Could Al Nassr Win Champions League?

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I have snuck Al Nassr into the Champions League to help Ronaldo win it one last time Thank you Pazjor but ever since I modded my game it's been acting really weird thank- thanks- th- thanks- every time I win a match it turns on a random mod in the next one making it almost impossible to win so after many failed attempts I've decided to give it one last try and I've actually made it past the group stages without winning a match yet but The Knockouts won't be as easy especially as we're playing Manchester United in the round of 16 Ronaldo's past club. Everything looks pretty normal as we haven't won a match yet but every time a mod has  appeared up until this point the letter M keeps popping up I don't know what it means but I feel like it might be someone's name early opportunity for Manchester United how is that a penalty? this is not the start I wanted in the round of 16 Bruno Fernandes to give Manchester United an early lead is he going down the middle? please go down the middle it's not going to be easy to win this Champions League trophy Al Nassr putting their opponent under some pressure Ronaldo good move finish it's all level celebrate on 'em SIUUUUUU United would take the lead  again in the 33rd minute with a goal from Garnacho but just moments later  Anderson Talisca would equalize and it's 2-2 Ronaldo waiting in the middle Ronaldo! One more chance OH MY DAYS he just scored an own goal now we just need to keep this lead for another  25 minutes or we get another goal Anderson   toisa he's gone our post we have another one 4  two that looks like the winner and second now   and there it is we have our first win but this  means a mod has been activated we've arrived at   Old Trafford but what is the mod they're Giants  and 10 hag is 12 ft tall how am I supposed to   defend a corner there's no [Music] way where is  he he just killed my Defender bre Alisa save us   what a move yes yes it's one all we're still in  this by the time it took Onana to dive the ball   was already in the net Ronaldo against Onana  and it's 2-1 no way he's missing from there   he thinks he's him Derek we have a free kick in  the 61st minute Ronaldo how what am I supposed   to do here they're literally taller than the  net we got to keep it low low and straight please that is the worst free CI I've ever shot  United with a great chance to equalize no that's   just poor dere it's 22 luckily we can still get  through on goal differential we're in stoppage   time any second and there it is we're off to the  quarterfinals who are we playing against Barcelona   our match ended a draw but I don't know if the  game considers us moving on to the quarterfinals   as a win let's see if anything's different with  the game everything looks pretty normal okay maybe   they didn't do anything where's my keeper why  is Opa so small how is he going to save anything   after defending for my life for most of the first  half half I'd finally get a chance to take the   lead what a move no he gets it around what a goal  what a goal what a strike what a goal it doesn't   matter it's 1 n in the 40th minute to end the half  only the keeper left to beat will he take the shot   swe it Kisa it's 2N in the 45th minute Barcelona  have yet to test Opa this is not good I couldn't   even see him how did that go in he should have  saved that there's no reason that's going in t   his from and all it is I am speechless and with  just minutes left in leg one things would go from   bad to worse and we've lost in the 807th minute  maybe because we lost the first game Barcelona   will be punished by the mod I just what is  it going to be their entire team is Tiny now   that's what you get for beating us now we need to  beat them oh this is oh this is like taking candy   from a baby with a delery into the penalty area oh  what a save and there it is one nil tur Sten with   the initial save but mané puts it away I don't  think tiny Barcelona have a chance Ronaldo what   a finish not even a normal siiz keeper is saving  that but I'm surprised the person doing all the   mods wanted Barcelona to lose here maybe he does  want to put Ronaldo in the final just to beat him   can we make it four Ronaldo in the middle finish  what a strike Barcelona absolutely destroyed by Al   Naser even with our tiny goalkeeper we've made  it to the semi-finals but another win means we   are about to start the semi-finals with a new  mod please just don't be giant ball Al Nasser   is taking on Juventus in the semi-finals of the  Champions League another pass club of Cristiano   Ronaldo our last step before the Champions League  final and the ball is Tiny of course we didn't get   a giant ball we got a tennis ball can you even  dribble it oh oh no Ronaldo goal number one Stan   it picks it up no problem that is the size of a  pingpong ball how am I going to figure out how   to to score with it but I couldn't even figure out  how to pass it properly and neither could Juventus   10 minutes left we have a free kick oh no why do  they have to lay down their player they're smart   we're going to go around the wall I don't think  he's going to save it please please Ronaldo no   he saved it what a save by shner El NASA with a  late Corner opportunity can they find Ronaldo's   big head Ronaldo in the 82nd minute what is this  celebration why is the cameraman on his legs it   was boun happen sooner or later but we got it in  the last 5 minutes of the match this will help   us get to the final I thought that was the end  of leg one but a late foul from Juventus gave   us one more scoring chance a 2-n lead going into  leg two would be perfect we need to find Ronaldo   Ronaldo and he's done it two goals in less than 5  minutes we have a 2-n lead going into leg two We   Are One Step Closer to the Champions League trophy  and hopefully meet the man who put this curse on   us we've made it to Italy for match number two  and the entire Juventus team hasn't shown up   because they're invisible at least their manager  is here oh no no and it's one n just like that I   didn't even have a chance and they're grabbing  the ball look at it float no not like this please what a save OA keeping us alive to tackle  Christiano Ronaldo where who is tackling me this   third chance Ronaldo get in the Box Ronaldo it's  blocked by who oh we have a free kick actually I   guess it was a hand ball look at all these options  we have but there are 11 Juventus players in here   we're going for Ronaldo Ronaldo please no that  was close I wonder what actually happened Juventus   with a promising attack here in the 35th minute  it's almost like Al Nessa can't see them I swear   I was going to grab the ball there what is wrong  with tin opina he chipped it over him chipped it   over a one foot keeper the best thing to do now  is to kill some time and force a penalty shootout   cuz I do not know how we're going to score here  let's just say it wasn't easy please please clear   it please clear it please clear it yes well  done but I was able to hold on if we win this   penalty shootout we will play in the Champions  League final where would they go right what am   I doing Ronaldo top left we're not missing great  pen down the middle left no they went right top   right please shenson don't save it great my only  hope is that they come down the middle please yes   they missed they missed I don't know how if we  score we are on to the Champions League final Panka no he saved it he saved it what am I doing  I would have saved that please please don't miss   please don't miss please don't miss okay we're  still alive I can't believe I fumbled the bag   and they missed again that is lucky we cannot  mess this up twice which is why we are doing   a panenka again can't look I can't look we're on  to the Champions League final thank you thank you   whoever missed Ronaldo will need to defeat Real  Madrid in the Champions League final to win the   trophy one last time and I now know who caused  this curse on Ronaldo and my game killing mbappe   Real Madrid's brand new player here and of course  he's made the entire Real Madrid team Giants and   my team tiny except Ronaldo look how giant they  all are compared to my team otavio this is our   chance this would be the perfect start Benes no  why was that the weakest shot ever Ronaldo's gone   can we get the first goal finish and it's 1 n hit  the soie hit H the soie a it's always this one he   always tricks me what a start to this match Madrid  are mad they're looking for an equalizer and   Vinnie Jr just did the worst shot I've ever seen  in my life I think Vinnie Jor heard me because   he scored the equalizer just moments later well  that didn't last long no no no no no no no no no   no how I didn't even expect him to do that how  did he do that these Giants are just too good he   came in out of nowhere we've made it a halftime  we have 45 minutes to come up with The Equalizer   we need to get Ronaldo that Trophy and keep this  man from winning his first Ronaldo making the Run   man's there mané how are you missing look at that  hairline by the way alasa play the corner short   short like all their players Alisa yes he's on  side it's 22 grab the ball grab the ball we need   more 30 minutes to come up with a winner this is  the chance Alex Telles looking for his Portuguese   brother Cristiano Ronaldo does the move keeps  it going and loses it what the heck Alisa he's   through Ronaldo waiting Ronaldo yes in the 66th  minute we have a 3-2 lead hit the suie hit the   sooie finally they didn't do the other celebration  Real Madrid doing everything they can no and there   it is in the final five minutes they've tied it ah  Penny fine Ronaldo in the middle Ronaldo to end it   and there it is in the 88th minute Cristiano  Ronaldo with the winner it's there's still 2   minutes left but I think it's going to be the  winner how does his hand going through his body   one final chance for Real Madrid no blocked  no tabe of course he scores no way what is it   going to take to beat this Real Madrid team extra  time it is what a Miss what a mistake to take the   lead an extra time Talisa we just need to keep  this lead for 15 minutes and we are champions   league winners so far so good we just need to  hold on for a bit longer 30 seconds and there   it is Ronaldo has won his final Champions League  trophy and mbappe will have to wait I hope you   guys enjoyed this video and if you did make  sure to subscribe and check out this video   right here and I need to go check my computer  for some viruses I'll see you guys soon peace
Channel: Pazjor
Views: 899,967
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: al nassr ucl, champions league, fc24, fc24 mods, fifa mods, giant players, invisible players, fifa invisible, fifa giants, tiny ball, giant ball
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 34sec (694 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 24 2024
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