Cost of Living in Turkey Per Month in USD - Moving to Turkey Costs

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one of the good reasons to move to turkey is cost of living cost of living here in turkey is much better than it is in many other countries out there the value you get in return for the money you pay is great now if you haven't yet decided whether moving to turkey is the right decision for you or not i made a whole video about that and if you're looking for the cost of starting up your life here in turkey i also made a separate video about this but in this video we will be discussing the maintaining cost the monthly cost of having a life here in turkey so without further ado let's get into this video [Applause] i've been living in turkey for over six years now and since i moved to the country until now my expenses hasn't changed much in u.s dollar but in local currency in turkish lira my expenses have tripled the reason is the currency the local currency here in turkey is very unstable and it has lost a lot of its value over the last six years so you are better off calculating cost of living here in turkey in u.s dollar that way you guarantee no matter what happens to the local currency you get to exchange your money week by week month by month and live a comfortable life no matter what happens locally if you're new to this channel my name is abdul i make videos about living in turkey as an expat so if you're interested in turkey or maybe considering turkey as one of the countries you want to move to subscribe to this channel and like this video for more videos like this i only exclude it from this monthly living cost list education there's always the public free schools option and there's the private schools option which the cost of varies so i'll promise you i'll make another whole video about public schools and private schools here in turkey and how they compare to each other and how much they cost but other than that i've covered everything else that came to mind and that i've been spending monthly on here in turkey in every category i've put a minimum to how much you should expect to spend on the category and how much normally you'll spend on that category the first fixed monthly expense here in turkey would be your rent accommodation and that will cost you about two hundred and fifty dollars a month for a two bedroom apartment away from the city center or you could pay four hundred dollars a month for a two bedroom apartment in the city center the second monthly cost to expect is utilities you should expect to pay a minimum of a hundred dollars a month or normally 150 dollars a month and that would be for your mobile and home internet service it would be for your electricity and water bills it would be for cooling in the summer and heating in the winter and finally it would be for security and garbage service my calculations here are based on a family of four two adults and two children in that case you should expect to pay a minimum of two hundred fifty dollars a month on groceries or normally you would pay four hundred dollars to buy groceries comfortably transportation you should expect nothing less than a hundred dollars a month 150 dollars monthly would be normal and 200 a month would be the maximum you expect but it really depends on your consumption if you're going out every day if you have a car that consumes a lot of fuel then expect to pay more entertainment and dining out is another very hard one to calculate it really depends on you but expect no less than a hundred dollars a month for you and your family to go out twice even in the cheapest places you should expect normally 200 a month that would be normal for me at least or it could be more depending on the size of your family and how many times you go out for entertainment and dining out healthcare is one of the hard things to calculate but i'll tell you what i do i put aside a minimum of a hundred dollars a month or normally 150 dollars to be on the safe side and that would usually take care of any healthcare events that come up during the year finally it's always smart to have an extra 10 on your budget for emergencies and things that come up i call that category other so in other you should expect to pay a minimum of a hundred dollars or normally 150 extra stuff that comes up every month as you can see it will cost you in your family at least a thousand dollars a month to live in turkey or normally you cost you a thousand six hundred dollars the more you lean towards that thousand six hundred dollars things get comfortable the more you lean towards the thousand dollars things will be tight a single person can maybe get away with living in turkey for about seven hundred dollars a month or comfortably for a thousand dollars finally this budget and these calculations are very general and they are based on my personal experiences some families maybe spend less than a thousand dollars a month and live comfortably here in turkey and others could come to turkey and spend a thousand six hundred dollars and find it very tight budget it really depends on your spending habits and your life standards so do your calculations but this is a rough idea of what to expect from my experience that's it for this video thank you for watching until the end my name is abdul and i'll see you guys in the next video [Applause] you
Channel: Abdul - Turkey Expat
Views: 1,540
Rating: 4.7974682 out of 5
Keywords: cost of living in turkey, cost of living in istanbul, living in turkey, moving to turkey, living in turkey for foreigners, living in turkey as a student, living in turkey as an american, cost of living in turkey for international students, cost of living in turkey istanbul, cost of living in turkey 2021
Id: JSNzgbO11fY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 28sec (328 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 21 2021
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