CoSpaces & Avantis World Competition: Create Your Own VR Scenes

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good morning good afternoon good evening wherever you are thank you for joining me and expressing some interest in this joint competition between Avantis and co-spaces I'm gonna spend some time today going over going over what's possible going over what you were looking to do um the premise around this is to get your voice in from your pupils to show us what they want to see also to get them pitching their ideas to formulating their ideas so they actually join us in that journey and share that those ideas out to everybody it's not just a case of I want this scene I say you want that scene to do what and that becomes the important part my name is Ian Stewart I'm the head of Education with Avantis and if you've got any questions please don't hesitate to reach out to me on Twitter Facebook Mastodon I've joined Master Darkness just to see what that's like but you're more than happy to to answer questions in the chat here as well so please please please come and speak to us so I'm going to share your screen and we're going to talk about the co-spaces of artists World competition create your own VR scenes basically what we want students to do is to join us that Journey okay if I jump onto the edu verse those of you who are not familiar with the edge of this this is our free platform this allows teachers to create content it is development so we would love feedback on this and you have an edge Universe account the edgiverse account gives you access to Expeditions Expeditions is free and now it's a free platform you create and control what you want to see and actually if I say enter ERD Expeditions edgeaverse I am now in super expeditions if I click here this allows me to take my students into 360 videos into 360 pictures into 3D models environment sustainability since Co-op 27 is going on just now and if I go into fighting climate change with vertical forests you can see the e360 image will start I can join the room and I'm now inside here as a resource so you can see I can look a road vertical and this is actually a video if I move back I'd go into quarrel I've now got a 3D model and my students will move with me if I look around there's a piece of coral and I look like this inside the scene and I can move around w s D to move around I'd use my mouse to project this this could be done with any browser so your pupils can use their iPads their personal devices mobile phones computers obviously and it allows us then to experience what these are this is a close encounter with a beer there are 300 resources available in here covering a range of topics are you now the seeds we want to create will be inside Avanti's world that Avanti's world and about his world is here and we've got excited this is a subscription-based service if I sign in as a teacher and I can explore a textured into at the moment it's just under 300 scenes our great designers best at Gloucester actually produced these seeds four or five every two weeks which means it's constantly growing and that's why we need your students to come up with their ideas on what they want to do so if I go into the lads and let's go to trip through type as you can see it's all through the browser into our age of Revolution modern world let's go into early Humanity there are 15 cents in here and those scenes you can take your pupils into so I'm gonna go into growing Hadrian's Wall and you can see there's a QR code appears at the top now as to Educators that QR code is yours it only appears when you say that and in fact a different one appears next time that way people's carrot look keeper keep a copy and have their own little parties and safely everybody every people should be supervised inside here but if I click on here and it says look at that takes me into Roman Britain interestingly I could scattering with my mobile phone uh make it available for my pupils to join or I can go with a link and my peoples can join me in there okay and we've got some mission objectives we've got some resources these entry seeds are individual experiences so these are safe for people to go to anytime and what that means is that you can actually put that into your Google Classroom into your um into your teams to your whatever you need it to be in there and they each people who clicks on it has their own version of the Roman scene so I'm going to here and you will see it's loading up inside the browser join the room notice as well that the voice is over if I turn up the desktop audio so you can hear it got some atmospheric resources that I can walk around I can go into a scene you can see there's a uniform we could talk about people's carrot explore inside here that I have taken my the lick and I've put it into a different browser if I click on that I will be joining with a second Avatar so this is what a pupil would see that you can see over here you can work her out notice as well we can't actually have that conversation inside the scene also those pupils can be anywhere in the world and I think that's a key important part they could be isolating they can be whatever you need them to be the seeds are limited so if I move forwards I can go ahead I could explore we've got to define the area it has content inside it content itself should not be interactive why shouldn't it be interactive because we don't want to Define your pedagogy too much with me put some posters on the wall with information but really we want it to be open to the teacher and the pupils to use it and the way they want to use it okay without walking around and looking at exploring if I see something interesting as a people as a teacher I could take a photograph of that to work out later for my story okay and I can explore the other interesting thing about this is that if I move my students move so I'm not going to move into a robot Villa okay the Roman villa changes now inside here it blocks off it's blocked by student as well and we have teleported inside a Roman villa uh where it could be a deeper and here together as you can see yes bye anonymized should I can't go to change that if I want to but at the moment it said automized and you can see and have a look around the room with Villa and explore much smaller space smaller defined we can talk about that if I then move in and I want to go to let's go to the Inca civilization for talking about early civilizations it moves over it takes the should it moves me and teleports me and so the question then becomes what sins do you want to see that matches to your curriculum that works to what you want to explore what you want to your students to experience please if you've got any questions don't hesitate to ask them inside the chat package and then the Inca Village the kuc by student has come with me individually if I can walk around as a student and explore it's also it has games based technology built into it so you can actually talk to the students inside here the closer they are the load of their voices which is a really powerful thing but also there are tools of development to bring students together to mute all to allow students to explore individually if they want to but also for teachers to point them in the right connection in the right direction so the mutual the look here at gather here since okay we have quite a bit content already thank you I'm going to tick the desktop so that a little bit now you can see and here we have trip through time zone where you can go back through history through Alexander the Great Halloween the history of Halloween and Frank's house ancient Greece and we could go right through this list look on social media you'll be able to find the full list of what's available right now but don't forget every two weeks you seeds are delivered okay look out for the Christmas ones coming up fairly soon now you can see Battle of Hastings for Asic zones right up to Vietnam War Great Depression but actually it's not just the history I've also got the super site so you can see there's quite a few super science ones and it makes such a difference being able to take your students inside the seeds the other thing about the seeds sometimes the seeds will be Gallery views that you walk around something so like the human heart you actually walk around the outside of the human heart as if it's in a gallery to view other times you will be inside like inside a vein and you join them and say that and you explore it so think about your students creating The Zone and how they've got to design it uh we take them to the Amazon we can take them to whatever we want to go Okay so sometimes it's a good view so you're way above sometimes you're really really small and inside so think about what you would want to see inside there or your students would want to see and to show others literacy inside the scenes for definite pieces of literacy what seeds do you want to do okay go back I'm still inside there in kazord at this time I've got a shift and I've got to change Lads I'm going to go to super science lab super sites is the most developed because it's the most universal if I go to humans and Anatomy you see those 19 seats in there energy and forces is 26th and there is the human heart let's go to the human skeleton so your students should be thinking about who's going to look at this what's the learning they want to find out about what's the experience they want to have that would work with them of their Insight this is a gallity view as you can see notice my student has come with me again you can explore skeletons how they structure protect they connect Leverage here explore it I want to talk about the other part of the equation that's what the seeds are but actually we want to use core spaces as the prototyping tool when you come up with an idea how do you want them to develop this and we partnered with with core spaces who are fantastic organization core species is browser-based and allows students to create their own virtual reality experiences and the core spaces is it and what I love is the ability to build whatever you want and here you'd see I've got some lots of play ones I am going to stick to a Blank Space cool space is eight loads up and up there inside a seed the free version gives you 90 of what your needs in here gives you most of the library not all gives you the ability to create different environments it gives the ability to create a whole range of things like scroll back on my mouse wheel it takes me to bigger area and actually I could create different environments different areas different colors so if I put like green use the whole thing's green I want to put a floor image I can choose my floor image and build it all up and I want to build up my experiences and my design as much as possible okay it is browser based okay let me go back remove the filter there there we go is browser-based it allows the student to create what they want to share if I say here and I can see a share link and you can share it back with us what their ideas are in Buried within a presentation without a document without a one note within our Google page without a Google site a Google Classroom whatever use is best for you and your environment at your context that on PDF that you can download student ad book as well there are lots of beginners tutorials that allow you to get quickly the skills required and you've even got less implants in there okay the way we are looking at this to happen is that we are looking for you to plan for your pupils now the competition is open till May 2023 so lots of time to think plaid to put it to your resources to think what you've got to link it to to get students thinking you can you could use this to go ahead and explore what a seed does and how it works free of charge you can use core spaces free to get a development of the stabbing and then say I want my class to do this also we're opening up it could be individuals or it could be your groups inside the classroom it's entirely up to you in terms of age bands at the moment with its expressions of interest from around the world but at various ages so if the numbers could tell you as they're good which is fantastic we will develop allow them to strand off into age groups but at the moment we want to keep it as open and wide as possible and see what you guys think I think that's really important let me give your ownership with your class and your context for what you want to achieve with it okay reminder competition Pages here more than happy for you guys to to see that I'll just put that into the chat so it's there in the list edgyverse more than happy for you guys to add to the edge of this create your own account and you have your resources this is only for teachers okay students should be creating a character here they should be Memories by the teacher and the teacher is there to supervise it and take control of it if I go into ediverse ribs that I really enjoy if I go to the special events see we've got several examples here including the Christmas Grotto which is coming up very soon I will also take them to Mars in the ukrian guy Fox night last week and we've also got bugs like so these are free seeds that allow you to explore what's possible but also we can take them to a virtual playground or to a room Beach virtual reality rib Beach and we load that up join the room and we're now outside here okay now this is something I love if I write about right Mouse click I'm gonna go inside The rightmost Click just takes you to a little Zord and you can see me this is a changing room and if I look at here I've got little avatars that say but actually look at this side we have a range of different types of Avatar so I am going to go in and I'm gonna go and we're at a beach so I'm going to become a shark by walking in I'm walking out again if I press I on the keyboard that's what I know look like I get to go back to that view this time I've got to go forward uh there's a Bobby rocket just walking and cheese I don't have to press anything or do anything it allows me to go into here and press I again I have nobody so I can change these as I said earlier these are free but they are a development you as the teacher controller you invite people in and you can see invite and there's a QR code that allows ah thank you very much Rebecca screen share back you had my ugly face my apologies and I'm now inside here okay let me go over that again if I say I there we go let's say it here if I go forward I've got a range this time I'm going to go in they say I'm going to be coming out and walking come back and I press I of the keyboard I see I I see myself um there it is and allows me to then walk around if I want to bring pupils in here said that out remember teacher supervision for security and safety of children is the most important thing students do not get accounts this date gets given to the students either on a board or you say the link out through your learning platform allows their head to come out and join you so again if all right this time I'm going to use my mobile foot I've got to use the QR codes reader uh it just job said and it automatically had authorized these e and makes me you see I've joined the lobby on my foot join the rib and up there inside there so let's go out double your keyboard oh I've walked into the resource and there's B on my mobile phone there they're actually I could move around to my mobile phone use the joysticks we can look around in the Arab facing the other way okay so students a range of students coming in are talking to each other and again same as before if I were to change the room we're at the VR ruby red let's go to the playground and it will take everybody with me so a little recap the competition is open to students from around the world supported by the teacher okay so you've got time to plan it's open till May 2023 Africa your type your uh school year runs are slightly different you've got time to plot maybe start by your new project for going back after holidays after the summer you've got you've got time to plant you indicate to us that you are interested in joining and actually the form will be on the on the blog post we will then share this with you allow you to come in and talk to you about what you're thinking is and when you're thinking of doing it we will then set up a group that allows the teachers to work collaboratively inside a team this is not for the teachers this is not for the people it's just for the teachers to talk to each other create that environment that Community then you will get your students to write up their designs create their designs and co-spaces and I think that's a really important part because I'm going to jump into here big wood and explore and learn start creating it's that prototyping but also starting to write out water as they want to show chilly justifying a pitching their idea those selected will be interviewed okay they will have to patch and lick dragon's dead type scenario I'd pitch their ideas in the local language I would hate to hate to uh put things in place and not be able to them not to be able to communicate the local language as best they can the outcome will be we will select the best we're keeping it up at a home area at the moment and we will start to build those inside Avanti's World okay we will also put the name of the school heading somewhere inside the set and the name of those who developed those who come up with the idea hidden somewhere outside the scene to celebrate that okay any questions any thoughts more than happy to answer questions foreign a little bit but but we don't want to define a particular pedagogy I know students will want to go into the details and but really we we don't want it to be interactive a little bit helps understanding absolutely uh a little bit of that to to lead the designers of what the thought processes are that might be a nice idea a little bit of animation would generally be a very good thing okay and it becomes a really powerful tool to express their ideas but don't forget teach us we'll need it we were leading this in the class strips and allow students to create what they want inside the teams okay now the last people do is that core spaces has said schools who wish to take part this they will give them a Year's access to core species which means you could actually get full access for your class in your school it allows you to develop the skills fully which gives you the full access which creates animation physics and actually coding becomes part of the the resource that you have and if I jump back into here here is a game I created when I say I created I copied from someone else uh you see that I've got the code in here it allows your students to get this experience happening inside their team so games development all right this would be necessary for Z EZE competition but it's a great opportunity I think time is now two minutes to 11. last two minutes for me I know there's a slight lag in the uh resources so more than happy just to wait a few seconds I get allow people to join us any questions okay well I'm waiting I've got to share the form that's coming to me so people have shared their Set uh people have started answering these questions so fill this in you're not committed to anything by filling this in all you're doing is wanting to find out more and the resources are in here you can see without today's official announcement we've already got 12 people from around the world who are expressed interest if you want to ask questions please please please social media he had the questions here if you use the hashtag vrar and EDU that will allow you to ask questions in here if I go to latest you can see we have lots of information here you can tag me directly Institute 66. you can ask that ask questions there my DMs are open as well so please please please just Reach Out privately if you wish to and it's there and you can get that experience good morning Pablo and thank you for to you too Parma very late I suspect in the US Partners if you heard this please please please reach out to your skills you could lead it in your region if you wish to and I think that might be an interesting thing to do to me uh thank you very very much for your time I will be repeating this hopefully slightly smoother later on today and at half past four GMT and then 10 30. GMT pm tonight so you should be able to catch people if you could Point them in that direction that would be fantastic thank you so much for all your time and thank you bye-bye
Channel: ClassVR by Avantis
Views: 275
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: bjJUJP66ytI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 32sec (1952 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 08 2022
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