Corsair 4000D Gigabyte VISION Build Shot On The New LUMIX S5!

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hey gear seekers i'm nick i've got a little bit of a confession to make follow me i want to i want to show you guys something you may have noticed that a few things have changed around here things look slightly different and there's a reason for that because we've started shooting the primary amount of our a cam with the new lumix s5 and why am i talking about the lumix s5 well because panasonic sent it to us for us to use to film gear seekers videos lumix cameras have always been the lifeblood of this channel right so when panasonic reached out and said they wanted to send us their new full-frame s5 how could i possibly say no lumix cameras are the types of cameras that we trust and these things are designed to be workhorses and that's exactly what they are for us these are the bread and butter and lifeblood of this channel in fact let me show you what we're filming this segment on as you can see we already shoot a majority of our stuff on the gh5 it is one of the major staples of the channel so that's why when they said hey you want an s5 say hi clello that's clearly n ladies and gents what do you reckon clello did we say yes of course we said yes this might be starting to sound like an ad for the lumix s5 but it's not i wanted to challenge myself to do something different with a camera that i trust that i've been using for weeks so what we're going to do is film an entire build video and not just any build video it's one that you guys have requested it's the gigabyte vision build and we're doing in the case you guys have requested we went out and bought this one this morning it's the new corsair airflow 400d we're going to do it from here on out on the lumix s5 [Music] all right we're rolling on the s5 now with that said let's do mini part shopping i'm just going to show you the vision parts because you guys have been asking to see them obviously the 3080 vision that we covered a couple days ago i'll put a link up there if you guys want to see what we said about this card and bit of a different choice now if you look down here we have all of the vision motherboards you might notice that this one's popping out a little bit because i'm going to go with the b550 vision d uh basically because of the cooler that we're using and the other cpus that are available for this so let's go that that's what we're going with all right mini part shopping done that was the lamest part shopping segment ever but it's time ladies and gents it's build time let's do it [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign all right ladies and gents i hope you enjoyed this build video and the new corsair 4000d now the reason why i'm really wanting to talk about the lumix s5 in this video is because we get questions basically every single day of the week as to what we use to shoot gear seekers videos and that's the brilliant thing with the video today i shot this entire video with a single camera and a single lens and that being the new lumix s5 and the new 20 to 60 3.5 to 5.6 i think that's what it is yeah i'm looking at it right now there that's exactly what it is i don't pay attention to that stuff too much because that's not important as long as you've got the right tool for the job you can shoot videos just like ours and the lumix s5 fits that perfectly the real purpose of this build was to show exactly what the lumix s5 can do and i wanted to show you guys that if you only had one camera you could film videos just like ours and this just goes to show that you can have all of the gear in the world but all you need is one really good camera and that's the other thing with the s5 as well it's not overly expensive for a full frame camera you actually get a kit with it as well where you can get this new 20 to 60 which is the lens that we shot this entire video on as well because i wanted to see if i could you know go out of my comfort zone and shoot an entire gear segment video on a single lens so that's exactly what i did here the other reason why we use lumix cameras and specifically the lumix s5 now is because it's really easy for us to match all the color profiles so we shoot everything in the v log gamut and for color grading we're using the exact same color grading that we use for the gh5 so using the lumix s5 to slot into our workflow it just basically means that we now have a full frame body but it color grades the exact same way so i don't have to waste time trying to get all of our footage to match the brilliant thing about the lumix s5 is it's blended so well into our workflow and the way we do everything around here that no one has picked up that we've actually added to our workflow and that's not a bad thing that's a really good thing it just goes to show that the lumix s5 can keep up with what we're already doing if you saw the intro i confessed that we've actually been using this camera for about three weeks and the reason why i didn't talk about it until now is because i really wanted to give this thing a properly good run for its money and to prove to myself that it was worth the upgrade and i can tell you now the lumix s5 is a definite addition to our workflow the file formats work with what we shoot everything in as well because we shoot everything in 10-bit 4k really easy to work with really easy to color grade so yeah it just slots straight into our workflow without having to change anything that we're already doing but now again the benefit is full frame sensor and a new camera and that's the thing guys when you get a new camera like the lumix s5 and if you guys are into cameras you know what those new camera feels are like you just get so excited you get so motivated to want to shoot awesome content again and i'm glad that we got this opportunity from panasonic because the the other part of this story is we were looking at buying one of these new full-frame cameras from panasonic anyway because we trust them the system's good we can adapt any lens that we need to to this system which we're already doing as well it's something that i'll talk about in another video but yes like we we can adapt all of our current lenses that we use to shoot all of our stuff anyway it's a no-brainer for us to upgrade to the lumix s5 for doing all of this a cam stuff so that's the primary use for this camera now so anytime you see me talking to camera it's going to be the lumix s5 and that's just the way that we wanted to have it and it works perfectly for us because what it means is when we shoot in our other sets like my office set and the streaming room set and all the other types of places that we film around our house i can worry less about the lighting and less about the noise and make sure that the lumix s5 gets the job done and it does and it's proved itself over the last few weeks and the last thing i really want to drill home about why this was a great upgrade for us is the size of the camera the lumix s5 is absolutely tiny it's smaller than the gh5 which is unbelievable that's already a small camera as it is so for us having this huge sensor and us physically being able to put the camera into tighter situations it makes it a lot more attractive and it actually makes me more creative with the shots that we do here if you guys want to learn a little bit more about the lumix s5 i'll put a link in the description it'll give you basically all the information about everything that i'm talking about in this video it's some really interesting stuff and i'm not just saying that because panasonic sent us this camera i really do believe in lumix cameras we've been using them for many many years i think our first one was like the gh4 back in the day which was that was a long long time ago but we have been using these cameras for a very very long time and we do trust them as our workhorses for all of the video content that we make and that's the reality anyways this wouldn't be a gear seekers video if we didn't talk about the parts in this build also i just wanted to mention as well we're doing a full review of this case at a later date so never fear i will talk about thermals and everything in another video but yeah like i said this is basically to show you what the lumix s5 can do anyway the cpu is the amd ryzen 5 3600 xt to cool that we actually used a new cooler from id calling what is it it's the zoom flow 240x from id cooling obviously there's going to be a pc particulars down below in the description where i'll talk about all of the parts in this build anyway the ram we went with 32 gigs of corsair dominator platinum in white it's the rgb memory as well we do have a problem with two of the compellex leds on the ram they're actually blue they're stuck blue i can't change them so there's nothing i could have done about it with the time that we had like to put this together because i've actually got to move the gpu on to tech yes city i need to give brian a run with the vision gpu as well so yeah i need to get this system pulled apart and this off the brine as quickly as possible but it is the gigabyte rtx 3080 vision you guys have asked us so much about it you guys wanted us to do a build like this in fact we probably got like 50 comments to say hey can you do a vision build in this case as well so that's why we put it together the motherboard is the gigabyte b550 vision d there's actually a crazy amount of corsair fans in fact what i'm going to do is i'm not going to talk about the rest of the parts because i feel like this video is going to go for too long i'll put them all in the pc part pick a list down below so you can peruse that list and basically see what everything is and that's basically it for this video once again thank you so very much to panasonic for giving us a lumix s5 to add to our gear seekers video workflow and the other thing i just wanted to add as well it's not just a video camera it is a phenomenal photo camera in fact the thumbnail for this video is also shot on the lumix s5 claire's actually been using it to shoot thumbnails over the last few weeks as well and again like that's why the thumbnails are slightly changed as well because we've got this extra headroom to really flex and claire's been flexing her photography skills over the last few weeks that's for sure anyways guys if you like the music you heard here i make all the music if you want to get early access to videos just like this head on over to our float plane once again thank you so very much for watching i'm your boy gear seekers you peak we seek and again i'm going to say it again if you want more info about the lumix s5 there is a link in the description down below and don't forget we will have a full review of this case coming in the next few weeks after all the madness that's going on with all these new product launches we just didn't have time so yeah thanks for watching [Music] you
Channel: Gear Seekers
Views: 311,405
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gear seekers, s5, panasonic s5, panasonic lumix s5, panasonic lumix s5 review, lumix s5, full frame mirrorless camera, full frame mirrorless, corsair 4000d airflow, corsair 4000d, corsair, corsair 4000d case, 4000d, corsair 4000x, 4000d airflow, corsair 4000d build, corsair 4000d airflow build, corsair 4000, chasis corsair 4000d, gigabyte, rtx 3080, gigabyte 3080, gigabyte rtx 3080, vision, gigabyte vision, gigabyte vision 3080, rtx 3080 gigabyte vision, rtx 3080 vision
Id: Ahw6ISgVmVw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 52sec (1132 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 02 2020
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