal and walk south before continuing the journey along the coastal section of this very picturesque and beautiful line before we go Inland and we'll curve around and go to the site of where filing Hall Station was I've got some lovely photos of these I can show you later on before gradually moving Inland towards our destination today of Robin Hood's Bay we'll get right back to the coast and have a look there before we finish today's walk right so at the end of part two we finished at Raven's car Station closed in 1964. that is just down there now at this point we have to leave the track bed you can see that stone wall it's a gray and white bunny rabbit in there can you see it pretty random there he goes and where the stone wall pretty much ends is where Raven's car railway tunnel is and that is going to be the first part of our journey off to Robin Hood's Bay in this part we're going to Robinson's Bay it's the shortest part of the entire walk I'm doing of all four parts but as it involves the tunnel that'll make it a little bit longer it'd be nice to get out of the Sun for around about 15-20 minutes as well but I'll take some lovely photos as well [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] this is you looking back a little bit look online a little bit better in the moment for you [Music] so the recesses are extremely close together there's another one on the left and if we shoot across immediate to the right we've got another one up stove side walls back wall and a red brick Arch with some old rods sticking out there which would have been for the cable as well you see them all the way down there's something peculiar we'll do all that kind of thing slowly set reinforcement a little bit of bricks up repairs all that but it's got a great big chalk missing out of it and light that up there we go and pretty similar here before we get to the fifth recess with the left-hand side facing the direction of Whitby and Robin Scarborough is around about 13 miles behind us that that's a little beautiful isn't it that could be the best bit of footage I've ever got on you I'll just show you is the camera like a knot not a photo so yeah there's a bit of a gradient thank you [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] thank you so you can see all the little cable hooks just there all rushing away there's a few missing same stone work the same Refuge is pretty much throughout on the other side exactly the same we've got a few more patched up locations just here which have been repaired it's a lovely roof isn't it a variation of colors still got some salt miles narrow at 200 yards another refuge on the left lot full of old for that behold cabling wouldn't it from the railway all raveled up and scruffed up into there into that refuge and the other end more and more red brick is apparent as we get to the southern portal that's got quite a nice Archway to it hasn't it and that's all because it's basically crumbled away hasn't it and find it down there So currently at 220 yards and the portal is very much in sight [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] just look at those stunning views absolutely astounding perfect weather Roberts Bay just there was relief Raven's car tunnel behind we've got about four and a half miles to get to Robin's Bay I'll turn you around just over there because we've got to do a great big curve around to get to it it's three and a half miles if you follow the coastal path from Raven's car itself but it's five miles this way so it is longer but we're here to do the railway aren't we so that is what we should do after that bird [Applause] it's a nice little Bridge isn't it probably some sort of private access Farm access got the red brick Arch notice the little skewed angle on the right hand side but basically large chunks of stone work and on the other side yeah pretty much exactly the same very very nice isn't it now I don't quite know what's happened to the track better whether they lost some of it unsure because it is absolutely just dropping down quite a gradient now this can't be right can it so I don't know but if you look at the bridge you can just see that poking out over the top it's almost as if there's something has been put here since and this is actually the higher bit and we're coming back down to the level of the track bed where the bridge is [Music] foreign [Music] just there look I don't think I can get down to it although it appears to be a footpath of some sort you see it no not really but I think this one's a no-go hmm see the side walls just there the abutments I can't actually see a way down to it but it does look like a public footpath from the old I think it was a brick or clay Quarry over there in a distance as well there we go look we've got some sleepers setting the ground still how about that I think that bench has seen better days uh let's have a look here shall we so it was an allen Quarry known as brickyards Raven's car brickworks let's go and have a little look around while we've got time so if we take a look at again Raven's car station was on the right hand side but the brickworks and Kilns and all the Quarry was in this little area just here you can see extra blue lines just there and that would have been for sidings but looking at it in more detail you can see another line appearing and this was a former Tramway the Stony Mall more gannister quarries Tramway and that goes all the way across the Moorland right across almost where the a171 is so that might be something to come back for and have a closer look at you never know what could be lying around do you if we look at this map from around about 1901 you can see the P Alum Quarry was absolutely huge it absolutely dominated the area Raven's car on the right and the railway line going straight through the center of it absolutely extraordinary potentially something to do with a kiln maybe over there let's have a look around here it's all the random bricks it's been made into a path and there's another opening there look it does look a bit Kiln like all the way along we've got those rugged brick walls sticking out look at that one Pitch Black in there absolutely no way in I didn't realize this was going to be so big state of it that was collapsed look rather than being filled in you can just make it a bit of Archway just there and around we go to the other end that bridge is just there let's see if I can get over there and we'll have a little look at that [Music] [Music] that's the Curious double Arch design isn't it both completely different almost like that was for road traffic which it really isn't a road and that's pedestrian traffic it's all I can assume that this was something to do with the brick Allen works over there and maybe horses and carts or trucks in later years use this one and this is the safe passage for work or pedestrians to go through because I don't see any of a reason why it wouldn't be like maybe like one big arch let's go through and we'll have a look at it from the other side it's good isn't it look at the two different levels of that like coping thrown there as well that's really nice nice little surprise that one [Music] oh look at the views here so I've just come up to where wonky benches so the tunnel about half a mile Hotel up there all this just take it in oh this bit's a bit peculiar sudden drop down shoot me it's going to go up again the other side I don't know or if we temporarily lost the track bed maybe because that bit looks really flat just there and this is a path that's just temporarily diverted well because that's definitely not not a tripod is it and it's still flat over there so I think we've slightly gone off course you can't walk on that it's all overgrown now look here sleep indentations how about that I wonder how many people walk along here and don't realize that's what it would have been [Applause] the stolen ballast has been left look you can see where the sleepers would have been isn't that great it's a bit of a gap and then there's a few more is it curves around on quarter camber you make that out that's good isn't it but if you ever did see a gateway to a gorgeous view then this is it absolutely tremendous isn't it what it must have been like to have been looking at those carriage Windows along this route or even getting the job of working on there as well [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] amazing oh there's a stone bridge there look some farm buildings there more like holiday let's now the other side of it is here look that's the view you'd be welcome to if you went through it so Roberto's Bay this is the point where it just loops around rather than follow the coastline Robbie nuts is over there and I'm coming all the way over here and we literally got to go all the way over there and around take ages probably be easier to do it that way but I like walking so no a little bit of old access here look nice little short Bridge see if I can hang you over there you go just make it out it's fenced off now sheep in the field got some sleep is just a lot of this old Crossing three four five six of them and just like that we go into more of a woodland setting we've left the open Coastal Edge bit behind we've followed since Raven's car it's quite a deep cut in there cool that's a drop down there there's a bridge up here as well that's a long way down there I can see a stream going down there I wonder if that's the one that goes to Boggle hole so wish I could get down there because I bet that's an astonishing Culvert to go down and out the other end that's one to um make a note of that is isn't it to come back for I can see the stream running it's very very long way down I couldn't even guess how many feet or meters that is not nice little Bridge coming up though a bit of an angle let's get you closer that's got some chunky stone work hasn't it I have to watch it with lens flare because when I started all these videos this morning when I sat off this morning from Scarborough the sun was behind me and now in this direction it's in front of me let's go through I'm sure it looks just as nice on the other side it does look at that very jungle like very atmospheric not long after another nice little Bridge very very narrow very different to all the others as well we've seen on this route so far this is red brick no stone look at that I'll observe and tell me that is yeah still looks good still looks very good now at this point we reached we're fighting Hall Station was and it consisted of a single platform it opened on the 16th of July 1885 but it was temporarily closed in 1915 but reopened in 1920 so probably something to do with World War one and it continued on to Soldier on in service right through till 1965 when the line closed completely it's not been long before we passing the campsite down here I must have been there many many times over the years at least double figures dozen or so times who's been there the campsite it's the farm what's it called fire indales I can't have to remember but I'll show you when we go past and it's just before you know you'd follow it from the campsite you follow this track bed down to in the day in the morning I think pretty much everybody stays there does that it's another drainage Channel down there look going along there a bit like we saw right about stainsondale oh this is a big one isn't it double Arch maybe even triple yeah there's a third Arch on the right mixture of stone and red brick gotta be a robe going over that [Music] [Music] there's another stream flowing down there was one back there as well which I didn't mention so that's three of them so there's got to be a few good call that's underneath here Richard if you're watching this we're coming back we need to go and have a bit of a paddle it's made up of all old sleepers over there that fence [Music] foreign you though haven't you oh and your little doody friend over there so we are getting very very close to the end of this particular Journey there's another little Bridge just there it's got a stream going through it although it usually does this water up there it's just dry around there at the moment so station and that'll be it for this particular video and then we'll pick it up again and I think again we've got a different variation in the fourth installments that's going to feature long pole violet it's brilliant so we've had the more Suburban areas of part one we've had the idyllic locations of part two for this particular part that's had a lot of Cliff Edge views and stuff hasn't it and then the fourth one is going to have more Cliff Agnes and going off to that beautiful revital that you're gonna see so let's see down at the station opening 18 85 closed in 1965 and consisted of two platform [Music] thank you [Music] now this photo is absolutely extraordinary I've never seen a photo of where the railway crosses the roads going into robinus Bay this is absolutely beautiful you can see the hotels and the buildings of what they are today in the background I believe this was the very last day that there was workings I may be wrong but I believe that's when it was March 1965. [Music] there we go the old station building looking absolutely pristine beautiful isn't it self-catering accommodation here apparently as well and um curious I'm actually gonna pick up a leaflet another look at that [Music] thank you [Music] I do hope you enjoyed this part of my journey from Scarborough to Whitby potful we're going to carry on and do that now but for me at Robbins Bay this is it for this particular video more comments below please suggestions below and of course if you're not subscribed why not it really would support me and you won't miss anything in future notification Bell as well make sure you hit that and you'll always be notified of new videos and updates see you next one bye [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Trekking Exploration
Views: 37,153
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scarborough whitby railway, cinder trail, cinder track, disused railways, beeching cuts, north yorkshire moors railway, scarborough and whitby railway, yorkshire coast, north yorkshire, robin hoods bay, british railways, old railway line, larpool viaduct, the cinder track, north york moors, trekking, exploration, scarborough station, scarborough to whitby railway (the cinder track), steam trains, british history, cleveland way, ravenscar station, tunnel, ravenscar tunnel
Id: MTwjdzcF8T4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 13sec (1873 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 28 2023
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