Could an A.I. Escape Minecraft's 2b2t?

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could an AI successfully escape the most dangerous minecraft server on the planet that's a question that we can actually figure out the answer to sounds like something out of science fiction right guess again it's no secret that the oldest anarchy server and minecraft attracts some of the most toxic players in the game but it also attracts some of the brightest minds that use it as a testing ground for their programs experiments clients and other creations for about the past year a few select players have been experimenting with automation and machine learning on to b2t and the results are spectacular players turning their minecraft accounts into robots robots that can play the game and use on-the-fly adaptations to survive robots that can play the game better than a human can in some cases in my three years here on YouTube I've never done a to b2t video like this before so let's get started the closest we can actually get to AI or machine learning in Minecraft is a project called baritone the baritone project is led by two e 2t player we juror and several notable players on the server have contributed code to the project as well baritone is a program that automates actions in Minecraft so that the player doesn't have to do them the key difference here that separates it from a typical botting program is that it uses on-the-fly adaptations to figure out the best way to accomplish a specific task you simply give the program a task and it will do its best to accomplish it the first thing it will do is pass find a way to its objective should the terrain change or become hostile or impassable the program will adapt and reroute take a look at this footage here in this demonstration varitone will be attempting a spawn escape in the nether as you can see that green pillar represents the destination and it's already visually finding its way to that destination it's automatically using a combination of park or abridging of mining and of eating to get there unharmed it's constantly changing its path on the fly if necessary I mean look at that it's bridging on its own it's finding its way so efficiently there's no way a human player could find a path this easily and with such great ease I mean it even knows to go over here and mine out these two blocks and then go right to a tunnel it would take a human player much longer having to go through freecam just to find these routes I mean it's actually kind of scary how good baritone is at getting these locations I mean look at that it's pathfinding on the fly here we go it's reaching its destination as you can see it gets to its destination and then right here is just Wizards we look at that look at that movement that is not a human movement there's no way look how quick and easy that was for the bot but it has reached its destination and now it is stopped for kicks they also added the functionality to build structures automatically seen here is thieves in sound to be tooties greatest civil engineer building a replica of the famous Jesus statue on the server using only a single command in baritone just like before baritone will automatically look for the most efficient way to complete the structure and do its best to take zero damage baritone will also automate tasks such as mining diamonds smelting ores and other mundane tasks but enough about what baritone can do let's get back to the topic at hand could an AI escape to be to t spawn well it just so happens that some to be TT players performs an experiment with this exact question in mind in April - e - t players iron exception and donkey what collaborated on a project they wanted to visually crack the waist that players could escape spawn they decided to equip bot accounts with baritone and have them attempt to escape spawn on their own without human assistance in the experiment the goal is to get a bot to around 2200 blocks away from 0-0 as this distance is considered temporary safety and it's easier to find resources at this range they decided that the bots would attempt 1,000 spawn escapes before ending the experiment some bots would be actively trying to escape at the same time it would take well over a month to gather data on all of the escapes and after a thousand attempts the results came in and the bots using baritone had a 34 percent success rate of escaping spawn which is actually much lower than anticipated but here comes the fascinating part all the escape attempts were visually graphed and I'm about to show it to you right now now take a look at this this is all the visual data from the spawn escapes that the bots did using baritone shoutout the iron exception and donkey what for giving me access to this visual data I mean just look at this it's beautiful I mean to see a screenshot of this graph was one thing but actually like be able to interact with it like this it's something else entirely we can see every single path that the bots took in their attempted escapes and here's a few things that I've noticed just by looking at the data first of all we can easily see some classic structures near spawn I mean this yellow square here this is the obsidian sky at 0-0 and if you look closely down here you can see some of the massive lava casts that the bots got stuck on for a little bit and then out here you can actually see the outline slightly of the great spawn wall way out here is fascinating now you're probably wondering what the colors mean well it all depends on what height the escape debt yellow means that they were at sky or build limit and then blue down here means it was a bedrock escape now there were quite a few escape attempts at bedrock but there were a decent amount also here at sea level which is recognized with purple or that's shown with purple I should say but anyway it's crazy to see that first of all not all of the bots stuck to the highways like humans it looks like they did branch out in random directions to try and escape so if you see out in here if you see a line that gets to here it means it was a successful escape and even out here as well if they didn't get to around this radius here then it was not considered a success well what's really interesting is that for some reason the bots were not able to escape in this direction or in this direction makes me wonder why those must be some really dangerous areas of spawn but look at that a 34 percent success rate but it shows you that yes a machine can escape spawn on its own and it looks like they did a better job than humans in some cases I mean this is truly impressive on a technical level that this experiment was even done I mean 1000 attempts and all of it was visually data like charted itches up my caveman brain can't even comprehend this whole thing so overall could an AI escape spawn well the answer is yes but now this opens up so many other possibilities and philosophical questions the technology and code behind baritone is so good that it's curiously unsettling what happens when these bot accounts become capable of PvP with ruthless aggression showing no fear like a human would what if conflicts on to b2t in the future are not fought by people but by machines imagine factions having baritone controlled accounts gathering resources for them hunting for nether portals off the highways and even fighting on the frontline baritone has opened up so many possibilities in both Minecraft and to be to tease meta it's very interesting to think about baritone is open source and I've put the link to the github in the description of this video as the project is worked on more and more it's only a matter of time before these automated accounts are playing the game better than a human could baritone has proven that machines that can adapt on the fly are absolutely capable of escaping the notorious tv2 T spawn as long as these machines don't start thinking or learning how to PvP I think we'll be ok but could machines rule 2 B 2 T someday it's fun to think about but who knows if it'll become a reality well I hope you enjoyed today's video make sure to like the video and also don't forget to subscribe for more to b2t content also make sure to follow me on Instagram and Twitter to stay updated on when new to b2t content is coming out as well as my streaming schedule that's it for today's video everyone take it easy and we'll see you next time stay alive out there fit fam resist the machines
Channel: FitMC
Views: 2,012,658
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 2b2t, minecraft, anarchy, server, fitmc, fit, antvenom, phoenix sc, oldest, history, builds, tour, battle, war, museum, wall, spawn, grief, hack, client, 1.15, queue, thecampingrusher, veteran, rusher, teamveteran, incursion, tutorial, far, lands, great, alpha, beta, herobrine, elrichmc, face, hacked, exploit, glitch, cheat, project, mojang, proof, fuze, fuzeIII, flower, flying, machine, redstone, ship, piston, sticky, sethbling, mumbo, jumbo, fortnite, artificial, intelligence, ai, callmecarson, technoblade, baritone, keemstar, slave, labor, meme
Id: pFlc_jizgl0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 8sec (608 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 04 2019
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