Cosmopolitan Las Vegas Buffet ALL YOU CAN EAT Wicked Spoon Buffet Now Self Serve

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[Music] it's all you can vegas hey everybody it's derek and catherine and we're here at the wicked spoon buffet at the cosmopolitan the buffet is open and it is now self-serve so let's go see what there is to eat all right let's start with the meat here's the meat station i don't want to miss the fried chicken let's definitely start with one of these sure thank you you're welcome is there a prime rib that's the prime rib and that says beef sirloin is there a beef sirloin oh okay great thank you oh that's perfect okay all right let's get some chicken i really want to try oh we already have the fried chicken yes maybe i'll try the sausages yeah a little self-serve look at that grabbing it with my own hands get some sausage there we go of course miso ginger rotisserie chicken can you get me a pizza oh yes looks like those are all thighs that looks new yeah thank you so that's miso ginger rotisserie chicken and some italian rope sausage oh there's a citrus brine turkey breast back there i have to come back for that oh there's your favorite bone marrow can you please give me some bone marrow yes thank you see this one looks like it's full of perfect whatever marrow is thank you they have quite a lot of salads over here they have wedge salad a caesar salad and this is a guacamole which leads me to believe that there's probably some sort of chips right here and there they are right here some corn tortilla chips in a bag they've also got this beef tataki with a duck egg and wasabi ginger ponzu well i am curious about that for you to try okay there you go and there's a bond meat salad oh i remember these from last time we were here the pork beer taco i think they had these didn't they have these they had some sort of pork they had like a carnitas carnitas taco okay well this is going to be even better i hope because those were pretty amazing before and they have a beef and lamb gyro hero always messed that one up let me put that over here next to my fried chicken how you doing all right with those uh okay there's a kale salad you know i do need my greens i think i will get one of these this is it not not that that's just decoration let me put that i don't know where i'm gonna put it right here on the meat okay i think we're good yeah i guess we better get back to our table and then we'll we'll see what else there is to eat all right so we got our first plates what do you want to try first now i'm going to try the miso ginger rotisserie chicken first because i don't recall seeing this and it looks really good i i like chicken thighs so this is the thigh here's what it tastes like what are you going to try first this one the beer taco remember how much i love that carnitas okay here we go [Music] how's that [Music] juicy and fatty and porky everything i want in a taco how's that this is tasty that looks juicy too thighs are usually like a lot more juicy more fatty so i tend to like them with the flavor but the miso ginger that's i've never really seen that in a rotisserie like chicken like houses and spices that's good these are really juicy and tender it's just falling right off it's great it's really i like this a lot i don't know if i've ever seen this did you no but they've had rotisserie type chicken here uh in various flavors and i guess it's the latest yeah flavor it's always good it's actually they used to have like a jerk chicken absolutely it looked like that it was really good it was like one of my favorites next to the fried chicken this is the the wicked fried chicken i gotta go to that next yeah [Music] how is it perfect this might be like my favorite thing on this buffet really it's consistent i will say that i mean i do love fried chicken yeah he does this is really good i always i remember the jerk chicken here this is must be new this is very good miso ginger asian flavors yum this used to be spicy that's why i think it used to be it still is called wicked fried chicken they took away the spice which is perfect for me just tastes like fried chicken okay next i i i'm actually quite curious about this i think this is the same kale salad that they used to have that i really like because i think i see some cranberries or something in there this is actually a really good salad it's the same one i had before so i'm gonna go with that one next what are you gonna go for next i'm gonna go for the exact opposite over the beef tataki yeah perfect which is like almost like a beef tartare a bit a little bit yeah it looks rare a little underdone to me rare this is good i can't tell if it's the exact same salad as before but it's definitely dark dark greens it's gotta be the healthiest thing i'm probably gonna eat on this buffet uh it's delicious yeah the pizza taco is really good there's only two small slices so um just just enough of a bite to get a really good flavor if you taste the beef i like the radish with it because the radish kind of gives a bit of a tartness like a bite to balance it out it's really nice and i also like the sauce too that's good you know this this prime rib looks a little rare for me you want to try that first i actually have so let me show you okay so here this is a little more rare than i usually like my my meat but this part here this this edge is definitely cooked more and this i think has a better flavor than the actual center part of the beef you know yours even looks even better yeah i have the same like the outer edge of the prime rib and this interior here and this is an all you can eat buffet so if you wanted to i guess you could just eat that part i could maybe find someone to give that to you to eat well i will try this party okay that's about the doneness i like with my meat [Music] that's great the other great part about that is that you know the edge of the part i like is right there where it has all that char on the outside how's yours it's good i like the the interior part's good it's a i like the outside but a little bit more because i also like that char i also like that char so i'm going to eat that outside part too now i am going to eat the inside part too of course it's more tender than i thought yeah that's the thing it is more tender okay i'm gonna try the outside part now yeah it's like two different flavors no yeah no it's actually it's good all the way through yeah all right i still have i have this and of course i still have my one fried chicken and there is some sausage right you know the pork sausage that's not the chinese you've got some bone marrow i do have some bone marrow with a pickled onions and a gremolata on top here's a big bite of bone marrow oh my god it looks terrible i'm about to eat it [Music] it looks like a giant wad of fat the onions and the gremolata help to lighten it up and balance it i mean i know people love it you love it and you can get it here at the wicked spoon good i'll stick with this euro the euro meat i'm going to try the pork sausage now this is italian pork italian pork rope sausage okay we'll both try that's how i like sausages it's not spicy no but it has those really great flavors of like an italian restaurant you know like red sauce like i want a red sauce for that sausage spaghetti i really like the seasoning this is really good it's a mild it's very mild and very flavorful all right now there is asian food down this away there's also crab legs should we get a few of those oh yeah yes please did you load them up for me yes thank you yep look at that that is like this one's all stuck together that should be good to start with yes look at this i see some big shrimp is that my shrimp salt and pepper head on shrimp i think these are the ones you like i love these i'm not even are these the first the ones you have before your musical character these are larger that's what i thought yeah these it looks like they're mixing up the menu here which is good let me get some of these two for myself these are huge oh please get me like two more okay these are much bigger than the original salt and pepper yeah i'll get a few more myself and this is a soy caramel duck wings i'll think about that and then it looks like some dim sum baskets back here pork riblets and a chashu bao i think i want to try one of these i always like these type of chinese buns yeah you love these might as well try the pork riblets i don't think i remember these from before do you remember these i don't that's do you want to try any of those on your plate i'm really excited about that yeah we got some good looking plates here already so they've got the hokian udon noodles some paneer tikka masala and this is crispy garlic with eggplants and coconut cream actually yeah that is new too i definitely want to try that i'll try this right now there's space for me on there maybe right there all right i'm really excited about this let's try it okay this this first of all it's hot freshly fried and there's eyeballs i love it okay yeah i'm going to peel mine i'm eating it just like this head to tail thank you thank you very much got our crab crackers there no peeling for me i'm eating it just as a little ticket [Music] i will say these are big i am really surprised how big they are all the meat out there the shrimp meat like i can imagine again like how big this is uncooked if it's this large that's true like it's really big look at the size of my hand i mean i guess all the salt and pepper flavor is on the outside on the shell but maybe there's a little bit still in here now that it's peeled that is that is totally a big shrimp i mean yours looks even bigger i saw the head because it still has everything on it and that is plenty of meat inside i mean look at my hand right there [Music] what do you think that still has plenty of flavor it's it's super like succulent what about yours the head was great i'm working my way down through the tail here we go [Music] there's so many like legs and feet to take off of this maybe i should just eat it like that but then but then i'd be eating the legs and feet like me and the head and the this is two good i mean you're going to get your fingers messy but that's that's the choice you make that's true my fingers are messy too but i'm just eating the whole thing again head to tail eyes lakes and all but it's delicious this is delicious too [Music] all right i am super curious about this eggplant this is eggplant and a coconut cream with garlic the eggplant is super light and and like tender that's good i have riblets i have pork chops here almost forgot about these there's some crab here oh there i have some butter to go with my crab too there's bones in there so i gotta be careful though yeah [Music] it's definitely like a rib rib flavor and super crispy because it's like just a little just bits of fries i think it's all cake almost dude no no i didn't get the pork ribs so i was too busy continuing on the crab and shrimp i'm gonna have some of the crab with the butter without the butter i think it's very sweet the meat is very sweet though that was a nice big piece all right now there is more food here they've got pizza this is a soprasata pizza over here there's a duka spice salmon actually i remember i had that last time that was one of my favorites and there's one lone eggs benedict right there says canadian bacon poached eggs and hollandaise do you want it oh wait there's still more to this we might wait for the fresh batch yeah i definitely uh want to try this pizza and do you want to eat the pizza i don't know okay well there's more oh my god there is spaghetti here it's bucatini this is what i should have put the sausage in that's exactly what i was craving there's also what does this say charred okra yeah i don't remember that yeah and then did you want any of these things so far oh the cajun shrimp and grits oh shrimp i'm gonna try some of the chardoca i've never seen this before would you like something no but i would like some shrimp and grapes would you like that i'm gonna get some bucatini oh okay yeah you can try the bucatini not right now i should have had it with my italian sausage that would have been perfect but now we know so that's the tip you come here get the bucatini and the italian rope sausage yeah you're in for a treat you know i'm going to get the extra we are going to get okay yeah it's hard to resist the shrimp and grits that one's missing a shrimp maybe somebody i think i mean you can you can use your hands here yeah we're using ours to get the items but you really shouldn't just take the shrimp no out of the shrimp and grass this is really tasty yeah super creamy that sauce is nice right yeah liquids are very creamy oh this is a highly recommend this one a little bit of cajun spice yeah not overwhelming at all mostly just delicious creamy grits now this is the fish i liked last time i think it looks like it it's like they changed things up here you know quite a bit they're kind of all in the same style like they might substitute out the type of fish or something i can't remember this is salmon i had last time but it looked look like this i'm going to try the charred oak is a bit of a kick i can't see what kind of seasoning there is oh yeah it's kind of spicy i didn't have that signature sliminess i was just gonna ask you if there was this slime yeah yeah it's there i mean if it's split open it's definitely has a that can i try one yes you can but you'll get a kick out of it like that's like you get a kick out of them you'll get a kick like a heat kit oh yeah that's actually good yeah oh there's the spicy i told you kind of comes yeah it must be the the sliminess that slows it down that's good no it's good it's good i know usually i don't get okra yeah but i think i'm going to try it here good rule of thumb if i'm not going to make it at home i should try it somewhere else and i have a tiny piece of pizza i don't know if you can see how tiny this is it looks bigger on the buffet it probably looks bigger when i hold it close to the camera why did you put in your hands this is actually how big it is but you can get more that's all you can eat so okay i'm going to try the bucket remember that bucatini shortage of 20 20. [Music] that's good it was very good was it so frasada okay and it's thin crust that's the way i like it the sauce has a bit of a kick too paprika it's not just a plain tomato sauce oh oh yeah that has way more heat than i thought it was way more heat do you want now this is brunch here at the wicked spoon where they've got pancakes and french toast and other dessert breakfast items they have plenty of dessert or over on the dessert area and this but this is like the sweet breakfast brunch stuff so i'm going to get some of this can you give me a pancake over there how many would you like just like two these are buttermilk pancakes yeah okay i'm gonna get two for myself as well as some french toast and there's some syrup here on the side great would you like one yes please all right yes get some french toast it says french toast with berry compote and lemon curd all right let's go down this way and see if there's any other breakfast oh yeah brunch type you know sweet brunch foods oh bacon okay salty breakfast brunch foods yeah i think they used to have it over here now oh there's mashed potatoes i should have gotten some of those charred broccolini and some fava beans and peas and pea tendrils really good yeah that sounds pretty healthy it's certainly very green oh yeah look here's the omelette station where they're making fresh omelets to order those look really good there's the makings of the omelette station you can choose and there's the bacon i see that applewood smoked bacon yes please how about this yes that sounds good that's plenty maybe maybe that's enough for us to share or you can get your own bacon okay and they do have a few breakfast things around the corner here there's the egg salad toast actually had that before is very good surprisingly good yeah like avocado toast okay and down around here they actually have a nutella toast which i've also had and it is excellent they also have some soups this says tomato basil and wicked clam chowder you want to lift the lids and see if that's really what's in there sometimes they had like oatmeal and stuff in there but yeah that looks like clam chowder and then is that tomato basil wow that does look good if you like soup you got some banana bread seasonal fruit which apparently apples are in season they've got shrimp cocktail more fruit here it looks like it's honeydew cantaloupe yeah honey doing cantaloupe i swear that looks like watermelon but it says tuna crudo i love this i think we had that last time and it was like it was it was it was really good but very surprising for pistachio and basil all right and assorted cheese plates all right we got buttermilk pancakes and some french toast [Music] the berry compost [Music] a pancake i know you like that i do they're like they're light and like fluffy those are good those are really good they taste really buttery you know like usually there's butter served on the side but didn't need it super buttery yeah i've always liked the french toast here it's one of my favorites yeah again this is a little bit different style it has a berry combo on it this time right let's try this [Music] that's a good face [Music] these pancakes really surprisingly they're super good i think the thing with french toast is like you want a fluffy creamy inside we also want like a nice texture on the outside and this one has boat which is surprising but the pancakes are really good the pancakes are like pure fluffiness so if you just want that [Music] get the pancakes so this is the tuna crudo i swear it looks like watermelon right just like watermelon it looks like an eight-bit heart i think it's cute it does it's again a blood orange reduction beet pollen and pistachio i believe what is that get some sauce [Music] it's good it's good it's cold very cool which is good because it looks like rock it confuses my tongue though because i'm expecting it to be watermelon yeah because it's cold like that yeah and it has that orangey uh flavor that kind of looks like a fruit flavor yeah yeah but then it's fish and you still have some avocado toast right with eggs it's like some kind of cheese avocado whole grain let's give this a try i had it i liked it when we were here last time or one of the times we're here you really liked it we've been here a lot we've had so many different foods here over the years of the wicked spoon we're just i'm so happy that they're back open and it's it's self-serving just grab everything with your hands yeah i mean it was it was it wasn't bad the way they had it for a while yeah when you know at least the weakest room was open one of the few buffets yeah really the only stripper that was open for a while right until now right they made a lot of changes and pivoted they pivoted a lot and now they're going back to the original setup i think they're always always pretty consistent here it's always fun all right so there's even more meat over here hello how are you all this meat looks so good thank you very much so we got uh is one of these the beef sirloin oh can i get some red pork shoulder okay uh could i try some sirloin silver one yes i like it more on the well size no problem great all right let me give you a new uh slice here i'm gonna just like give her a nice straw grill okay great and that will give an extra flavor on it thank you yes look at that oh right on the grill back there yeah a little bit of pork shoulder please thank you wonderful peace thank you thank you so will you finish off a piece of meat on the grill we have we cook at the medium range that's great yeah thank you thank you and anything i can get on this place i think we're good here some of the prime rib just uh no i think just just the one on the grill will be good thank you yeah that's definitely looking pretty rare all right getting it off the grill now here we go now that is looking pretty well done over there i see it's smoking that's going to be good pretty good food is great oh i know we're so happy you guys are back [Music] absolutely [Music] oh here we go all right and our well done sirloin oh perfect perfect thank you thank you very much thank you now i've got to get some mashed potatoes to go with that because that is the perfect accompaniment actually you know we should try some of these too yeah this is very intriguing before it says it's fava beans and peas and pea tendrils and then my mashed potatoes over here yeah you can give me a few of those pea tendrils [Music] yeah i'm gonna get these mashed potatoes here we go [Music] would you like some mashed potatoes all right this is my sirloin well done cooked to order that is pretty cool and you've got yourself ends right the bird ends from the sirloin here and some pork pork shoulder yeah i'm gonna try the burnt end yes i got my well done [Music] actually sirloin looks really good it's just really good it smells really good crispy ends here that looks so good it's really good it's really flavorful like the front ends are always so tasty they kind of cut them and put them to the side so if you replace them they'll be ready to go how was that it's great i mean just that extra char flavor that you know from having it cooked off fresh right there after you sliced it i mean this is like it's almost like uh you know something tastes like up of a backyard barbecue like fresh off that grill i think it's that time it's dessert time the wicked spoon has always had some of the best desserts of any of the las vegas buffets including their gelato they have some really interesting flavors too like thai tea they have so many different desserts as well this looks like some coconut panna cotta all right chocolate cupcakes for the raspberry buttercream yup chocolate chip cookies strawberry lychee mousse cake and then a white chocolate mousse cake with cashew bread and mango no raspberries grilled cheesecake yeah can you get me this one here called the zenith that's the white chocolate mousse with passion fruit and mango i just like the name zenith it's not like a is that a tv brand a little tv okay apple turnovers oh i love these chocolate covered strawberries raspberry lime torque can you get me that one thank you creme brulee and the gelato there's the thai tea gelato right there pistachio and chocolate i think i'm going to try this should i get the salted peanut caramel i've never tried that one before i always usually stick to my favorites which is vanilla and strawberry but this one just looks so good great thank you so much all right that looks good all right well i want to start with my zenith because he likes the name for the tv did he get no i always had a sony we might have had a zenith yeah i'm gonna try the strawberry there's my zenith i guess cause it's a very ripe strawberry yeah they're always great and this is like a super bright flavor oh good like right like color tv so this is the raspberry cheesecake and it's just the right amount of cheesecake for me just it's a good bite it's a really good tasting cheesecake too yeah i just had a bite and it is just enough it's just not finished so the wicked spoon buffet here at the cosmopolitan of las vegas these desserts are just a perfect finish to the all-you-can-eat experience here at the wicked spoon buffet and we're just so happy that they're back thanks for watching everybody please give this video a thumbs up if you liked it leave a comment let me know what you think about the wicked spoon buffet and be sure to subscribe for more because there's always more to eat and it's all ucaf vegas
Channel: All You Can Vegas
Views: 327,301
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: all you can vegas, all you can eat vegas, Cosmopolitan Las Vegas buffet, wicked spoon buffet, all you can eat buffets in Vegas, wicked spoon buffet 2021, Cosmopolitan Restaurants Las Vegas, Cosmopolitan buffet, vegas buffet, las vegas reopens, best of Las Vegas, best buffet, best vegas buffet, best las vegas buffet, best buffet in vegas, vegas buffets open
Id: -eFNZqvl9lE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 27sec (2127 seconds)
Published: Sun May 30 2021
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