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- Well, people, how are you? - How's everybody doing out there? - Guess where we came to mess with Lisanna. - Where did we meet, my love? - Explain a little to the people who don't know. We came to the land of the mojito, rum and Coke. Daiquiri. - And old cars like this one. - We arrived in Cuba, my people. - After so many years. - We are making a wish of this channel. - Which was to know, for me, one of the most curious countries - that I could possibly could imagine to visit. - Which is Cuba. - And here we are in the city of Old Havana. - Which is like the historical cultural center. - Or the old town, as they call it in other places. - And we have just left the lodge. - We turned on the camera and we started walking. - In other words, everything that you are seeing at this moment - we are also are seeing it for the first time. - In our life. - And it's really an impressive place. - Isn't it, my love? - Lisanna is a little bit asleep yet, and so am I. - Because we had 20 hours of flight to get here. Yeah, long time... But it's our 48th country. - 48. - Two out of 50. We are now counting the countries because we are about to turn 50. - That's right. - And, to get here, we had to take a plane that took 20 hours, more or less. - One, no, three planes. - Ah, look. - I'm cutting off a little bit of what I was counting, because look what this is. - A fort in the middle of the city. - Well, everything here is really very different. - Look what those cars are, Lisanna. I thought it was going to be like hot hot hot hot. But you can tell that the evening and the morning is cool. - Aha, it's mild. Then the heat will come out. - Well, the thing was we took a plane. - Three planes, actually, that took us almost 20 hours to get there. - And when we arrived, the first thing the aircraft commander said - was "welcome to Havana, Cuba". - And "here we have a fibrón to give to each passenger - so that they can draw the line". - Because without the line we are left. A... - From traveling so many hours... - My God, what a long trip... - Impressive. - But more impressive are these houses here. - Crazy. Here come the pink cars. - The old cars. - Well, the first thing we decided with Lisanna was to go for a walk. - Around town, in the best Mateo and Lisanna style. - We don't have a map or many points of interest to visit. - But we are going to walk around and seeing what Cuba has to present to us. - Look, Lisanna, the old cars. They're nice, eh. - They're beautiful. - How much will it cost for an hour in those? - Where do you want to go? - Watch out. - Ah, "Plaza de Armas." Look out. - Over there. - Afterwards, we can come back and ask how much they cost. - Do you want to take a little walk around the city? - How much is a ride, friend? - For an hour? - For an hour, yes. - An hour's ride? - Yes. - The minimum price is 30 USD/EUR. - 30 USD/EUR, one hour. - One hour, for everything, yes. - Which way are they going? - To the most emblematic places in the city. - And are they stopping or are they...? - The tour consists of visiting Old Havana, Havana Center and El Vedado. - Or outside the city. What is the front, the morro, the crito. - House Museum of Che Guevara. - San Carlos de la Fortaleza. - Are they going as if passing with the car? - And watching. - Yes, the walk is done at a slow speed, slowly, to explain the places. - Well, come on, let's go. - 1 hour I want. - 1 hour. A pink one. - A pink one because my girlfriend loves pink. - A pink one then. - You talked me into it, buddy. - Come on, then! - You made me a quick sale. - They're going on Barbie's. Good. - We want one of those without a roof. - Yes, yes, here. - Can I pay you in euros, sir? - Yes, in euro or dollar. - Well, come on. - Do you have change, just in case? - Yes, you have change, don't you? - Yes, I have. - Do you have change for the gentleman? - You got change, buddy? How you doing? - Mateo, nice to meet you, my friend. - A little walk for an hour. - A little hour. - Where are you guys from? - Well, I'm from Argentina, she's from Estonia. - Ah, Estonia. - But we came from Estonia. - Ah, Estonia? - Yes, Estonia. - Wow! (Laughs) - Do you speak Spanish? Yes, I speak. - Yes, I do. - Ah, to make it more comfortable for you. - Well, to make it more comfortable for you to do the walk and the explanation to you. - We're going in a Dodge? - A Dodge. - 1950s. - What a machine, eh. - 1 hour. - You finish here. - Do I pay you here? - At the end. - Well, you pay the gentleman at the end. - You pay the gentleman at the end. - Dale, thank you, little brother. - No, you're welcome, my pleasure. - My pleasure. Barbie. - Barbie. - Aa, Lisanna. - Lisanna performing... - Can we go to the back? - Yes, we can. - We go in the back, right? - In the back they enjoy the ride more. - How good it is... - He's a machine. - Is the car yours? - Yes, it is. I've never been in an old car. - Neither have I. First time. And pink, either. - My love, an old car. Old, old car. - Yes. It's the same thing. - Because if you say old, it offends the car otherwise. A. - 1950. - ¿1950? - From 1950. - What a machine, crazy. - Dodge. Do you know what engine this thing has? - A Volga. - One Volga. - One Volga. - It's a Russian engine. - Oh, right. - Gasoline. - Russian engine of... what do you call it? Pistons. - 4 pistons. - 4 pistons, that's it. - This will push you a tractor, if you want. - Yes, it does. - Did you see that? There's no seat belt. A. - Woohoo! - Whoa! Look, Lisanna! - Ee. - What a machine, brother. - It's got a truck horn. - It's good, isn't it, Lisanna? Yes. - Listen to this. - Listen to the piston, Lisanna. A... - Well, we've already started the day by taking a ride on a machine here. - There's the castle, see? - Yes, it is. - That's the castle, Lisanna, the fortress. - In colonial times, it was what protected the city. It is very big. - Yes, it is. Wow. - How many days have you been here in Havana? - Hours. - Hours have you been there? - We just got here. Last night. - Bullshit. - I swear. - Wow. - We just got here. - After 20 hours of flight. - Wow. - We ran out of the stripe on the tail, from sitting so much. - The pilot gave us a fibron as a gift. - Wow. - For us to draw the stripe. A... - 20 hours of flight time. - 20 hours. - There are the fishermen. Look, Lisanna. - The boardwalk, see? Uh-huh. - Have you ever been to Cuba before? - First time in life. - First time? - Yes, first time. - Look, here's some more. - You can see that a lot of people do this tour. - Yes, yes. - It seems to be very popular. - Every day there are a lot of cars. - Many cars. - We saw that the plane arrived full of tourists. - That's another thing that caught our attention. - Isn't that right, my love? There were, I think by travel agency, about 300 tourist passengers. - Tourists. - The plane was full, there wasn't a single seat left. - To sit down. - Ah, here the people waiting for the bus. Look. - This is the public bus. - The public bus. - Here we have the Spanish embassy. - Ah, the Spanish embassy. - Look, Lisanna. Wow. - What a beauty. - The buildings that this city has this city are impressive. The architecture. - Architecture. Colonial. - The first thing you realize is that there was an awful lot of money here. - This way ahead I can show you an architecture, the most famous one. - The two most famous ones there are. - Well. - The Capitol and the Alicia Alonso Grand Theater. - Oh, and the theater. Wow. - Look at that. - The buildings are all kind of European. - See? Look. - That's the Capitol over there. - Which one? - That shiny thing over there. - Ah, back there. - That's the Capitol. - The Capitol. - And that shines, the golden domes. - The golden domes? - Gold. - Russia donated it to Cuba. - Look, a Fiat 600. Mateo. - Lisanna. - My grandfather had a car like this. - What? Capsule cabs are coming. - Capsule cab? - Uh-huh. How cute. - And look back, Lisanna. - An electric bike. - Or an electric car, I don't know what it is. - It's a bike with a roof. - Yes, it is. - Look, I, for one, did not expect to see that electric motorcycle in Cuba. That's nice. - Ah, look. - More old cars here. Look at this. - This is the Gran Teatro Alicia Alonso. - Uh... - Look at the buildings there... Wow. - How impressive... - Beautiful. - Wow. - Uh... - Look what this is. - What's this? - The entrance to Chinatown. - Do they have a Chinatown too? - Yes, this is Chinatown. - With Chinese restaurants, Chinese food, all that? - Yes. - Look how he cleans it. - You take good care of the car, don't you? - Yes, I do. - I would imagine so. - Look at the traffic behind, Lisanna. Wow. - All old cars. I hear the parts are Russian. - Yes. American cars but... - Parts. Yes. - And there are also some newer cars. - But they must cost expensive to buy. I would imagine. - Very expensive. - Very expensive. - 60-70 thousand USD. - 60-70 thousand USD. - One car. - What would this be? New Havana? - It is already part of modern Havana. - But further on you will see more modern things. - Okay. - Revolution Square. - Revolution Square. - Che Guevara. - The image of Che Guevara. - In front of the square. - And who is that? - That's Camilo. - Who's that? - Camilo Cienfuegos. - Camilo Cienfuegos. - I'll tell you now. - Before Fidel was going to take the presidency, - Yes. - Camilo was going to be the president of Cuba. - And then, Camilo's of Camilo says "you are doing well, Fidel". - Because Fidel asks Camilo one day - "how do I look?" - He asks Camilo. - "How do I look?" - Aha, and Camilo says to him. "you're doing well, Fidel, you're doing well". - Because Camilo was going to be the president of Cuba. - I understood. - But one day it came out in an aviation - and his plane had an accident and disappeared. - And we never heard anything more about Camilo. - And Fidel was the one who came after him. - And he was the one who was left. - Ah, there he is. - It looks better from here. - And it's full of tourists here. - Can I see the engine of the car? - Yes, you can. - Let's see. - This is for the engine lovers. - Uh... - Look at the radiator. - The radiator. - Looks like an air conditioner. - Yes, it does. - Fua... - And here I put an electric fan. - Because, when it's very hot, I put it to cool it. - Because it's very hot in Cuba. - The engine overheats. - It overheats a little. - Do you do the mechanics? - I do. And when it's already big mechanics, inside the engine, - some mechanic. - But on the outside, I keep it pretty much myself. - Which is simple mechanics. - Well, my love, what do you think? I'm more impressed by cars. - Me too. - Look at this one, Lisanna. Fua. - Blue Eight. - No, Buick Eight. - What a machine... - They're all impeccable, you see? That's very typical American. - Uh-huh. - Kind of a Kayla, isn't it? - But it's a Pantheon. - What a machine... - All upholstered in leather inside, you see? Wow. - Good machines, really. - There are many, eh. - And they're impeccable, you see? The bodywork, the paint, everything. Of course it is. - Beautiful. - Nice. - Spectacular, man. There's a Cuban cigarette on the floor. - Look at it! - We don't even need to buy it, Lisanna. I'll smoke that one to prove it. A... - Lisanna already wanted smoke the cigarette on the floor - not to spend... No... - Nah... I don't smoke. In the last video they called me a cheapskate again. Because I didn't let Mateo buy all that pot 20 USD to try a shisha. Just for that... - But I realized something. - If you didn't take care of me the way you take care of me, I wouldn't be so well today. Did you see? Mateo would be partying if he didn't... I take care of you, and your pocket, too. A. - It's like a rich neighborhood here, look. - More neat houses. - Residential neighborhood. - More modern. - People with more money. - It is already noticeable that the houses have a different style. - Look at this house. Look at this house. - Like a mansion. - Here, a residential building with stairs outside. - Look at you. - Did you see, my love, that building that had the stairs on the outside? But that's common in warm countries. - Look at the houses here. - How crazy, Cuba, for God's sake. - We are seeing several realities in one car ride. - And here we have a crack of the asphalt. - Look, there's a newer building over there, it looks like. - That one. Fua. Party. - It's a little crowded in here, huh. Yes. - What shall we do? Shall we go there? I don't know, he didn't say anything. What's here? - Let's go investigate. - I think it's to test the rum and smoke. - Hey... look at the machines, Lisanna. - Look, there's an older one over there yet. Like from the 20's, see? Wow. - Oh, wow. Wow. - What a beauty. It looks like... - A jungle. Well, yeah. - Did you see those jungles you see in the movies that Kingkong is in? Yes. And I love that plant. - Wow, what a beauty. - If you want, my love, we can go there. - Further in. - "Ford, Museum of Cuba". - Ah, sorry. - Beautiful, isn't it? - This place. Beautiful. It's not going to be seen there. - But up there is a giant bird. - Aha, it looks like a chicken. But bigger, a turkey. - Wow. How he climbed all the way up there... Flying, Mateo... - Do turkeys fly? - If I don't fly... A... - A... - What a nice place this is, man. - That is to say, everything we tell, we tell it from a tourist's point of view, right? - I'm not talking as if I lived here. - But as a tourist, it's very nice, really. - The boy said that here it's not good to swim in the river - because it's a bit polluted. With the beaches it has, why did Mateo want to swim in a river? - They are refreshing. There is a person swimming, but... - Uh-huh. Look. - Crossed the river, the guy. Good. - Good. Shall we go on? - We go on. Because the guide just started. A. The square cars are Russian. So... - That one too? Yes. - That one over there, too. - What's his name? Lada. - Lada. When my parents were young, there were only cars like that on the streets. There are some left, but they've become kind of old. And they renew them. But there are very few. - At the time of the Soviet Union, in Estonia there was only that? Yes, it was the common car. - My friend, actually, ten points, crazy. - You're a great guy, really. - Thank you, man. - We had a great time. - Very nice ride, man. - Thanks, brother. Thank you. - God bless you always. - And keep it up. - Likewise. - Best of health and good luck. Have a good trip. - Very good your tour. - Keep enjoying it. - You too. - Watch out for the door of the other car. Good. - Good. Now, on foot. - See you, my friend! - Bye, buddy, God bless you. Bye. - Bye. - Something crazy happened. That in the street we were passing by, on the boardwalk, - that we couldn't film much there, because it was very windy. a lot of wind, my contact lenses were hurting, - then we come back. - There were three car crashes. - All because of distraction. Not looking ahead, I don't know. - The driver was on the phone. - And our driver was just commenting on that and he also crashed. - One. - But the people here are so relaxed that they both got out of the car - and said "little brother, nothing happened". - "Daddy, pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa". - Well, and the thing is. they said "bah, nothing happened". - And we continue. - We had an adventure today. Five meters ahead, another crash. - Another crash. - But that one had its window broken. Yes. - I changed some money. I have some money here that's called... Cuban pesos. - Now there are only Cuban pesos. Before there were CUC and CUP. - Now, there is only Cuban peso. - Only one currency. - We have been told a lot that it brought quite a lot of inflation. - That it caused the currency to devalue. - But I don't know how to tell you anything. - The only thing I can tell you is that 1 EUR is 300 CUP. - If you buy it at the airport, which is the official one, - they take it at 130 CUP. - So, here they tell you buy it at the lodging, you see? - That they pay you more. - Because there is an official exchange rate and a parallel exchange. - Like in Argentina. - Same, same situation. Here we are in the cathedral square. Ah. Very nice. Beautiful. - Very colonial. Do you want to see inside? - Let's go back to the old videos of Mateo and Lisanna, - that we used to enter to all the possible churches. - Of the planet. Something is missing here. - What's missing? The pigeons. - Oh, it's true. - Strange, there is no pigeon... - Wow. - All stone. - Beautiful. - Very nice, man. - Something that caught my attention my attention also from Cuba - is that, when we went in, - when we got to the migration, - they didn't ask us for anything at all. - We had to buy a visa which cost 25 EUR each. - Which is just a piece of paper. - We bought that when we were in Estonia. - And then, we went in, we arrived, the police just... - The police just told us "welcome to Cuba". - He did not ask me where I was coming from, what I was working on. - If I had health insurance, nothing. - Normally, every country we go to, - I always get interviewed. - They ask me several questions. Not Lisanna. - Lisanna passes by as if as if she were in the bus roulette. A. By age, my love. - By age. - Because I may be, let's say, a danger to the country. A. - What do they sell there? Like flags, T-shirts. - There's the warehouse. - How are you doing, sir? Everything all right? - Fine, fine. - Thank you. - Let's see what we have here. Look at that. - Which one? - Is this for real? - Yes, it is. - It serves as a magnet and you can smoke it. - Ah. Can you smoke it? - I'll open a hole for you here and you give him a light here. - How do you smoke? How do you make a hole? - You grab here, you make a hole here. - And you light it up and start smoking it here. - So it's a memory that's smokable. - Okay. Look, Mateo. - How much is this one, sir? - 300 CUP. - OR 1 USD. - I'll take these two, sir. - Uh-huh. I'll get you a baggie. - Okay. A little car? - A little car. - Look, like Barbie's. - How much is this one, sir? - That one, 300 CUP. - 300 CUP? - This offer is 8 for 5 USD. - Or 8 for 1500 CUP. - 8 for 5 USD, Lisanna. - But no, eight is too much. - Or so, 1 for 300 CUP. - That's the one. Yes. - Okay. - And those two. - There he is. Wait till I pay him, my love. - There it is. And he keeps the change. - Oh, thank you! - God bless you. Thank you! - See you later, my friend. - Amen. - Photo photo. - Photo. - Take a picture of me, Lisanna. - From which country? - Argentinian. - I'm going to ask you a question later. - Otherwise, save the picture. - Let's see, record it and I'll ask you the question. - Record, Lisanna. - Recording? Yes. - I congratulate you for the championship. We vibrate of emotion in Cuba for the championship - Because I always bet on Argentina. - I played soccer when I was young. - But, now goes the question. - Part of the body that identifies Argentines. - The right upper limb. - What a limb! - If I'm telling you, boy. - I haven't seen anyone who's stopped the ball with that. The shorts. - The what? - The pants. - What shorts? What do you hit the ball with, man? - I'm telling you! - With your feet. - Sure, man, the legs! - The footballer's legs they have. - The best designed legs for soccer. - The most sought after! - The Argentinean legs! - For the energy of Argentinean soccer. - I thought it was the member. - What member of what? - The right limb. - What a member or a member! - Welcome to Cuba, guys. - Thank you, brother. - Do you play soccer? - Something. - Here you are, my friend. - Thank you very much, my pleasure. - God bless you. - Thank you, my brother. Thank you, my brother. - Good luck. - What do you want, Lisanna? What were you going to say? That this is where the rum was made? No, the mojito was made famous here. Because they put together... My bad memory, sorry. Some people got together to drink all the time. So, he became famous. Now, he's so famous that I imagine... - You can't enter. I guess it's the line. So, I don't know whether to drink it here or go somewhere else. - Let's go somewhere else. But there's music, everything. - Now, Lisanna, wait. I'm going to try to get in. - Oh, I'm sorry. It fills up because they give it to you in a glass cup. So, you have to drink it here. - Aah. So, you can't just take it and go. - Maybe you can't drink in the street either. - What a lot of people there are... - "La bodeguita del Me". - "Cobblestone 207". - You want to try it here then, Lisanna? I don't know. - Or do you want to try somewhere else? Let's go somewhere else. I don't know. As you wish. - Well, let's go. - Well, in the end, we gave up and left. - Because there were a lot of people. - There must be another place to try a mojito. Yes. - I don't think I'm the only one. - Hi, you can come in, folks. Welcome. - Hello, folks. - Thank you. - You can come in, my friend. - Thank you, my friend. - You can look at it without obligation. I mean, I already saw the mojito in the night and everything, it's all over the place. And the taste must be the same, right? Only that place is very famous. Look, it appears to be a clothing factory. Or sheets, I don't know. Linens. - Look at those chairs, Lisanna. Yes. - Those are the kind of chairs that you hammock on, see? - In my grandmother's house there were. - Exactly the same, in the field. - Chairs like this. - Look, it's like a factory. - As uniforms go, it might be. - How crazy... - There's a bakery here. Okay, moving on. Searching. - Let's keep looking to see if there's a place to eat too. - Because I got hungry. - A cab driver explained to us that here all the hotels belong to the government. - They are public. - But the family houses are private. - So, if you stay in somebody's house, - you are helping the Cuban, the people. - And that's what we did. - We stayed at one person's house. Through Airbnb you can find it. Easy. - Exactly. - Don't go away. - I'm not leaving? - This is the most romantic part. - Dale, I'm staying. - Can you sing something nice to my beautiful wife? - Of course! - A dedication. - Aha. - Her name is Lisanna. - Lisanna. - Yes, here she is. - Lisanna. - It looks like she's really healthy. - She is healthy and in love. - She's very much in love with me. - Let's see, friend too. - There was the friend too. Sorry, friend. - No no, both of them. - Let them sing to his wife too. - No no, let's sing to both of them. - Sing something nice for my wife. - Something Cuban, romantic. - Come on. - Fuaa. - Get up here in front, Lisanna, they're giving you prestige. Come here, Lisanna. - Stand there. - Because it's for you. - Go, my love. - It's for you, my love. Yes, but... - No, on the side there, so that the singer comes out. - There. - There it is. [Singing] - Fua. [Singing] With her I want to say, I love you. [Singing] I adore you. [Singing] [Singing] My life! - Look at him, my love. - Fuaa. [Singing] [Singing] You play. [Singing] [Singing] [Singing] - I love you, Lisanna, I love you. - I love you, my love. I love you. - Bye, my friend. Thank you. - Bye. - Bye, guys. - What did you think of the dedication, my love? Very nice. - Lisanna got a little shy, I think. And... yeah. - Poor thing... - How well the guy sings. - Now, you know what I loved? - The noise of the drum. Yes. - It's so Caribbean that... And in Cuba we already saw several, like in the mojito place, they play music, it's something good from here. - Of course. - You know what I really like...? - Look at it! What's that? - They're dogs with little signs. - Yes, look. - Canelita. - "I am sterilized and vaccinated". - "I am a goldsmith's pet." - Why do they have little signs? - Because that's the dog's name. - But is it for adoption? - No. - Because they are the dogs of the late historian. - Of the deceased? - Died? - May he rest in peace. - And why did they put signs on the dogs? - Because he's a house dog. - If the cart that that picks up stray dogs... - So they don't take him away. - So they don't take him away. - They've been living here since they were little. - They live here and they put that so that no one will take them away. - Exactly. - I've never seen anything like that. - Here I have the coin and the Che Guevara bill. - Thank you, very kind. - I'll give you both for 1 USD. - Thank you, my love. - Ah, so, these dogs are not for adoption. - They just put the sign on it so they won't take him away. Exactly. - You, Lisanna, you already thought it was for adoption. No. - She just went. - She was thrilled when I played the music for her. To make her happy. - A. Mateo wanted to take the dog already in his arms. We are in the main square. - Where is it? Here. - Ah, there's Mr. Historian. May he rest in peace. - Look, he died. - The dogs were his, Lisanna. Mateo already wanted to take the dog... - Poor thing... - What a beautiful place Havana has. - Look. - Ah, "master saw terminal". - "San Francisco". - There is the bus terminal. - If we want to travel around the country, that's where we are going to take the bus. Are we going there? - Let's go. - It's not easy to get a place to eat here, huh. - I thought there would be more like bars, restaurants. - But there is very little. Maybe we're going the wrong way. - Because also a cab driver told us that now they are allowing - to open small businesses. - But very few. - One per citizen, let's say. - That is, a person cannot open more than one local. - You can have only one. - For example, where we are staying overnight - is a one-owner, Cuban. - And if he wants to open another house to rent it, he can't. - Only one. - The owner of the restaurant, it's the same. - The owner of the café, same thing, the owner of the bar. And so on and so forth. - But that was not allowed to do that before. - And now yes, they're allowing a little bit more. - They're opening up the economy a little bit more. - "Bank of Credit and Commerce." Look. - Fua. - Is that where the cash machine will take out money? - "Café Habana". - That would be two mojitos. - Let's try the mojitos, for starters. - And the typical dish, - the dish that you tell me "this is typical of Cuba, of the day to day, of the people", - what would it be? - The chicken. - Chicken with rice? - Yes, chicken and rice. - And what else does it come with? - It comes with salad, well boiled. - What's it called? Dirty laundry? - No. Isn't there one called dirty laundry? - No, old clothes. - Old clothes. - We have grilled chicken. - Grilled chicken. - Yes, chicken grillé. - That would be 10 USD, wouldn't it? - 10 USD. - Well, two grilled chickens. - Hey, did you notice anything? What's that? - That it comes with a mate bulb. It's not a mate bombilla, Mateo. - It's a recyclable bulb. Yes. Very nice. - What do you put in it? Mint, lemon and rum. Sugar, lemon, mint. White rum. And I imagine soda. - Is it good? Very tasty. - Is there Wi-Fi here? - No, I connect it with my phone. - Ah, I don't want to waste your data. - No, it's not a problem. - Don't bother. - Don't bother. - If there were, I would use it. If not, no. - No, but if you want, I can connect it from my phone. - No, I don't want to waste your data. - No. Don't bother, ma'am. That's very kind of you. - That's very kind of you. - The people here, I love them dearly. - They will always say "ah, Mateo comes to a new country and already says he loves..." - But the people here are a love. Yes, that, yes. It's all right. - She's very generous. Yes. - I have a friend who Cuban, and I like the guy. - because, I don't know, they're very quiet. Yes. - You go to his house to visit him, and the first thing he does he does is offer you a plate of food. - He says "come and eat, I prepared some beans and rice". - "Come and eat, I made I don't know what". - I mean, they invite you, you see? - Without asking for it. Of course. Try the mojito. - I'll try it, huh. - I got excited talking. - Oh, strong and sweet. Did you see that? It's sweet. - Strong, they put a lot on it. But it's not sour, I liked it a lot. - Good. - And I don't know if people noticed that I wore a new shirt for the video. - I got cute for you guys. - If you like the shirt that Mateo wore, subscribe to the channel. - Just like old times. But open your shirt... No no. - Subscribe to the channel. Ah, well... A... Well... Mateo is a scoundrel... - A subscription if they liked Mateo's shirt. Scoundrel. - I see that everyone is unsubscribing from the channel... That's right. - Thank you. - That's very kind of you. - Enjoy your meal. - Very kind of you, thank you. - Oh, look at the Cuban dish. - What was the name of this dish? Rice with chicken. - Ah, chicken and rice, just like that. Ah, but there's no rice. - It's mashed potatoes with chicken. Ah, well. - Mashed chicken. - One thing I noticed about the food here is that they season it differently. - It has a lot of flavor. - A dish like this, in this place - where we are, which is very touristy, costs 10 USD. - But we have already seen for 4-5 USD. - And the mojito, 4.50 USD. - Hello, my friend, how are you? - How much do you charge me to the airplane museum? - The one where all the airplanes are. - Ah, the Museum of the Revolution. - Yes, I can charge you 5 USD. - I can charge you 5 USD. - How much? - For 5 USD. - 5 CUP? - 5 USD. - 5 USD? - For both. - But in local money, how much is it? - That would be 1500 CUP. - 1500 CUP. Well, let's go. - Don't they take any cigar boxes? - What do you mean? - A little box of cigars. - I don't smoke, my friend. - Well, but that's what they take to give to relatives. - Thank you, brother. - Thank you, brother. Here we go. - What country are they from? - I'm Argentinean, my friend. - Argentinean. - And my wife is Estonian. - From Estonia? - Do you know where Estonia is? - No, I don't. - Where is it? - In a country where the temperature is -20°C. - -20°C. - Can you imagine living there with all the ice? - No. - Could you hold that? - No way... - If it starts snowing here, the world will end. - People are getting desperate. - Well, in my wife's country the same thing happens. - But when it's hot. - People don't understand what's going on. - Do you know that a lot of people end up in the hospital? - Uh-huh, yeah yeah. - Because they're not used to it. - Yes, that's true. - Tourists come a lot to Cuba because Cuba is a country - that is always warm, there is no cold, there is nothing. - Everybody comes. - And... it's nice, it has good weather. - The beach is nice. - There are places where it is very cold - and people migrate to warm places. - Exactly, they escape the winter. - Yes, that's right. - Hey, you working out every day - you stay healthy, don't you? - Of course you do. - That's the upside of this job. - It's a benefit. - Yeah. - You want to try it? - What? - You want to try it? - Let's see. - I want to try it. - I want to see how hard it is. - I'm going next to you. - That's the brake. - How do you brake? - Down. - Foot down. Forward. - Ah, like a motorcycle. - Uh-huh. - What do I do now? Shall I go on? - Yes, go on. - Faster? - No, not so fast that you might crash. - Today we witnessed four crashes. - Yes? - Yes. - Dale, go. - I'll let this one through. Excuse me, sir. - They've already passed. - If a client wants to come up, shall I make him come up or not? - No. - We are already full. - We are already full. - Hey, this bike has a light gear. - Because it's not so hard for me to pedal. - It's not heavy. - Because it is small, it is not very big. Did you get tired? - No, but I'd say that's good cardio. - We're going to get the girl going to get her pedaling too. I don't know. - I would say it's good cardio for the heart. - Yeah, it's good, it's good exercise. - Bye, guys. - I'll be back later. - Lisanna, you do it. Me? - My legs can't take it anymore. - Ya ya ya ya. - Now it's Lisanna's turn. No no... - Lisanna, are you going to pedal? - Come on, Lisanna. - You have to slow down. Ah. Come on! Ciao! - My legs feel really hard... Oops! - Ouch. Better not. - It's a danger Lisanna... - She needs a lot of practice. - Lots of practice. - Let's go. - Is that a greengrocer? - Yes, a market. - Look at you. - A market of... - Vegetable market. - Yes, it is. - Is this corn? - Ah, corn. Look at you. - Bye, buddy. - This way or this way? - This is where we wanted to stop. - I wanted to see those planes, yes. - There it is, God bless it. - Okay, likewise to you. - Thank you for everything, very kind. - Same to you. Thank you very much. - Bye. - I'll wait for you. - I'll see you. - God willing. - Go ahead. Bye, thank you. - See you later. Bye. - Well, finally, here we are. - This is what I wanted to see. - These planes here. - That tank over there. Delivery. - Those things caught my my attention. And I don't know what it is. - I was going to look on the internet, but I don't have mobile data here to watch. - But I found it striking that they put it in the middle of the city. - Just open like that. - Surely it must be from some war or something. - I wanted to see it again. Well. - But, as I know that my sweetheart is very bored with it, - let's continue the ride. - Maybe now, my love, go all the way home. - Look, a lady carrying the television in the little car. Ah, well... - On the cart there. See? - That one's got legs, huh. - That guy. - Look. - This, Lisanna, is this the Russian car? Yes. - Ah, look at you. What's his name? That one, I don't know. But did you see that it's a square? - Uh-huh. - Yes, they are like the Fiat 500. - Look how beautiful the flag is. - Huge. You're all red, my love. - And... what do you want... - We were in Estonia for a month. But you put on protection and you're still red. - But it was very white... - There was no sun, nothing. Imagine you. - When we come here with the sun that there is, we're torramos. Look, I'm going to have one left... - The mark of the ring. Yes. - That's good because, when you take it off, people still know you're married. Aa. - Do you understand? Yes. What about you? Nobody knows... What a danger Mateo... - Look at this! - Miss. - Hello. - Miss, excuse me. How much does this cost? - 300 CUP. - 300 CUP? - Yes. - They are good. - I wanted to try some. - I want to buy one from you. - Yes, you do. - How do you do it? - Ah, to turn it on, here. - Let's see, Lisanna, I want to try. - Because I always said "I'm going to go to Cuba and I'm going to try Havana cigars". - How do you smoke it? I have no idea. - This way. I'll light it for you. - Don't we have to drill a hole in it? - No no. - That's where I turn it on. - I'm putting it in. - Yes, it is. - But I don't swallow, do I? - No, just inside. - I'll show you. - Suck it in. - Tough. - As you may have seen, I'm not very good at sucking. - You have to do it hard. - I'm not very good. - But you have to do it hard. - How? - Like this. - There, suck it in. - Hard. - You must suck a lot. - Let's see. - I can't turn it on! - Look. - Look how it is. - He has a technique. - There goes the Cuban! - What an embarrassment I'm going through. - First time in Cuba? - Yes, first time in Cuba. - And I never smoked either. - Sure, you want to try it because... - To see how it is. - But it's difficult, eh. - Are you from Argentina? Come on. Suck it. - Shall I bite it? - That's it. Hard on there. - There, you see? - Did you see? - Now you're talking! - Your girlfriend? Yes. - Linda! Thank you. - My future wife. - I'm sure. - Sure. - God willing. - Hit it like this. - No, it doesn't turn off anymore. - But you have to keep it like that. - Did you see? - I want to dedicate it to my Cuban friend. - Who lives in my country. - And my dad. - My dad too, because he likes it. - Thank you, thank you! - Did you see? - Can you smoke in the street? - Yes, why not? - There are countries in which you can't drink or smoke. - Really? Drinking and smoking? - Miss, what's your name? - Jackira. - Mateo. - Matthew. - Jackira, God bless you. - Look, they sell a lot of things here too. - In that door. - In that warehouse? - Yeah, they sell cheap stuff. - If we need anything. - They change dollars too. - Beer, soft drinks, water. - Good. - In case you need. - Thank you, Jackira. - It's all right, Jackira. - What is the name of the singer Shakira? - Shakira, Colombia! - Look how she looks at me! - Do you also move your waist like Shakira? - Yes! - Aah. - Look at the bride! - Dance. - Me? - I'm not going to talk too much the wife will get jealous... - Oh, yeah? - Thank you, Jackira. - God bless you. - Thank you. - Well... Same to you. - Bye. Well... - It's a lot different from a cigarette, eh. - What are you doing, my love? - Lisanna doesn't like it when I smoke. - She gets sick. - But I'm not going to smoke, my love. - I just wanted to try a Havana cigar once in my life. - I'm not going to start smoking, my love. - Are you mad at me? - Are you going to challenge me? - Lisanna is going to challenge me. A... - When we turn off the camera, he's going to challenge me. - I already know that's going to happen. - But, well. - This is the house of a Cuban family we're staying in. - We are going to show it to you now for you to see. Is it a house or a hostel? - It's a house-hostel of a Cuban. - That is, it's a Cuban who rents it as a hostel. - Maybe you can't smoking in there. - Hello, my friend. - I turn it off, don't I? - Yes, I do. - Does it shut down like that? - No. - I have no idea how to turn it off. - With an ashtray. - Ah. - Upstairs on the balcony you can smoke. - That's where it was cut off. See? - Look at you... - And that's how I should smoke it? - Are there two airs? - Ah, no. One is to extract the humidity from the room. For me, because my husband went to the bathroom. - Or was it because I went to the bathroom and left a lot of odor? - No, it wasn't. - Present where we are living, Lisanna. Well, here's a bed. - This is, just so you understand: - is a Cuban who bought the house and can only have one. Yes. - And it belongs to a Cuban gentleman. It's an Airbnb. - I mean, there's from the government and there's from the people of Cuba. - This one is from people from Cuba. And we chose it because it's right in the center. Good price. - No windows. 38 USD per night. - I like it like this, without windows. - So I can get a good night's sleep. Yes. 38 USD for the night. - 38 EUR. It has air conditioning. Which, to tell you the truth, we came with no expectations. Because they say that sometimes there might not be any of that. - Or that there is no water, that the light, this that the other. But there is even Wi-Fi. - For example, look, he's got a split air conditioner in there. - The lights caught my attention because they're all energy efficient LEDs. - That is, they are new lights. - Charger, everything to plug in. - Refrigerator, fridge. - Here you have a thing to wash your hands. - The shower, it's hot. - Very good shower. - And here, the bathroom where I, for the change of feeding. - It's not that it always happens to me, but there was an important smell. - And we had to shut it down. Poor bathroom. - But, well, all this cost, as Lisanna said, 39 USD. - And you also have the breakfast option. - And you have Wi-Fi internet. - Which we don't have almost anywhere here. - But Airbnb does. - So, this was today's video. First impressions... - What would you say about first impressions, Lisanna? impressions, Lisanna? I liked it very much, the people, very nice. Leave that... Nice mojito. - Yeah. Nice sunshine. - Sure, quiet. - Nice energy there. And tomorrow, we are going to know more Cuba in depth. - Yes, we are going to try to go to a place where it's not so touristy, - to see another reality. - So, I hope you liked it. Subscribe to the channel if you liked it. - We leave you a big kiss and see you next time! Ciao! - Ciao!
Channel: Mateo & Lisanna
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Keywords: mateo y lisanna, mateo y lisanna en cuba, como es cuba, como es la habana cuba, vlog cuba, cuba, como es cuba en 2024, como es viajar por cuba, asi es la vida en cuba, como es cuba en la actualidad, cuba ciudad de la habana, visitar cuba en pareja, precios en cuba, alquilar en cuba, carros antiguos de cuba, precios de hospedaje en cuba, historia de cuba, es peligroso cuba?, vale la pena visitar cuba, viajar a cuba por cuenta, turismo en la habana, cubanos, cubanas
Id: 1ysT00AQh-g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 42sec (2862 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 31 2024
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