ClassVR Introduction: Virtual Reality for Schools

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I'm Hana along the road and we're both education specialist at advances we're here today to talk about class three exciting new technology bringing virtual reality to your classrooms class vr has five main aspects that we're going to tell you about the first which is that it comes with an all-in-one device secondly teachers can control and manage devices remotely they can also access our curriculum content and planning so you can access our installation training packages and finally we provide a secure storage and charging solution here we have our all-in-one class VR headset as you can see there's no need for any phones it's all built-in and it has an 8 megapixel front facing camera this allows you to interact with our augmented reality app as well as pick up gesture control as your way of managing what's going on on the device it also has a full HD screen and a headphone jack here so you can plug your headphones in for a fully immersive experience class vr headsets can be controlled through the class connect portal which can be accessed simply through a web browser from there teachers can log on and control the devices remotely sending specific experiences to certain pupils or even porting experiences halfway through it also allows you to get a live feed for each of your pupils is looking at so that if you want to pull the experience you know exactly what point you are doing that as it also allows you through the class collect portal to upload your own experiences to really personalize the learning in your classroom now I'm going to show you how you can control the headsets to turn them on just press and hold the power button on the side for a few seconds until you see the class vr logo appear on the screen after that the choice is yours you can either control the devices remotely as a teacher through the class connect portal or you can put that control in the hands of your pupils and they can use our innovative gesture controls they'll begin on a menu screen to select one of the experiences they simply need to look with their eye icon mange to choose and make an okay Jess shoot in front of the headset with their hand the camera picks up this gesture and it will take them into the experience to go back to the menu all we need to do is shape the head like they're saying know when they're back in the menu instead of having to turn all the way around to look at the different icon they can simply tilt their head to the left and scroll the menu to the left or top to the right and it will scroll to the right with your class Kinect subscription you have access to over 500 virtual reality and augmented reality experiences with new ones being added on a monthly basis these include everything from ancient Egypt right the way up to walking on the moon it also gives you access to a range of different cross-curricular lesson plans and some ready-made worksheet for follow-up activities for augmented reality a certain a cloth VR headsets comes complete with a secure storage case this tough case also acts as a charging unit and you can really easily between patterns making experience accessible to everyone in your school we offer an installation and training service to help you get up and running with class VR in your school will come to your school and make sure the devices are connected to the Wi-Fi and ready to use and will also deliver training to key staff members about how to use the class Connect portal to control and manage devices on top of this we will also give you loads of practical ideas for you to use and support you in delivering an actual session to your class
Channel: ClassVR by Avantis
Views: 52,793
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: School Virtual Reality, School VR Lesson Ideas
Id: C8tuXxCA1PQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 28sec (268 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 27 2017
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